About me

I'm a learner of the Japanese language. Among other resources, I am reading Japanese comics as a way to encounter grammar and vocabulary to learn.

Manga selection

Manga volumes are sourced by manga I've purchased myself via Kobo and from time-limited free volumes.

In the future, I may set up a method to provide Mokuro OCR files for me to run through Ichiran and add to the site. Currently, I have not fully streamlined this process.

Data sources

English definitions are provided by JMDict dictionary files in accordance with the license provisions of the Electronic Dictionaries Research Group.

Kanji information is from KANJIDIC Project via David Gouveia's Kanji Data.

Some icons are from Tabler Icons.


Vocabulary lists are produced from manga images using comic-text-detector (text detection) and manga-ocr (OCR), via Mokuro.

Extracted text is run through Ichiran to split extracted sentences into individual words and expressions.

This site is written in TypeScript using Node.JS with the AdonisJS framework. Data is stored in a PostgreSQL database.