JMdict: 1433870

壷 【つぼ】

  1. [n] pot; jar; vase
  2. [n] dice cup
  3. [n] depression; basin (e.g. of a waterfall)
  4. [n] aim; what one wants; the mark
  5. [n] key point (of a conversation, etc.); essence
  6. [n] acupuncture point; moxibustion point; pressure point
  7. [n] position on the fingerboard (of a shamisen, koto, etc.)
  8. [n] target (when aiming an arrow)
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Kanji in this word:

Kanji Meanings On Readings Kun Readings Grade
Jar, Pot, Hinge Knuckle, One's Aim つぼ

Words often seen with this one: (experimental feature)

思う (79), この (51), その (32),  (26), 源氏 (23), いい (19), それ (17),  (16), という (15), こと (15), まで (15), 相手 (14), また (14), 皇子 (14),  (14),  (13), 先生 (12),  (11), いう (11),  (11),  (11),  (10),  (10)