JMdict: 1352320

揚げる 【あげる】

  1. [v1,vt] to raise; to elevate
  2. [v1,vt] to do up (one's hair)
  3. [v1,vt] to fly (a kite, etc.); to launch (fireworks, etc.); to surface (a submarine, etc.)
  4. [v1,vt] to land (a boat)
  5. [v1,vt] to deep-fry
  6. [v1,vt] to show someone (into a room)
  7. [v1,vt] to give
  8. [v1,vt] to send someone (away)
  9. [v1,vt] to enrol (one's child in school); to enroll
  10. [v1,vt] to increase (price, quality, status, etc.); to develop (talent, skill); to improve
  11. [v1,vt] to make (a loud sound); to raise (one's voice)
  12. [v1,vt] to earn (something desirable)
  13. [v1,vt] to praise
  14. [v1,vt] to give (an example, etc.); to cite
  15. [v1,vt] to summon up (all of one's energy, etc.)
  16. [v1,vt] to arrest
  17. [v1,vt] to nominate
  18. [v1,vt] to summon (for geishas, etc.)
  19. [v1,vt] to offer up (incense, a prayer, etc.) to the gods (or Buddha, etc.)
  20. [v1,vt] to bear (a child)
  21. [v1,vt] to conduct (a ceremony, esp. a wedding)
  22. [v1,vi] (of the tide) to come in
  23. [v1,vi,vt] to vomit
  24. [aux-v,v1] to do for (the sake of someone else)
  25. [suf,v1] to complete ...
  26. [suf,v1] to humbly do ...
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Kanji in this word:

Kanji Meanings On Readings Kun Readings Grade
Raise, Elevate, Hoist, Praise, Extol, Fry In Deep Fat ヨウ あ.げる, -あ.げ, あ.がる

Words often seen with this one: (experimental feature)

 (567), こと (351), いい (251), あたし (226), この (197), まで (150), あなた (138), その (122), 一緒に (121), わたし (115), チョコ (108),  (105),  (104), それ (102), にも (99), 好き (98),  (98), ちゃんと (91),  (86), 先生 (84), ために (80),  (80), 今度 (79), あんた (78), 大丈夫 (76)