JMdict: 1956260

合 【ごう】

  1. [n] gō; traditional unit of volume, approx. 180 ml
  2. [n] gō; traditional unit of area, approx 0.33 square meters
  3. [n] one-tenth of the way from the base to the summit of a mountain
  4. [n] conjunction
  5. [n] sum; total
  6. [n] synthesis (in dialectics)
  7. [n] minor premise (in hetuvidya)
  8. [ctr] counter for covered containers
  9. [ctr] counter for matches, battles, etc.
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Kanji in this word:

Kanji Meanings On Readings Kun Readings Grade
Fit, Suit, Join, 0.1 ゴウ, ガッ, カッ あ.う, -あ.う, あ.い, あい-, -あ.い, -あい, あ.わす, あ.わせる, -あ.わせる 2