JMdict: 2080830

初摺り 【しょずり】

  1. [n] first print (run)
  2. [n] first print of the new year (esp. newspaper printed on January 1)
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Kanji in this word:

Kanji Meanings On Readings Kun Readings Grade
First Time, Beginning ショ はじ.め, はじ.めて, はつ, はつ-, うい-, -そ.める, -ぞ.め 4
Rub, Fold, Print (on Cloth) ショウ, シュウ, ロウ す.る, ひだ

Words often seen with this one: (experimental feature)

 (12), 制作 (12), 電子書籍 (12), 発行 (12), 初版 (10), 下記 (10)