JMdict: 1448810

中る 【あたる】

  1. [v5r,vi] to be hit; to strike
  2. [v5r,vi] to touch; to be in contact; to be affixed
  3. [v5r,vi] to be equivalent to; to be applicable; to apply to
  4. [v5r,vi] to be right on the money (of a prediction, criticism, etc.)
  5. [v5r,vi] to be selected (in a lottery, etc.); to win
  6. [v5r,vi] to be successful; to go well; to be a hit
  7. [v5r,vi] to face; to confront
  8. [v5r,vi] to lie (in the direction of)
  9. [v5r,vi] to undertake; to be assigned
  10. [v5r,vi] to be stricken (by food poisoning, heat, etc.); to be afflicted
  11. [v5r,vi] to be called on (e.g. by a teacher)
  12. [v5r,vi] to treat (esp. harshly); to lash out at
  13. [v5r,vi] to be unnecessary
  14. [v5r,vi] to be hitting well; to be on a hitting streak
  15. [v5r,vi] to feel a bite (in fishing)
  16. [v5r,vi] (of fruit, etc.) to be bruised; to spoil
  17. [v5r,vt] to feel (something) out; to probe into; to check (i.e. by comparison)
  18. [v5r,vt] to shave
  19. [v5r,vt] to be a relative of a person; to be a ... in relation to ...; to stand in a relationship
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Kanji in this word:

Kanji Meanings On Readings Kun Readings Grade
In, Inside, Middle, Mean, Center チュウ なか, うち, あた.る 1

Words often seen with this one: (experimental feature)

こと (99), この (71),  (59), まで (53), よく (50), その (46),  (46),  (45), という (44), いい (43), そんな (38), ように (36),  (35),  (34),  (33), もの (32),  (31),  (31),  (31), 回数 (30), 自分 (29), 場所 (28), として (27), いう (27), ような (25)