JMdict: 1438850

天狗 【てんぐ】

  1. [n] tengu; red-faced and long-nosed goblin said to reside deep in the mountains
  2. [n] bragging; conceit; braggart; boaster; conceited person
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Kanji in this word:

Kanji Meanings On Readings Kun Readings
Heavens, Sky, Imperial テン あまつ, あめ, あま-
Puppy, Dog ク, コウ いぬ

Words often seen with this one: (experimental feature)

 (291), うわさ (284),  (279),  (39), 水戸 (32), こと (17),  (15),  (13),  (13), 浪速 (13), 台所 (12),  (11), 第一章 (11), その (10),  (10),  (10)