Total word count: 5479
Unique word count: 1816
Word used once: 1059
Word density: 17.08
Furigana: Yes
FAIRY TAIL ハッピーの大冒険
Fairy Tail: Happy's Heroic Adventure
Total word count: 3726
Unique word count: 1563
Word used once: 1022
Word density: 8.88
Shikimori's Not Just a Cutie
Total word count: 2462
Unique word count: 1181
Word used once: 786
Word density: 12.63
I Was Reincarnated as the 7th Prince So I Can Take My Time Perfecting My Magical Ability
BOOK☆WALKER freebie until 1月7日
Total word count: 2089
Unique word count: 907
Word used once: 575
Word density: 10.88
The Fragrant Flower Blooms With Dignity
Total word count: 3171
Unique word count: 1310
Word used once: 859
Word density: 13.61
東京卍リベンジャーズ ~場地圭介からの手紙~
Tokyo Revengers: Letter from Keisuke Baji
Total word count: 2971
Unique word count: 1344
Word used once: 905
Word density: 14.78
魔法史に載らない偉人 ~無益な研究だと魔法省を解雇されたため、新魔法の権利は独占だった~
A great man who does not appear in magic history ~Because he was dismissed from the Ministry of Magic for his futile research, he was able to monopolize the privilege to new magic all to himself~
Total word count: 3103
Unique word count: 1341
Word used once: 819
Word density: 6.59
BOOK☆WALKER freebie until 1月9日