JMdict: 1477120

発 【はつ】

  1. [n-suf] departure; departing from ...; leaving at (e.g. 8:30)
  2. [n-suf] sent from ...; (a letter, etc.) dated ...; datelined ...
  3. [ctr] counter for engines (on an aircraft)
  4. [ctr] counter for gunshots, bursts of gas, etc.; counter for bullets, bombs, etc.; counter for blows (punches); counter for jokes, puns, etc.; counter for ideas, thoughts or guesses
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Kanji in this word:

Kanji Meanings On Readings Kun Readings Grade
Departure, Discharge, Publish, Emit, Start From, Disclose, Counter For Gunshots ハツ, ホツ た.つ, あば.く, おこ.る, つか.わす, はな.つ 3

Words often seen with this one: (experimental feature)

 (243),  (216),  (190),  (184), 第一 (164), 発行者 (146),  (113), 東京都 (106), こと (90), この (86), 第二 (84), 発行所 (84),  (84), 行者 (83), 発行 (66),  (65), 行所 (64), 第三 (61), 秋田 (61), いい (60), その (56), 製作 (54), 書店 (54), 振替 (50),  (48)