JMdict: 1004410


  1. [prt] it is ... that ...; precisely; in particular; definitely; for sure; only (when, after, because, etc.)
  2. [prt] although; while; it is the case that ... but
  3. [prt] it is precisely because ... that ...; only because ...
  4. [prt] not at all; not in the slightest; absolutely not; never
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Words often seen with this one: (experimental feature)

今度 (1466), この (506),  (499), こと (482), お前 (356), その (341),  (288), おまえ (237), こっち (235), こんな (215), あなた (211),  (201), そんな (201), 今年 (189), それ (187), あんた (185), いい (184),  (164),  (160), こんど (142), そういう (139), ごめん (130), それは (129), 自分 (129), そして (124)