
My Master Has No Tail

In the bustling city of Osaka during the Taisho era, a young tanuki girl named Mameda dreams of bewitching humans like her kind has done for centuries. But when her attempt to trick a beautiful, black-haired woman goes awry, Mameda finds herself captivated by the art of rakugo, a traditional form of Japanese storytelling. The woman, revealed to be the famous rakugo performer Bunko, takes Mameda under her wing, teaching her that magic isn't just about tricks but about captivating an audience with words and wit. Together, they navigate the challenges of the entertainment world, the complexities of mentorship, and the joys of a unique teacher-student relationship. (Unreviewed summary by Grok 2)

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講談社 (Kodansha)
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BOOK☆WALKER (affiliate link) cmoa


Cover Vocabulary List Total Unique Used Once New Density
Series 6,779 2,363 1,417 59% 12.30
Cover image. うちの師匠はしっぽがない(1) 2,203 1,054 694 65% 1,054 11.70
Cover image. うちの師匠はしっぽがない(2) 2,243 1,014 661 65% 673 12.55
Cover image. うちの師匠はしっぽがない(3) 2,333 1,130 749 66% 636 12.66