Kanji Meanings
This is an experimental page for viewing kanji in a series. It is likely to change.
Unique kanji: 1,124
Total kanji: 12,370
Kanji | Words | Meaning | Frequency |
人 | 御家人 (50), 二人 (46), 人 (25), 四人 (22), 美人 (20), 一人 (13), 異人 (11), 和人 (10), 三人 (7), 人間 (7), 人数 (6), 愛人 (6), 日本人 (6), 町人 (6), この人 (5), 人々 (5), たった一人 (4), 人生 (4), 人違い (4), 職人 (4), あの人 (3), 人物 (3), 人目 (3), 人達 (3), 女の人 (3), 本人 (3), 知識人 (3), 達人 (3), 一人で (2), 二人共 (2), 人徳 (2), 人望 (2), 人知れず (2), 人脈 (2), 他人 (2), 偉い人 (2), 商人 (2), 夷人 (2), 恩人 (2), 浪人 (2), 犯罪人 (2), 罪人 (2), アメリカ人 (1), いい人 (1), 一人占め (1), 二人きり (1), 二人目 (1), 人だかり (1), 人となり (1), 人の口 (1), 人より (1), 人材 (1), 人殺し (1), 人気 (1), 人気がある (1), 人通り (1), 他人事 (1), 仲人 (1), 助っ人 (1), 友人 (1), 大人数 (1), 幾人か (1), 当の本人 (1), 役人 (1), 御人好し (1), 恋人 (1), 死人 (1), 犯人捜し (1) |
Person |
339 |
俺 | I, Myself |
286 | |
生 | Life, Genuine, Birth |
193 | |
先 | Before, Ahead, Previous, Future, Precedence |
182 | |
上 | Above, Up |
172 | |
父 | Father |
147 | |
者 | 者 (45), 拙者 (20), 何者 (7), 無礼者 (6), 著者 (6), 回答者 (5), 発行者 (5), 著作者 (5), 若者 (4), 使者 (3), 何者か (2), 作者 (2), 働き者 (2), 出版者 (2), 医者 (2), 幸せ者 (2), 慰み者 (2), 曲者 (2), ばか者 (1), 主謀者 (1), 使いの者 (1), 偽者 (1), 利用者 (1), 卑怯者 (1), 参加者 (1), 弱い者 (1), 忍者 (1), 教育者 (1), 有力者 (1), 果報者 (1), 業者 (1), 死傷者 (1), 無能者 (1), 申請者 (1), 相談者 (1), 臆病者 (1), 被害者 (1), 責任者 (1), 間者 (1) |
Someone, Person |
143 |
一 | 一人 (13), 第一 (12), 一つ (8), 一番 (7), 一部 (7), たった一人 (4), 一刻も早く (4), 一生 (4), もう一度 (3), 一度 (3), 一突き (3), 一階 (3), 今一度 (3), 何一つ (3), 一人で (2), 一千石 (2), 一夜 (2), 一室 (2), 一年 (2), 一方 (2), 一時 (2), 一晩中 (2), 一棟 (2), 一泊 (2), 一生に一度 (2), 一般 (2), 天下第一 (2), もう一つ (1), 一に (1), 一万 (1), 一人占め (1), 一幕 (1), 一度に (1), 一度も (1), 一度目 (1), 一心 (1), 一応 (1), 一方的 (1), 一日置き (1), 一旦 (1), 一晩 (1), 一朝一夕 (1), 一本 (1), 一杯 (1), 一派 (1), 一番手 (1), 一目 (1), 一目瞭然 (1), 一筋 (1), 一緒に (1), 一苦労 (1), 一身 (1), 今一つ (1), 唯一 (1), 天下一品 (1), 精一杯 (1) |
One, One Radical (no.1) |
132 |
家 | House, Home, Family, Professional, Expert, Performer |
131 | |
私 | Private, I, Me |
127 | |
本 | Book, Present, Main, Origin, True, Real, Counter For Long Cylindrical Things |
124 | |
無 | 無い (18), 無理 (15), 無礼 (12), 無念 (7), 無断で (6), 無礼者 (6), 無視 (6), 面目無い (5), 無事 (3), 無し (2), 無しで (2), 無口 (2), 無役 (2), 無念を晴らす (2), 無惨 (2), 無理やり (2), 無理強い (2), 無駄 (2), 筈が無い (2), こと無く (1), それは無い (1), またと無い (1), わけが無い (1), 台無し (1), 心無い (1), 必要無い (1), 情け無い (1), 無けりゃ (1), 無しに (1), 無事に (1), 無体 (1), 無名 (1), 無意識 (1), 無慈悲 (1), 無断 (1), 無期 (1), 無様 (1), 無理もない (1), 無用 (1), 無能者 (1), 無謀 (1) |
Nothingness, None, Ain't, Nothing, Nil, Not |
120 |
大 | 大好き (17), 大丈夫 (14), 大老 (12), 大きな (10), 大変 (6), 大切 (5), 大勢 (4), 大喜び (4), 大きく (3), 大事 (3), 大笑い (3), 大事件 (2), 大嫌い (2), 大怪我 (2), 大罪 (2), 大金 (2), 大騒ぎ (2), 盛大 (2), お大事に (1), 偉大 (1), 器が大きい (1), 大いに (1), 大きい (1), 大の男 (1), 大の苦手 (1), 大乗り気 (1), 大人数 (1), 大分 (1), 大名 (1), 大坂 (1), 大声 (1), 大奥 (1), 大手柄 (1), 大暴れ (1), 大正解 (1), 大混乱 (1), 大物 (1), 大統領 (1), 大違い (1), 大騒動 (1), 安政の大獄 (1), 最大 (1) |
Large, Big |
119 |
今 | Now |
114 | |
行 | Going, Journey, Carry Out, Conduct, Act, Line, Row, Bank |
99 | |
女 | Woman, Female |
97 | |
姉 | Elder Sister |
89 | |
勝 | Victory, Win, Prevail, Excel |
84 | |
子 | Child, Sign Of The Rat, 11pm-1am, First Sign Of Chinese Zodiac |
84 | |
日 | 日 (9), 日本国 (7), 日本 (6), 日本人 (6), ある日 (4), 二十日 (4), その日 (3), 平日 (3), 日光 (3), 日本製 (3), 発行日 (3), 二日 (2), 十日 (2), 日々 (2), 昨日 (2), 毎日 (2), 連日 (2), 一日置き (1), 三日 (1), 休日 (1), 先の日 (1), 六日 (1), 十五日 (1), 命日 (1), 夕日 (1), 当日 (1), 日の本 (1), 日付 (1), 日曜 (1), 日曜日 (1), 日本的 (1), 日頃 (1), 朝日 (1), 本日 (1), 毎日のように (1), 火曜日 (1), 翌日 (1), 駐日 (1) |
Day, Sun, Japan, Counter For Days |
84 |
二 | Two, Two Radical (no. 7) |
78 | |
昭 | Shining, Bright |
76 | |
目 | Eye, Class, Look, Insight, Experience, Care, Favor |
70 | |
御 | Honorable, Manipulate, Govern |
66 | |
次 | Next, Order, Sequence |
64 | |
藩 | Clan, Enclosure |
64 | |
士 | Gentleman, Scholar, Samurai, Samurai Radical (no. 33) |
64 | |
手 | Hand |
63 | |
話 | Tale, Talk |
62 | |
屋 | Roof, House, Shop, Dealer, Seller |
62 | |
場 | Location, Place |
61 | |
分 | Part, Minute Of Time, Segment, Share, Degree, One's Lot, Duty, Understand, Know, Rate, 1%, Chances, Shaku/100 |
60 | |
何 | What |
60 | |
所 | Place, Extent |
59 | |
対 | Vis-a-vis, Opposite, Even, Equal, Versus, Anti-, Compare |
58 | |
度 | Degrees, Occurrence, Time, Counter For Occurrences, Consider, Attitude |
58 | |
殿 | Mr., Hall, Mansion, Palace, Temple, Lord |
56 | |
決 | Decide, Fix, Agree Upon, Appoint |
56 | |
旗 | 旗本 (53) |
National Flag, Banner, Standard |
53 |
共 | Together, Both, Neither, All, And, Alike, With |
53 | |
思 | Think |
52 | |
娘 | Daughter, Girl |
51 | |
男 | Male |
51 | |
出 | Exit, Leave, Go Out, Come Out, Put Out, Protrude |
51 | |
時 | Time, Hour |
50 | |
気 | Spirit, Mind, Air, Atmosphere, Mood |
47 | |
事 | Matter, Thing, Fact, Business, Reason, Possibly |
47 | |
全 | Whole, Entire, All, Complete, Fulfill |
46 | |
心 | Heart, Mind, Spirit, Heart Radical (no. 61) |
46 | |
合 | Fit, Suit, Join, 0.1 |
46 | |
絶 | Discontinue, Sever, Cut Off, Abstain, Interrupt, Suppress, Be Beyond, Without Match, Peerless, Unparalleled |
45 | |
見 | See, Hopes, Chances, Idea, Opinion, Look At, Visible |
43 | |
顔 | Face, Expression |
42 | |
言 | Say, Word |
42 | |
誰 | Who, Someone, Somebody |
41 | |
作 | Make, Production, Prepare, Build |
41 | |
兄 | Elder Brother, Big Brother |
40 | |
学 | Study, Learning, Science |
40 | |
部 | Section, Bureau, Dept, Class, Copy, Part, Portion, Counter For Copies Of A Newspaper Or Magazine |
40 | |
好 | Fond, Pleasing, Like Something |
40 | |
様 | Esq., Way, Manner, Situation, Polite Suffix |
40 | |
下 | Below, Down, Descend, Give, Low, Inferior |
40 | |
身 | Somebody, Person, One's Station In Life |
39 | |
書 | Write |
39 | |
祖 | Ancestor, Pioneer, Founder |
38 | |
持 | Hold, Have |
38 | |
間 | Interval, Space |
38 | |
内 | Inside, Within, Between, Among, House, Home |
38 | |
方 | Direction, Person, Alternative |
38 | |
戸 | Door, Counter For Houses, Door Radical (no. 63) |
37 | |
発 | Departure, Discharge, Publish, Emit, Start From, Disclose, Counter For Gunshots |
37 | |
当 | Hit, Right, Appropriate, Himself |
37 | |
必 | Invariably, Certain, Inevitable |
36 | |
為 | Do, Change, Make, Benefit, Welfare, Be Of Use, Reach To, Try, Practice, Cost, Serve As, Good, Advantage, As A Result Of |
36 | |
討 | Chastise, Attack, Defeat, Destroy, Conquer |
36 | |
自 | Oneself |
36 | |
違 | Difference, Differ |
36 | |
真 | True, Reality, Buddhist Sect |
35 | |
武 | Warrior, Military, Chivalry, Arms |
35 | |
理 | Logic, Arrangement, Reason, Justice, Truth |
35 | |
郎 | Son, Counter For Sons |
34 | |
礼 | Salute, Bow, Ceremony, Thanks, Remuneration |
34 | |
会 | Meeting, Meet, Party, Association, Interview, Join |
34 | |
水 | Water |
33 | |
命 | Fate, Command, Decree, Destiny, Life, Appoint |
33 | |
死 | Death, Die |
33 | |
親 | Parent, Intimacy, Relative, Familiarity, Dealer (cards) |
33 | |
中 | In, Inside, Middle, Mean, Center |
33 | |
小 | Little, Small |
32 | |
野 | Plains, Field, Rustic, Civilian Life |
32 | |
客 | Guest, Visitor, Customer, Client |
32 | |
後 | Behind, Back, Later |
32 | |
物 | Thing, Object, Matter |
32 | |
月 | Month, Moon |
31 | |
筈 | Notch Of An Arrow, Ought, Must, Should Be, Expected |
31 | |
前 | In Front, Before |
31 | |
用 | Utilize, Business, Service, Use, Employ |
31 | |
奴 | Guy, Slave, Manservant, Fellow |
30 | |
四 | Four |
30 | |
回 | -times, Round, Game, Revolve, Counter For Occurrences |
30 | |
縁 | Affinity, Relation, Connection, Edge, Border, Verge, Brink |
30 | |
馬 | Horse |
29 | |
来 | Come, Due, Next, Cause, Become |
29 | |
意 | Idea, Mind, Heart, Taste, Thought, Desire, Care, Liking |
29 | |
申 | Have The Honor To, Sign Of The Monkey, 3-5pm, Ninth Sign Of Chinese Zodiac |
29 | |
帆 | 真帆 (28) |
Sail |
28 |
嫁 | Marry Into, Bride |
28 | |
頼 | Trust, Request |
28 | |
願 | Petition, Request, Vow, Wish, Hope |
28 | |
十 | Ten |
28 | |
撃 | Beat, Attack, Defeat, Conquer |
27 | |
美 | Beauty, Beautiful |
27 | |
知 | Know, Wisdom |
27 | |
帰 | Homecoming, Arrive At, Lead To, Result In |
27 | |
使 | Use, Send On A Mission, Order, Messenger, Envoy, Ambassador, Cause |
27 | |
変 | Unusual, Change, Strange |
27 | |
入 | Enter, Insert |
27 | |
族 | 家族 (26) |
Tribe, Family |
26 |
襲 | Attack, Advance On, Succeed To, Pile, Heap |
26 | |
州 | State, Province |
26 | |
取 | Take, Fetch, Take Up |
26 | |
通 | Traffic, Pass Through, Avenue, Commute, Counter For Letters, Notes, Documents, Etc. |
26 | |
塾 | Cram School, Private School |
25 | |
夜 | Night, Evening |
25 | |
外 | Outside |
25 | |
役 | Duty, War, Campaign, Drafted Labor, Office, Service, Role |
25 | |
力 | Power, Strength, Strong, Strain, Bear Up, Exert |
25 | |
徒 | On Foot, Junior, Emptiness, Vanity, Futility, Uselessness, Ephemeral Thing, Gang, Set, Party, People |
24 | |
付 | Adhere, Attach, Refer To, Append |
24 | |
籠 | Basket, Devote Oneself, Seclude Oneself, Cage, Coop, Implied |
24 | |
第 | No., Residence |
24 | |
相 | Inter-, Mutual, Together, Each Other, Minister Of State, Councillor, Aspect, Phase, Physiognomy |
24 | |
我 | Ego, I, Selfish, Our, Oneself |
24 | |
強 | Strong |
24 | |
名 | Name, Noted, Distinguished, Reputation |
24 | |
敷 | Spread, Pave, Sit, Promulgate |
23 | |
立 | Stand Up, Rise, Set Up, Erect |
23 | |
三 | Three |
23 | |
訳 | Translate, Reason, Circumstance, Case |
23 | |
結 | Tie, Bind, Contract, Join, Organize, Do Up Hair, Fasten |
23 | |
連 | Take Along, Lead, Join, Connect, Party, Gang, Clique |
23 | |
夫 | Husband, Man |
22 | |
配 | Distribute, Spouse, Exile, Rationing |
22 | |
初 | First Time, Beginning |
22 | |
軍 | Army, Force, Troops, War, Battle |
22 | |
養 | Foster, Bring Up, Rear, Develop, Nurture |
22 | |
体 | Body, Substance, Object, Reality, Counter For Images |
22 | |
公 | Public, Prince, Official, Governmental |
22 | |
情 | Feelings, Emotion, Passion, Sympathy, Circumstances, Facts |
22 | |
町 | Town, Village, Block, Street |
21 | |
楽 | Music, Comfort, Ease |
21 | |
仕 | Attend, Doing, Official, Serve |
21 | |
世 | Generation, World, Society, Public |
21 | |
問 | Question, Ask, Problem |
21 | |
練 | Practice, Gloss, Train, Drill, Polish, Refine |
21 | |
果 | Fruit, Reward, Carry Out, Achieve, Complete, End, Finish, Succeed |
21 | |
早 | Early, Fast |
21 | |
拙 | 拙者 (20) |
Bungling, Clumsy, Unskillful |
20 |
姿 | Figure, Form, Shape |
20 | |
集 | Gather, Meet, Congregate, Swarm, Flock |
20 | |
母 | Mother |
20 | |
頭 | Head, Counter For Large Animals |
20 | |
国 | Country |
20 | |
続 | Continue, Series, Sequel |
20 | |
頃 | Time, About, Toward |
20 | |
刺 | 刺客 (19) |
Thorn, Pierce, Stab, Prick, Sting, Calling Card |
19 |
組 | Association, Braid, Plait, Construct, Assemble, Unite, Cooperate, Grapple |
19 | |
長 | Long, Leader, Superior, Senior |
19 | |
断 | Severance, Decline, Refuse, Apologize, Warn, Dismiss, Prohibit, Decision, Judgement, Cutting |
19 | |
殺 | Kill, Murder, Butcher, Slice Off, Split, Diminish, Reduce, Spoil |
19 | |
苦 | Suffering, Trial, Worry, Hardship, Feel Bitter, Scowl |
19 | |
面 | Mask, Face, Features, Surface |
19 | |
以 | By Means Of, Because, In View Of, Compared With |
19 | |
啄 | 啄 (18) |
Peck, Pick Up |
18 |
警 | Admonish, Commandment |
18 | |
刀 | Sword, Saber, Knife |
18 | |
階 | Storey, Stair, Counter For Storeys Of A Building |
18 | |
著 | Renowned, Publish, Write, Remarkable, Phenomenal, Put On, Don, Wear, Arrival, Finish (race), Counter For Suits Of Clothing, Literary Work |
18 | |
切 | Cut, Cutoff, Be Sharp |
18 | |
教 | Teach, Faith, Doctrine |
18 | |
色 | Color |
17 | |
異 | Uncommon, Different, Queerness, Strangeness, Wonderful, Curious, Unusual |
17 | |
着 | Don, Arrive, Wear, Counter For Suits Of Clothing |
17 | |
許 | Permit, Approve |
17 | |
談 | Discuss, Talk |
17 | |
職 | Post, Employment, Work |
17 | |
天 | Heavens, Sky, Imperial |
17 | |
権 | Authority, Power, Rights |
17 | |
近 | Near, Early, Akin, Tantamount |
17 | |
戦 | War, Battle, Match |
17 | |
道 | Road-way, Street, District, Journey, Course, Moral, Teachings |
17 | |
失 | Lose, Error, Fault, Disadvantage, Loss |
17 | |
不 | Negative, Non-, Bad, Ugly, Clumsy |
17 | |
送 | Escort, Send |
17 | |
高 | Tall, High, Expensive |
17 | |
妹 | Younger Sister |
16 | |
嬉 | Glad, Pleased, Rejoice |
16 | |
向 | Yonder, Facing, Beyond, Confront, Defy, Tend Toward, Approach |
16 | |
介 | Jammed In, Shellfish, Mediate, Concern Oneself With |
16 | |
可 | Can, Passable, Mustn't, Should Not, Do Not |
16 | |
両 | Both, Old Japanese Coin, Counter For Carriages (e.g., In A Train), Two |
16 | |
少 | Few, Little |
16 | |
然 | Sort Of Thing, So, If So, In That Case, Well |
16 | |
的 | Bull's Eye, Mark, Target, Object, Adjective Ending |
16 | |
念 | Wish, Sense, Idea, Thought, Feeling, Desire, Attention |
16 | |
素 | Elementary, Principle, Naked, Uncovered |
16 | |
調 | Tune, Tone, Meter, Key (music), Writing Style, Prepare, Exorcise, Investigate, Harmonize, Mediate |
16 | |
業 | Business, Vocation, Arts, Performance |
16 | |
代 | Substitute, Change, Convert, Replace, Period, Age, Counter For Decades Of Ages, Eras, Etc., Generation, Charge, Rate, Fee |
16 | |
口 | Mouth |
16 | |
編 | 編集 (15) |
Compilation, Knit, Plait, Braid, Twist, Editing, Completed Poem, Part Of A Book |
15 |
浪 | Wandering, Waves, Billows, Reckless, Unrestrained |
15 | |
邸 | Residence, Mansion |
15 | |
固 | Harden, Set, Clot, Curdle |
15 | |
和 | Harmony, Japanese Style, Peace, Soften, Japan |
15 | |
宴 | Banquet, Feast, Party |
15 | |
君 | Mister, You, Ruler, Male Name Suffix |
15 | |
敬 | Awe, Respect, Honor, Revere |
15 | |
聞 | Hear, Ask, Listen |
15 | |
完 | Perfect, Completion, End |
15 | |
五 | Five |
15 | |
喜 | Rejoice, Take Pleasure In |
15 | |
動 | Move, Motion, Change, Confusion, Shift, Shake |
15 | |
別 | Separate, Branch Off, Diverge, Fork, Another, Extra, Specially |
15 | |
遠 | Distant, Far |
15 | |
難 | Difficult, Impossible, Trouble, Accident, Defect |
15 | |
同 | Same, Agree, Equal |
15 | |
正 | Correct, Justice, Righteous, 10**40 |
15 | |
明 | Bright, Light |
15 | |
丈 | 大丈夫 (14) |
Length, Ten Shaku, Measure, Mr., Ms., Height, Stature, All (one Has), Only, That's All, Merely |
14 |
承 | Acquiesce, Hear, Listen To, Be Informed, Receive |
14 | |
闇 | Get Dark, Gloom, Disorder |
14 | |
土 | Soil, Earth, Ground, Turkey |
14 | |
単 | Simple, One, Single, Merely |
14 | |
社 | Company, Firm, Office, Association, Shrine |
14 | |
格 | Status, Rank, Capacity, Character, Case (law, Grammar) |
14 | |
幸 | Happiness, Blessing, Fortune |
14 | |
勘 | Intuition, Perception, Check, Compare, Sixth Sense |
14 | |
張 | Lengthen, Counter For Bows & Stringed Instruments, Stretch, Spread, Put Up (tent) |
14 | |
返 | Return, Answer, Fade, Repay |
14 | |
夷 | Barbarian, Savage, Ainu |
14 | |
過 | Overdo, Exceed, Go Beyond, Error |
14 | |
版 | Printing Block, Printing Plate, Edition, Impression, Label |
14 | |
急 | Hurry, Emergency, Sudden, Steep |
14 | |
状 | Status Quo, Conditions, Circumstances, Form, Appearance |
14 | |
危 | Dangerous, Fear, Uneasy |
14 | |
脱 | 脱藩 (13) |
Undress, Removing, Escape From, Get Rid Of, Be Left Out, Take Off |
13 |
駕 | 駕籠 (13) |
Vehicle, Palanquin, Litter, Hitch Up An Animal |
13 |
都 | Metropolis, Capital, All, Everything |
13 | |
供 | Submit, Offer, Present, Serve (meal), Accompany |
13 | |
石 | Stone |
13 | |
品 | Goods, Refinement, Dignity, Article, Counter For Meal Courses |
13 | |
考 | Consider, Think Over |
13 | |
婚 | Marriage |
13 | |
嫌 | Dislike, Detest, Hate |
13 | |
能 | Ability, Talent, Skill, Capacity |
13 | |
卑 | Lowly, Base, Vile, Vulgar |
13 | |
多 | Many, Frequent, Much |
13 | |
信 | Faith, Truth, Fidelity, Trust |
13 | |
守 | Guard, Protect, Defend, Obey |
13 | |
悪 | Bad, Vice, Rascal, False, Evil, Wrong |
13 | |
有 | Possess, Have, Exist, Happen, Occur, Approx |
13 | |
罪 | Guilt, Sin, Crime, Fault, Blame, Offense |
13 | |
恐 | Fear, Dread, Awe |
13 | |
隠 | Conceal, Hide, Cover |
13 | |
老 | 大老 (12) |
Old Man, Old Age, Grow Old |
12 |
試 | Test, Try, Attempt, Experiment, Ordeal |
12 | |
験 | Verification, Effect, Testing |
12 | |
弟 | Younger Brother, Faithful Service To Elders |
12 | |
京 | Capital, 10**16 |
12 | |
辛 | Spicy, Bitter, Hot, Acrid |
12 | |
登 | Ascend, Climb Up |
12 | |
番 | Turn, Number In A Series |
12 | |
剣 | Sabre, Sword, Blade, Clock Hand |
12 | |
海 | Sea, Ocean |
12 | |
説 | Opinion, Theory, Explanation, Rumor |
12 | |
愛 | Love, Affection, Favourite |
12 | |
載 | Ride, Board, Get On, Place, Spread, 10**44, Record, Publish |
12 | |
毎 | Every |
12 | |
居 | Reside, To Be, Exist, Live With |
12 | |
幕 | Curtain, Bunting, Act Of Play |
12 | |
若 | Young, If, Perhaps, Possibly, Low Number, Immature |
12 | |
年 | Year, Counter For Years |
12 | |
実 | Reality, Truth |
12 | |
待 | Wait, Depend On |
12 | |
将 | 将軍 (11) |
Leader, Commander, General, Admiral, Or, And Again, Soon, From Now On, Just About |
11 |
員 | Employee, Member, Number, The One In Charge |
11 | |
東 | East |
11 | |
貧 | Poverty, Poor |
11 | |
尊 | Revered, Valuable, Precious, Noble, Exalted |
11 | |
弁 | Valve, Petal, Braid, Speech, Dialect, Discrimination, Dispose Of, Distinguish, Conical Cap |
11 | |
成 | Turn Into, Become, Get, Grow, Elapse, Reach |
11 | |
商 | Make A Deal, Selling, Dealing In, Merchant |
11 | |
指 | Finger, Point To, Indicate, Put Into, Play (chess), Measure (ruler) |
11 | |
狙 | Aim At, Sight, Shadow, Stalk |
11 | |
俵 | Bag, Bale, Sack, Counter For Bags |
11 | |
係 | Person In Charge, Connection, Duty, Concern Oneself |
11 | |
彼 | He, That, The |
11 | |
機 | Loom, Mechanism, Machine, Airplane, Opportunity, Potency, Efficacy, Occasion |
11 | |
表 | Surface, Table, Chart, Diagram |
11 | |
重 | Heavy, Important, Esteem, Respect, Heap Up, Pile Up, Nest Of Boxes, -fold |
11 | |
最 | Utmost, Most, Extreme |
11 | |
平 | Even, Flat, Peace |
11 | |
感 | Emotion, Feeling, Sensation |
11 | |
負 | Defeat, Negative, -, Minus, Bear, Owe, Assume A Responsibility |
11 | |
門 | Gate, Counter For Cannons |
11 | |
号 | 号 (10) |
Nickname, Number, Item, Title, Pseudonym, Name, Call |
10 |
橋 | 橋 (10) |
Bridge |
10 |
乏 | 貧乏 (10) |
Destitution, Scarce, Limited |
10 |
艦 | 軍艦 (10) |
Warship |
10 |
抱 | 辛抱 (10) |
Embrace, Hug, Hold In Arms |
10 |
優 | Tenderness, Excel, Surpass, Actor, Superiority, Gentleness |
10 | |
術 | Art, Technique, Skill, Means, Trick, Resources, Magic |
10 | |
葉 | Leaf, Plane, Lobe, Needle, Blade, Spear, Counter For Flat Things, Fragment, Piece |
10 | |
攘 | Chase Away, Steal |
10 | |
灯 | Lamp, A Light, Light, Counter For Lights |
10 | |
血 | Blood |
10 | |
得 | Gain, Get, Find, Earn, Acquire, Can, May, Able To, Profit, Advantage, Benefit |
10 | |
数 | Number, Strength, Fate, Law, Figures |
10 | |
操 | Maneuver, Manipulate, Operate, Steer, Chastity, Virginity, Fidelity |
10 | |
印 | Stamp, Seal, Mark, Imprint, Symbol, Emblem, Trademark, Evidence, Souvenir, India |
10 | |
止 | Stop, Halt |
10 | |
報 | Report, News, Reward, Retribution |
10 | |
敵 | Enemy, Foe, Opponent |
10 | |
労 | Labor, Thank For, Reward For, Toil, Trouble |
10 | |
法 | Method, Law, Rule, Principle, Model, System |
10 | |
複 | Duplicate, Double, Compound, Multiple |
10 | |
住 | Dwell, Reside, Live, Inhabit |
10 | |
船 | Ship, Boat |
10 | |
落 | Fall, Drop, Come Down, Village, Hamlet |
10 | |
足 | Leg, Foot, Be Sufficient, Counter For Pairs Of Footwear |
10 | |
達 | Accomplished, Reach, Arrive, Attain |
10 | |
腹 | Abdomen, Belly, Stomach |
10 | |
引 | Pull, Tug, Jerk, Admit, Install, Quote, Refer To |
10 | |
亭 | 亭 (9) |
Pavilion, Restaurant, Mansion, Arbor, Cottage, Vaudeville, Music Hall, Stage Name |
9 |
善 | 善 (9) |
Virtuous, Good, Goodness |
9 |
紹 | 紹介 (9) |
Introduce, Inherit, Help |
9 |
倅 | Son, My Son |
9 | |
流 | Current, A Sink, Flow, Forfeit |
9 | |
晴 | Clear Up |
9 | |
舟 | Boat, Ship |
9 | |
息 | Breath, Respiration, Son, Interest (on Money) |
9 | |
才 | Genius, Years Old, Cubic Shaku |
9 | |
祝 | Celebrate, Congratulate |
9 | |
制 | System, Law, Rule |
9 | |
勉 | Exertion, Endeavour, Encourage, Strive, Make Effort, Diligent |
9 | |
除 | Exclude, Division (x/3), Remove, Abolish, Cancel, Except |
9 | |
恨 | Regret, Bear A Grudge, Resentment, Malice, Hatred |
9 | |
授 | Impart, Instruct, Grant, Confer |
9 | |
欲 | Longing, Covetousness, Greed, Passion, Desire, Craving |
9 | |
晩 | Nightfall, Night |
9 | |
覚 | Memorize, Learn, Remember, Awake, Sober Up |
9 | |
任 | Responsibility, Duty, Term, Entrust To, Appoint |
9 | |
仲 | Go-between, Relationship |
9 | |
働 | Work, (kokuji) |
9 | |
火 | Fire |
9 | |
痛 | Pain, Hurt, Damage, Bruise |
9 | |
友 | Friend |
9 | |
防 | Ward Off, Defend, Protect, Resist |
9 | |
想 | Concept, Think, Idea, Thought |
9 | |
地 | Ground, Earth |
9 | |
密 | Secrecy, Density (pop), Minuteness, Carefulness |
9 | |
望 | Ambition, Full Moon, Hope, Desire, Aspire To, Expect |
9 | |
直 | Straightaway, Honesty, Frankness, Fix, Repair |
9 | |
残 | Remainder, Leftover, Balance |
9 | |
派 | Faction, Group, Party, Clique, Sect, School |
9 | |
参 | Nonplussed, Three (in Documents), Going, Coming, Visiting, Visit, Be Defeated, Die, Be Madly In Love, Participate, Take Part In |
9 | |
応 | Apply, Answer, Yes, Ok, Reply, Accept |
9 | |
侍 | 侍 (8) |
Waiter, Samurai, Wait Upon, Serve |
8 |
璧 | 完璧 (8) |
Sphere, Ball |
8 |
嘘 | Lie, Falsehood |
8 | |
害 | Harm, Injury |
8 | |
堂 | Public Chamber, Hall |
8 | |
読 | Read |
8 | |
例 | Example, Custom, Usage, Precedent |
8 | |
志 | Intention, Plan, Resolve, Aspire, Motive, Hopes, Shilling |
8 | |
態 | Attitude, Condition, Figure, Appearance, Voice (of Verbs) |
8 | |
担 | Shouldering, Carry, Raise, Bear |
8 | |
暗 | Darkness, Disappear, Shade, Informal, Grow Dark, Be Blinded |
8 | |
検 | Examination, Investigate |
8 | |
済 | Settle (debt, Etc.), Relieve (burden), Finish, Come To An End, Excusable, Need Not |
8 | |
尽 | Exhaust, Use Up, Run Out Of, Deplete, Befriend, Serve |
8 | |
確 | Assurance, Firm, Tight, Hard, Solid, Confirm, Clear, Evident |
8 | |
製 | Made In..., Manufacture |
8 | |
臣 | Retainer, Subject |
8 | |
籍 | Enroll, Domiciliary Register, Membership |
8 | |
僕 | Me, I (male), Servant, Manservant |
8 | |
復 | Restore, Return To, Revert, Resume |
8 | |
伝 | Transmit, Go Along, Walk Along, Follow, Report, Communicate, Legend, Tradition |
8 | |
良 | Good, Pleasing, Skilled |
8 | |
被 | Incur, Cover, Veil, Brood Over, Shelter, Wear, Put On, Be Exposed (film), Receiving |
8 | |
質 | Substance, Quality, Matter, Temperament |
8 | |
黒 | Black |
8 | |
抜 | Slip Out, Extract, Pull Out, Pilfer, Quote, Remove, Omit |
8 | |
開 | Open, Unfold, Unseal |
8 | |
識 | Discriminating, Know, Write |
8 | |
政 | Politics, Government |
8 | |
百 | 五百石 (7) |
Hundred |
7 |
偕 | 偕楽 (7) |
Together |
7 |
妾 | 妾 (7) |
Concubine |
7 |
宍 | 宍 (7) |
Muscles, Meat |
7 |
功 | 成功 (7) |
Achievement, Merits, Success, Honor, Credit |
7 |
扶 | 扶持 (7) |
Aid, Help, Assist |
7 |
刃 | 自刃 (7) |
Blade, Sword, Edge |
7 |
訓 | 訓練 (7) |
Instruction, Japanese Character Reading, Explanation, Read |
7 |
誇 | 誇り (7) |
Boast, Be Proud, Pride, Triumphantly |
7 |
偽 | Falsehood, Lie, Deceive, Pretend, Counterfeit, Forgery |
7 | |
逃 | Escape, Flee, Shirk, Evade, Set Free |
7 | |
答 | Solution, Answer |
7 | |
敗 | Failure, Defeat, Reversal |
7 | |
奉 | Observance, Offer, Present, Dedicate |
7 | |
怒 | Angry, Be Offended |
7 | |
悲 | Grieve, Sad, Deplore, Regret |
7 | |
布 | Linen, Cloth, Spread, Distribute |
7 | |
形 | Shape, Form, Style |
7 | |
容 | Contain, Form, Looks |
7 | |
勢 | Forces, Energy, Military Strength |
7 | |
府 | Borough, Urban Prefecture, Govt Office, Representative Body, Storehouse |
7 | |
臓 | Entrails, Viscera, Bowels |
7 | |
怖 | Dreadful, Be Frightened, Fearful |
7 | |
横 | Sideways, Side, Horizontal, Width, Woof, Unreasonable, Perverse |
7 | |
茶 | Tea |
7 | |
頂 | Place On The Head, Receive, Top Of Head, Top, Summit, Peak |
7 | |
丁 | Street, Ward, Town, Counter For Guns, Tools, Leaves Or Cakes Of Something, Even Number, 4th Calendar Sign |
7 | |
偉 | Admirable, Greatness, Remarkable, Conceited, Famous, Excellent |
7 | |
傷 | Wound, Hurt, Injure, Impair, Pain, Injury, Cut, Gash, Scar, Weak Point |
7 | |
困 | Quandary, Become Distressed, Annoyed |
7 | |
位 | Rank, Grade, Throne, Crown, About, Some |
7 | |
文 | Sentence, Literature, Style, Art, Decoration, Figures, Plan, Literary Radical (no. 67) |
7 | |
庭 | Courtyard, Garden, Yard |
7 | |
惨 | Wretched, Disaster, Cruelty, Harsh |
7 | |
判 | Judgement, Signature, Stamp, Seal |
7 | |
温 | Warm |
7 | |
特 | Special |
7 | |
計 | Plot, Plan, Scheme, Measure |
7 | |
謝 | Apologize, Thank, Refuse |
7 | |
関 | Connection, Barrier, Gateway, Involve, Concerning |
7 | |
屈 | Yield, Bend, Flinch, Submit |
7 | |
金 | Gold |
7 | |
騒 | Boisterous, Make Noise, Clamor, Disturb, Excite |
7 | |
裏 | Back, Amidst, In, Reverse, Inside, Palm, Sole, Rear, Lining, Wrong Side |
7 | |
充 | 充分 (6) |
Allot, Fill |
6 |
根 | 屋根 (6) |
Root, Radical, Head (pimple) |
6 |
掲 | 掲載 (6) |
Put Up (a Notice), Put Up, Hoist, Display, Hang Out, Publish, Describe |
6 |
源 | 源 (6) |
Source, Origin |
6 |
視 | 無視 (6) |
Inspection, Regard As, See, Look At |
6 |
段 | 階段 (6) |
Grade, Steps, Stairs |
6 |
護 | Safeguard, Protect |
6 | |
緒 | Thong, Beginning, Inception, End, Cord, Strap, Mental Or Emotional State |
6 | |
刷 | Printing, Print, Brush |
6 | |
求 | Request, Want, Wish For, Require, Demand |
6 | |
潜 | Submerge, Conceal, Hide, Lower (voice), Hush |
6 | |
穏 | Calm, Quiet, Moderation |
6 | |
責 | Blame, Condemn, Censure |
6 | |
争 | Contend, Dispute, Argue |
6 | |
反 | Anti- |
6 | |
恥 | Shame, Dishonor |
6 | |
利 | Profit, Advantage, Benefit |
6 | |
殴 | Assault, Hit, Beat, Thrash |
6 | |
写 | Copy, Be Photographed, Describe |
6 | |
慮 | Prudence, Thought, Concern, Consider, Deliberate, Fear |
6 | |
辺 | Environs, Boundary, Border, Vicinity |
6 | |
仇 | Foe, Enemy, Revenge, Grudge, Feud |
6 | |
他 | Other, Another, The Others |
6 | |
便 | Convenience, Facility, Excrement, Feces, Letter, Chance |
6 | |
元 | Beginning, Former Time, Origin |
6 | |
険 | Precipitous, Inaccessible Place, Impregnable Position, Steep Place, Sharp Eyes |
6 | |
室 | Room, Apartment, Chamber, Greenhouse, Cellar |
6 | |
留 | Detain, Fasten, Halt, Stop |
6 | |
画 | Brush-stroke, Picture |
6 | |
途 | Route, Way, Road |
6 | |
乱 | Riot, War, Disorder, Disturb |
6 | |
約 | Promise, Approximately, Shrink |
6 | |
厳 | Stern, Strictness, Severity, Rigidity |
6 | |
定 | Determine, Fix, Establish, Decide |
6 | |
弱 | Weak, Frail |
6 | |
要 | Need, Main Point, Essence, Pivot, Key To |
6 | |
助 | Help, Rescue, Assist |
6 | |
招 | Beckon, Invite, Summon, Engage |
6 | |
放 | Set Free, Release, Fire, Shoot, Emit, Banish, Liberate |
6 | |
斬 | Beheading, Kill, Murder |
6 | |
期 | Period, Time, Date, Term |
6 | |
治 | Reign, Be At Peace, Calm Down, Subdue, Quell, Govt, Cure, Heal, Rule, Conserve |
6 | |
逆 | Inverted, Reverse, Opposite, Wicked |
6 | |
進 | Advance, Proceed, Progress, Promote |
6 | |
遊 | Play |
6 | |
座 | Squat, Seat, Cushion, Gathering, Sit |
6 | |
劣 | 卑劣 (5) |
Inferiority, Be Inferior To, Be Worse |
5 |
革 | 変革 (5) |
Leather, Skin, Reform, Become Serious |
5 |
委 | 委託 (5) |
Committee, Entrust To, Leave To, Devote, Discard |
5 |
託 | 委託 (5) |
Consign, Requesting, Entrusting With, Pretend, Hint |
5 |
尾 | 尾行 (5) |
Tail, End, Counter For Fish, Lower Slope Of Mountain |
5 |
川 | 川縁 (5) |
Stream, River, River Or Three-stroke River Radical (no. 47) |
5 |
廃 | 廃止 (5) |
Abolish, Obsolete, Cessation, Discarding, Abandon |
5 |
慢 | 我慢 (5) |
Ridicule, Laziness |
5 |
抵 | 抵抗 (5) |
Resist, Reach, Touch |
5 |
抗 | 抵抗 (5) |
Confront, Resist, Defy, Oppose |
5 |
秩 | 秩序 (5) |
Regularity, Salary, Order |
5 |
序 | 秩序 (5) |
Preface, Beginning, Order, Precedence, Occasion, Chance, Incidentally |
5 |
局 | 結局 (5) |
Bureau, Board, Office, Affair, Conclusion, Court Lady, Lady-in-waiting, Her Apartment |
5 |
麗 | 綺麗 (5) |
Lovely, Beautiful, Graceful, Resplendent |
5 |
綺 | 綺麗 (5) |
Figured Cloth, Beautiful |
5 |
縄 | 縄 (5) |
Straw Rope, Cord |
5 |
蛇 | 蛇 (5) |
Snake, Serpent, Hard Drinker |
5 |
蟄 | 蟄居 (5) |
Hibernation Of Insects |
5 |
覆 | 覆面 (5) |
Capsize, Cover, Shade, Mantle, Be Ruined |
5 |
悟 | 覚悟 (5) |
Enlightenment, Perceive, Discern, Realize, Understand |
5 |
慎 | 謹慎 (5) |
Humility, Be Careful, Discreet, Prudent |
5 |
謹 | 謹慎 (5) |
Discreet, Reverently, Humbly |
5 |
酷 | 酷い (5) |
Cruel, Severe, Atrocious, Unjust |
5 |
陸 | 陸尺 (5) |
Land, Six |
5 |
尺 | 陸尺 (5) |
Shaku, Japanese Foot, Measure, Scale, Rule |
5 |
雄 | 雄 (5) |
Masculine, Male, Hero, Leader, Superiority, Excellence |
5 |
電 | 電子書籍 (5) |
Electricity |
5 |
麻 | 麻布 (5) |
Hemp, Flax, Numb |
5 |
刻 | Engrave, Cut Fine, Chop, Hash, Mince, Time, Carving |
5 | |
跡 | Tracks, Mark, Print, Impression |
5 | |
差 | Distinction, Difference, Variation, Discrepancy, Margin, Balance |
5 | |
常 | Usual, Ordinary, Normal, Common, Regular, Continually, Always, Long-lasting |
5 | |
讐 | Enemy, Revenge |
5 | |
甚 | Tremendously, Very, Great, Exceedingly |
5 | |
花 | Flower |
5 | |
価 | Value, Price |
5 | |
修 | Discipline, Conduct Oneself Well, Study, Master |
5 | |
冷 | Cool, Cold (beer, Person), Chill |
5 | |
際 | Occasion, Side, Edge, Verge, Dangerous, Adventurous, Indecent, Time, When |
5 | |
語 | Word, Speech, Language |
5 | |
芸 | Technique, Art, Craft, Performance, Acting, Trick, Stunt |
5 | |
由 | Wherefore, A Reason |
5 | |
裁 | Tailor, Judge, Decision, Cut Out (pattern) |
5 | |
解 | Unravel, Notes, Key, Explanation, Understanding, Untie, Undo, Solve, Answer, Cancel, Absolve, Explain, Minute |
5 | |
走 | Run |
5 | |
休 | Rest, Day Off, Retire, Sleep |
5 | |
込 | Crowded, Mixture, In Bulk, Included, (kokuji) |
5 | |
万 | Ten Thousand, 10,000 |
5 | |
受 | Accept, Undergo, Answer (phone), Take, Get, Catch, Receive |
5 | |
呼 | Call, Call Out To, Invite |
5 | |
題 | Topic, Subject |
5 | |
散 | Scatter, Disperse, Spend, Squander |
5 | |
宅 | Home, House, Residence, Our House, My Husband |
5 | |
寄 | Draw Near, Stop In, Bring Near, Gather, Collect, Send, Forward |
5 | |
校 | Exam, School, Printing, Proof, Correction |
5 | |
戻 | Re-, Return, Revert, Resume, Restore, Go Backwards |
5 | |
暴 | Outburst, Rave, Fret, Force, Violence, Cruelty, Outrage |
5 | |
構 | Posture, Build, Pretend |
5 | |
甲 | Armor, High (voice), A Grade, First Class, Former, Instep, Carapace |
5 | |
育 | Bring Up, Grow Up, Raise, Rear |
5 | |
置 | Placement, Put, Set, Deposit, Leave Behind, Keep, Employ, Pawn |
5 | |
限 | Limit, Restrict, To Best Of Ability |
5 | |
広 | Wide, Broad, Spacious |
5 | |
病 | Ill, Sick |
5 | |
館 | 公使館 (4) |
Building, Mansion, Large Building, Palace |
4 |
努 | 努力 (4) |
Toil, Diligent, As Much As Possible |
4 |
厠 | 厠 (4) |
Privy, Toilet |
4 |
省 | 反省 (4) |
Focus, Government Ministry, Conserve |
4 |
奇 | 奇跡 (4) |
Strange, Strangeness, Curiosity |
4 |
性 | 女性 (4) |
Sex, Gender, Nature |
4 |
宝 | 宝物 (4) |
Treasure, Wealth, Valuables |
4 |
嶽 | 嶽 (4) |
Peak |
4 |
晋 | 晋 (4) |
Advance |
4 |
効 | 有効 (4) |
Merit, Efficacy, Efficiency, Benefit |
4 |
浜 | 横浜 (4) |
Seacoast, Beach, Seashore |
4 |
沙 | 沙汰 (4) |
Sand |
4 |
汰 | 沙汰 (4) |
Washing, Sieving, Filtering, Weeding Out, Luxury |
4 |
爺 | 爺 (4) |
Old Man, Grampa |
4 |
況 | 状況 (4) |
Condition, Situation |
4 |
涯 | 生涯 (4) |
Horizon, Shore, Limit, Bound |
4 |
白 | 白状 (4) |
White |
4 |
羨 | 羨ましい (4) |
Envious, Be Jealous, Covet |
4 |
興 | 興奮 (4) |
Entertain, Revive, Retrieve, Interest, Pleasure |
4 |
奮 | 興奮 (4) |
Stirred Up, Be Invigorated, Flourish |
4 |
舌 | 舌 (4) |
Tongue, Reed, Clapper |
4 |
賞 | 賞品 (4) |
Prize, Reward, Praise |
4 |
購 | 購入 (4) |
Subscription, Buy |
4 |
激 | 過激 (4) |
Violent, Get Excited, Enraged, Chafe, Incite |
4 |
諜 | 間諜 (4) |
Spy Out, Reconnoiter |
4 |
魁 | 魁 (4) |
Charging Ahead Of Others |
4 |
突 | Stab, Protruding, Thrust, Pierce, Prick, Collision, Sudden |
4 | |
議 | Deliberation, Consultation, Debate, Consideration |
4 | |
久 | Long Time, Old Story |
4 | |
静 | Quiet |
4 | |
哀 | Pathetic, Grief, Sorrow, Pathos, Pity, Sympathize |
4 | |
園 | Park, Garden, Yard, Farm |
4 | |
声 | Voice |
4 | |
笑 | Laugh |
4 | |
婦 | Lady, Woman, Wife, Bride |
4 | |
幼 | Infancy, Childhood |
4 | |
懸 | State Of Suspension, Hang, Depend, Consult, Distant, Far Apart |
4 | |
攻 | Aggression, Attack, Criticize, Polish |
4 | |
光 | Ray, Light |
4 | |
速 | Quick, Fast |
4 | |
点 | Spot, Point, Mark, Speck, Decimal Point |
4 | |
空 | Empty, Sky, Void, Vacant, Vacuum |
4 | |
継 | Inherit, Succeed, Continue, Patch, Graft (tree) |
4 | |
諾 | Consent, Assent, Agreement |
4 | |
戒 | Commandment |
4 | |
離 | Detach, Separation, Disjoin, Digress |
4 | |
鬼 | Ghost, Devil |
4 | |
駆 | Drive, Run, Gallop, Advance, Inspire, Impel |
4 | |
棟 | Ridgepole, Ridge |
4 | |
泊 | Overnight Stay, Put Up At, Ride At Anchor |
4 | |
与 | Bestow, Participate In, Give, Award, Impart, Provide, Cause, Gift, Godsend |
4 | |
納 | Settlement, Obtain, Reap, Pay, Supply, Store |
4 | |
件 | Affair, Case, Matter, Item |
4 | |
因 | Cause, Factor, Be Associated With, Depend On, Be Limited To |
4 | |
収 | Income, Obtain, Reap, Pay, Supply, Store |
4 | |
味 | Flavor, Taste |
4 | |
境 | Boundary, Border, Region |
4 | |
威 | Intimidate, Dignity, Majesty, Menace, Threaten |
4 | |
安 | Relax, Cheap, Low, Quiet, Rested, Contented, Peaceful |
4 | |
督 | Coach, Command, Urge, Lead, Supervise |
4 | |
団 | Group, Association |
4 | |
師 | Expert, Teacher, Master, Model, Exemplar, Army (incl. Counter), War |
4 | |
挙 | Raise, Plan, Project, Behavior, Actions |
4 | |
遣 | Dispatch, Despatch, Send, Give, Donate, Do, Undertake |
4 | |
恋 | Romance, In Love, Yearn For, Miss, Darling |
4 | |
悔 | Repent, Regret |
4 | |
慰 | Consolation, Amusement, Seduce, Cheer, Make Sport Of, Comfort, Console |
4 | |
救 | Salvation, Save, Help, Rescue, Reclaim |
4 | |
新 | New |
4 | |
記 | Scribe, Account, Narrative |
4 | |
易 | Easy, Ready To, Simple, Fortune-telling, Divination |
4 | |
非 | Un-, Mistake, Negative, Injustice, Non- |
4 | |
躍 | Leap, Dance, Skip |
4 | |
歩 | Walk, Counter For Steps |
4 | |
犯 | Crime, Sin, Offense |
4 | |
皆 | All, Everything |
4 | |
秘 | Secret, Conceal |
4 | |
総 | General, Whole, All, Full, Total |
4 | |
腕 | Arm, Ability, Talent |
4 | |
筋 | Muscle, Sinew, Tendon, Fiber, Plot, Plan, Descent |
4 | |
側 | Side, Lean, Oppose, Regret |
4 | |
観 | Outlook, Look, Appearance, Condition, View |
4 | |
訴 | Accusation, Sue, Complain Of Pain, Appeal To |
4 | |
評 | Evaluate, Criticism, Comment |
4 | |
誠 | Sincerity, Admonish, Warn, Prohibit, Truth, Fidelity |
4 | |
諦 | Truth, Clarity, Abandon, Give Up |
4 | |
選 | Elect, Select, Choose, Prefer |
4 | |
備 | Equip, Provision, Preparation |
4 | |
景 | Scenery, View |
4 | |
鹿 | Deer |
4 | |
夕 | Evening |
4 | |
丸 | Round, Full (month), Perfection, -ship, Pills, Make Round, Roll Up, Curl Up, Seduce, Explain Away |
4 | |
主 | Lord, Chief, Master, Main Thing, Principal |
4 | |
交 | Mingle, Mixing, Association, Coming & Going |
4 | |
六 | Six |
4 | |
半 | Half, Middle, Odd Number, Semi-, Part- |
4 | |
去 | Gone, Past, Quit, Leave, Elapse, Eliminate, Divorce |
4 | |
現 | Present, Existing, Actual |
4 | |
邪 | お邪魔 (3) |
Wicked, Injustice, Wrong |
3 |
魔 | お邪魔 (3) |
Witch, Demon, Evil Spirit |
3 |
演 | 上演 (3) |
Performance, Act, Play, Render, Stage |
3 |
偶 | 偶然 (3) |
Accidentally, Even Number, Couple, Man & Wife, Same Kind |
3 |
冊 | 冊 (3) |
Tome, Counter For Books, Volume |
3 |
励 | 励み (3) |
Encourage, Be Diligent, Inspire |
3 |
呆 | 呆け (3) |
Be Amazed, Disgusted, Shocked |
3 |
嘩 | 喧嘩 (3) |
Noisy |
3 |
喧 | 喧嘩 (3) |
Noisy, Boisterous |
3 |
図 | 図面 (3) |
Map, Drawing, Plan, Extraordinary, Audacious |
3 |
坪 | 坪 (3) |
Two-mat Area, Approx. Thirty-six Sq Ft |
3 |
域 | 域 (3) |
Range, Region, Limits, Stage, Level |
3 |
縮 | 恐縮 (3) |
Shrink, Contract, Shrivel, Wrinkle, Reduce |
3 |
像 | 想像 (3) |
Statue, Picture, Image, Figure, Portrait |
3 |
憧 | 憧れ (3) |
Yearn After, Long For, Aspire To, Admire, Adore |
3 |
批 | 批判 (3) |
Criticism, Strike |
3 |
揮 | 指揮 (3) |
Brandish, Wave, Wag, Swing, Shake |
3 |
掃 | 掃除 (3) |
Sweep, Brush |
3 |
掟 | 掟 (3) |
Law, Commandments, Regulations |
3 |
損 | 損 (3) |
Damage, Loss, Disadvantage, Hurt, Injure |
3 |
津 | 摂津 (3) |
Haven, Port, Harbor, Ferry |
3 |
摂 | 摂津 (3) |
Vicarious, Surrogate, Act In Addition To, Take In, Absorb |
3 |
縦 | 操縦 (3) |
Vertical, Length, Height, Self-indulgent, Wayward |
3 |
案 | 案内 (3) |
Plan, Suggestion, Draft, Ponder, Fear, Proposition, Idea, Expectation, Worry, Table, Bench |
3 |
池 | 池 (3) |
Pond, Cistern, Pool, Reservoir |
3 |
測 | 測量 (3) |
Fathom, Plan, Scheme, Measure |
3 |
量 | 測量 (3) |
Quantity, Measure, Weight, Amount, Consider, Estimate, Surmise |
3 |
撲 | 相撲 (3) |
Slap, Strike, Hit, Beat, Tell, Speak |
3 |
虚 | 空虚感 (3) |
Void, Emptiness, Unpreparedness, Crack, Fissure, Untruth |
3 |
管 | 管理 (3) |
Pipe, Tube, Wind Instrument, Drunken Talk, Control, Jurisdiction |
3 |
聴 | 聴き (3) |
Listen, Headstrong, Naughty, Careful Inquiry |
3 |
災 | 被災 (3) |
Disaster, Calamity, Woe, Curse, Evil |
3 |
縫 | 裁縫 (3) |
Sew, Stitch, Embroider |
3 |
褒 | 褒美 (3) |
Praise, Extol |
3 |
誤 | 誤解 (3) |
Mistake, Err, Do Wrong, Mislead |
3 |
売 | 販売 (3) |
Sell |
3 |
販 | 販売 (3) |
Marketing, Sell, Trade |
3 |
沢 | 贅沢 (3) |
Swamp, Marsh, Brilliance, Grace |
3 |
贅 | 贅沢 (3) |
Luxury |
3 |
輪 | 輪 (3) |
Wheel, Ring, Circle, Link, Loop, Counter For Wheels And Flowers |
3 |
料 | 送料 (3) |
Fee, Materials |
3 |
避 | 避難 (3) |
Evade, Avoid, Avert, Ward Off, Shirk, Shun |
3 |
酌 | 酌 (3) |
Bar-tending, Serving Sake, The Host, Draw (water), Ladle, Scoop, Pump |
3 |
払 | 門前払い (3) |
Pay, Clear Out, Prune, Banish, Dispose Of |
3 |
陰 | 陰 (3) |
Shade, Yin, Negative, Sex Organs, Secret, Shadow |
3 |
障 | 障子 (3) |
Hinder, Hurt, Harm |
3 |
里 | 隠れ里 (3) |
Ri, Village, Parent's Home, League |
3 |
餓 | 餓鬼 (3) |
Starve, Hungry, Thirst |
3 |
驚 | 驚く (3) |
Wonder, Be Surprised, Frightened, Amazed |
3 |
存 | Exist, Suppose, Be Aware Of, Believe, Feel |
3 | |
千 | Thousand |
3 | |
界 | World, Boundary |
3 | |
予 | Beforehand, Previous, Myself, I |
3 | |
徳 | Benevolence, Virtue, Goodness, Commanding Respect |
3 | |
余 | Too Much, Myself, Surplus, Other, Remainder |
3 | |
倒 | Overthrow, Fall, Collapse, Drop, Break Down |
3 | |
借 | Borrow, Rent |
3 | |
催 | Sponsor, Hold (a Meeting), Give (a Dinner) |
3 | |
怯 | Cowardice, Wince, Flinch, Hesitate, Waver |
3 | |
原 | Meadow, Original, Primitive, Field, Plain, Prairie, Tundra, Wilderness |
3 | |
加 | Add, Addition, Increase, Join, Include, Canada |
3 | |
又 | Or Again, Furthermore, On The Other Hand |
3 | |
周 | Circumference, Circuit, Lap |
3 | |
墓 | Grave, Tomb |
3 | |
怪 | Suspicious, Mystery, Apparition |
3 | |
姓 | Surname |
3 | |
宮 | Shinto Shrine, Constellations, Palace, Princess |
3 | |
柄 | Design, Pattern, Build, Nature, Character, Handle, Crank, Grip, Knob, Shaft |
3 | |
辱 | Embarrass, Humiliate, Shame |
3 | |
式 | Style, Ceremony, Rite, Function, Method, System, Form, Expression |
3 | |
憎 | Hate, Detest |
3 | |
振 | Shake, Wave, Wag, Swing |
3 | |
揃 | Be Complete, Uniform, All Present |
3 | |
是 | Just So, This, Right, Justice |
3 | |
迎 | Welcome, Meet, Greet |
3 | |
器 | Utensil, Vessel, Receptacle, Implement, Instrument, Ability, Container, Tool, Set |
3 | |
泣 | Cry, Weep, Moan |
3 | |
混 | Mix, Blend, Confuse |
3 | |
技 | Skill, Art, Craft, Ability, Feat, Performance, Vocation, Arts |
3 | |
猛 | Fierce, Rave, Rush, Become Furious, Wildness, Strength |
3 | |
斐 | Beautiful, Patterned |
3 | |
盛 | Boom, Prosper, Copulate |
3 | |
禁 | Prohibition, Ban, Forbid |
3 | |
福 | Blessing, Fortune, Luck, Wealth |
3 | |
束 | Bundle, Sheaf, Ream, Tie In Bundles, Govern, Manage, Control |
3 | |
列 | File, Row, Rank, Tier, Column |
3 | |
証 | Evidence, Proof, Certificate |
3 | |
諸 | Various, Many, Several, Together |
3 | |
蹴 | Kick |
3 | |
惑 | Beguile, Delusion, Perplexity |
3 | |
銭 | Coin, .01 Yen, Money |
3 | |
鍛 | Forge, Discipline, Train |
3 | |
具 | Tool, Utensil, Means, Possess, Ingredients, Counter For Armor, Suits, Sets Of Furniture |
3 | |
髪 | Hair Of The Head |
3 | |
魂 | Soul, Spirit |
3 | |
朝 | Morning, Dynasty, Regime, Epoch, Period, (north) Korea |
3 | |
隣 | Neighboring |
3 | |
乗 | Ride, Power, Multiplication, Record, Counter For Vehicles, Board, Mount, Join |
3 | |
習 | Learn |
3 | |
等 | Etc., And So Forth, Class (first), Quality, Equal, Similar |
3 | |
八 | Eight, Eight Radical (no. 12) |
3 | |
勤 | Diligence, Become Employed, Serve |
3 | |
化 | Change, Take The Form Of, Influence, Enchant, Delude, -ization |
3 | |
端 | Edge, Origin, End, Point, Border, Verge, Cape |
3 | |
消 | Extinguish, Blow Out, Turn Off, Neutralize, Cancel |
3 | |
否 | Negate, No, Noes, Refuse, Decline, Deny |
3 | |
在 | Exist, Outskirts, Suburbs, Located In |
3 | |
奥 | Heart, Interior |
3 | |
涙 | Tears, Sympathy |
3 | |
帯 | Sash, Belt, Obi, Zone, Region |
3 | |
幾 | How Many, How Much, How Far, How Long, Some, Several |
3 | |
店 | Store, Shop |
3 | |
微 | Delicate, Minuteness, Insignificance |
3 | |
捜 | Search, Look For, Locate |
3 | |
曜 | Weekday |
3 | |
暮 | Evening, Twilight, Season's End, Livelihood, Make A Living, Spend Time |
3 | |
飯 | Meal, Boiled Rice |
3 | |
胆 | Gall Bladder, Courage, Pluck, Nerve |
3 | |
般 | 一般 (2) |
Carrier, Carry, All, General, Sort, Kind |
2 |
延 | 万延 (2) |
Prolong, Stretching |
2 |
脈 | 人脈 (2) |
Vein, Pulse, Hope |
2 |
打 | 仕打ち (2) |
Strike, Hit, Knock, Pound, Dozen |
2 |
企 | 企て (2) |
Undertake, Scheme, Design, Attempt, Plan |
2 |
札 | 入れ札 (2) |
Tag, Paper Money, Counter For Bonds, Placard, Bid |
2 |
其 | 其 (2) |
That |
2 |
再 | 再び (2) |
Again, Twice, Second Time |
2 |
医 | 医者 (2) |
Doctor, Medicine |
2 |
協 | 協力 (2) |
Co-, Cooperation |
2 |
令 | 命令 (2) |
Orders, Ancient Laws, Command, Decree |
2 |
噂 | 噂 (2) |
Rumor, Gossip, Hearsay |
2 |
太 | 太刀 (2) |
Plump, Thick, Big Around |
2 |
妻 | 妻 (2) |
Wife, Spouse |
2 |
婿 | 婿養子 (2) |
Bridegroom, Son-in-law |
2 |
宿 | 定宿 (2) |
Inn, Lodging, Relay Station, Dwell, Lodge, Be Pregnant, Home, Dwelling |
2 |
赦 | 容赦 (2) |
Pardon, Forgiveness |
2 |
王 | 尊王攘夷 (2) |
King, Rule, Magnate |
2 |
屁 | 屁 (2) |
Fart, Passing Gas |
2 |
換 | 引き換える (2) |
Interchange, Period, Change, Convert, Replace, Renew |
2 |
虫 | 弱虫 (2) |
Insect, Bug, Temper |
2 |
忠 | 忠 (2) |
Loyalty, Fidelity, Faithfulness |
2 |
恩 | 恩人 (2) |
Grace, Kindness, Goodness, Favor, Mercy, Blessing, Benefit |
2 |
恰 | 恰好 (2) |
Just As, As Though, Fortunately |
2 |
或 | 或いは (2) |
Some, One, Or, Possibly, A Certain |
2 |
闘 | 戦闘 (2) |
Fight, War |
2 |
昔 | 昔 (2) |
Once Upon A Time, Antiquity, Old Times |
2 |
昨 | 昨日 (2) |
Yesterday, Previous |
2 |
普 | 普通 (2) |
Universal, Wide(ly), Generally, Prussia |
2 |
曲 | 曲者 (2) |
Bend, Music, Melody, Composition, Pleasure, Injustice, Fault, Curve, Crooked, Perverse, Lean |
2 |
未 | 未だに (2) |
Un-, Not Yet, Hitherto, Still, Even Now, Sign Of The Ram, 1-3pm, Eighth Sign Of Chinese Zodiac |
2 |
歓 | 歓迎 (2) |
Delight, Joy |
2 |
油 | 油断 (2) |
Oil, Fat |
2 |
療 | 治療 (2) |
Heal, Cure |
2 |
寝 | 泣き寝入り (2) |
Lie Down, Sleep, Rest, Bed, Remain Unsold |
2 |
活 | 活躍 (2) |
Lively, Resuscitation, Being Helped, Living |
2 |
岸 | 海岸 (2) |
Beach |
2 |
駄 | 無駄 (2) |
Burdensome, Pack Horse, Horse Load, Send By Horse, Trivial, Worthless |
2 |
犠 | 犠牲 (2) |
Sacrifice |
2 |
牲 | 犠牲 (2) |
Animal Sacrifice, Offering |
2 |
板 | 甲板 (2) |
Plank, Board, Plate, Stage |
2 |
策 | 画策 (2) |
Scheme, Plan, Policy, Step, Means |
2 |
監 | 監禁 (2) |
Oversee, Official, Govt Office, Rule, Administer |
2 |
短 | 短い (2) |
Short, Brevity, Fault, Defect, Weak Point |
2 |
井 | 福井 (2) |
Well, Well Crib, Town, Community |
2 |
禿 | 禿 (2) |
Become Bald, Bare, Wear Out, Waste Away, Little Girl Employed At A Brothel |
2 |
秋 | 秋 (2) |
Autumn |
2 |
筆 | 筆写 (2) |
Writing Brush, Writing, Painting Brush, Handwriting |
2 |
簡 | 簡単 (2) |
Simplicity, Brevity |
2 |
簪 | 簪 (2) |
Ornamental Hairpin |
2 |
兵 | 練兵 (2) |
Soldier, Private, Troops, Army, Warfare, Strategy, Tactics |
2 |
罠 | 罠 (2) |
Trap, Snare |
2 |
翁 | 翁 (2) |
Venerable Old Man |
2 |
胸 | 胸 (2) |
Bosom, Breast, Chest, Heart, Feelings |
2 |
癒 | 腹癒せ (2) |
Healing, Cure, Quench (thirst), Wreak |
2 |
舵 | 舵取り (2) |
Rudder, Helm, Wheel |
2 |
蕃 | 蕃書調所 (2) |
Grow Luxuriously |
2 |
西 | 西側 (2) |
West, Spain |
2 |
戚 | 親戚 (2) |
Grieve, Relatives |
2 |
察 | 観察 (2) |
Guess, Presume, Surmise, Judge, Understand |
2 |
訪 | 訪問 (2) |
Call On, Visit, Look Up, Offer Sympathy |
2 |
設 | 設計 (2) |
Establishment, Provision, Prepare |
2 |
詳 | 詳しい (2) |
Detailed, Full, Minute, Accurate, Well-informed |
2 |
費 | 費用 (2) |
Expense, Cost, Spend, Consume, Waste |
2 |
迷 | 迷惑 (2) |
Astray, Be Perplexed, In Doubt, Lost, Err, Illusion |
2 |
退 | 退屈 (2) |
Retreat, Withdraw, Retire, Resign, Repel, Expel, Reject |
2 |
遅 | 遅い (2) |
Slow, Late, Back, Later |
2 |
遥 | 遥かに (2) |
Far Off, Distant, Long Ago |
2 |
遺 | 遺体 (2) |
Bequeath, Leave Behind, Reserve |
2 |
雨 | 雨 (2) |
Rain |
2 |
霊 | 霊 (2) |
Spirits, Soul |
2 |
風 | 風景 (2) |
Wind, Air, Style, Manner |
2 |
餌 | 餌食 (2) |
Food, Bait, Prey, Tempting Profit |
2 |
食 | 餌食 (2) |
Eat, Food |
2 |
首 | 首 (2) |
Neck, Counter For Songs And Poems |
2 |
詫 | Apologize |
2 | |
越 | Surpass, Cross Over, Move To, Exceed, Vietnam |
2 | |
濡 | Get Wet, Damp, Make Love |
2 | |
杯 | Counter For Cupfuls, Wine Glass, Glass, Toast |
2 | |
並 | Row, And, Besides, As Well As, Line Up, Rank With, Rival, Equal |
2 | |
木 | Tree, Wood |
2 | |
謀 | Conspire, Cheat, Impose On, Plan, Devise, Scheme, Have In Mind, Deceive |
2 | |
互 | Mutually, Reciprocally, Together |
2 | |
裕 | Abundant, Rich, Fertile |
2 | |
儀 | Ceremony, Rule, Affair, Case, A Matter |
2 | |
免 | Excuse, Dismissal |
2 | |
兼 | Concurrently, And, Beforehand, In Advance |
2 | |
処 | Dispose, Manage, Deal With, Sentence, Condemn, Act, Behave, Place |
2 | |
民 | People, Nation, Subjects |
2 | |
台 | Pedestal, A Stand, Counter For Machines And Vehicles |
2 | |
盟 | Alliance, Oath |
2 | |
告 | Revelation, Tell, Inform, Announce |
2 | |
捨 | Discard, Throw Away, Abandon, Resign, Reject, Sacrifice |
2 | |
囚 | Captured, Criminal, Arrest, Catch |
2 | |
産 | Products, Bear, Give Birth, Yield, Childbirth, Native, Property |
2 | |
圧 | Pressure, Push, Overwhelm, Oppress, Dominate |
2 | |
坂 | Slope, Incline, Hill |
2 | |
坊 | Boy, Priest's Residence, Priest |
2 | |
城 | Castle |
2 | |
増 | Increase, Add, Augment, Gain, Promote |
2 | |
脚 | Skids, Leg, Undercarriage, Lower Part, Base |
2 | |
航 | Navigate, Sail, Cruise, Fly |
2 | |
眠 | Sleep, Die, Sleepy |
2 | |
左 | Left |
2 | |
巧 | Adroit, Skilled, Ingenuity |
2 | |
末 | End, Close, Tip, Powder, Posterity |
2 | |
底 | Bottom, Sole, Depth, Bottom Price, Base, Kind, Sort |
2 | |
官 | Bureaucrat, The Government, Organ |
2 | |
往 | Journey, Travel, Chase Away, Let Go, Going, Before, Formerly |
2 | |
従 | Accompany, Obey, Submit To, Comply, Follow, Secondary, Incidental, Subordinate |
2 | |
忍 | Endure, Bear, Put Up With, Conceal, Secrete, Spy, Sneak |
2 | |
鳴 | Chirp, Cry, Bark, Sound, Ring, Echo, Honk |
2 | |
論 | Argument, Discourse |
2 | |
県 | Prefecture |
2 | |
替 | Exchange, Spare, Substitute, Per- |
2 | |
極 | Poles, Settlement, Conclusion, End, Highest Rank, Electric Poles, Very, Extremely, Most, Highly, 10**48 |
2 | |
転 | Revolve, Turn Around, Change |
2 | |
義 | Righteousness, Justice, Morality, Honor, Loyalty, Meaning |
2 | |
満 | Full, Fullness, Enough, Satisfy |
2 | |
熱 | Heat, Temperature, Fever, Mania, Passion |
2 | |
録 | Record |
2 | |
砲 | Cannon, Gun |
2 | |
認 | Acknowledge, Witness, Discern, Recognize, Appreciate, Believe |
2 | |
精 | Refined, Ghost, Fairy, Energy, Vitality, Semen, Excellence, Purity, Skill |
2 | |
背 | Stature, Height, Back, Behind, Disobey, Defy, Go Back On, Rebel |
2 | |
脅 | Threaten, Coerce |
2 | |
覗 | Peep, Peek, Come In Sight |
2 | |
誓 | Vow, Swear, Pledge |
2 | |
買 | Buy |
2 | |
賢 | Intelligent, Wise, Wisdom, Cleverness |
2 | |
赤 | Red |
2 | |
運 | Carry, Luck, Destiny, Fate, Lot, Transport, Progress, Advance |
2 | |
酒 | Sake, Alcohol |
2 | |
隙 | Crevice, Fissure, Discord, Opportunity, Leisure |
2 | |
隊 | Regiment, Party, Company, Squad |
2 | |
召 | お召し物 (1) |
Seduce, Call, Send For, Wear, Put On, Ride In, Buy, Eat, Drink, Catch (cold) |
1 |
祭 | お祭り (1) |
Ritual, Offer Prayers, Celebrate, Deify, Enshrine, Worship |
1 |
囲 | とり囲む (1) |
Surround, Besiege, Store, Paling, Enclosure, Encircle, Preserve, Keep |
1 |
渡 | に渡り (1) |
Transit, Ford, Ferry, Cross, Import, Deliver, Diameter, Migrate |
1 |
占 | 一人占め (1) |
Fortune-telling, Divining, Forecasting, Occupy, Hold, Have, Get, Take |
1 |
旦 | 一旦 (1) |
Daybreak, Dawn, Morning |
1 |
瞭 | 一目瞭然 (1) |
Clear |
1 |
司 | 上司 (1) |
Director, Official, Govt Office, Rule, Administer |
1 |
剋 | 下剋上 (1) |
Victory |
1 |
田 | 下田 (1) |
Rice Field, Rice Paddy |
1 |
級 | 下級 (1) |
Class, Rank, Grade |
1 |
致 | 不徳の致すところ (1) |
Doth, Do, Send, Forward, Cause, Exert, Incur, Engage |
1 |
条 | 不条理 (1) |
Article, Clause, Item, Stripe, Streak |
1 |
裸 | 丸裸 (1) |
Naked, Nude, Uncovered, Partially Clothed |
1 |
倍 | 二倍 (1) |
Double, Twice, Times, Fold |
1 |
享 | 享年 (1) |
Enjoy, Receive, Undergo, Answer (phone), Take, Get, Catch |
1 |
材 | 人材 (1) |
Lumber, Log, Timber, Wood, Materials, Ingredients, Talent |
1 |
仮 | 仮 (1) |
Sham, Temporary, Interim, Assumed (name), Informal |
1 |
暇 | 休暇 (1) |
Spare Time, Rest, Leisure, Time, Leave Of Absence |
1 |
伸 | 伸ばす (1) |
Expand, Stretch, Extend, Lengthen, Increase |
1 |
伺 | 伺う (1) |
Pay Respects, Visit, Ask, Inquire, Question, Implore |
1 |
低 | 低い (1) |
Lower, Short, Humble |
1 |
依 | 依頼 (1) |
Reliant, Depend On, Consequently, Therefore, Due To |
1 |
侵 | 侵入 (1) |
Encroach, Invade, Raid, Trespass, Violate |
1 |
俊 | 俊敏 (1) |
Sagacious, Genius, Excellence |
1 |
敏 | 俊敏 (1) |
Cleverness, Agile, Alert |
1 |
偏 | 偏見 (1) |
Partial, Side, Left-side Radical, Inclining, Biased |
1 |
傾 | 傾く (1) |
Lean, Incline, Tilt, Trend, Wane, Sink, Ruin, Bias |
1 |
冗 | 冗談じゃない (1) |
Superfluous, Uselessness |
1 |
凌 | 凌辱 (1) |
Endure, Keep (rain)out, Stave Off, Tide Over, Defy, Slight, Surpass |
1 |
刑 | 処刑 (1) |
Punish, Penalty, Sentence, Punishment |
1 |
席 | 出席 (1) |
Seat, Mat, Occasion, Place |
1 |
副 | 副作用 (1) |
Vice-, Assistant, Aide, Duplicate, Copy |
1 |
務 | 勤務 (1) |
Task, Duties |
1 |
区 | 区分け (1) |
Ward, District |
1 |
午 | 午後 (1) |
Noon, Sign Of The Horse, 11am-1pm, Seventh Sign Of Chinese Zodiac |
1 |
即 | 即座に (1) |
Instant, Namely, As Is, Conform, Agree, Adapt |
1 |
厄 | 厄介 (1) |
Unlucky, Misfortune, Bad Luck, Disaster |
1 |
厩 | 厩 (1) |
Barn, Stable |
1 |
及 | 及ばない (1) |
Reach Out, Exert, Exercise, Cause |
1 |
双 | 双方 (1) |
Pair, Set, Comparison, Counter For Pairs |
1 |
癖 | 口癖 (1) |
Mannerism, Habit, Vice, Trait, Fault, Kink |
1 |
叩 | 叩き込む (1) |
Strike, Beat, Kow Tow, Hit, Thrash, Criticize |
1 |
叫 | 叫ぶ (1) |
Shout, Exclaim, Yell |
1 |
叱 | 叱り (1) |
Scold, Reprove |
1 |
右 | 右側 (1) |
Right |
1 |
各 | 各 (1) |
Each, Every, Either |
1 |
誉 | 名誉 (1) |
Reputation, Praise, Honor, Glory |
1 |
吹 | 吹き矢 (1) |
Blow, Breathe, Puff, Emit, Smoke |
1 |
矢 | 吹き矢 (1) |
Dart, Arrow |
1 |
唇 | 唇 (1) |
Lips |
1 |
唯 | 唯一 (1) |
Solely, Only, Merely, Simply |
1 |
喘 | 喘ぐ (1) |
Pant, Gasp, Breathe Hard |
1 |
嗜 | 嗜み (1) |
Like, Taste, Modest |
1 |
囮 | 囮 (1) |
Decoy, Lure, Stool Pigeon |
1 |
窮 | 困窮 (1) |
Hard Up, Destitute, Suffer, Perplexed, Cornered |
1 |
葬 | 埋葬 (1) |
Interment, Bury, Shelve |
1 |
埋 | 埋葬 (1) |
Bury, Be Filled Up, Embedded |
1 |
拗 | 執拗 (1) |
Crooked, Twisted, Distorted, Perverted, Cross |
1 |
執 | 執拗 (1) |
Tenacious, Take Hold, Grasp, Take To Heart |
1 |
堅 | 堅苦しい (1) |
Strict, Hard, Solid, Tough, Tight, Reliable |
1 |
堪 | 堪え難い (1) |
Withstand, Endure, Support, Resist |
1 |
塀 | 塀 (1) |
Fence, Wall, (kokuji) |
1 |
遇 | 境遇 (1) |
Meet, Encounter, Interview, Treat, Entertain, Receive, Deal With |
1 |
領 | 大統領 (1) |
Jurisdiction, Dominion, Territory, Fief, Reign |
1 |
統 | 大統領 (1) |
Overall, Relationship, Ruling, Governing |
1 |
狄 | 夷狄 (1) |
Barbarian |
1 |
奔 | 奔走 (1) |
Run, Bustle |
1 |
始 | 始める (1) |
Commence, Begin |
1 |
姫 | 姫 (1) |
Princess |
1 |
婆 | 婆さん (1) |
Old Woman, Grandma, Wet Nurse |
1 |
獄 | 安政の大獄 (1) |
Prison, Jail |
1 |
施 | 実施 (1) |
Give, Bestow, Perform, Alms |
1 |
系 | 家系 (1) |
Lineage, System |
1 |
査 | 審査 (1) |
Investigate |
1 |
審 | 審査 (1) |
Hearing, Judge, Trial |
1 |
寸 | 寸鉄 (1) |
Measurement, Tenth Of A Shaku, A Little, Small |
1 |
鉄 | 寸鉄 (1) |
Iron |
1 |
島 | 小島 (1) |
Island |
1 |
尼 | 尼 (1) |
Nun |
1 |
届 | 届 (1) |
Deliver, Reach, Arrive, Report, Notify, Forward |
1 |
屑 | 屑 (1) |
Rubbish, Junk, Trash, Waste, Scraps |
1 |
市 | 市内 (1) |
Market, City, Town |
1 |
希 | 希望 (1) |
Hope, Beg, Request, Pray, Beseech, Greece, Dilute (acid), Rare, Few, Phenomenal |
1 |
齢 | 年齢 (1) |
Age |
1 |
舗 | 店舗 (1) |
Shop, Store, Pave |
1 |
廉 | 廉 (1) |
Bargain, Reason, Charge, Suspicion, Point, Account, Purity, Honest, Low Price, Cheap, Rested, Contented, Peaceful |
1 |
廊 | 廊下 (1) |
Corridor, Hall, Tower |
1 |
建 | 建物 (1) |
Build |
1 |
弔 | 弔慰金 (1) |
Condolences, Mourning, Funeral |
1 |
烈 | 強烈 (1) |
Ardent, Violent, Vehement, Furious, Severe, Extreme |
1 |
弾 | 弾圧 (1) |
Bullet, Twang, Flip, Snap |
1 |
割 | 役割 (1) |
Proportion, Comparatively, Divide, Cut, Separate, Split |
1 |
覧 | 御覧 (1) |
Perusal, See |
1 |
馳 | 御馳走 (1) |
Run, Gallop, Sail, Drive (a Wagon), Win (fame), Despatch |
1 |
塵 | 微塵 (1) |
Dust, Trash, Garbage |
1 |
準 | 心の準備 (1) |
Semi-, Correspond To, Proportionate To, Conform, Imitate |
1 |
怠 | 怠ける (1) |
Neglect, Laziness |
1 |
鋒 | 急先鋒 (1) |
Dagger, Sword's Point, Festival Car, Float |
1 |
紛 | 悔し紛れ (1) |
Distract, Be Mistaken For, Go Astray, Divert |
1 |
悦 | 悦び (1) |
Ecstasy, Joy, Rapture |
1 |
悩 | 悩み (1) |
Trouble, Worry, In Pain, Distress, Illness |
1 |
劇 | 惨劇 (1) |
Drama, Play |
1 |
愚 | 愚弄 (1) |
Foolish, Folly, Absurdity, Stupid |
1 |
弄 | 愚弄 (1) |
Play With, Tamper, Trifle With |
1 |
慌 | 慌てる (1) |
Disconcerted, Be Confused, Lose One's Head |
1 |
憂 | 憂える (1) |
Melancholy, Grieve, Lament, Be Anxious, Sad, Unhappy |
1 |
儘 | 我が儘 (1) |
As It Is, Because |
1 |
戴 | 戴き (1) |
Be Crowned With, Live Under (a Ruler), Receive |
1 |
詮 | 所詮 (1) |
Discussion, Methods Called For, Selection, Result |
1 |
扇 | 扇 (1) |
Fan, Folding Fan |
1 |
綱 | 手綱 (1) |
Hawser, Class (genus), Rope, Cord, Cable |
1 |
投 | 投げ (1) |
Throw, Discard, Abandon, Launch Into, Join, Invest In, Hurl, Give Up, Sell At A Loss |
1 |
拒 | 拒否 (1) |
Repel, Refuse, Reject, Decline |
1 |
拷 | 拷問 (1) |
Torture, Beat |
1 |
示 | 指示 (1) |
Show, Indicate, Point Out, Express, Display |
1 |
挨 | 挨拶 (1) |
Approach, Draw Near, Push Open |
1 |
拶 | 挨拶 (1) |
Be Imminent, Draw Close |
1 |
捕 | 捕まえる (1) |
Catch, Capture |
1 |
探 | 探し回る (1) |
Grope, Search, Look For |
1 |
掴 | 掴まる (1) |
Catch, Seize, Grasp, Hold, Arrest, Capture |
1 |
援 | 援助 (1) |
Abet, Help, Save |
1 |
揺 | 揺れ動く (1) |
Swing, Shake, Sway, Rock, Tremble, Vibrate |
1 |
撒 | 撒き散らす (1) |
Scatter, Sprinkle, Give Them The Slip |
1 |
影 | 撮影 (1) |
Shadow, Silhouette, Phantom |
1 |
撮 | 撮影 (1) |
Snapshot, Take Pictures |
1 |
支 | 支持 (1) |
Branch, Support, Sustain, Branch Radical (no. 65) |
1 |
字 | 文字 (1) |
Character, Letter, Word, Section Of Village |
1 |
潟 | 新潟県 (1) |
Lagoon |
1 |
角 | 方角 (1) |
Angle, Corner, Square, Horn, Antlers |
1 |
針 | 方針 (1) |
Needle, Pin, Staple, Stinger |
1 |
旅 | 旅行 (1) |
Trip, Travel |
1 |
昇 | 昇る (1) |
Rise Up |
1 |
昌 | 昌平 (1) |
Prosperous, Bright, Clear |
1 |
晒 | 晒し (1) |
Bleach, Refine, Expose, Air |
1 |
暖 | 暖かい (1) |
Warmth |
1 |
松 | 松葉杖 (1) |
Pine Tree |
1 |
杖 | 松葉杖 (1) |
Staff, Cane |
1 |
柔 | 柔術 (1) |
Tender, Weakness, Gentleness, Softness |
1 |
柿 | 柿 (1) |
Persimmon |
1 |
桜 | 桜並木 (1) |
Cherry |
1 |
棒 | 棒切れ (1) |
Rod, Stick, Cane, Pole, Club, Line |
1 |
標 | 標的 (1) |
Signpost, Seal, Mark, Stamp, Imprint, Symbol, Emblem, Trademark, Evidence, Souvenir, Target |
1 |
欠 | 欠 (1) |
Lack, Gap, Fail, Yawning Radical (no. 76) |
1 |
欧 | 欧 (1) |
Europe |
1 |
亡 | 死亡 (1) |
Deceased, The Late, Dying, Perish |
1 |
虐 | 残虐 (1) |
Tyrannize, Oppress |
1 |
毛 | 毛嫌い (1) |
Fur, Hair, Feather, Down |
1 |
汚 | 汚名 (1) |
Dirty, Pollute, Disgrace, Rape, Defile |
1 |
沈 | 沈める (1) |
Sink, Be Submerged, Subside, Be Depressed, Aloes |
1 |
濘 | 泥濘 (1) |
Muddiness |
1 |
泥 | 泥濘 (1) |
Mud, Mire, Adhere To, Be Attached To |
1 |
注 | 注 (1) |
Pour, Irrigate, Shed (tears), Flow Into, Concentrate On, Notes, Comment, Annotate |
1 |
浅 | 浅はか (1) |
Shallow, Superficial, Frivolous, Wretched, Shameful |
1 |
厚 | 温厚 (1) |
Thick, Heavy, Rich, Kind, Cordial, Brazen, Shameless |
1 |
飲 | 溜飲 (1) |
Drink, Smoke, Take |
1 |
溜 | 溜飲 (1) |
Collect, Gather, Be In Arrears |
1 |
溢 | 溢れる (1) |
Overflow, Inundate, Spill |
1 |
滅 | 滅びる (1) |
Destroy, Ruin, Overthrow, Perish |
1 |
滑 | 滑る (1) |
Slippery, Slide, Slip, Flunk |
1 |
漏 | 漏らす (1) |
Leak, Escape, Time |
1 |
衣 | 濡れ衣 (1) |
Garment, Clothes, Dressing |
1 |
炎 | 炎 (1) |
Inflammation, Flame, Blaze |
1 |
慈 | 無慈悲 (1) |
Mercy |
1 |
照 | 照れ (1) |
Illuminate, Shine, Compare, Bashful |
1 |
熟 | 熟達 (1) |
Mellow, Ripen, Mature, Acquire Skill |
1 |
徴 | 特徴 (1) |
Indications, Sign, Omen, Symptom, Collect, Seek, Refer To, Question |
1 |
犬 | 犬 (1) |
Dog |
1 |
狭 | 狭い (1) |
Cramped, Narrow, Contract, Tight |
1 |
毒 | 猛毒 (1) |
Poison, Virus, Venom, Germ, Harm, Injury, Spite |
1 |
珍 | 珍しい (1) |
Rare, Curious, Strange |
1 |
甘 | 甘ったれ (1) |
Sweet, Coax, Pamper, Be Content, Sugary |
1 |
請 | 申請者 (1) |
Solicit, Invite, Ask |
1 |
疑 | 疑い (1) |
Doubt, Distrust, Be Suspicious, Question |
1 |
攣 | 痙攣 (1) |
Crooked, Bent |
1 |
痙 | 痙攣 (1) |
Have A Cramp |
1 |
盗 | 盗み聞き (1) |
Steal, Rob, Pilfer |
1 |
遭 | 目に遭う (1) |
Encounter, Meet, Party, Association, Interview, Join |
1 |
眺 | 眺め (1) |
Stare, Watch, Look At, See, Scrutinize |
1 |
瞬 | 瞬時 (1) |
Wink, Blink, Twinkle |
1 |
破 | 破る (1) |
Rend, Rip, Tear, Break, Destroy, Defeat, Frustrate |
1 |
神 | 神社 (1) |
Gods, Mind, Soul |
1 |
禅 | 禅寺 (1) |
Zen, Silent Meditation |
1 |
寺 | 禅寺 (1) |
Buddhist Temple |
1 |
稼 | 稼ぎ (1) |
Earnings, Work, Earn Money |
1 |
穴 | 穴 (1) |
Hole, Aperture, Slit, Cave, Den |
1 |
章 | 章 (1) |
Badge, Chapter, Composition, Poem, Design |
1 |
細 | 竹細工 (1) |
Dainty, Get Thin, Taper, Slender, Narrow, Detailed, Precise |
1 |
工 | 竹細工 (1) |
Craft, Construction, Katakana E Radical (no. 48) |
1 |
竹 | 竹細工 (1) |
Bamboo |
1 |
節 | 節約 (1) |
Node, Season, Period, Occasion, Verse, Clause, Stanza, Honor, Joint, Knuckle, Knob, Knot, Tune, Melody |
1 |
粋 | 粋 (1) |
Chic, Style, Purity, Essence, Pith, Cream, Elite, Choice |
1 |
粗 | 粗茶 (1) |
Coarse, Rough, Rugged |
1 |
終 | 終わる (1) |
End, Finish |
1 |
経 | 経緯 (1) |
Sutra, Longitude, Pass Thru, Expire, Warp |
1 |
緯 | 経緯 (1) |
Horizontal, Woof, Left & Right, (parallels Of) Latitude, Prediction |
1 |
繋 | 繋がる (1) |
Tie, Fasten, Chain, Tether, Connect |
1 |
罰 | 罰を受ける (1) |
Penalty, Punishment |
1 |
罷 | 罷免 (1) |
Quit, Stop, Leave, Withdraw, Go |
1 |
羊 | 羊羹 (1) |
Sheep |
1 |
羹 | 羊羹 (1) |
Hot Soup |
1 |
翌 | 翌日 (1) |
The Following, Next |
1 |
耐 | 耐える (1) |
-proof, Enduring |
1 |
肝 | 肝心 (1) |
Liver, Pluck, Nerve, Chutzpah |
1 |
脳 | 脳裏 (1) |
Brain, Memory |
1 |
腑 | 腑抜け (1) |
Viscera, Bowels |
1 |
捻 | 腕捻り (1) |
Twirl, Twist, Play With |
1 |
腫 | 腫れ (1) |
Tumor, Swelling |
1 |
膾 | 膾 (1) |
Raw Fish Salad |
1 |
臆 | 臆病者 (1) |
Timidity, Heart, Mind, Fear, Cowardly |
1 |
臨 | 臨む (1) |
Look To, Face, Meet, Confront, Attend, Call On |
1 |
至 | 至極 (1) |
Climax, Arrive, Proceed, Reach, Attain, Result In |
1 |
芝 | 芝居 (1) |
Turf, Lawn |
1 |
党 | 若党 (1) |
Party, Faction, Clique |
1 |
英 | 英語 (1) |
England, English, Hero, Outstanding, Calyx |
1 |
茫 | 茫洋 (1) |
Wide, Extensive |
1 |
洋 | 茫洋 (1) |
Ocean, Sea, Foreign, Western Style |
1 |
車 | 荷車 (1) |
Car |
1 |
荷 | 荷車 (1) |
Baggage, Shoulder-pole Load, Bear (a Burden), Shoulder (a Gun), Load, Cargo, Freight |
1 |
摩 | 薩摩 (1) |
Chafe, Rub, Polish, Grind, Scrape |
1 |
薩 | 薩摩 (1) |
Salvation, Buddha |
1 |
蘭 | 蘭学 (1) |
Orchid, Holland |
1 |
蟠 | 蟠り (1) |
Coiled Up |
1 |
袋 | 袋 (1) |
Sack, Bag, Pouch |
1 |
袴 | 袴 (1) |
Men's Formal Divided Skirt |
1 |
装 | 装置 (1) |
Attire, Dress, Pretend, Disguise, Profess |
1 |
補 | 補 (1) |
Supplement, Supply, Make Good, Offset, Compensate, Assistant, Learner |
1 |
孝 | 親不孝 (1) |
Filial Piety, Child's Respect |
1 |
類 | 親類 (1) |
Sort, Kind, Variety, Class, Genus |
1 |
草 | 言い草 (1) |
Grass, Weeds, Herbs, Pasture, Write, Draft |
1 |
訂 | 訂正 (1) |
Revise, Correct, Decide |
1 |
算 | 計算 (1) |
Calculate, Divining, Number, Abacus, Probability |
1 |
述 | 記述 (1) |
Mention, State, Speak, Relate |
1 |
拠 | 証拠 (1) |
Foothold, Based On, Follow, Therefore |
1 |
誕 | 誕生 (1) |
Nativity, Be Born, Declension, Lie, Be Arbitrary |
1 |
誘 | 誘惑 (1) |
Entice, Lead, Tempt, Invite, Ask, Call For, Seduce, Allure |
1 |
誹 | 誹謗中傷 (1) |
Ridicule, Slander |
1 |
謗 | 誹謗中傷 (1) |
Slander, Disparage, Censure, Criticize |
1 |
諍 | 諍い (1) |
Quarrel |
1 |
謂 | 謂われ (1) |
Reason, Origin, History, Oral Tradition |
1 |
譜 | 譜 (1) |
Musical Score, Music, Note, Staff, Table, Genealogy |
1 |
衛 | 護衛 (1) |
Defense, Protection |
1 |
豪 | 豪い (1) |
Overpowering, Great, Powerful, Excelling, Australia |
1 |
禄 | 貫禄 (1) |
Fief, Allowance, Pension, Grant, Happiness |
1 |
貫 | 貫禄 (1) |
Pierce, 8 1/3lbs, Penetrate, Brace |
1 |
貸 | 貸し切り (1) |
Lend |
1 |
貿 | 貿易商 (1) |
Trade, Exchange |
1 |
賭 | 賭け (1) |
Gamble, Wager, Bet |
1 |
起 | 起こる (1) |
Rouse, Wake Up, Get Up |
1 |
軟 | 軟禁状態 (1) |
Soft |
1 |
軽 | 軽蔑 (1) |
Lightly, Trifling, Unimportant |
1 |
蔑 | 軽蔑 (1) |
Ignore, Despise, Neglect, Ridicule |
1 |
辞 | 辞書 (1) |
Resign, Word, Term, Expression |
1 |
農 | 農民 (1) |
Agriculture, Farmers |
1 |
路 | 通路 (1) |
Path, Route, Road, Distance |
1 |
造 | 造り (1) |
Create, Make, Structure, Physique |
1 |
逢 | 逢う (1) |
Meeting, Tryst, Date, Rendezvous |
1 |
絡 | 連絡 (1) |
Entwine, Coil Around, Get Caught In |
1 |
択 | 選択 (1) |
Choose, Select, Elect, Prefer |
1 |
釈 | 釈放 (1) |
Explanation |
1 |
錬 | 鍛錬 (1) |
Tempering, Refine, Drill, Train, Polish |
1 |
崎 | 長崎 (1) |
Promontory, Cape, Spit |
1 |
閣 | 閣内 (1) |
Tower, Tall Building, Palace |
1 |
降 | 降参 (1) |
Descend, Precipitate, Fall, Surrender |
1 |
陽 | 陽気 (1) |
Sunshine, Yang Principle, Positive, Male, Heaven, Daytime |
1 |
接 | 隣接 (1) |
Touch, Contact, Adjoin, Piece Together |
1 |
頻 | 頻繁 (1) |
Repeatedly, Recur |
1 |
繁 | 頻繁 (1) |
Luxuriant, Thick, Overgrown, Frequency, Complexity, Trouble |
1 |
顎 | 顎 (1) |
Jaw, Chin, Gill |
1 |
駐 | 駐日 (1) |
Stop-over, Reside In, Resident |
1 |
骨 | 骨 (1) |
Skeleton, Bone, Remains, Frame |
1 |
型 | 髪型 (1) |
Mould, Type, Model |
1 |
髷 | 髷 (1) |
Topknot |
1 |
畜 | 鬼畜 (1) |
Livestock, Domestic Fowl And Animals |
1 |
魅 | 魅力的 (1) |
Fascination, Charm, Bewitch |
1 |