JMdict: 1400480

巣立つ 【すだつ】

  1. [v5t,vi] to leave the nest
  2. [v5t,vi] to go out into the world; to become independent (of one's parents); to graduate (and become a member of society)
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Kanji in this word:

Kanji Meanings On Readings Kun Readings Grade
Nest, Rookery, Hive, Cobweb, Den ソウ す, す.くう 4
Stand Up, Rise, Set Up, Erect リツ, リュウ, リットル た.つ, -た.つ, た.ち-, た.てる, -た.てる, た.て-, たて-, -た.て, -だ.て, -だ.てる 1