JMdict: 1371260

水 【みず】

  1. [n] water (esp. cool, fresh water, e.g. drinking water)
  2. [n] fluid (esp. in an animal tissue); liquid
  3. [n] flood; floodwaters
  4. [n] water offered to wrestlers just prior to a bout
  5. [n] break granted to wrestlers engaged in a prolonged bout
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Water スイ みず, みず- 1

Words often seen with this one: (experimental feature)

 (704), この (607), こと (532),  (292),  (290), いい (280), まで (271), その (257),  (232),  (226), という (205), それ (198), なる (178), もの (175),  (167), また (149), そんな (148), 作品 (147),  (144),  (141),  (139), いう (135), もう (132),  (126), 好き (122)