JMdict: 1155120

以上 【いじょう】

  1. [n-suf] not less than ...; ... and over; ... and above; ... and upwards; ... or more
  2. [n-suf] beyond (e.g. one's expectations); above; more than; further than
  3. [adj-no,n] the above; the above-mentioned; the aforementioned; the foregoing
  4. [n,conj] since ...; seeing that ...; now that ...; once ...
  5. [exp] that's all; that is the end; the end
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Kanji in this word:

Kanji Meanings On Readings Kun Readings Grade
By Means Of, Because, In View Of, Compared With もっ.て 4
Above, Up ジョウ, ショウ, シャン うえ, -うえ, うわ-, かみ, あ.げる, -あ.げる, あ.がる, -あ.がる, あ.がり, -あ.がり, のぼ.る, のぼ.り, のぼ.せる, のぼ.す, たてまつ.る 1

Words often seen with this one: (experimental feature)

こと (779), この (594),  (537),  (400), その (302), もう (283), いい (277), それ (273), まで (271), 想像 (266), という (251), 必要 (247), マンガ (213),  (202),  (201), いる (201), そんな (195),  (193), それは (193), 対象 (189), それでも (188),  (187), これから (177), もの (172), なる (164)