JMdict: 1281700

行き交う 【ゆきかう】

  1. [v5u,vi] to come and go; to go back and forth
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Kanji in this word:

Kanji Meanings On Readings Kun Readings Grade
Going, Journey, Carry Out, Conduct, Act, Line, Row, Bank コウ, ギョウ, アン い.く, ゆ.く, -ゆ.き, -ゆき, -い.き, -いき, おこな.う, おこ.なう 2
Mingle, Mixing, Association, Coming & Going コウ まじ.わる, まじ.える, ま.じる, まじ.る, ま.ざる, ま.ぜる, -か.う, か.わす, かわ.す, こもごも 2