Kanji Meanings On Readings Kun Readings Stokes Composition Grade
Seven シチ なな, なな.つ, なの 2 1
Two-stroke Water Radical Or Ice Radical (no. 15) ヒョウ こおり 2
Tricky, Sly, Crafty, Cunning チョウ 2 𠃌
Mosquito Wriggler ケツ ひとり 3
Hand, Hand Radical (no. 64) シュ 3 𬺰
Water, Water Radical (no. 85) さんずい 3
Compare, Race, Ratio, Philippines くら.べる 4 5
Big Dipper, Ten Sho (vol), Sake Dipper, Dots And Cross Radical (no. 68) ト, トウ 4
By Means Of, Because, In View Of, Compared With もっ.て 5 𠄌 or 4
Tile, Gram かわら, ぐらむ 5
North ホク きた 5 2
Insect, Bug, Temper チュウ, キ むし 6 1
Some, One, Or, Possibly, A Certain ワク, コク, イキ あ.る, あるい, あるいは 8
Un-, Mistake, Negative, Injustice, Non- あら.ず 8 𠄟丿 5
Specialty, Exclusive, Mainly, Solely セン もっぱ.ら 11 or
Blessing, Grace, Favor, Kindness ケイ, エ めぐ.む, めぐ.み 12 or