JMdict: 1319410

七転び八起き 【ななころびやおき】

  1. [n,vs,vi] not giving up; keeping at it until one succeeds; falling seven times, getting up eight
  2. [n] the vicissitudes of life; the ups and downs of life
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Kanji in this word:

Kanji Meanings On Readings Kun Readings Grade
Seven シチ なな, なな.つ, なの 1
Revolve, Turn Around, Change テン ころ.がる, ころ.げる, ころ.がす, ころ.ぶ, まろ.ぶ, うたた, うつ.る, くる.めく 3
Eight, Eight Radical (no. 12) ハチ や, や.つ, やっ.つ, よう 1
Rouse, Wake Up, Get Up お.きる, お.こる, お.こす, おこ.す, た.つ 3