JMdict: 1433530

通報 【つうほう】

  1. [n,vs] report; notification; tip; bulletin
  2. [n,vs] message (in information and communication theory)
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Kanji in this word:

Kanji Meanings On Readings Kun Readings Grade
Traffic, Pass Through, Avenue, Commute, Counter For Letters, Notes, Documents, Etc. ツウ, ツ とお.る, とお.り, -とお.り, -どお.り, とお.す, とお.し, -どお.し, かよ.う 2
Report, News, Reward, Retribution ホウ むく.いる 5

Words often seen with this one: (experimental feature)

警察 (51),  (25), こと (16), その (15), この (13), 学校 (13),  (12), 近所 (12), そう (11), いい (11), いる (11), すぐ (10),  (10)