JMdict: 1235950

境 【さかい】

  1. [n] border; boundary
  2. [n] turning point; watershed
  3. [n] area; region; spot; space; environment
  4. [n] psychological state; mental state
  5. [n] cognitive object; something perceptible by the sense organs or mind
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Kanji Meanings On Readings Kun Readings Grade
Boundary, Border, Region キョウ, ケイ さかい 5

Words often seen with this one: (experimental feature)

この (43), こと (40), その (30),  (29), まで (26),  (21),  (18),  (17), という (15),  (14), ある日 (14),  (13),  (13), その日 (13), いう (12), いい (12), として (12), 続く (12),  (11), こんな (11), それ (11), ようになる (11), 不良 (11),  (11), 復讐 (11)