Kanji Meanings
This is an experimental page for viewing kanji in a series. It is likely to change.
Unique kanji: 1,213
Total kanji: 18,596
Kanji | Words | Meaning | Frequency |
私 | Private, I, Me |
346 | |
一 | 一本 (131), 一緒に (28), 一本勝ち (25), 一年生 (12), 一番 (10), 一本背負い (8), 一気に (7), 日本一 (7), もう一度 (6), 一度 (6), 一つ (5), 一発 (5), 一瞬 (4), もう一つ (3), もう一回 (3), 一人 (3), 一個 (3), 一回 (3), 一本道 (3), 一歩 (3), 一直線 (3), 一緒 (3), 一部 (3), 大一番 (3), あと一歩 (2), 一か所 (2), 一旦 (2), 一路 (2), 万が一 (2), 唯一 (2), 目一杯 (2), ご一緒 (1), 一に (1), 一人で (1), 一切 (1), 一同 (1), 一味違う (1), 一声 (1), 一太刀 (1), 一層 (1), 一心 (1), 一応 (1), 一息 (1), 一撃 (1), 一方 (1), 一昨年 (1), 一時期 (1), 一杯 (1), 一生 (1), 一生懸命 (1), 一発勝負 (1), 一瞬にして (1), 一矢 (1), 一筋縄 (1), 一粒 (1), 一般 (1), 一般社会 (1), 一色 (1), 一言 (1), 一蹴 (1), 一身 (1), 一週間 (1), 第一 (1), 防戦一方 (1), 随一 (1) |
One, One Radical (no.1) |
335 |
道 | Road-way, Street, District, Journey, Course, Moral, Teachings |
329 | |
部 | Section, Bureau, Dept, Class, Copy, Part, Portion, Counter For Copies Of A Newspaper Or Magazine |
292 | |
手 | 相手 (134), 選手 (38), 手 (16), 組手 (14), 苦手 (11), 口下手 (6), 選手権 (6), 手足 (4), 右手 (3), 対戦相手 (3), 左手 (3), 籠手 (3), お手柔らかに (2), ド派手 (2), 上手い (2), 下手くそ (2), 勝手 (2), 勝手に (2), 手手 (2), 気配り上手 (2), お上手 (1), この手 (1), やり手 (1), 両手 (1), 小手 (1), 手下 (1), 手助け (1), 手放す (1), 手料理 (1), 手腕 (1), 手袋 (1), 手遅れ (1), 手首 (1), 派手 (1), 片手 (1), 練習相手 (1), 釣り手 (1), 魔の手 (1) |
Hand |
275 |
大 | 大丈夫 (38), 全国大会 (30), 大将 (26), 大会 (21), 大事 (17), 大外 (11), 大好き (10), 大内刈り (9), 大外刈り (9), 大きい (7), 大変 (6), 大学 (6), 大きな (4), 大切に (4), 大活躍 (4), 大黒柱 (4), 大一番 (3), 大舞台 (3), 大違い (3), 球技大会 (3), 大きく (2), 大切 (2), 大型 (2), 大学生 (2), 大船 (2), 大阪 (2), 強大 (2), 最大 (2), より大きい (1), 三大 (1), 全国高等学校総合体育大会 (1), 大した (1), 大乱 (1), 大分 (1), 大半 (1), 大卒 (1), 大口 (1), 大嫌い (1), 大学院 (1), 大怪我 (1), 大成 (1), 大技 (1), 大柄 (1), 大河 (1), 大物 (1), 大番狂わせ (1), 大盛り (1), 大福 (1), 市民大会 (1), 水泳大会 (1), 県大会 (1) |
Large, Big |
257 |
本 | Book, Present, Main, Origin, True, Real, Counter For Long Cylindrical Things |
249 | |
戦 | 回戦 (74), 戦 (31), 初戦 (14), 団体戦 (14), 戦う (13), 個人戦 (12), 勝ち抜き戦 (10), 戦い (10), 対戦 (9), 戦車 (8), 作戦 (6), デビュー戦 (5), 不戦敗 (3), 対戦相手 (3), 戦争 (3), 戦場 (3), 延長戦 (2), 戦力 (2), 戦況 (2), 接戦 (2), 決勝戦 (2), 激戦 (2), 連戦 (2), 代理戦争 (1), 作戦会議 (1), 合戦 (1), 実戦 (1), 戦術 (1), 敗戦 (1), 決定戦 (1), 決戦 (1), 熱戦 (1), 短期決戦 (1), 総力戦 (1), 観戦 (1), 転戦 (1), 防戦一方 (1) |
War, Battle, Match |
246 |
先 | Before, Ahead, Previous, Future, Precedence |
230 | |
知 | Know, Wisdom |
227 | |
勝 | 勝負 (28), 勝つ (26), 一本勝ち (25), 優勝 (24), 決勝 (17), 勝ち (14), 優勝候補 (12), 勝利 (12), 勝ち抜き戦 (10), 勝 (8), 準決勝 (4), 圧勝 (3), 祝勝会 (3), 連勝 (3), 優勢勝ち (2), 勝ち抜く (2), 勝ち星 (2), 勝手 (2), 勝手に (2), 勝敗 (2), 完勝 (2), 決勝戦 (2), 真剣勝負 (2), 一発勝負 (1), 優勝争い (1), 勝ち取る (1), 勝ち残り (1), 快勝 (1), 準々決勝 (1), 準優勝 (1), 辛勝 (1), 逆転優勝 (1), 逆転勝ち (1), 連続優勝 (1) |
Victory, Win, Prevail, Excel |
218 |
未 | Un-, Not Yet, Hitherto, Still, Even Now, Sign Of The Ram, 1-3pm, Eighth Sign Of Chinese Zodiac |
216 | |
合 | Fit, Suit, Join, 0.1 |
205 | |
子 | Child, Sign Of The Rat, 11pm-1am, First Sign Of Chinese Zodiac |
205 | |
学 | Study, Learning, Science |
191 | |
柔 | Tender, Weakness, Gentleness, Softness |
178 | |
気 | 気持ち (50), 気 (20), 気合い (11), 空気 (9), 気付 (8), 一気に (7), 勇気 (6), 元気 (4), 本気 (4), 気迫 (4), 本気で (3), 気がする (3), 気合 (3), やる気 (2), 気が強い (2), 気まぐれ (2), 気をつけて (2), 気分 (2), 気持 (2), 気楽 (2), 気配り上手 (2), 元気いっぱい (1), 吐き気 (1), 悪気 (1), 意気 (1), 気が済む (1), 気をつけ (1), 気をつける (1), 気分転換 (1), 気持ち悪い (1), 気負い (1), 気軽に (1), 生意気 (1), 空気読めない (1), 覇気 (1), 雰囲気 (1) |
Spirit, Mind, Air, Atmosphere, Mood |
163 |
相 | Inter-, Mutual, Together, Each Other, Minister Of State, Councillor, Aspect, Phase, Physiognomy |
160 | |
生 | Life, Genuine, Birth |
156 | |
全 | Whole, Entire, All, Complete, Fulfill |
155 | |
試 | Test, Try, Attempt, Experiment, Ordeal |
148 | |
体 | Body, Substance, Object, Reality, Counter For Images |
144 | |
技 | Skill, Art, Craft, Ability, Feat, Performance, Vocation, Arts |
135 | |
最 | Utmost, Most, Extreme |
131 | |
後 | Behind, Back, Later |
130 | |
氷 | Icicle, Ice, Hail, Freeze, Congeal |
124 | |
雲 | Cloud |
120 | |
校 | Exam, School, Printing, Proof, Correction |
119 | |
人 | Person |
116 | |
中 | In, Inside, Middle, Mean, Center |
114 | |
高 | Tall, High, Expensive |
113 | |
今 | Now |
113 | |
回 | -times, Round, Game, Revolve, Counter For Occurrences |
101 | |
会 | Meeting, Meet, Party, Association, Interview, Join |
100 | |
年 | Year, Counter For Years |
99 | |
力 | Power, Strength, Strong, Strain, Bear Up, Exert |
97 | |
時 | Time, Hour |
96 | |
姫 | 姫 (92) |
Princess |
92 |
初 | First Time, Beginning |
90 | |
剣 | Sabre, Sword, Blade, Clock Hand |
86 | |
日 | Day, Sun, Japan, Counter For Days |
86 | |
対 | Vis-a-vis, Opposite, Even, Equal, Versus, Anti-, Compare |
83 | |
行 | Going, Journey, Carry Out, Conduct, Act, Line, Row, Bank |
82 | |
者 | Someone, Person |
80 | |
国 | Country |
79 | |
女 | Woman, Female |
78 | |
神 | Gods, Mind, Soul |
78 | |
選 | Elect, Select, Choose, Prefer |
78 | |
出 | Exit, Leave, Go Out, Come Out, Put Out, Protrude |
76 | |
次 | Next, Order, Sequence |
73 | |
鋒 | Dagger, Sword's Point, Festival Car, Float |
71 | |
張 | Lengthen, Counter For Bows & Stringed Instruments, Stretch, Spread, Put Up (tent) |
70 | |
場 | Location, Place |
70 | |
目 | Eye, Class, Look, Insight, Experience, Care, Favor |
68 | |
度 | Degrees, Occurrence, Time, Counter For Occurrences, Consider, Attitude |
67 | |
園 | Park, Garden, Yard, Farm |
66 | |
持 | Hold, Have |
66 | |
強 | Strong |
66 | |
負 | Defeat, Negative, -, Minus, Bear, Owe, Assume A Responsibility |
64 | |
活 | Lively, Resuscitation, Being Helped, Living |
61 | |
抜 | Slip Out, Extract, Pull Out, Pilfer, Quote, Remove, Omit |
61 | |
旗 | 旗 (60) |
National Flag, Banner, Standard |
60 |
川 | Stream, River, River Or Three-stroke River Radical (no. 47) |
60 | |
小 | Little, Small |
59 | |
優 | Tenderness, Excel, Surpass, Actor, Superiority, Gentleness |
58 | |
実 | Reality, Truth |
58 | |
滝 | 滝川 (57) |
Waterfall, Rapids, Cascade |
57 |
外 | Outside |
57 | |
間 | Interval, Space |
56 | |
輩 | Comrade, Fellow, People, Companions |
55 | |
自 | Oneself |
55 | |
足 | Leg, Foot, Be Sufficient, Counter For Pairs Of Footwear |
54 | |
続 | Continue, Series, Sequel |
54 | |
代 | Substitute, Change, Convert, Replace, Period, Age, Counter For Decades Of Ages, Eras, Etc., Generation, Charge, Rate, Fee |
54 | |
無 | Nothingness, None, Ain't, Nothing, Nil, Not |
53 | |
絶 | Discontinue, Sever, Cut Off, Abstain, Interrupt, Suppress, Be Beyond, Without Match, Peerless, Unparalleled |
52 | |
田 | Rice Field, Rice Paddy |
52 | |
分 | Part, Minute Of Time, Segment, Share, Degree, One's Lot, Duty, Understand, Know, Rate, 1%, Chances, Shaku/100 |
52 | |
上 | Above, Up |
52 | |
作 | Make, Production, Prepare, Build |
52 | |
着 | Don, Arrive, Wear, Counter For Suits Of Clothing |
51 | |
決 | Decide, Fix, Agree Upon, Appoint |
50 | |
動 | Move, Motion, Change, Confusion, Shift, Shake |
50 | |
何 | What |
49 | |
超 | Transcend, Super-, Ultra- |
48 | |
少 | Few, Little |
48 | |
秒 | Second (1/60 Minute) |
47 | |
言 | Say, Word |
47 | |
習 | Learn |
46 | |
練 | Practice, Gloss, Train, Drill, Polish, Refine |
46 | |
将 | Leader, Commander, General, Admiral, Or, And Again, Soon, From Now On, Just About |
46 | |
団 | Group, Association |
45 | |
多 | Many, Frequent, Much |
44 | |
頑 | Stubborn, Foolish, Firmly |
44 | |
新 | New |
44 | |
入 | Enter, Insert |
44 | |
発 | Departure, Discharge, Publish, Emit, Start From, Disclose, Counter For Gunshots |
43 | |
変 | Unusual, Change, Strange |
43 | |
玉 | Jewel, Ball |
42 | |
埼 | Cape, Spit, Promontory |
41 | |
前 | In Front, Before |
41 | |
凄 | 凄い (40) |
Uncanny, Weird, Threatening, Horrible |
40 |
夫 | Husband, Man |
40 | |
月 | Month, Moon |
40 | |
童 | 神童 (39) |
Juvenile, Child |
39 |
丈 | Length, Ten Shaku, Measure, Mr., Ms., Height, Stature, All (one Has), Only, That's All, Merely |
39 | |
寝 | Lie Down, Sleep, Rest, Bed, Remain Unsold |
39 | |
育 | Bring Up, Grow Up, Raise, Rear |
39 | |
思 | Think |
38 | |
内 | Inside, Within, Between, Among, House, Home |
38 | |
残 | Remainder, Leftover, Balance |
37 | |
事 | Matter, Thing, Fact, Business, Reason, Possibly |
37 | |
集 | Gather, Meet, Congregate, Swarm, Flock |
37 | |
転 | Revolve, Turn Around, Change |
37 | |
来 | Come, Due, Next, Cause, Become |
37 | |
員 | Employee, Member, Number, The One In Charge |
36 | |
権 | Authority, Power, Rights |
36 | |
重 | Heavy, Important, Esteem, Respect, Heap Up, Pile Up, Nest Of Boxes, -fold |
36 | |
福 | Blessing, Fortune, Luck, Wealth |
35 | |
理 | Logic, Arrangement, Reason, Justice, Truth |
35 | |
顔 | Face, Expression |
35 | |
連 | Take Along, Lead, Join, Connect, Party, Gang, Clique |
35 | |
以 | By Means Of, Because, In View Of, Compared With |
35 | |
個 | Individual, Counter For Articles |
35 | |
確 | Assurance, Firm, Tight, Hard, Solid, Confirm, Clear, Evident |
35 | |
利 | Profit, Advantage, Benefit |
35 | |
真 | True, Reality, Buddhist Sect |
35 | |
性 | Sex, Gender, Nature |
34 | |
断 | Severance, Decline, Refuse, Apologize, Warn, Dismiss, Prohibit, Decision, Judgement, Cutting |
34 | |
成 | Turn Into, Become, Get, Grow, Elapse, Reach |
34 | |
方 | Direction, Person, Alternative |
34 | |
岡 | Mount, Hill, Knoll |
33 | |
緒 | Thong, Beginning, Inception, End, Cord, Strap, Mental Or Emotional State |
33 | |
予 | Beforehand, Previous, Myself, I |
33 | |
彼 | He, That, The |
33 | |
格 | Status, Rank, Capacity, Character, Case (law, Grammar) |
33 | |
書 | Write |
33 | |
好 | Fond, Pleasing, Like Something |
32 | |
東 | East |
32 | |
教 | Teach, Faith, Doctrine |
32 | |
当 | Hit, Right, Appropriate, Himself |
32 | |
妹 | 妹 (31) |
Younger Sister |
31 |
投 | Throw, Discard, Abandon, Launch Into, Join, Invest In, Hurl, Give Up, Sell At A Loss |
31 | |
取 | Take, Fetch, Take Up |
31 | |
名 | Name, Noted, Distinguished, Reputation |
31 | |
心 | Heart, Mind, Spirit, Heart Radical (no. 61) |
31 | |
違 | Difference, Differ |
30 | |
面 | Mask, Face, Features, Surface |
30 | |
化 | Change, Take The Form Of, Influence, Enchant, Delude, -ization |
30 | |
業 | Business, Vocation, Arts, Performance |
30 | |
不 | Negative, Non-, Bad, Ugly, Clumsy |
30 | |
感 | Emotion, Feeling, Sensation |
30 | |
意 | Idea, Mind, Heart, Taste, Thought, Desire, Care, Liking |
30 | |
博 | 博多 (29) |
Dr., Command, Esteem, Win Acclaim, Ph.d., Exposition, Fair |
29 |
同 | Same, Agree, Equal |
29 | |
友 | Friend |
28 | |
問 | Question, Ask, Problem |
28 | |
指 | Finger, Point To, Indicate, Put Into, Play (chess), Measure (ruler) |
28 | |
白 | White |
28 | |
終 | End, Finish |
28 | |
所 | Place, Extent |
28 | |
然 | Sort Of Thing, So, If So, In That Case, Well |
27 | |
達 | Accomplished, Reach, Arrive, Attain |
26 | |
刊 | Publish, Carve, Engrave |
26 | |
京 | Capital, 10**16 |
26 | |
組 | Association, Braid, Plait, Construct, Assemble, Unite, Cooperate, Grapple |
26 | |
誰 | Who, Someone, Somebody |
26 | |
番 | Turn, Number In A Series |
26 | |
期 | Period, Time, Date, Term |
26 | |
週 | Week |
25 | |
用 | Utilize, Business, Service, Use, Employ |
25 | |
制 | System, Law, Rule |
25 | |
堅 | Strict, Hard, Solid, Tough, Tight, Reliable |
24 | |
載 | Ride, Board, Get On, Place, Spread, 10**44, Record, Publish |
24 | |
厳 | Stern, Strictness, Severity, Rigidity |
24 | |
勢 | Forces, Energy, Military Strength |
24 | |
引 | Pull, Tug, Jerk, Admit, Install, Quote, Refer To |
24 | |
早 | Early, Fast |
24 | |
完 | Perfect, Completion, End |
24 | |
結 | Tie, Bind, Contract, Join, Organize, Do Up Hair, Fasten |
24 | |
製 | Made In..., Manufacture |
24 | |
掲 | 掲載 (23) |
Put Up (a Notice), Put Up, Hoist, Display, Hang Out, Publish, Describe |
23 |
応 | Apply, Answer, Yes, Ok, Reply, Accept |
23 | |
男 | Male |
23 | |
始 | Commence, Begin |
23 | |
開 | Open, Unfold, Unseal |
23 | |
頼 | Trust, Request |
23 | |
返 | Return, Answer, Fade, Repay |
23 | |
敗 | Failure, Defeat, Reversal |
23 | |
顧 | 顧問 (22) |
Look Back, Review, Examine Oneself, Turn Around |
22 |
氏 | Family Name, Surname, Clan |
22 | |
導 | Guidance, Leading, Conduct, Usher |
22 | |
徒 | On Foot, Junior, Emptiness, Vanity, Futility, Uselessness, Ephemeral Thing, Gang, Set, Party, People |
22 | |
話 | Tale, Talk |
22 | |
逆 | Inverted, Reverse, Opposite, Wicked |
22 | |
休 | Rest, Day Off, Retire, Sleep |
22 | |
通 | Traffic, Pass Through, Avenue, Commute, Counter For Letters, Notes, Documents, Etc. |
22 | |
運 | Carry, Luck, Destiny, Fate, Lot, Transport, Progress, Advance |
22 | |
経 | Sutra, Longitude, Pass Thru, Expire, Warp |
22 | |
店 | Store, Shop |
21 | |
緊 | Tense, Solid, Hard, Reliable, Tight |
21 | |
師 | Expert, Teacher, Master, Model, Exemplar, Army (incl. Counter), War |
21 | |
法 | Method, Law, Rule, Principle, Model, System |
21 | |
様 | Esq., Way, Manner, Situation, Polite Suffix |
21 | |
楽 | Music, Comfort, Ease |
21 | |
我 | Ego, I, Selfish, Our, Oneself |
21 | |
第 | No., Residence |
21 | |
長 | Long, Leader, Superior, Senior |
21 | |
見 | See, Hopes, Chances, Idea, Opinion, Look At, Visible |
21 | |
援 | Abet, Help, Save |
20 | |
秋 | Autumn |
20 | |
再 | Again, Twice, Second Time |
20 | |
情 | Feelings, Emotion, Passion, Sympathy, Circumstances, Facts |
20 | |
下 | Below, Down, Descend, Give, Low, Inferior |
20 | |
地 | Ground, Earth |
20 | |
都 | Metropolis, Capital, All, Everything |
19 | |
補 | Supplement, Supply, Make Good, Offset, Compensate, Assistant, Learner |
19 | |
込 | Crowded, Mixture, In Bulk, Included, (kokuji) |
19 | |
退 | Retreat, Withdraw, Retire, Resign, Repel, Expel, Reject |
19 | |
数 | Number, Strength, Fate, Law, Figures |
19 | |
刈 | Reap, Cut, Clip, Trim, Prune |
19 | |
口 | Mouth |
19 | |
直 | Straightaway, Honesty, Frankness, Fix, Repair |
19 | |
身 | Somebody, Person, One's Station In Life |
19 | |
遠 | Distant, Far |
18 | |
背 | Stature, Height, Back, Behind, Disobey, Defy, Go Back On, Rebel |
18 | |
禁 | Prohibition, Ban, Forbid |
18 | |
信 | Faith, Truth, Fidelity, Trust |
18 | |
式 | Style, Ceremony, Rite, Function, Method, System, Form, Expression |
18 | |
帯 | Sash, Belt, Obi, Zone, Region |
17 | |
水 | Water |
17 | |
青 | Blue, Green |
17 | |
右 | Right |
17 | |
失 | Lose, Error, Fault, Disadvantage, Loss |
17 | |
瞬 | Wink, Blink, Twinkle |
17 | |
密 | Secrecy, Density (pop), Minuteness, Carefulness |
17 | |
三 | Three |
17 | |
写 | Copy, Be Photographed, Describe |
17 | |
反 | Anti- |
17 | |
界 | World, Boundary |
17 | |
限 | Limit, Restrict, To Best Of Ability |
17 | |
攻 | Aggression, Attack, Criticize, Polish |
17 | |
級 | Class, Rank, Grade |
17 | |
能 | Ability, Talent, Skill, Capacity |
17 | |
験 | Verification, Effect, Testing |
17 | |
量 | Quantity, Measure, Weight, Amount, Consider, Estimate, Surmise |
17 | |
切 | Cut, Cutoff, Be Sharp |
17 | |
橋 | 橋 (16) |
Bridge |
16 |
襟 | Collar, Neck, Lapel, One's Inner Feelings |
16 | |
海 | Sea, Ocean |
16 | |
左 | Left |
16 | |
苦 | Suffering, Trial, Worry, Hardship, Feel Bitter, Scowl |
16 | |
声 | Voice |
16 | |
腹 | Abdomen, Belly, Stomach |
16 | |
世 | Generation, World, Society, Public |
16 | |
複 | Duplicate, Double, Compound, Multiple |
16 | |
半 | Half, Middle, Odd Number, Semi-, Part- |
16 | |
復 | Restore, Return To, Revert, Resume |
16 | |
帰 | Homecoming, Arrive At, Lead To, Result In |
16 | |
必 | Invariably, Certain, Inevitable |
16 | |
県 | Prefecture |
16 | |
室 | Room, Apartment, Chamber, Greenhouse, Cellar |
16 | |
的 | Bull's Eye, Mark, Target, Object, Adjective Ending |
16 | |
著 | 著作権法 (15) |
Renowned, Publish, Write, Remarkable, Phenomenal, Put On, Don, Wear, Arrival, Finish (race), Counter For Suits Of Clothing, Literary Work |
15 |
錦 | 錦 (15) |
Brocade, Fine Dress, Honors |
15 |
股 | Thigh, Crotch |
15 | |
悪 | Bad, Vice, Rascal, False, Evil, Wrong |
15 | |
空 | Empty, Sky, Void, Vacant, Vacuum |
15 | |
家 | House, Home, Family, Professional, Expert, Performer |
15 | |
報 | Report, News, Reward, Retribution |
15 | |
秘 | Secret, Conceal |
15 | |
黒 | Black |
15 | |
圧 | Pressure, Push, Overwhelm, Oppress, Dominate |
15 | |
念 | Wish, Sense, Idea, Thought, Feeling, Desire, Attention |
15 | |
焼 | Bake, Burning |
15 | |
副 | 副将 (14) |
Vice-, Assistant, Aide, Duplicate, Copy |
14 |
号 | 号 (14) |
Nickname, Number, Item, Title, Pseudonym, Name, Call |
14 |
油 | Oil, Fat |
14 | |
交 | Mingle, Mixing, Association, Coming & Going |
14 | |
存 | Exist, Suppose, Be Aware Of, Believe, Feel |
14 | |
付 | Adhere, Attach, Refer To, Append |
14 | |
止 | Stop, Halt |
14 | |
裏 | Back, Amidst, In, Reverse, Inside, Palm, Sole, Rear, Lining, Wrong Side |
14 | |
要 | Need, Main Point, Essence, Pivot, Key To |
14 | |
撃 | Beat, Attack, Defeat, Conquer |
14 | |
想 | Concept, Think, Idea, Thought |
14 | |
明 | Bright, Light |
14 | |
正 | Correct, Justice, Righteous, 10**40 |
14 | |
二 | Two, Two Radical (no. 7) |
14 | |
四 | Four |
14 | |
立 | Stand Up, Rise, Set Up, Erect |
14 | |
味 | Flavor, Taste |
14 | |
候 | Climate, Season, Weather, Wait For, Expect |
13 | |
抑 | Repress, Well, Now, In The First Place, Push, Shove, Press, Seal, Do In Spite Of |
13 | |
商 | Make A Deal, Selling, Dealing In, Merchant |
13 | |
普 | Universal, Wide(ly), Generally, Prussia |
13 | |
待 | Wait, Depend On |
13 | |
倒 | Overthrow, Fall, Collapse, Drop, Break Down |
13 | |
振 | Shake, Wave, Wag, Swing |
13 | |
画 | Brush-stroke, Picture |
13 | |
等 | Etc., And So Forth, Class (first), Quality, Equal, Similar |
13 | |
関 | Connection, Barrier, Gateway, Involve, Concerning |
13 | |
調 | Tune, Tone, Meter, Key (music), Writing Style, Prepare, Exorcise, Investigate, Harmonize, Mediate |
13 | |
豪 | Overpowering, Great, Powerful, Excelling, Australia |
13 | |
走 | Run |
13 | |
受 | Accept, Undergo, Answer (phone), Take, Get, Catch, Receive |
13 | |
文 | Sentence, Literature, Style, Art, Decoration, Figures, Plan, Literary Radical (no. 67) |
13 | |
火 | Fire |
13 | |
扉 | 扉 (12) |
Front Door, Title Page, Front Page |
12 |
平 | Even, Flat, Peace |
12 | |
仲 | Go-between, Relationship |
12 | |
去 | Gone, Past, Quit, Leave, Elapse, Eliminate, Divorce |
12 | |
車 | Car |
12 | |
替 | Exchange, Spare, Substitute, Per- |
12 | |
売 | Sell |
12 | |
送 | Escort, Send |
12 | |
父 | Father |
12 | |
使 | Use, Send On A Mission, Order, Messenger, Envoy, Ambassador, Cause |
12 | |
判 | Judgement, Signature, Stamp, Seal |
12 | |
安 | Relax, Cheap, Low, Quiet, Rested, Contented, Peaceful |
12 | |
特 | Special |
12 | |
別 | Separate, Branch Off, Diverge, Fork, Another, Extra, Specially |
12 | |
金 | Gold |
12 | |
愛 | Love, Affection, Favourite |
12 | |
礼 | Salute, Bow, Ceremony, Thanks, Remuneration |
12 | |
任 | Responsibility, Duty, Term, Entrust To, Appoint |
12 | |
命 | Fate, Command, Decree, Destiny, Life, Appoint |
12 | |
点 | Spot, Point, Mark, Speck, Decimal Point |
12 | |
嬢 | Lass, Girl, Miss, Daughter |
11 | |
笑 | Laugh |
11 | |
例 | Example, Custom, Usage, Precedent |
11 | |
在 | Exist, Outskirts, Suburbs, Located In |
11 | |
庭 | Courtyard, Garden, Yard |
11 | |
像 | Statue, Picture, Image, Figure, Portrait |
11 | |
髪 | Hair Of The Head |
11 | |
敵 | Enemy, Foe, Opponent |
11 | |
痛 | Pain, Hurt, Damage, Bruise |
11 | |
突 | Stab, Protruding, Thrust, Pierce, Prick, Collision, Sudden |
11 | |
加 | Add, Addition, Increase, Join, Include, Canada |
11 | |
可 | Can, Passable, Mustn't, Should Not, Do Not |
11 | |
配 | Distribute, Spouse, Exile, Rationing |
11 | |
考 | Consider, Think Over |
11 | |
古 | Old |
11 | |
台 | Pedestal, A Stand, Counter For Machines And Vehicles |
11 | |
有 | Possess, Have, Exist, Happen, Occur, Approx |
11 | |
表 | Surface, Table, Chart, Diagram |
11 | |
定 | Determine, Fix, Establish, Decide |
11 | |
記 | Scribe, Account, Narrative |
11 | |
食 | Eat, Food |
11 | |
幼 | 幼なじみ (10) |
Infancy, Childhood |
10 |
条 | 条件 (10) |
Article, Clause, Item, Stripe, Streak |
10 |
件 | 条件 (10) |
Affair, Case, Matter, Item |
10 |
夏 | Summer |
10 | |
起 | Rouse, Wake Up, Get Up |
10 | |
器 | Utensil, Vessel, Receptacle, Implement, Instrument, Ability, Container, Tool, Set |
10 | |
編 | Compilation, Knit, Plait, Braid, Twist, Editing, Completed Poem, Part Of A Book |
10 | |
雨 | Rain |
10 | |
破 | Rend, Rip, Tear, Break, Destroy, Defeat, Frustrate |
10 | |
形 | Shape, Form, Style |
10 | |
留 | Detain, Fasten, Halt, Stop |
10 | |
果 | Fruit, Reward, Carry Out, Achieve, Complete, End, Finish, Succeed |
10 | |
願 | Petition, Request, Vow, Wish, Hope |
10 | |
土 | Soil, Earth, Ground, Turkey |
10 | |
棒 | Rod, Stick, Cane, Pole, Club, Line |
10 | |
覚 | Memorize, Learn, Remember, Awake, Sober Up |
10 | |
邪 | Wicked, Injustice, Wrong |
10 | |
元 | Beginning, Former Time, Origin |
10 | |
躍 | Leap, Dance, Skip |
10 | |
悔 | Repent, Regret |
10 | |
風 | Wind, Air, Style, Manner |
10 | |
依 | 依頼 (9) |
Reliant, Depend On, Consequently, Therefore, Due To |
9 |
温 | 温存 (9) |
Warm |
9 |
犬 | 犬 (9) |
Dog |
9 |
品 | Goods, Refinement, Dignity, Article, Counter For Meal Courses |
9 | |
腰 | Loins, Hips, Waist, Low Wainscoting |
9 | |
飯 | Meal, Boiled Rice |
9 | |
公 | Public, Prince, Official, Governmental |
9 | |
怖 | Dreadful, Be Frightened, Fearful |
9 | |
武 | Warrior, Military, Chivalry, Arms |
9 | |
胸 | Bosom, Breast, Chest, Heart, Feelings |
9 | |
急 | Hurry, Emergency, Sudden, Steep |
9 | |
座 | Squat, Seat, Cushion, Gathering, Sit |
9 | |
控 | Withdraw, Draw In, Hold Back, Refrain From, Be Moderate |
9 | |
支 | Branch, Support, Sustain, Branch Radical (no. 65) |
9 | |
申 | Have The Honor To, Sign Of The Monkey, 3-5pm, Ninth Sign Of Chinese Zodiac |
9 | |
訳 | Translate, Reason, Circumstance, Case |
9 | |
線 | Line, Track |
9 | |
際 | Occasion, Side, Edge, Verge, Dangerous, Adventurous, Indecent, Time, When |
9 | |
近 | Near, Early, Akin, Tantamount |
9 | |
準 | Semi-, Correspond To, Proportionate To, Conform, Imitate |
9 | |
物 | Thing, Object, Matter |
9 | |
放 | Set Free, Release, Fire, Shoot, Emit, Banish, Liberate |
9 | |
熱 | Heat, Temperature, Fever, Mania, Passion |
9 | |
総 | General, Whole, All, Full, Total |
9 | |
伝 | Transmit, Go Along, Walk Along, Follow, Report, Communicate, Legend, Tradition |
9 | |
璧 | 完璧 (8) |
Sphere, Ball |
8 |
届 | 届 (8) |
Deliver, Reach, Arrive, Report, Notify, Forward |
8 |
畳 | 畳 (8) |
Tatami Mat, Counter For Tatami Mats, Fold, Shut Up, Do Away With |
8 |
兵 | 秘密兵器 (8) |
Soldier, Private, Troops, Army, Warfare, Strategy, Tactics |
8 |
販 | 販売 (8) |
Marketing, Sell, Trade |
8 |
係 | 関係 (8) |
Person In Charge, Connection, Duty, Concern Oneself |
8 |
乱 | Riot, War, Disorder, Disturb |
8 | |
衆 | Masses, Great Numbers, Multitude, Populace |
8 | |
奥 | Heart, Interior |
8 | |
階 | Storey, Stair, Counter For Storeys Of A Building |
8 | |
隙 | Crevice, Fissure, Discord, Opportunity, Leisure |
8 | |
静 | Quiet |
8 | |
参 | Nonplussed, Three (in Documents), Going, Coming, Visiting, Visit, Be Defeated, Die, Be Madly In Love, Participate, Take Part In |
8 | |
術 | Art, Technique, Skill, Means, Trick, Resources, Magic |
8 | |
欠 | Lack, Gap, Fail, Yawning Radical (no. 76) |
8 | |
折 | Fold, Break, Fracture, Bend, Yield, Submit |
8 | |
互 | Mutually, Reciprocally, Together |
8 | |
久 | Long Time, Old Story |
8 | |
勉 | Exertion, Endeavour, Encourage, Strive, Make Effort, Diligent |
8 | |
授 | Impart, Instruct, Grant, Confer |
8 | |
興 | Entertain, Revive, Retrieve, Interest, Pleasure |
8 | |
葉 | Leaf, Plane, Lobe, Needle, Blade, Spear, Counter For Flat Things, Fragment, Piece |
8 | |
茶 | Tea |
8 | |
呼 | Call, Call Out To, Invite |
8 | |
得 | Gain, Get, Find, Earn, Acquire, Can, May, Able To, Profit, Advantage, Benefit |
8 | |
況 | Condition, Situation |
8 | |
血 | Blood |
8 | |
速 | Quick, Fast |
8 | |
遅 | Slow, Late, Back, Later |
8 | |
弱 | Weak, Frail |
8 | |
死 | Death, Die |
8 | |
素 | Elementary, Principle, Naked, Uncovered |
8 | |
進 | Advance, Proceed, Progress, Promote |
8 | |
乗 | Ride, Power, Multiplication, Record, Counter For Vehicles, Board, Mount, Join |
8 | |
仕 | Attend, Doing, Official, Serve |
8 | |
差 | Distinction, Difference, Variation, Discrepancy, Margin, Balance |
8 | |
激 | Violent, Get Excited, Enraged, Chafe, Incite |
8 | |
打 | Strike, Hit, Knock, Pound, Dozen |
8 | |
版 | 初版 (7) |
Printing Block, Printing Plate, Edition, Impression, Label |
7 |
袖 | 袖 (7) |
Sleeve, Wing (building), Extension, Give Cold Shoulder |
7 |
談 | Discuss, Talk |
7 | |
卒 | Graduate, Soldier, Private, Die |
7 | |
局 | Bureau, Board, Office, Affair, Conclusion, Court Lady, Lady-in-waiting, Her Apartment |
7 | |
快 | Cheerful, Pleasant, Agreeable, Comfortable |
7 | |
逃 | Escape, Flee, Shirk, Evade, Set Free |
7 | |
遊 | Play |
7 | |
骨 | Skeleton, Bone, Remains, Frame |
7 | |
常 | Usual, Ordinary, Normal, Common, Regular, Continually, Always, Long-lasting |
7 | |
昨 | Yesterday, Previous |
7 | |
更 | Grow Late, Night Watch, Sit Up Late, Of Course, Renew, Renovate, Again, More And More, Further |
7 | |
毎 | Every |
7 | |
泥 | Mud, Mire, Adhere To, Be Attached To |
7 | |
殺 | Kill, Murder, Butcher, Slice Off, Split, Diminish, Reduce, Spoil |
7 | |
束 | Bundle, Sheaf, Ream, Tie In Bundles, Govern, Manage, Control |
7 | |
魔 | Witch, Demon, Evil Spirit |
7 | |
稽 | Think, Consider |
7 | |
原 | Meadow, Original, Primitive, Field, Plain, Prairie, Tundra, Wilderness |
7 | |
恋 | Romance, In Love, Yearn For, Miss, Darling |
7 | |
慢 | Ridicule, Laziness |
7 | |
祭 | Ritual, Offer Prayers, Celebrate, Deify, Enshrine, Worship |
7 | |
熊 | Bear |
7 | |
状 | Status Quo, Conditions, Circumstances, Form, Appearance |
7 | |
刀 | Sword, Saber, Knife |
7 | |
縄 | Straw Rope, Cord |
7 | |
責 | Blame, Condemn, Censure |
7 | |
兄 | Elder Brother, Big Brother |
7 | |
客 | Guest, Visitor, Customer, Client |
7 | |
覇 | Hegemony, Supremacy, Leadership, Champion |
7 | |
険 | Precipitous, Inaccessible Place, Impregnable Position, Steep Place, Sharp Eyes |
7 | |
惜 | Pity, Be Sparing Of, Frugal, Stingy, Regret |
7 | |
争 | Contend, Dispute, Argue |
7 | |
朝 | Morning, Dynasty, Regime, Epoch, Period, (north) Korea |
7 | |
追 | Chase, Drive Away, Follow, Pursue, Meanwhile |
7 | |
南 | South |
7 | |
山 | Mountain |
7 | |
解 | Unravel, Notes, Key, Explanation, Understanding, Untie, Undo, Solve, Answer, Cancel, Absolve, Explain, Minute |
7 | |
現 | Present, Existing, Actual |
7 | |
題 | Topic, Subject |
7 | |
過 | Overdo, Exceed, Go Beyond, Error |
7 | |
闘 | Fight, War |
7 | |
俺 | 俺 (6) |
I, Myself |
6 |
冗 | 冗談 (6) |
Superfluous, Uselessness |
6 |
冷 | 冷静 (6) |
Cool, Cold (beer, Person), Chill |
6 |
勇 | 勇気 (6) |
Courage, Cheer Up, Be In High Spirits, Bravery, Heroism |
6 |
巴 | 巴投げ (6) |
Comma-design |
6 |
架 | 架 (6) |
Erect, Frame, Mount, Support, Shelf, Construct |
6 |
単 | 簡単 (6) |
Simple, One, Single, Merely |
6 |
簡 | 簡単 (6) |
Simplicity, Brevity |
6 |
嬉 | Glad, Pleased, Rejoice |
6 | |
散 | Scatter, Disperse, Spend, Squander |
6 | |
拡 | Broaden, Extend, Expand, Enlarge |
6 | |
太 | Plump, Thick, Big Around |
6 | |
衣 | Garment, Clothes, Dressing |
6 | |
約 | Promise, Approximately, Shrink |
6 | |
麗 | Lovely, Beautiful, Graceful, Resplendent |
6 | |
悟 | Enlightenment, Perceive, Discern, Realize, Understand |
6 | |
貴 | Precious, Value, Prize, Esteem, Honor |
6 | |
宿 | Inn, Lodging, Relay Station, Dwell, Lodge, Be Pregnant, Home, Dwelling |
6 | |
戻 | Re-, Return, Revert, Resume, Restore, Go Backwards |
6 | |
揃 | Be Complete, Uniform, All Present |
6 | |
敬 | Awe, Respect, Honor, Revere |
6 | |
異 | Uncommon, Different, Queerness, Strangeness, Wonderful, Curious, Unusual |
6 | |
競 | Emulate, Compete With, Bid, Sell At Auction, Bout, Contest, Race |
6 | |
雑 | Miscellaneous |
6 | |
祝 | Celebrate, Congratulate |
6 | |
共 | Together, Both, Neither, All, And, Alike, With |
6 | |
歩 | Walk, Counter For Steps |
6 | |
保 | Protect, Guarantee, Keep, Preserve, Sustain, Support |
6 | |
服 | Clothing, Admit, Obey, Discharge |
6 | |
印 | Stamp, Seal, Mark, Imprint, Symbol, Emblem, Trademark, Evidence, Souvenir, India |
6 | |
危 | Dangerous, Fear, Uneasy |
6 | |
績 | Exploits, Achievements, Unreeling Cocoons |
6 | |
態 | Attitude, Condition, Figure, Appearance, Voice (of Verbs) |
6 | |
石 | Stone |
6 | |
説 | Opinion, Theory, Explanation, Rumor |
6 | |
買 | Buy |
6 | |
馬 | Horse |
6 | |
余 | Too Much, Myself, Surplus, Other, Remainder |
6 | |
段 | Grade, Steps, Stairs |
6 | |
史 | History, Chronicle |
6 | |
役 | Duty, War, Campaign, Drafted Labor, Office, Service, Role |
6 | |
識 | Discriminating, Know, Write |
6 | |
注 | Pour, Irrigate, Shed (tears), Flow Into, Concentrate On, Notes, Comment, Annotate |
6 | |
語 | Word, Speech, Language |
6 | |
順 | Obey, Order, Turn, Right, Docility, Occasion |
6 | |
頭 | Head, Counter For Large Animals |
6 | |
主 | Lord, Chief, Master, Main Thing, Principal |
6 | |
冠 | 冠 (5) |
Crown, Best, Peerless |
5 |
娘 | 娘 (5) |
Daughter, Girl |
5 |
匠 | 師匠 (5) |
Artisan, Workman, Carpenter |
5 |
廃 | 廃部 (5) |
Abolish, Obsolete, Cessation, Discarding, Abandon |
5 |
枠 | 枠 (5) |
Frame, Framework, Spindle, Spool, Bounding-box, (kokuji) |
5 |
監 | 監督 (5) |
Oversee, Official, Govt Office, Rule, Administer |
5 |
督 | 監督 (5) |
Coach, Command, Urge, Lead, Supervise |
5 |
綺 | 綺麗 (5) |
Figured Cloth, Beautiful |
5 |
景 | 背景 (5) |
Scenery, View |
5 |
奮 | 興奮 (5) |
Stirred Up, Be Invigorated, Flourish |
5 |
隣 | 隣 (5) |
Neighboring |
5 |
非 | 非情 (5) |
Un-, Mistake, Negative, Injustice, Non- |
5 |
故 | Happenstance, Especially, Intentionally, Reason, Cause, Circumstances, The Late, Therefore, Consequently |
5 | |
野 | Plains, Field, Rustic, Civilian Life |
5 | |
州 | State, Province |
5 | |
迫 | Urge, Force, Imminent, Spur On |
5 | |
減 | Dwindle, Decrease, Reduce, Decline, Curtail, Get Hungry |
5 | |
標 | Signpost, Seal, Mark, Stamp, Imprint, Symbol, Emblem, Trademark, Evidence, Souvenir, Target |
5 | |
花 | Flower |
5 | |
若 | Young, If, Perhaps, Possibly, Low Number, Immature |
5 | |
誇 | Boast, Be Proud, Pride, Triumphantly |
5 | |
伸 | Expand, Stretch, Extend, Lengthen, Increase |
5 | |
舞 | Dance, Flit, Circle, Wheel |
5 | |
嫌 | Dislike, Detest, Hate |
5 | |
剛 | Sturdy, Strength |
5 | |
満 | Full, Fullness, Enough, Satisfy |
5 | |
疲 | Exhausted, Tire, Weary |
5 | |
癖 | Mannerism, Habit, Vice, Trait, Fault, Kink |
5 | |
晴 | Clear Up |
5 | |
諦 | Truth, Clarity, Abandon, Give Up |
5 | |
増 | Increase, Add, Augment, Gain, Promote |
5 | |
屋 | Roof, House, Shop, Dealer, Seller |
5 | |
派 | Faction, Group, Party, Clique, Sect, School |
5 | |
向 | Yonder, Facing, Beyond, Confront, Defy, Tend Toward, Approach |
5 | |
他 | Other, Another, The Others |
5 | |
民 | People, Nation, Subjects |
5 | |
謝 | Apologize, Thank, Refuse |
5 | |
担 | Shouldering, Carry, Raise, Bear |
5 | |
操 | Maneuver, Manipulate, Operate, Steer, Chastity, Virginity, Fidelity |
5 | |
位 | Rank, Grade, Throne, Crown, About, Some |
5 | |
装 | Attire, Dress, Pretend, Disguise, Profess |
5 | |
由 | Wherefore, A Reason |
5 | |
了 | Complete, Finish |
5 | |
良 | Good, Pleasing, Skilled |
5 | |
警 | Admonish, Commandment |
5 | |
音 | Sound, Noise |
5 | |
軽 | Lightly, Trifling, Unimportant |
5 | |
旅 | Trip, Travel |
5 | |
掛 | Hang, Suspend, Depend, Arrive At, Tax, Pour |
5 | |
料 | Fee, Materials |
5 | |
消 | Extinguish, Blow Out, Turn Off, Neutralize, Cancel |
5 | |
飛 | Fly, Skip (pages), Scatter |
5 | |
喫 | メイド喫茶 (4) |
Consume, Eat, Drink, Smoke, Receive (a Blow) |
4 |
努 | 努力 (4) |
Toil, Diligent, As Much As Possible |
4 |
協 | 協力 (4) |
Co-, Cooperation |
4 |
柱 | 大黒柱 (4) |
Pillar, Post, Cylinder, Support |
4 |
供 | 子供 (4) |
Submit, Offer, Present, Serve (meal), Accompany |
4 |
審 | 審判 (4) |
Hearing, Judge, Trial |
4 |
慎 | 慎重 (4) |
Humility, Be Careful, Discreet, Prudent |
4 |
才 | 才能 (4) |
Genius, Years Old, Cubic Shaku |
4 |
挑 | 挑む (4) |
Challenge, Contend For, Make Love To |
4 |
掴 | 掴む (4) |
Catch, Seize, Grasp, Hold, Arrest, Capture |
4 |
撮 | 撮る (4) |
Snapshot, Take Pictures |
4 |
盾 | 盾 (4) |
Shield, Escutcheon, Pretext |
4 |
竹 | 竹刀 (4) |
Bamboo |
4 |
紹 | 紹介 (4) |
Introduce, Inherit, Help |
4 |
介 | 紹介 (4) |
Jammed In, Shellfish, Mediate, Concern Oneself With |
4 |
舌 | 舌 (4) |
Tongue, Reed, Clapper |
4 |
謎 | 謎 (4) |
Riddle, Puzzle, Enigma, Hint, Tip |
4 |
農 | 農 (4) |
Agriculture, Farmers |
4 |
迷 | 迷惑 (4) |
Astray, Be Perplexed, In Doubt, Lost, Err, Illusion |
4 |
惑 | 迷惑 (4) |
Beguile, Delusion, Perplexity |
4 |
頃 | Time, About, Toward |
4 | |
丁 | Street, Ward, Town, Counter For Guns, Tools, Leaves Or Cakes Of Something, Even Number, 4th Calendar Sign |
4 | |
寧 | Rather, Preferably, Peaceful, Quiet, Tranquility |
4 | |
陣 | Camp, Battle Array, Ranks, Position, Sudden, Brief Time |
4 | |
揺 | Swing, Shake, Sway, Rock, Tremble, Vibrate |
4 | |
午 | Noon, Sign Of The Horse, 11am-1pm, Seventh Sign Of Chinese Zodiac |
4 | |
則 | Rule, Follow, Based On, Model After |
4 | |
岐 | Branch Off, Fork In Road, Scene, Arena, Theater |
4 | |
払 | Pay, Clear Out, Prune, Banish, Dispose Of |
4 | |
課 | Chapter, Lesson, Section, Department, Division, Counter For Chapters (of A Book) |
4 | |
汗 | Sweat, Perspire |
4 | |
燃 | Burn, Blaze, Glow |
4 | |
球 | Ball, Sphere |
4 | |
系 | Lineage, System |
4 | |
盤 | Tray, Shallow Bowl, Platter, Tub, Board, Phonograph Record |
4 | |
妙 | Exquisite, Strange, Queer, Mystery, Miracle, Excellent, Delicate, Charming |
4 | |
翌 | The Following, Next |
4 | |
首 | Neck, Counter For Songs And Poems |
4 | |
呂 | Spine, Backbone |
4 | |
社 | Company, Firm, Office, Association, Shrine |
4 | |
値 | Price, Cost, Value |
4 | |
勘 | Intuition, Perception, Check, Compare, Sixth Sense |
4 | |
星 | Star, Spot, Dot, Mark |
4 | |
字 | Character, Letter, Word, Section Of Village |
4 | |
周 | Circumference, Circuit, Lap |
4 | |
毛 | Fur, Hair, Feather, Down |
4 | |
奇 | Strange, Strangeness, Curiosity |
4 | |
抗 | Confront, Resist, Defy, Oppose |
4 | |
崩 | Crumble, Die, Demolish, Level |
4 | |
館 | Building, Mansion, Large Building, Palace |
4 | |
志 | Intention, Plan, Resolve, Aspire, Motive, Hopes, Shilling |
4 | |
恨 | Regret, Bear A Grudge, Resentment, Malice, Hatred |
4 | |
懐 | Pocket, Feelings, Heart, Yearn, Miss Someone, Become Attached To, Bosom, Breast |
4 | |
接 | Touch, Contact, Adjoin, Piece Together |
4 | |
官 | Bureaucrat, The Government, Organ |
4 | |
固 | Harden, Set, Clot, Curdle |
4 | |
労 | Labor, Thank For, Reward For, Toil, Trouble |
4 | |
杯 | Counter For Cupfuls, Wine Glass, Glass, Toast |
4 | |
納 | Settlement, Obtain, Reap, Pay, Supply, Store |
4 | |
済 | Settle (debt, Etc.), Relieve (burden), Finish, Come To An End, Excusable, Need Not |
4 | |
美 | Beauty, Beautiful |
4 | |
聞 | Hear, Ask, Listen |
4 | |
誘 | Entice, Lead, Tempt, Invite, Ask, Call For, Seduce, Allure |
4 | |
跳 | Hop, Leap Up, Spring, Jerk, Prance, Buck, Splash, Sputter, Snap |
4 | |
軟 | Soft |
4 | |
釣 | Angling, Fish, Catch, Allure, Ensnare |
4 | |
防 | Ward Off, Defend, Protect, Resist |
4 | |
色 | Color |
4 | |
議 | Deliberation, Consultation, Debate, Consideration |
4 | |
両 | Both, Old Japanese Coin, Counter For Carriages (e.g., In A Train), Two |
4 | |
天 | Heavens, Sky, Imperial |
4 | |
備 | Equip, Provision, Preparation |
4 | |
望 | Ambition, Full Moon, Hope, Desire, Aspire To, Expect |
4 | |
昼 | Daytime, Noon |
4 | |
極 | Poles, Settlement, Conclusion, End, Highest Rank, Electric Poles, Very, Extremely, Most, Highly, 10**48 |
4 | |
流 | Current, A Sink, Flow, Forfeit |
4 | |
親 | Parent, Intimacy, Relative, Familiarity, Dealer (cards) |
4 | |
適 | Suitable, Occasional, Rare, Qualified, Capable |
4 | |
母 | お母さん (3) |
Mother |
3 |
覧 | ご覧 (3) |
Perusal, See |
3 |
護 | 保護者 (3) |
Safeguard, Protect |
3 |
僕 | 僕 (3) |
Me, I (male), Servant, Manservant |
3 |
冬 | 冬 (3) |
Winter |
3 |
刷 | 印刷 (3) |
Printing, Print, Brush |
3 |
門 | 名門 (3) |
Gate, Counter For Cannons |
3 |
獄 | 地獄 (3) |
Prison, Jail |
3 |
壁 | 壁 (3) |
Wall, Lining (stomach), Fence |
3 |
夜 | 夜 (3) |
Night, Evening |
3 |
姿 | 姿 (3) |
Figure, Form, Shape |
3 |
寒 | 寒稽古 (3) |
Cold |
3 |
阜 | 岐阜 (3) |
Hill, Mound, Left Village Radical (no. 170) |
3 |
往 | 往復 (3) |
Journey, Travel, Chase Away, Let Go, Going, Before, Formerly |
3 |
媛 | 愛媛 (3) |
Beautiful Woman, Princess |
3 |
拶 | 挨拶 (3) |
Be Imminent, Draw Close |
3 |
挨 | 挨拶 (3) |
Approach, Draw Near, Push Open |
3 |
探 | 探し物 (3) |
Grope, Search, Look For |
3 |
損 | 損 (3) |
Damage, Loss, Disadvantage, Hurt, Injure |
3 |
撤 | 撤去 (3) |
Remove, Withdraw, Disarm, Dismantle, Reject, Exclude |
3 |
稼 | 時間稼ぎ (3) |
Earnings, Work, Earn Money |
3 |
末 | 月末 (3) |
End, Close, Tip, Powder, Posterity |
3 |
毒 | 毒 (3) |
Poison, Virus, Venom, Germ, Harm, Injury, Spite |
3 |
池 | 池 (3) |
Pond, Cistern, Pool, Reservoir |
3 |
籠 | 籠手 (3) |
Basket, Devote Oneself, Seclude Oneself, Cage, Coop, Implied |
3 |
粘 | 粘り (3) |
Sticky, Glutinous, Greasy, Persevere |
3 |
肘 | 肘 (3) |
Elbow, Arm |
3 |
虚 | 謙虚 (3) |
Void, Emptiness, Unpreparedness, Crack, Fissure, Untruth |
3 |
謙 | 謙虚 (3) |
Self-effacing, Humble Oneself, Condescend, Be Modest |
3 |
贔 | 贔屓 (3) |
Strength, Power |
3 |
屓 | 贔屓 (3) |
Exerting Strength |
3 |
軸 | 軸足 (3) |
Axis, Pivot, Stem, Stalk, Counter For Book Scrolls |
3 |
述 | 述 (3) |
Mention, State, Speak, Relate |
3 |
刻 | 遅刻 (3) |
Engrave, Cut Fine, Chop, Hash, Mince, Time, Carving |
3 |
郡 | 郡 (3) |
County, District |
3 |
鹿 | 馬鹿 (3) |
Deer |
3 |
産 | Products, Bear, Give Birth, Yield, Childbirth, Native, Property |
3 | |
路 | Path, Route, Road, Distance |
3 | |
万 | Ten Thousand, 10,000 |
3 | |
波 | Waves, Billows, Poland |
3 | |
換 | Interchange, Period, Change, Convert, Replace, Renew |
3 | |
憩 | Recess, Rest, Relax, Repose |
3 | |
提 | Propose, Take Along, Carry In Hand |
3 | |
弁 | Valve, Petal, Braid, Speech, Dialect, Discrimination, Dispose Of, Distinguish, Conical Cap |
3 | |
十 | Ten |
3 | |
告 | Revelation, Tell, Inform, Announce |
3 | |
船 | Ship, Boat |
3 | |
威 | Intimidate, Dignity, Majesty, Menace, Threaten |
3 | |
策 | Scheme, Plan, Policy, Step, Means |
3 | |
盛 | Boom, Prosper, Copulate |
3 | |
工 | Craft, Construction, Katakana E Radical (no. 48) |
3 | |
市 | Market, City, Town |
3 | |
幸 | Happiness, Blessing, Fortune |
3 | |
属 | Belong, Genus, Subordinate Official, Affiliated |
3 | |
押 | Push, Stop, Check, Subdue, Attach, Seize, Weight, Shove, Press, Seal, Do In Spite Of |
3 | |
整 | Organize, Arranging, Tune, Tone, Meter, Key (music) |
3 | |
横 | Sideways, Side, Horizontal, Width, Woof, Unreasonable, Perverse |
3 | |
欲 | Longing, Covetousness, Greed, Passion, Desire, Craving |
3 | |
泳 | Swim |
3 | |
沖 | Open Sea, Offing, Rise High Into Sky |
3 | |
収 | Income, Obtain, Reap, Pay, Supply, Store |
3 | |
浅 | Shallow, Superficial, Frivolous, Wretched, Shameful |
3 | |
狙 | Aim At, Sight, Shadow, Stalk |
3 | |
程 | Extent, Degree, Law, Formula, Distance, Limits, Amount |
3 | |
腕 | Arm, Ability, Talent |
3 | |
袋 | Sack, Bag, Pouch |
3 | |
許 | Permit, Approve |
3 | |
戒 | Commandment |
3 | |
越 | Surpass, Cross Over, Move To, Exceed, Vietnam |
3 | |
菜 | Vegetable, Side Dish, Greens |
3 | |
類 | Sort, Kind, Variety, Class, Genus |
3 | |
歴 | Curriculum, Continuation, Passage Of Time |
3 | |
露 | Dew, Tears, Expose, Russia |
3 | |
演 | Performance, Act, Play, Render, Stage |
3 | |
肩 | Shoulder |
3 | |
端 | Edge, Origin, End, Point, Border, Verge, Cape |
3 | |
側 | Side, Lean, Oppose, Regret |
3 | |
賞 | Prize, Reward, Praise |
3 | |
西 | West, Spain |
3 | |
資 | Assets, Resources, Capital, Funds, Data, Be Conducive To, Contribute To |
3 | |
奪 | Rob, Take By Force, Snatch Away, Dispossess, Plunder, Usurp |
3 | |
基 | Fundamentals, Radical (chem), Counter For Machines, Foundation |
3 | |
夕 | Evening |
3 | |
怪 | Suspicious, Mystery, Apparition |
3 | |
狂 | Lunatic, Insane, Crazy, Confuse |
3 | |
施 | Give, Bestow, Perform, Alms |
3 | |
宣 | Proclaim, Say, Announce |
3 | |
容 | Contain, Form, Looks |
3 | |
底 | Bottom, Sole, Depth, Bottom Price, Base, Kind, Sort |
3 | |
列 | File, Row, Rank, Tier, Column |
3 | |
士 | Gentleman, Scholar, Samurai, Samurai Radical (no. 33) |
3 | |
春 | Springtime, Spring (season) |
3 | |
深 | Deep, Heighten, Intensify, Strengthen |
3 | |
甘 | Sweet, Coax, Pamper, Be Content, Sugary |
3 | |
短 | Short, Brevity, Fault, Defect, Weak Point |
3 | |
節 | Node, Season, Period, Occasion, Verse, Clause, Stanza, Honor, Joint, Knuckle, Knob, Knot, Tune, Melody |
3 | |
職 | Post, Employment, Work |
3 | |
察 | Guess, Presume, Surmise, Judge, Understand |
3 | |
証 | Evidence, Proof, Certificate |
3 | |
離 | Detach, Separation, Disjoin, Digress |
3 | |
電 | Electricity |
3 | |
敷 | お化け屋敷 (2) |
Spread, Pave, Sit, Promulgate |
2 |
旦 | 一旦 (2) |
Daybreak, Dawn, Morning |
2 |
亡 | 亡者 (2) |
Deceased, The Late, Dying, Perish |
2 |
企 | 企業 (2) |
Undertake, Scheme, Design, Attempt, Plan |
2 |
隠 | 何を隠そう (2) |
Conceal, Hide, Cover |
2 |
裕 | 余裕 (2) |
Abundant, Rich, Fertile |
2 |
偏 | 偏差値 (2) |
Partial, Side, Left-side Radical, Inclining, Biased |
2 |
停 | 停止 (2) |
Halt, Stopping |
2 |
充 | 充分 (2) |
Allot, Fill |
2 |
凌 | 凌ぎ (2) |
Endure, Keep (rain)out, Stave Off, Tide Over, Defy, Slight, Surpass |
2 |
刺 | 刺激 (2) |
Thorn, Pierce, Stab, Prick, Sting, Calling Card |
2 |
材 | 取材 (2) |
Lumber, Log, Timber, Wood, Materials, Ingredients, Talent |
2 |
唯 | 唯一 (2) |
Solely, Only, Merely, Simply |
2 |
喜 | 喜び (2) |
Rejoice, Take Pleasure In |
2 |
避 | 回避 (2) |
Evade, Avoid, Avert, Ward Off, Shirk, Shun |
2 |
型 | 大型 (2) |
Mould, Type, Model |
2 |
阪 | 大阪 (2) |
Heights, Slope |
2 |
妄 | 妄想 (2) |
Delusion, Unnecessarily, Without Authority, Reckless |
2 |
膚 | 完膚なきまで (2) |
Skin, Body, Grain, Texture, Disposition |
2 |
寸 | 寸前 (2) |
Measurement, Tenth Of A Shaku, A Little, Small |
2 |
寿 | 寿司 (2) |
Longevity, Congratulations, One's Natural Life |
2 |
司 | 寿司 (2) |
Director, Official, Govt Office, Rule, Administer |
2 |
居 | 居残り (2) |
Reside, To Be, Exist, Live With |
2 |
延 | 延長戦 (2) |
Prolong, Stretching |
2 |
摩 | 志摩 (2) |
Chafe, Rub, Polish, Grind, Scrape |
2 |
恥 | 恥ずかしい (2) |
Shame, Dishonor |
2 |
群 | 抜群 (2) |
Flock, Group, Crowd, Herd, Swarm, Cluster |
2 |
略 | 攻略 (2) |
Abbreviation, Omission, Outline, Shorten, Capture, Plunder |
2 |
昔 | 昔 (2) |
Once Upon A Time, Antiquity, Old Times |
2 |
梁 | 梁 (2) |
Weir, Fish Trap, Beam, Girder |
2 |
没 | 没収 (2) |
Drown, Sink, Hide, Fall Into, Disappear, Die |
2 |
泊 | 泊まる (2) |
Overnight Stay, Put Up At, Ride At Anchor |
2 |
泣 | 泣く (2) |
Cry, Weep, Moan |
2 |
岸 | 海岸 (2) |
Beach |
2 |
蓋 | 火蓋 (2) |
Cover, Lid, Flap |
2 |
肉 | 焼き肉 (2) |
Meat |
2 |
猫 | 猫 (2) |
Cat |
2 |
揮 | 発揮 (2) |
Brandish, Wave, Wag, Swing, Shake |
2 |
皆 | 皆さん (2) |
All, Everything |
2 |
盗 | 盗む (2) |
Steal, Rob, Pilfer |
2 |
帆 | 真帆 (2) |
Sail |
2 |
港 | 空港 (2) |
Harbor |
2 |
豆 | 納豆 (2) |
Beans, Pea, Midget |
2 |
絞 | 絞め技 (2) |
Strangle, Constrict, Wring |
2 |
承 | 継承 (2) |
Acquiesce, Hear, Listen To, Be Informed, Receive |
2 |
継 | 継承 (2) |
Inherit, Succeed, Continue, Patch, Graft (tree) |
2 |
縁 | 縁 (2) |
Affinity, Relation, Connection, Edge, Border, Verge, Brink |
2 |
繋 | 繋ぐ (2) |
Tie, Fasten, Chain, Tether, Connect |
2 |
聖 | 聖者 (2) |
Holy, Saint, Sage, Master, Priest |
2 |
衝 | 衝撃 (2) |
Collide, Brunt, Highway, Opposition (astronomy), Thrust, Pierce, Stab, Prick |
2 |
模 | 規模 (2) |
Imitation, Copy, Mock |
2 |
規 | 規模 (2) |
Standard, Measure |
2 |
富 | 豊富 (2) |
Wealth, Enrich, Abundant |
2 |
豊 | 豊富 (2) |
Bountiful, Excellent, Rich |
2 |
豹 | 豹変 (2) |
Leopard, Panther |
2 |
絡 | 連絡 (2) |
Entwine, Coil Around, Get Caught In |
2 |
剰 | 過剰 (2) |
Surplus, Besides |
2 |
那 | 那覇 (2) |
What? |
2 |
崎 | 長崎 (2) |
Promontory, Cape, Spit |
2 |
御 | 防御 (2) |
Honorable, Manipulate, Govern |
2 |
陰 | 陰ながら (2) |
Shade, Yin, Negative, Sex Organs, Secret, Shadow |
2 |
陸 | 陸上部 (2) |
Land, Six |
2 |
震 | 震 (2) |
Quake, Shake, Tremble, Quiver, Shiver |
2 |
餌 | 餌食 (2) |
Food, Bait, Prey, Tempting Profit |
2 |
駅 | 駅 (2) |
Station |
2 |
鮭 | 鮭 (2) |
Salmon |
2 |
黍 | 黍 (2) |
Millet |
2 |
傷 | Wound, Hurt, Injure, Impair, Pain, Injury, Cut, Gash, Scar, Weak Point |
2 | |
層 | Stratum, Social Class, Layer, Story, Floor |
2 | |
息 | Breath, Respiration, Son, Interest (on Money) |
2 | |
懸 | State Of Suspension, Hang, Depend, Consult, Distant, Far Apart |
2 | |
般 | Carrier, Carry, All, General, Sort, Kind |
2 | |
蹴 | Kick |
2 | |
映 | Reflect, Reflection, Projection |
2 | |
滅 | Destroy, Ruin, Overthrow, Perish |
2 | |
並 | Row, And, Besides, As Well As, Line Up, Rank With, Rival, Equal |
2 | |
途 | Route, Way, Road |
2 | |
丸 | Round, Full (month), Perfection, -ship, Pills, Make Round, Roll Up, Curl Up, Seduce, Explain Away |
2 | |
板 | Plank, Board, Plate, Stage |
2 | |
刃 | Blade, Sword, Edge |
2 | |
統 | Overall, Relationship, Ruling, Governing |
2 | |
低 | Lower, Short, Humble |
2 | |
落 | Fall, Drop, Come Down, Village, Hamlet |
2 | |
計 | Plot, Plan, Scheme, Measure |
2 | |
倍 | Double, Twice, Times, Fold |
2 | |
修 | Discipline, Conduct Oneself Well, Study, Master |
2 | |
健 | Healthy, Health, Strength, Persistence |
2 | |
各 | Each, Every, Either |
2 | |
六 | Six |
2 | |
処 | Dispose, Manage, Deal With, Sentence, Condemn, Act, Behave, Place |
2 | |
創 | Genesis, Wound, Injury, Hurt, Start, Originate |
2 | |
効 | Merit, Efficacy, Efficiency, Benefit |
2 | |
厚 | Thick, Heavy, Rich, Kind, Cordial, Brazen, Shameless |
2 | |
堂 | Public Chamber, Hall |
2 | |
壊 | Demolition, Break, Destroy |
2 | |
院 | Inst., Institution, Temple, Mansion, School |
2 | |
柄 | Design, Pattern, Build, Nature, Character, Handle, Crank, Grip, Knob, Shaft |
2 | |
襲 | Attack, Advance On, Succeed To, Pile, Heap |
2 | |
独 | Single, Alone, Spontaneously, Germany |
2 | |
族 | Tribe, Family |
2 | |
赦 | Pardon, Forgiveness |
2 | |
広 | Wide, Broad, Spacious |
2 | |
島 | Island |
2 | |
序 | Preface, Beginning, Order, Precedence, Occasion, Chance, Incidentally |
2 | |
建 | Build |
2 | |
設 | Establishment, Provision, Prepare |
2 | |
影 | Shadow, Silhouette, Phantom |
2 | |
片 | One-sided, Leaf, Sheet, Right-side Kata Radical (no. 91) |
2 | |
構 | Posture, Build, Pretend |
2 | |
臓 | Entrails, Viscera, Bowels |
2 | |
忘 | Forget |
2 | |
尽 | Exhaust, Use Up, Run Out Of, Deplete, Befriend, Serve |
2 | |
触 | Contact, Touch, Feel, Hit, Proclaim, Announce, Conflict |
2 | |
握 | Grip, Hold, Mould Sushi, Bribe |
2 | |
招 | Beckon, Invite, Summon, Engage |
2 | |
輪 | Wheel, Ring, Circle, Link, Loop, Counter For Wheels And Flowers |
2 | |
推 | Conjecture, Infer, Guess, Suppose, Support, Push (for) |
2 | |
敢 | Daring, Brave, Bold, Sad, Tragic, Pitiful |
2 | |
旧 | Old Times, Old Things, Old Friend, Former, Ex- |
2 | |
栄 | Flourish, Prosperity, Honor, Glory, Splendor |
2 | |
光 | Ray, Light |
2 | |
養 | Foster, Bring Up, Rear, Develop, Nurture |
2 | |
舎 | Cottage, Inn, Hut, House, Mansion |
2 | |
株 | Stocks, Stump, Shares, Stock, Counter For Small Plants |
2 | |
拠 | Foothold, Based On, Follow, Therefore |
2 | |
歓 | Delight, Joy |
2 | |
殊 | Particularly, Especially, Exceptionally |
2 | |
殿 | Mr., Hall, Mansion, Palace, Temple, Lord |
2 | |
比 | Compare, Race, Ratio, Philippines |
2 | |
洗 | Wash, Inquire Into, Probe |
2 | |
潰 | Crush, Smash, Break, Dissipate |
2 | |
率 | Ratio, Rate, Proportion, %, Factor, Lead, Spearhead, Command |
2 | |
境 | Boundary, Border, Region |
2 | |
登 | Ascend, Climb Up |
2 | |
録 | Record |
2 | |
認 | Acknowledge, Witness, Discern, Recognize, Appreciate, Believe |
2 | |
米 | Rice, Usa, Metre |
2 | |
精 | Refined, Ghost, Fairy, Energy, Vitality, Semen, Excellence, Purity, Skill |
2 | |
細 | Dainty, Get Thin, Taper, Slender, Narrow, Detailed, Precise |
2 | |
論 | Argument, Discourse |
2 | |
緩 | Slacken, Loosen, Relax, Lessen, Be Moderate, Ease |
2 | |
繰 | Winding, Reel, Spin, Turn (pages), Look Up, Refer To |
2 | |
脚 | Skids, Leg, Undercarriage, Lower Part, Base |
2 | |
領 | Jurisdiction, Dominion, Territory, Fief, Reign |
2 | |
観 | Outlook, Look, Appearance, Condition, View |
2 | |
評 | Evaluate, Criticism, Comment |
2 | |
詰 | Packed, Close, Pressed, Reprove, Rebuke, Blame |
2 | |
誤 | Mistake, Err, Do Wrong, Mislead |
2 | |
購 | Subscription, Buy |
2 | |
赤 | Red |
2 | |
距 | Long-distance, Spur, Fetlock |
2 | |
軍 | Army, Force, Troops, War, Battle |
2 | |
辛 | Spicy, Bitter, Hot, Acrid |
2 | |
騒 | Boisterous, Make Noise, Clamor, Disturb, Excite |
2 | |
黄 | Yellow |
2 | |
鼻 | Nose, Snout |
2 | |
姉 | お姉 (1) |
Elder Sister |
1 |
披 | お披露目 (1) |
Expose, Open |
1 |
菓 | お菓子 (1) |
Candy, Cakes, Fruit |
1 |
詫 | お詫び (1) |
Apologize |
1 |
預 | お預け (1) |
Deposit, Custody, Leave With, Entrust To |
1 |
愁 | ご愁傷様 (1) |
Distress, Grieve, Lament, Be Anxious |
1 |
馳 | ご馳走 (1) |
Run, Gallop, Sail, Drive (a Wagon), Win (fame), Despatch |
1 |
草 | ほうれん草 (1) |
Grass, Weeds, Herbs, Pasture, Write, Draft |
1 |
矢 | 一矢 (1) |
Dart, Arrow |
1 |
筋 | 一筋縄 (1) |
Muscle, Sinew, Tendon, Fiber, Plot, Plan, Descent |
1 |
粒 | 一粒 (1) |
Grains, Drop, Counter For Tiny Particles |
1 |
与 | 与え (1) |
Bestow, Participate In, Give, Award, Impart, Provide, Cause, Gift, Godsend |
1 |
且 | 且 (1) |
Moreover, Also, Furthermore |
1 |
催 | 主催 (1) |
Sponsor, Hold (a Meeting), Give (a Dinner) |
1 |
九 | 九州人 (1) |
Nine |
1 |
測 | 予測 (1) |
Fathom, Plan, Scheme, Measure |
1 |
項 | 事項 (1) |
Paragraph, Nape Of Neck, Clause, Item, Term (expression) |
1 |
枚 | 二枚看板 (1) |
Sheet Of..., Counter For Flat Thin Objects Or Sheets |
1 |
看 | 二枚看板 (1) |
Watch Over, See |
1 |
亭 | 亭 (1) |
Pavilion, Restaurant, Mansion, Arbor, Cottage, Vaudeville, Music Hall, Stage Name |
1 |
討 | 仇を討つ (1) |
Chastise, Attack, Defeat, Destroy, Conquer |
1 |
仇 | 仇を討つ (1) |
Foe, Enemy, Revenge, Grudge, Feud |
1 |
仏 | 仏 (1) |
Buddha, The Dead, France |
1 |
添 | 付き添い (1) |
Annexed, Accompany, Marry, Suit, Meet, Satisfy, Attach, Append, Garnish, Imitate |
1 |
箋 | 付箋 (1) |
Paper, Label, Letter, Composition |
1 |
降 | 以降 (1) |
Descend, Precipitate, Fall, Surrender |
1 |
捌 | 体捌き (1) |
Handle, Deal With, Dispose Of, Sell, Be In Demand, Be Worldly, Be Frank, Be Sensible, Be Sociable, Drainage, Sale, Demand For, Eight |
1 |
罰 | 体罰 (1) |
Penalty, Punishment |
1 |
韻 | 余韻 (1) |
Rhyme, Elegance, Tone |
1 |
佳 | 佳い (1) |
Excellent, Beautiful, Good, Pleasing, Skilled |
1 |
便 | 便利 (1) |
Convenience, Facility, Excrement, Feces, Letter, Chance |
1 |
庫 | 倉庫 (1) |
Warehouse, Storehouse |
1 |
倉 | 倉庫 (1) |
Godown, Warehouse, Storehouse, Cellar, Treasury |
1 |
借 | 借り (1) |
Borrow, Rent |
1 |
偉 | 偉そう (1) |
Admirable, Greatness, Remarkable, Conceited, Famous, Excellent |
1 |
康 | 健康 (1) |
Ease, Peace |
1 |
僅 | 僅か (1) |
A Wee Bit |
1 |
八 | 八面六臂 (1) |
Eight, Eight Radical (no. 12) |
1 |
臂 | 八面六臂 (1) |
Elbow |
1 |
其 | 其 (1) |
That |
1 |
裂 | 分裂 (1) |
Split, Rend, Tear |
1 |
削 | 削る (1) |
Plane, Sharpen, Whittle, Pare, Shave |
1 |
造 | 創造 (1) |
Create, Make, Structure, Physique |
1 |
劣 | 劣勢 (1) |
Inferiority, Be Inferior To, Be Worse |
1 |
励 | 励む (1) |
Encourage, Be Diligent, Inspire |
1 |
勃 | 勃発 (1) |
Suddenness, Rise |
1 |
務 | 務める (1) |
Task, Duties |
1 |
勧 | 勧誘 (1) |
Persuade, Recommend, Advise, Encourage, Offer |
1 |
匂 | 匂い (1) |
Fragrant, Stink, Glow, Insinuate, (kokuji) |
1 |
区 | 区立 (1) |
Ward, District |
1 |
怯 | 卑怯 (1) |
Cowardice, Wince, Flinch, Hesitate, Waver |
1 |
卑 | 卑怯 (1) |
Lowly, Base, Vile, Vulgar |
1 |
象 | 印象 (1) |
Elephant, Pattern After, Imitate, Image, Shape, Sign (of The Times) |
1 |
省 | 反省文 (1) |
Focus, Government Ministry, Conserve |
1 |
図 | 合図 (1) |
Map, Drawing, Plan, Extraordinary, Audacious |
1 |
僚 | 同僚 (1) |
Colleague, Official, Companion |
1 |
盟 | 同盟 (1) |
Alliance, Oath |
1 |
吐 | 吐き気 (1) |
Spit, Vomit, Belch, Confess, Tell (lies) |
1 |
吸 | 吸収 (1) |
Suck, Imbibe, Inhale, Sip |
1 |
吹 | 吹っ飛ぶ (1) |
Blow, Breathe, Puff, Emit, Smoke |
1 |
辺 | 周辺 (1) |
Environs, Boundary, Border, Vicinity |
1 |
恩 | 命の恩人 (1) |
Grace, Kindness, Goodness, Favor, Mercy, Blessing, Benefit |
1 |
拾 | 命拾い (1) |
Pick Up, Gather, Find, Go On Foot, Ten |
1 |
答 | 問答無用 (1) |
Solution, Answer |
1 |
善 | 善用 (1) |
Virtuous, Good, Goodness |
1 |
喧 | 喧嘩 (1) |
Noisy, Boisterous |
1 |
嘩 | 喧嘩 (1) |
Noisy |
1 |
嗣 | 嗣 (1) |
Heir, Succeed |
1 |
嘘 | 嘘 (1) |
Lie, Falsehood |
1 |
城 | 城 (1) |
Castle |
1 |
塗 | 塗る (1) |
Paint, Plaster, Daub, Smear, Coating |
1 |
塩 | 塩 (1) |
Salt |
1 |
河 | 大河 (1) |
River |
1 |
跡 | 奇跡 (1) |
Tracks, Mark, Print, Impression |
1 |
奴 | 奴 (1) |
Guy, Slave, Manservant, Fellow |
1 |
孤 | 孤独 (1) |
Orphan, Alone |
1 |
宙 | 宇宙 (1) |
Mid-air, Air, Space, Sky, Memorization, Interval Of Time |
1 |
宇 | 宇宙 (1) |
Eaves, Roof, House, Heaven |
1 |
暮 | 実家暮らし (1) |
Evening, Twilight, Season's End, Livelihood, Make A Living, Spend Time |
1 |
質 | 実質 (1) |
Substance, Quality, Matter, Temperament |
1 |
践 | 実践 (1) |
Tread, Step On, Trample, Practice, Carry Through |
1 |
誓 | 宣誓 (1) |
Vow, Swear, Pledge |
1 |
宵 | 宵 (1) |
Wee Hours, Evening, Early Night |
1 |
床 | 寝床 (1) |
Bed, Counter For Beds, Floor, Padding, Tatami |
1 |
寮 | 寮 (1) |
Dormitory, Hostel, Villa, Tea Pavillion |
1 |
封 | 封じる (1) |
Seal, Closing |
1 |
尋 | 尋常 (1) |
Inquire, Fathom, Look For |
1 |
就 | 就任 (1) |
Concerning, Settle, Take Position, Depart, Study, Per |
1 |
尻 | 尻込み (1) |
Buttocks, Hips, Butt, Rear |
1 |
賊 | 山賊 (1) |
Burglar, Rebel, Traitor, Robber |
1 |
峰 | 峰 (1) |
Summit, Peak |
1 |
漢 | 巨漢 (1) |
Sino-, China |
1 |
巨 | 巨漢 (1) |
Gigantic, Big, Large, Great |
1 |
巽 | 巽 (1) |
Southeast |
1 |
布 | 布石 (1) |
Linen, Cloth, Spread, Distribute |
1 |
席 | 席 (1) |
Seat, Mat, Occasion, Place |
1 |
幕 | 幕開け (1) |
Curtain, Bunting, Act Of Play |
1 |
均 | 平均 (1) |
Level, Average |
1 |
庵 | 庵 (1) |
Hermitage, Retreat |
1 |
廊 | 廊下 (1) |
Corridor, Hall, Tower |
1 |
弟 | 弟子 (1) |
Younger Brother, Faithful Service To Elders |
1 |
弾 | 弾み (1) |
Bullet, Twang, Flip, Snap |
1 |
響 | 影響 (1) |
Echo, Sound, Resound, Ring, Vibrate |
1 |
割 | 役割 (1) |
Proportion, Comparatively, Divide, Cut, Separate, Split |
1 |
徐 | 徐々に (1) |
Gradually, Slowly, Deliberately, Gently |
1 |
従 | 従う (1) |
Accompany, Obey, Submit To, Comply, Follow, Secondary, Incidental, Subordinate |
1 |
微 | 微妙 (1) |
Delicate, Minuteness, Insignificance |
1 |
忙 | 忙しい (1) |
Busy, Occupied, Restless |
1 |
描 | 思い描く (1) |
Sketch, Compose, Write, Draw, Paint |
1 |
恐 | 恐るべし (1) |
Fear, Dread, Awe |
1 |
恒 | 恒例 (1) |
Constancy, Always |
1 |
遣 | 息遣い (1) |
Dispatch, Despatch, Send, Give, Donate, Do, Undertake |
1 |
悲 | 悲願 (1) |
Grieve, Sad, Deplore, Regret |
1 |
悶 | 悶着 (1) |
Be In Agony, Worry |
1 |
惨 | 惨敗 (1) |
Wretched, Disaster, Cruelty, Harsh |
1 |
慈 | 慈愛 (1) |
Mercy |
1 |
慰 | 慰め (1) |
Consolation, Amusement, Seduce, Cheer, Make Sport Of, Comfort, Console |
1 |
戀 | 戀 (1) |
In Love, Yearn For, Miss, Darling |
1 |
戸 | 戸 (1) |
Door, Counter For Houses, Door Radical (no. 63) |
1 |
蔵 | 所蔵 (1) |
Storehouse, Hide, Own, Have, Possess |
1 |
詮 | 所詮 (1) |
Discussion, Methods Called For, Selection, Result |
1 |
助 | 手助け (1) |
Help, Rescue, Assist |
1 |
扱 | 扱い (1) |
Handle, Entertain, Thresh, Strip |
1 |
把 | 把握 (1) |
Grasp, Faggot, Bunch, Counter For Bundles |
1 |
駆 | 抜け駆け (1) |
Drive, Run, Gallop, Advance, Inspire, Impel |
1 |
擢 | 抜擢 (1) |
Excel In, Surpass, Pull Out, Select |
1 |
抵 | 抵抗 (1) |
Resist, Reach, Touch |
1 |
希 | 拡散希望 (1) |
Hope, Beg, Request, Pray, Beseech, Greece, Dilute (acid), Rare, Few, Phenomenal |
1 |
拮 | 拮抗 (1) |
Be Imminent |
1 |
示 | 指示 (1) |
Show, Indicate, Point Out, Express, Display |
1 |
挙 | 挙 (1) |
Raise, Plan, Project, Behavior, Actions |
1 |
奨 | 推奨 (1) |
Exhort, Urge, Encourage |
1 |
薦 | 推薦 (1) |
Recommend, Mat, Advise, Encourage, Offer |
1 |
搬 | 搬入 (1) |
Conveyor, Carry, Transport |
1 |
障 | 故障 (1) |
Hinder, Hurt, Harm |
1 |
敏 | 敏感 (1) |
Cleverness, Agile, Alert |
1 |
科 | 教科 (1) |
Department, Course, Section |
1 |
斜 | 斜め (1) |
Diagonal, Slanting, Oblique |
1 |
斤 | 斤 (1) |
Axe, 1.32 Lb, Catty, Counter For Loaves Of Bread, Axe Radical (no. 69) |
1 |
斬 | 斬新 (1) |
Beheading, Kill, Murder |
1 |
旋 | 旋風 (1) |
Rotation, Go Around |
1 |
姓 | 旧姓 (1) |
Surname |
1 |
昂 | 昂り (1) |
Rise |
1 |
季 | 春季 (1) |
Seasons |
1 |
暑 | 暑い (1) |
Sultry, Hot, Summer Heat |
1 |
暗 | 暗い (1) |
Darkness, Disappear, Shade, Informal, Grow Dark, Be Blinded |
1 |
暴 | 暴力 (1) |
Outburst, Rave, Fret, Force, Violence, Cruelty, Outrage |
1 |
曇 | 曇 (1) |
Cloudy Weather, Cloud Up |
1 |
机 | 机 (1) |
Desk, Table |
1 |
松 | 松原 (1) |
Pine Tree |
1 |
林 | 林間学校 (1) |
Grove, Forest |
1 |
根 | 根拠 (1) |
Root, Radical, Head (pimple) |
1 |
楯 | 楯 (1) |
Shield, Buckler, Pretext |
1 |
樹 | 樹雨 (1) |
Timber, Trees, Wood, Establish, Set Up |
1 |
迎 | 歓迎会 (1) |
Welcome, Meet, Greet |
1 |
歪 | 歪 (1) |
Warp, Bend, Strained, Distort |
1 |
歯 | 歯 (1) |
Tooth, Cog |
1 |
較 | 比較 (1) |
Contrast, Compare |
1 |
求 | 求め (1) |
Request, Want, Wish For, Require, Demand |
1 |
泡 | 泡 (1) |
Bubbles, Foam, Suds, Froth |
1 |
濯 | 洗濯 (1) |
Laundry, Wash, Pour On, Rinse |
1 |
浮 | 浮いた (1) |
Floating, Float, Rise To Surface |
1 |
耗 | 消耗 (1) |
Decrease |
1 |
混 | 混 (1) |
Mix, Blend, Confuse |
1 |
渡 | 渡す (1) |
Transit, Ford, Ferry, Cross, Import, Deliver, Diameter, Migrate |
1 |
湖 | 湖 (1) |
Lake |
1 |
湾 | 湾 (1) |
Gulf, Bay, Inlet |
1 |
塁 | 満塁 (1) |
Bases, Fort, Rampart, Walls, Base(ball) |
1 |
溺 | 溺れる (1) |
Drown, Indulge |
1 |
滑 | 滑り出し (1) |
Slippery, Slide, Slip, Flunk |
1 |
滴 | 滴 (1) |
Drip, Drop |
1 |
漏 | 漏れ (1) |
Leak, Escape, Time |
1 |
漬 | 漬け焼き (1) |
Pickling, Soak, Moisten, Steep |
1 |
潜 | 潜り込む (1) |
Submerge, Conceal, Hide, Lower (voice), Hush |
1 |
灰 | 灰色 (1) |
Ashes, Puckery Juice, Cremate |
1 |
駄 | 無駄 (1) |
Burdensome, Pack Horse, Horse Load, Send By Horse, Trivial, Worthless |
1 |
焦 | 焦り (1) |
Char, Hurry, Impatient, Irritate, Burn, Scorch, Singe |
1 |
煽 | 煽る (1) |
Fan, Flap, Instigate, Agitate, Bolster Up, Gulp Down |
1 |
熟 | 熟 (1) |
Mellow, Ripen, Mature, Acquire Skill |
1 |
症 | 熱中症 (1) |
Symptoms, Illness |
1 |
烈 | 熾烈 (1) |
Ardent, Violent, Vehement, Furious, Severe, Extreme |
1 |
熾 | 熾烈 (1) |
Kindling Fire |
1 |
燦 | 燦 (1) |
Brilliant |
1 |
爆 | 爆発 (1) |
Bomb, Burst Open, Pop, Split |
1 |
訓 | 特訓 (1) |
Instruction, Japanese Character Reading, Explanation, Read |
1 |
獲 | 獲れる (1) |
Seize, Get, Find, Earn, Acquire, Can, May, Able To |
1 |
王 | 王者 (1) |
King, Rule, Magnate |
1 |
珍 | 珍しい (1) |
Rare, Curious, Strange |
1 |
班 | 班 (1) |
Squad, Corps, Unit, Group |
1 |
環 | 環境 (1) |
Ring, Circle, Link, Wheel |
1 |
酸 | 甘酸っぱい (1) |
Acid, Bitterness, Sour, Tart |
1 |
涯 | 生涯 (1) |
Horizon, Shore, Limit, Bound |
1 |
甲 | 甲斐 (1) |
Armor, High (voice), A Grade, First Class, Former, Instep, Carapace |
1 |
斐 | 甲斐 (1) |
Beautiful, Patterned |
1 |
請 | 申請 (1) |
Solicit, Invite, Ask |
1 |
疑 | 疑問 (1) |
Doubt, Distrust, Be Suspicious, Question |
1 |
掘 | 発掘 (1) |
Dig, Delve, Excavate |
1 |
百 | 百倍 (1) |
Hundred |
1 |
皮 | 皮 (1) |
Pelt, Skin, Hide, Leather, Skin Radical (no. 107) |
1 |
眼 | 眼中にない (1) |
Eyeball |
1 |
硬 | 硬い (1) |
Stiff, Hard |
1 |
磯 | 磯 (1) |
Seashore, Beach |
1 |
儀 | 礼儀 (1) |
Ceremony, Rule, Affair, Case, A Matter |
1 |
移 | 移行 (1) |
Shift, Move, Change, Drift, Catch (cold, Fire), Pass Into |
1 |
種 | 種類 (1) |
Species, Kind, Class, Variety, Seed |
1 |
積 | 積み重ね (1) |
Volume, Product (x*y), Acreage, Contents, Pile Up, Stack, Load, Amass |
1 |
穴 | 穴 (1) |
Hole, Aperture, Slit, Cave, Den |
1 |
究 | 究極 (1) |
Research, Study |
1 |
読 | 空気読めない (1) |
Read |
1 |
章 | 章 (1) |
Badge, Chapter, Composition, Poem, Design |
1 |
笛 | 笛 (1) |
Flute, Clarinet, Pipe, Whistle, Bagpipe, Piccolo |
1 |
筮 | 筮 (1) |
(water) Divining Equipment |
1 |
曲 | 紆余曲折 (1) |
Bend, Music, Melody, Composition, Pleasure, Injustice, Fault, Curve, Crooked, Perverse, Lean |
1 |
紆 | 紆余曲折 (1) |
Crouch |
1 |
粋 | 純粋 (1) |
Chic, Style, Purity, Essence, Pith, Cream, Elite, Choice |
1 |
純 | 純粋 (1) |
Genuine, Purity, Innocence, Net (profit) |
1 |
営 | 経営者 (1) |
Occupation, Camp, Perform, Build, Conduct (business) |
1 |
維 | 維持 (1) |
Fiber, Tie, Rope |
1 |
縞 | 縞 (1) |
Stripe |
1 |
縦 | 縦四方固め (1) |
Vertical, Length, Height, Self-indulgent, Wayward |
1 |
縫 | 縫い付ける (1) |
Sew, Stitch, Embroider |
1 |
羨 | 羨ましい (1) |
Envious, Be Jealous, Covet |
1 |
翻 | 翻弄 (1) |
Flip, Turn Over, Wave, Flutter, Change (mind) |
1 |
弄 | 翻弄 (1) |
Play With, Tamper, Trifle With |
1 |
老 | 老 (1) |
Old Man, Old Age, Grow Old |
1 |
耐 | 耐える (1) |
-proof, Enduring |
1 |
肌 | 肌 (1) |
Texture, Skin, Body, Grain |
1 |
胃 | 胃潰瘍 (1) |
Stomach, Paunch, Crop, Craw |
1 |
瘍 | 胃潰瘍 (1) |
Swelling, Boil, Tumor |
1 |
脈 | 脈 (1) |
Vein, Pulse, Hope |
1 |
脱 | 脱走 (1) |
Undress, Removing, Escape From, Get Rid Of, Be Left Out, Take Off |
1 |
腸 | 腸 (1) |
Intestines, Guts, Bowels, Viscera |
1 |
膝 | 膝 (1) |
Knee, Lap |
1 |
膠 | 膠着 (1) |
Glue, Isinglass |
1 |
臆 | 臆病 (1) |
Timidity, Heart, Mind, Fear, Cowardly |
1 |
病 | 臆病 (1) |
Ill, Sick |
1 |
臨 | 臨み (1) |
Look To, Face, Meet, Confront, Attend, Call On |
1 |
己 | 自己 (1) |
Self |
1 |
芸 | 芸 (1) |
Technique, Art, Craft, Performance, Acting, Trick, Stunt |
1 |
苗 | 苗 (1) |
Seedling, Sapling, Shoot |
1 |
干 | 若干 (1) |
Dry, Parch, Ebb, Recede, Interfere, Intercede |
1 |
英 | 英語 (1) |
England, English, Hero, Outstanding, Calyx |
1 |
茅 | 茅 (1) |
Miscanthus Reed |
1 |
荒 | 荒波 (1) |
Laid Waste, Rough, Rude, Wild |
1 |
華 | 華麗 (1) |
Splendor, Flower, Petal, Shine, Luster, Ostentatious, Showy, Gay, Gorgeous |
1 |
蚊 | 蚊 (1) |
Mosquito |
1 |
彰 | 表彰台 (1) |
Patent, Clear |
1 |
視 | 視察 (1) |
Inspection, Regard As, See, Look At |
1 |
譲 | 親譲り (1) |
Defer, Turnover, Transfer, Convey |
1 |
憶 | 記憶 (1) |
Recollection, Think, Remember |
1 |
価 | 評価 (1) |
Value, Price |
1 |
該 | 該 (1) |
Above-stated, The Said, That Specific |
1 |
誕 | 誕生日 (1) |
Nativity, Be Born, Declension, Lie, Be Arbitrary |
1 |
彙 | 語彙力 (1) |
Same Kind, Collect, Classify, Category, Hedgehog |
1 |
講 | 講 (1) |
Lecture, Club, Association |
1 |
谷 | 谷間 (1) |
Valley |
1 |
豚 | 豚カツ (1) |
Pork, Pig |
1 |
献 | 貢献 (1) |
Offering, Counter For Drinks, Present, Offer |
1 |
貢 | 貢献 (1) |
Tribute, Support, Finance |
1 |
貫 | 貫 (1) |
Pierce, 8 1/3lbs, Penetrate, Brace |
1 |
貸 | 貸してあげる (1) |
Lend |
1 |
費 | 費 (1) |
Expense, Cost, Spend, Consume, Waste |
1 |
贅 | 贅 (1) |
Luxury |
1 |
踊 | 踊り (1) |
Jump, Dance, Leap, Skip |
1 |
踏 | 踏み出す (1) |
Step, Trample, Carry Through, Appraise, Evade Payment |
1 |
躇 | 躊躇 (1) |
Hesitate |
1 |
躊 | 躊躇 (1) |
Hesitate |
1 |
隊 | 軍隊 (1) |
Regiment, Party, Company, Squad |
1 |
轟 | 轟く (1) |
Roar, Thunder, Boom Resound |
1 |
辞 | 辞書 (1) |
Resign, Word, Term, Expression |
1 |
征 | 遠征 (1) |
Subjugate, Attack The Rebellious, Collect Taxes |
1 |
置 | 配置 (1) |
Placement, Put, Set, Deposit, Leave Behind, Keep, Employ, Pawn |
1 |
酒 | 酒 (1) |
Sake, Alcohol |
1 |
醜 | 醜態 (1) |
Ugly, Unclean, Shame, Bad Looking |
1 |
荷 | 重荷 (1) |
Baggage, Shoulder-pole Load, Bear (a Burden), Shoulder (a Gun), Load, Cargo, Freight |
1 |
融 | 金融 (1) |
Dissolve, Melt |
1 |
鍛 | 鍛え (1) |
Forge, Discipline, Train |
1 |
闇 | 闇雲 (1) |
Get Dark, Gloom, Disorder |
1 |
随 | 随一 (1) |
Follow, Though, Notwithstanding, While, During, Both, All, Obey, Submit To, Comply, At The Mercy Of (the Waves) |
1 |
叫 | 雄叫び (1) |
Shout, Exclaim, Yell |
1 |
雄 | 雄叫び (1) |
Masculine, Male, Hero, Leader, Superiority, Excellence |
1 |
難 | 難しさ (1) |
Difficult, Impossible, Trouble, Accident, Defect |
1 |
囲 | 雰囲気 (1) |
Surround, Besiege, Store, Paling, Enclosure, Encircle, Preserve, Keep |
1 |
雰 | 雰囲気 (1) |
Atmosphere, Fog |
1 |
森 | 青森 (1) |
Forest, Woods |
1 |
韓 | 韓国 (1) |
Korea |
1 |
域 | 領域 (1) |
Range, Region, Limits, Stage, Level |
1 |
顎 | 顎 (1) |
Jaw, Chin, Gill |
1 |
紀 | 風紀 (1) |
Chronicle, Account, Narrative, History, Annals, Geologic Period |
1 |
酔 | 飛行機酔い (1) |
Drunk, Feel Sick, Poisoned, Elated, Spellbound |
1 |
機 | 飛行機酔い (1) |
Loom, Mechanism, Machine, Airplane, Opportunity, Potency, Efficacy, Occasion |
1 |
飽 | 飽かず (1) |
Sated, Tired Of, Bored, Satiate |
1 |
香 | 香香 (1) |
Incense, Smell, Perfume |
1 |
驚 | 驚き (1) |
Wonder, Be Surprised, Frightened, Amazed |
1 |
揚 | 高揚感 (1) |
Raise, Elevate, Hoist, Praise, Extol, Fry In Deep Fat |
1 |
魅 | 魅力的 (1) |
Fascination, Charm, Bewitch |
1 |
鶏 | 鶏 (1) |
Chicken |
1 |