JMdict: 1370760

吹く 【ふく】

  1. [v5k,vi] to blow (of the wind)
  2. [v5k,vt] to blow (one's breath); to breathe out; to blow on (hot tea, candles, etc.); to puff
  3. [v5k,vt] to play (a wind instrument); to blow (a whistle, trumpet, etc.); to whistle (a tune)
  4. [v5k,vt,vi] to emit (smoke, fire, etc.); to spout; to spew; to puff out
  5. [v5k,vt,vi] to sprout; to put forth (buds)
  6. [v5k,vt,vi] to appear (on the surface); to form; to be coated with (powder, rust, etc.)
  7. [v5k,vi] to burst out laughing; to burst into laughter
  8. [v5k,vt] to brag; to talk big
  9. [v5k,vt] to smelt; to mint
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Blow, Breathe, Puff, Emit, Smoke スイ ふ.く

Words often seen with this one: (experimental feature)

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