JMdict: 1433840

坪 【つぼ】

  1. [n] tsubo; traditional unit of land area, approx. 3.3 square meters
  2. [n] tsubo; traditional unit of fabric or paper area, approx. 9.18 square centimeters
  3. [n] tsubo; traditional unit of leather or tile area, approx. 918 square centimeters
  4. [n] cubic tsubo (approx. 6 cubic metres)
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Two-mat Area, Approx. Thirty-six Sq Ft ヘイ つぼ

Words often seen with this one: (experimental feature)

編集 (45),  (40), 単行本 (37), 東京 (23),  (21), 掲載 (19), 少年 (19),  (19), 作品 (19), サンデー (19), 週刊 (19), 担当 (18), 連載 (17), 責任 (16), プロダクション (15),  (13)