JMdict: 1006950

そもそも 【そもそも】

  1. [n,adv] in the first place; to begin with; from the start; originally; ab initio
  2. [conj] after all; anyway; actually; well, ...; ... on earth (e.g. "what on earth?"); ... in the world (e.g. "why in the world?")
  3. [n,adj-no] beginning; start
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Words often seen with this one: (experimental feature)

こと (268), この (202),  (195),  (142), なんで (129), そんな (116), こんな (103), 芝生 (91),  (88), それ (79),  (73), その (73), お前 (68), オレ (68), 好き (63), わけ (60), なんか (58), という (58), いい (56), いる (56),  (55), まで (52),  (50), もの (50), として (46)