JMdict: 1626690

火が点く 【ひがつく】

  1. [exp,v5k] to catch fire; to be ignited; to ignite; to light (e.g. of a match)
  2. [exp,v5k] to flare up (of an emotion, controversy, etc.); to blaze; to be ignited (of a dispute, commotion, etc.); to take off (of a boom, craze, etc.)
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Kanji in this word:

Kanji Meanings On Readings Kun Readings Grade
Fire ひ, -び, ほ- 1
Spot, Point, Mark, Speck, Decimal Point テン つ.ける, つ.く, た.てる, さ.す, とぼ.す, とも.す, ぼち 2