JMdict: 1523450

凡そ 【およそ】

  1. [adv] about; roughly; approximately
  2. [adv] generally; on the whole; as a rule
  3. [adv] completely; quite; entirely; altogether; totally; not at all (with neg. verb)
  4. [n,adj-no] outline; gist
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Kanji in this word:

Kanji Meanings On Readings Kun Readings Grade
Commonplace, Ordinary, Mediocre ボン, ハン およ.そ, おうよ.そ, すべ.て

Words often seen with this one: (experimental feature)

まで (32), その (32), この (29), こと (26),  (13),  (13), という (13), もの (12),  (10), 人口 (10),  (10),  (10), いう (10), として (10), いる (10)