JMdict: 1598680

時々 【ときどき】

  1. [adv,adj-no] sometimes; occasionally; at times; from time to time; now and then; once in a while; at intervals
  2. [adj-no,n] seasonal; of the season; appropriate (for the season or occasion)
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Kanji Meanings On Readings Kun Readings Grade
Time, Hour とき, -どき 2

Words often seen with this one: (experimental feature)

 (145), こと (143), この (83), その (57),  (56), いる (56), いい (54), なる (53), 思う (52), もの (51),  (48),  (46), という (45),  (43),  (43), 先生 (42),  (38),  (38), 来る (37), まで (36),  (36), そんな (34), これから (33), 今でも (32), にも (31)