
Meaning: Sit

Kanji Meanings On Readings Kun Readings Stokes Composition Grade
Cut, File, Trim くじく, かどをと.る 9
Squat, Seat, Cushion, Gathering, Sit すわ.る 10 广 6
Crush, Break, Sprain, Discourage ザ, サ くじ.く, くじ.ける 10
Minced Meat, Trifles こまかい 11
Dwarf 12
Swelling Of The Lymph Glands はれもの, えのご 12
To Chop Straw Fine For Animals きりわら 13
Carpenter's File, File Smooth サ, ソク かま 15
To Dress The Hair サ, セ くくりがみ 17