JMdict: 1365980

進む 【すすむ】

  1. [v5m,vi] to advance; to go forward
  2. [v5m,vi] to precede; to go ahead (of)
  3. [v5m,vi] to make progress; to improve
  4. [v5m,vi] to deepen; to heighten
  5. [v5m,vi] to be fast (of a clock); to be ahead
  6. [v5m,vi] to do of one's own free will
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Kanji in this word:

Kanji Meanings On Readings Kun Readings Grade
Advance, Proceed, Progress, Promote シン すす.む, すす.める 3

Words often seen with this one: (experimental feature)

 (142), こと (120), この (97), べき (62), 操作 (48),  (43), 一駅 (36), その (34), という (31), 先に (29),  (26), しかない (25), 自分 (25),  (25), まで (25), 内回り (24), また (22), それ (22),  (21),  (21),  (20), ながら (20),  (19), 方向 (18),  (18)