JMdict: 2237250

案ずるより産むが易し 【あんずるよりうむがやすし】

  1. [exp] it is easier to do something than worry about it; fear overruns the danger; it is easier to bear (a child) than to worry about it
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Kanji in this word:

Kanji Meanings On Readings Kun Readings Grade
Plan, Suggestion, Draft, Ponder, Fear, Proposition, Idea, Expectation, Worry, Table, Bench アン つくえ 4
Products, Bear, Give Birth, Yield, Childbirth, Native, Property サン う.む, う.まれる, うぶ-, む.す 4
Easy, Ready To, Simple, Fortune-telling, Divination エキ, イ やさ.しい, やす.い 5