JMdict: 1578210

傾く 【かたむく】

  1. [v5k,vi] to incline toward; to slant; to lurch; to heel over; to be disposed to; to trend toward; to be prone to
  2. [v5k,vi] to go down (sun, moon); to sink
  3. [v5k,vi] to decline; to wane; to ebb; to fall away
  4. [v5k,vi] to tend (towards); to be inclined (to); to come around to (opinion, etc.)
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Kanji in this word:

Kanji Meanings On Readings Kun Readings Grade
Lean, Incline, Tilt, Trend, Wane, Sink, Ruin, Bias ケイ かたむ.く, かたむ.ける, かたぶ.く, かた.げる, かし.げる