JMdict: 1448350

棟目 【むね】

  1. [n] ridge (of roof)
  2. [n] back of a sword
  3. [suf,ctr] counter for buildings, apartments, etc.
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Kanji in this word:

Kanji Meanings On Readings Kun Readings Grade
Ridgepole, Ridge トウ むね, むな-
Eye, Class, Look, Insight, Experience, Care, Favor モク, ボク め, -め, ま- 1

Words often seen with this one: (experimental feature)

こどもたち (147), この (45), こと (40), 部室 (37), 研究 (36), と共に (31),  (29),  (25), いる (23), 管理者 (19), 大人 (19),  (18), まで (16),  (16), 特別 (14),  (13), 教室 (12),  (11), 部屋 (11), 中央 (11),  (11), なる (10), 書店 (10), ワード (10), 学校 (10)