JMdict: 1370090

尽す 【つくす】

  1. [v5s,vt] to use up; to exhaust; to run out of
  2. [v5s,vi] to devote oneself (to); to do one's utmost (for); to serve; to work (for a cause)
  3. [suf,v5s] to do to exhaustion; to do completely; to do fully
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Kanji in this word:

Kanji Meanings On Readings Kun Readings Grade
Exhaust, Use Up, Run Out Of, Deplete, Befriend, Serve ジン, サン つ.くす, -つ.くす, -づ.くし, -つ.く, -づ.く, -ず.く, つ.きる, つ.かす, さかづき, ことごと.く, つか, つき

Words often seen with this one: (experimental feature)

ために (21), この (20), こと (19),  (13), タイプ (13), 全て (12), まで (12), 全力 (11), 限り (11)