JMdict: 1591030

気合い 【きあい】

  1. [n] (fighting) spirit; motivation; effort
  2. [n] shout (for getting in the right mood to deal with something, etc.); cheer; yell
  3. [n] kiai; short shout when performing an attacking move
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Kanji in this word:

Kanji Meanings On Readings Kun Readings
Spirit, Mind, Air, Atmosphere, Mood キ, ケ いき
Fit, Suit, Join, 0.1 ゴウ, ガッ, カッ あ.う, -あ.う, あ.い, あい-, -あ.い, -あい, あ.わす, あ.わせる, -あ.わせる

Words often seen with this one: (experimental feature)

この (36), なんか (33), すごい (24), もっと (23),  (21), こと (21), いい (20), まで (17), 最近 (15),  (15), 苦手 (15), その (14), なる (13), すぎ (13), ちょっと (13), ヤツ (13), 掃除屋 (12),  (12), もう (12), 高校 (12), いつも (11), 十分 (11), 練習 (11),  (10), お前 (10)