JMdict: 1300410

三国 【さんごく】

  1. [n] three countries
  2. [n] Three Kingdoms (in China, 220 CE-280 CE)
  3. [n] Three Kingdoms (in Korea, 57 BCE-668 CE)
  4. [n] Japan, China and India; Japan, Korea and China; the whole world
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Kanji in this word:

Kanji Meanings On Readings Kun Readings Grade
Three サン, ゾウ み, み.つ, みっ.つ 1
Country コク くに 2

Words often seen with this one: (experimental feature)

調印 (22), ロシア (19), 日本 (14), 協約 (14), 日露 (14), その (13), 事情 (11), いう (10), この (10)