JMdict: 1426680

虫 【むし】

  1. [n] insect; bug; cricket; moth
  2. [n] worm; roundworm
  3. [n] thing inside one's body believed to influence one's thoughts and feelings; (one's) unconscious
  4. [n] nervousness; fretfulness
  5. [n] person devoted to one thing; single-minded person
  6. [n] valve core
  7. [n] mushi (type of game played with a stripped deck)
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Kanji in this word:

Kanji Meanings On Readings Kun Readings Grade
Insect, Bug, Temper チュウ, キ むし 1

Words often seen with this one: (experimental feature)

この (175), こと (112), いる (108), その (102), ケラ (87), 奉行所 (79), 奉行 (78),  (68),  (61),  (60), それ (59),  (57), いい (56), 好き (56), 苦手 (53),  (50), 退治 (50), 姫君 (50), という (49), 結婚 (49),  (46), なんか (44), なる (43), また (41),  (39)