JMdict: 1574100

霰 【あられ】

  1. [n] hail (esp. hailballs under 5 mm); graupel
  2. [n] dicing; small cubes
  3. [n] roasted mochi pieces (usu. flavoured with soy sauce, etc.)
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Kanji in this word:

Kanji Meanings On Readings Kun Readings Grade
Hail, Hailstones, Small Cubes セン, サン あられ

Words often seen with this one: (experimental feature)

番組 (25), それ (20), ボク (20), 小学生 (15), その (15), 一人 (10), ものすごい (10), そんな (10), いい (10), ある日 (10),  (10), 展覧会 (10), 地面 (10), 口紅 (10), 以来 (10)