JMdict: 1894690

続き 【つづき】

  1. [n] continuation; rest (of the story, work, etc.); next installment; sequel
  2. [n] flow (e.g. of a piece of writing); pacing (of a story)
  3. [n-suf] succession (of); sequence; series; spell; stretch; streak; run
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Kanji in this word:

Kanji Meanings On Readings Kun Readings Grade
Continue, Series, Sequel ゾク, ショク, コウ, キョウ つづ.く, つづ.ける, つぐ.ない 4

Words often seen with this one: (experimental feature)

この (174),  (154), こと (125), さっき (93),  (83), その (80), まで (62), いい (61), という (59), また (58),  (57), まだ (53),  (51), 読み (49), それ (47), もう (41), そんな (40), 作品 (40), 発売 (39), 先生 (38),  (37), 漫画 (36), なる (33),  (33),  (33)