JMdict: 1533720

もよう 【もよう】

  1. [n] pattern; figure; design
  2. [n] state; condition
  3. [n] conjecture of the current situation; the way it seems
  4. [n] model; pattern; example
  5. [n] indicates that something seems likely (e.g. rain or storm)
  6. [n] framework; territorial framework; moyo
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Words often seen with this one: (experimental feature)

この (60),  (47), その (28),  (25), もの (24), こと (24), いる (18), 春雨 (16),  (14), それ (14), どうやら (13),  (13), これから (12),  (12), こんな (12), 好き (12), いい (11), まで (11),  (11), という (11), ため (11),  (10), こちら (10), によって (10), よう (10)