JMdict: 1342050

巡る 【めぐる】

  1. [v5r,vi] to go around; to make a circle around
  2. [v5r,vi] to surround; to circle; to enclose
  3. [v5r,vi] to come around (of a season, anniversary, turn, etc.); to return; to repeat; to circulate (of blood, money, etc.)
  4. [v5r,vi] to travel around; to make a tour of
  5. [v5r,vi] to concern (a matter); to surround
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Kanji in this word:

Kanji Meanings On Readings Kun Readings Grade
Patrol, Go Around, Circumference ジュン めぐ.る, めぐ.り

Words often seen with this one: (experimental feature)

その (27), この (22),  (19), 季節 (18), こと (17), なる (15), 戦い (12), として (11), 世界 (11),  (11), という (11),  (10),  (10), それは (10), 物語 (10)