JMdict: 2122000

学生会 【がくせいかい】

  1. [n] student council (details vary widely but a body of students that takes part in overseeing student behaviour or student activities)
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Kanji in this word:

Kanji Meanings On Readings Kun Readings
Study, Learning, Science ガク まな.ぶ
Life, Genuine, Birth セイ, ショウ い.きる, い.かす, い.ける, う.まれる, うま.れる, う.まれ, うまれ, う.む, お.う, は.える, は.やす, き, なま, なま-, な.る, な.す, む.す, -う
Meeting, Meet, Party, Association, Interview, Join カイ, エ あ.う, あ.わせる, あつ.まる

Words often seen with this one: (experimental feature)

 (50), 初等 (39), 学園 (20), 業務 (19), 役員 (15), 会長 (15),  (13), それぞれ (13)