JMdict: 1006600

其奴 【そいつ】

  1. [pn] he; she; that person; that guy; that fellow
  2. [pn] that; that one; that thing
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Kanji in this word:

Kanji Meanings On Readings Kun Readings Grade
That キ, ギ, ゴ それ, その
Guy, Slave, Manservant, Fellow やつ, やっこ

Words often seen with this one: (experimental feature)

こと (138),  (127), オレ (112), いい (80), お前 (60),  (60), この (59),  (56),  (55), いる (55), もう (51), その (47),  (46), 好き (38),  (35),  (34), まで (33), おまえ (32), ヤツ (32),  (32), まだ (31), 自分 (31), なんか (29), わけ (29), どう (29)