It's My Life
Kanji Meanings
This is an experimental page for viewing kanji in a series. It is likely to change.
Unique kanji: 1,281
Total kanji: 12,530
Kanji | Words | Meaning | Frequency |
人 | 人 (61), 人間 (47), 友人 (23), あの人 (17), 一人で (13), 人生 (12), 一人 (11), 大人 (10), 他人 (9), 人狼 (8), 人たち (7), 二人 (6), 職人 (6), 美人 (4), 二人暮らし (3), 人より (3), 同居人 (3), 客人 (3), 旅人 (3), いい人 (2), この人 (2), 人々 (2), 人形 (2), 人数 (2), 人質 (2), 旅芸人 (2), 本人 (2), 行商人 (2), たった一人 (1), 一個人 (1), 一般人 (1), 三人組 (1), 中国人 (1), 二人きり (1), 人前で (1), 人工島 (1), 人気 (1), 人聞きの悪い (1), 人身売買 (1), 人通り (1), 人間関係 (1), 人魚 (1), 何人たりとも (1), 個人 (1), 偉い人 (1), 凡人 (1), 別人 (1), 助っ人 (1), 商売人 (1), 大人しい (1), 女の人 (1), 差出人 (1), 怪我人 (1), 成人 (1), 旅の人 (1), 村人 (1), 歌人 (1), 無人島 (1), 犯人 (1), 獣人 (1), 誰一人 (1) |
Person |
300 |
前 | In Front, Before |
235 | |
大 | 大陸 (34), 大丈夫 (23), 大事 (18), 大変 (15), 大人 (10), 大きい (8), 大切 (8), 大好き (8), 大体 (7), 大きな (4), 大剣 (4), 大きく (3), 五大 (2), 大きさ (2), 大した (2), 大国 (2), 大型 (2), 大声 (2), 大工仕事 (2), 大戦 (2), 大抵 (2), 大昔 (2), 大気 (2), 大違い (2), 大量 (2), 偉大 (1), 大い (1), 大いに (1), 大したことない (1), 大それた (1), 大はしゃぎ (1), 大事件 (1), 大人しい (1), 大切にする (1), 大半 (1), 大口 (1), 大嫌い (1), 大層 (1), 大差 (1), 大当たり (1), 大方 (1), 大男 (1), 大粒 (1), 大荷物 (1), 大規模 (1), 大通り (1), 大金持ち (1), 尊大 (1), 無限大 (1) |
Large, Big |
192 |
魔 | Witch, Demon, Evil Spirit |
185 | |
私 | Private, I, Me |
179 | |
一 | 一体 (24), 一番 (24), 一緒に (18), 一人で (13), 一人 (11), 一度 (5), 一部 (5), 一応 (3), 一生 (3), もう一度 (2), 一同 (2), 一族 (2), 一瞬 (2), 一般的 (2), 一言 (2), 一通り (2), 唯一 (2), あと一歩 (1), ご一緒 (1), たった一人 (1), より一層 (1), 一か月 (1), 一個人 (1), 一匹狼 (1), 一区 (1), 一区切り (1), 一味違う (1), 一声かける (1), 一度だけ (1), 一度も (1), 一心不乱 (1), 一振り (1), 一攫千金 (1), 一旦 (1), 一時 (1), 一歩 (1), 一段落 (1), 一理ある (1), 一番弟子 (1), 一着 (1), 一緒 (1), 一般人 (1), 一週間 (1), 一部分 (1), 千載一遇 (1), 第一声 (1), 精一杯 (1), 誰一人 (1) |
One, One Radical (no.1) |
153 |
長 | Long, Leader, Superior, Senior |
145 | |
子 | Child, Sign Of The Rat, 11pm-1am, First Sign Of Chinese Zodiac |
127 | |
隊 | Regiment, Party, Company, Squad |
110 | |
族 | Tribe, Family |
109 | |
何 | What |
108 | |
手 | 手 (16), 勝手に (13), 手紙 (11), 相手 (7), 手を出す (5), 上手 (4), 勝手 (4), 手続き (4), 苦手 (4), この手 (3), 上手い (2), 下手 (2), 不得手 (2), 手伝い (2), 手入れ (2), 片手 (2), 不手際 (1), 両手 (1), 好き勝手 (1), 左手 (1), 手元 (1), 手土産 (1), 手持ち (1), 手料理 (1), 手段 (1), 手短 (1), 手袋 (1), 手間 (1), 料理上手 (1), 新手 (1), 派手 (1), 素手 (1), 素手で (1), 触手 (1), 話し上手 (1), 話し相手 (1), 選手 (1) |
Hand |
104 |
今 | Now |
97 | |
気 | 気持ち (15), 気 (11), 元気 (9), 雰囲気 (4), 天気 (3), 平気 (3), 気がする (3), 気をつけて (3), 気候 (3), 気遣い (3), 空気 (3), いい気 (2), ような気がする (2), 大気 (2), 本気で (2), 気が利く (2), 気にする (2), 気のせい (2), 気分 (2), いい天気 (1), いい気になる (1), お気になさらず (1), やる気 (1), 人気 (1), 勇気 (1), 弱気 (1), 心意気 (1), 根気よく (1), 正気 (1), 気が付くと (1), 気になる (1), 気をつけ (1), 気丈 (1), 気付 (1), 気質 (1), 気軽に (1), 気配 (1), 活気 (1), 無邪気 (1), 熱気 (1) |
Spirit, Mind, Air, Atmosphere, Mood |
97 |
俺 | I, Myself |
90 | |
神 | Gods, Mind, Soul |
88 | |
法 | Method, Law, Rule, Principle, Model, System |
87 | |
邪 | Wicked, Injustice, Wrong |
87 | |
分 | Part, Minute Of Time, Segment, Share, Degree, One's Lot, Duty, Understand, Know, Rate, 1%, Chances, Shaku/100 |
83 | |
様 | Esq., Way, Manner, Situation, Polite Suffix |
81 | |
間 | Interval, Space |
79 | |
生 | Life, Genuine, Birth |
76 | |
体 | Body, Substance, Object, Reality, Counter For Images |
73 | |
団 | Group, Association |
72 | |
力 | Power, Strength, Strong, Strain, Bear Up, Exert |
71 | |
女 | Woman, Female |
71 | |
友 | Friend |
70 | |
言 | Say, Word |
70 | |
本 | Book, Present, Main, Origin, True, Real, Counter For Long Cylindrical Things |
68 | |
事 | Matter, Thing, Fact, Business, Reason, Possibly |
68 | |
自 | Oneself |
67 | |
種 | Species, Kind, Class, Variety, Seed |
66 | |
出 | 出来る (8), 手を出す (5), お出かけ (4), 出かける (3), 思い出 (3), ことが出来る (2), 出す (2), 出る (2), 出来損ない (2), 出身 (2), 出迎え (2), 思い出す (2), 持ち出し (2), 検出 (2), 演出 (2), 遠出 (2), 上出来 (1), 出くわす (1), 出でる (1), 出世 (1), 出会い (1), 出入り口 (1), 出力 (1), 出来たて (1), 出来映え (1), 出生 (1), 出発 (1), 出稼ぎ (1), 外出 (1), 家出少女 (1), 差出人 (1), 放出 (1), 水出し (1), 申し出 (1), 言い出す (1), 露出 (1) |
Exit, Leave, Go Out, Come Out, Put Out, Protrude |
65 |
話 | Tale, Talk |
59 | |
士 | Gentleman, Scholar, Samurai, Samurai Radical (no. 33) |
58 | |
物 | Thing, Object, Matter |
57 | |
良 | Good, Pleasing, Skilled |
55 | |
騎 | Equestrian, Riding On Horses, Counter For Equestrians |
55 | |
好 | Fond, Pleasing, Like Something |
53 | |
者 | Someone, Person |
53 | |
当 | Hit, Right, Appropriate, Himself |
53 | |
道 | Road-way, Street, District, Journey, Course, Moral, Teachings |
52 | |
目 | Eye, Class, Look, Insight, Experience, Care, Favor |
52 | |
思 | Think |
51 | |
実 | Reality, Truth |
51 | |
部 | Section, Bureau, Dept, Class, Copy, Part, Portion, Counter For Copies Of A Newspaper Or Magazine |
51 | |
少 | Few, Little |
50 | |
導 | Guidance, Leading, Conduct, Usher |
49 | |
意 | Idea, Mind, Heart, Taste, Thought, Desire, Care, Liking |
49 | |
方 | Direction, Person, Alternative |
49 | |
具 | Tool, Utensil, Means, Possess, Ingredients, Counter For Armor, Suits, Sets Of Furniture |
44 | |
我 | Ego, I, Selfish, Our, Oneself |
44 | |
味 | Flavor, Taste |
44 | |
理 | Logic, Arrangement, Reason, Justice, Truth |
44 | |
違 | Difference, Differ |
43 | |
故 | Happenstance, Especially, Intentionally, Reason, Cause, Circumstances, The Late, Therefore, Consequently |
43 | |
家 | House, Home, Family, Professional, Expert, Performer |
43 | |
場 | Location, Place |
42 | |
剣 | Sabre, Sword, Blade, Clock Hand |
41 | |
心 | Heart, Mind, Spirit, Heart Radical (no. 61) |
41 | |
下 | Below, Down, Descend, Give, Low, Inferior |
40 | |
服 | Clothing, Admit, Obey, Discharge |
40 | |
行 | Going, Journey, Carry Out, Conduct, Act, Line, Row, Bank |
39 | |
最 | Utmost, Most, Extreme |
39 | |
無 | Nothingness, None, Ain't, Nothing, Nil, Not |
39 | |
度 | Degrees, Occurrence, Time, Counter For Occurrences, Consider, Attitude |
39 | |
兄 | Elder Brother, Big Brother |
37 | |
変 | Unusual, Change, Strange |
37 | |
来 | Come, Due, Next, Cause, Become |
37 | |
達 | Accomplished, Reach, Arrive, Attain |
36 | |
身 | Somebody, Person, One's Station In Life |
35 | |
初 | First Time, Beginning |
35 | |
持 | Hold, Have |
35 | |
地 | Ground, Earth |
35 | |
陸 | 大陸 (34) |
Land, Six |
34 |
番 | Turn, Number In A Series |
34 | |
所 | Place, Extent |
34 | |
用 | Utilize, Business, Service, Use, Employ |
34 | |
顔 | Face, Expression |
33 | |
仕 | Attend, Doing, Official, Serve |
32 | |
素 | Elementary, Principle, Naked, Uncovered |
32 | |
近 | Near, Early, Akin, Tantamount |
32 | |
上 | Above, Up |
32 | |
悪 | Bad, Vice, Rascal, False, Evil, Wrong |
31 | |
全 | Whole, Entire, All, Complete, Fulfill |
31 | |
見 | See, Hopes, Chances, Idea, Opinion, Look At, Visible |
31 | |
誰 | Who, Someone, Somebody |
31 | |
親 | Parent, Intimacy, Relative, Familiarity, Dealer (cards) |
30 | |
不 | Negative, Non-, Bad, Ugly, Clumsy |
30 | |
立 | Stand Up, Rise, Set Up, Erect |
29 | |
別 | Separate, Branch Off, Diverge, Fork, Another, Extra, Specially |
28 | |
日 | Day, Sun, Japan, Counter For Days |
28 | |
世 | Generation, World, Society, Public |
27 | |
彼 | He, That, The |
27 | |
時 | Time, Hour |
27 | |
情 | Feelings, Emotion, Passion, Sympathy, Circumstances, Facts |
27 | |
同 | Same, Agree, Equal |
27 | |
感 | Emotion, Feeling, Sensation |
27 | |
的 | Bull's Eye, Mark, Target, Object, Adjective Ending |
27 | |
活 | Lively, Resuscitation, Being Helped, Living |
26 | |
性 | Sex, Gender, Nature |
26 | |
結 | Tie, Bind, Contract, Join, Organize, Do Up Hair, Fasten |
26 | |
中 | In, Inside, Middle, Mean, Center |
26 | |
合 | Fit, Suit, Join, 0.1 |
26 | |
丈 | Length, Ten Shaku, Measure, Mr., Ms., Height, Stature, All (one Has), Only, That's All, Merely |
25 | |
元 | Beginning, Former Time, Origin |
25 | |
後 | Behind, Back, Later |
25 | |
外 | Outside |
25 | |
明 | Bright, Light |
25 | |
作 | Make, Production, Prepare, Build |
25 | |
料 | Fee, Materials |
25 | |
食 | Eat, Food |
25 | |
夫 | Husband, Man |
24 | |
都 | Metropolis, Capital, All, Everything |
24 | |
務 | Task, Duties |
24 | |
伝 | Transmit, Go Along, Walk Along, Follow, Report, Communicate, Legend, Tradition |
24 | |
緒 | Thong, Beginning, Inception, End, Cord, Strap, Mental Or Emotional State |
23 | |
勝 | Victory, Win, Prevail, Excel |
23 | |
土 | Soil, Earth, Ground, Turkey |
23 | |
然 | Sort Of Thing, So, If So, In That Case, Well |
23 | |
嫌 | Dislike, Detest, Hate |
23 | |
定 | Determine, Fix, Establish, Decide |
23 | |
先 | Before, Ahead, Previous, Future, Precedence |
23 | |
面 | Mask, Face, Features, Surface |
22 | |
使 | Use, Send On A Mission, Order, Messenger, Envoy, Ambassador, Cause |
22 | |
期 | Period, Time, Date, Term |
22 | |
帝 | Sovereign, The Emperor, God, Creator |
21 | |
輩 | Comrade, Fellow, People, Companions |
21 | |
声 | Voice |
21 | |
確 | Assurance, Firm, Tight, Hard, Solid, Confirm, Clear, Evident |
21 | |
仲 | Go-between, Relationship |
21 | |
格 | Status, Rank, Capacity, Character, Case (law, Grammar) |
21 | |
関 | Connection, Barrier, Gateway, Involve, Concerning |
21 | |
説 | Opinion, Theory, Explanation, Rumor |
21 | |
可 | Can, Passable, Mustn't, Should Not, Do Not |
21 | |
水 | Water |
21 | |
動 | Move, Motion, Change, Confusion, Shift, Shake |
21 | |
昔 | Once Upon A Time, Antiquity, Old Times |
20 | |
配 | Distribute, Spouse, Exile, Rationing |
20 | |
要 | Need, Main Point, Essence, Pivot, Key To |
20 | |
通 | Traffic, Pass Through, Avenue, Commute, Counter For Letters, Notes, Documents, Etc. |
20 | |
年 | Year, Counter For Years |
20 | |
着 | Don, Arrive, Wear, Counter For Suits Of Clothing |
20 | |
発 | Departure, Discharge, Publish, Emit, Start From, Disclose, Counter For Gunshots |
20 | |
流 | Current, A Sink, Flow, Forfeit |
19 | |
能 | Ability, Talent, Skill, Capacity |
19 | |
小 | Little, Small |
19 | |
相 | Inter-, Mutual, Together, Each Other, Minister Of State, Councillor, Aspect, Phase, Physiognomy |
19 | |
遠 | Distant, Far |
19 | |
付 | Adhere, Attach, Refer To, Append |
19 | |
頼 | Trust, Request |
18 | |
必 | Invariably, Certain, Inevitable |
18 | |
命 | Fate, Command, Decree, Destiny, Life, Appoint |
18 | |
愛 | Love, Affection, Favourite |
18 | |
弟 | Younger Brother, Faithful Service To Elders |
18 | |
特 | Special |
18 | |
書 | Write |
18 | |
余 | Too Much, Myself, Surplus, Other, Remainder |
18 | |
居 | Reside, To Be, Exist, Live With |
18 | |
入 | Enter, Insert |
18 | |
石 | Stone |
17 | |
普 | Universal, Wide(ly), Generally, Prussia |
17 | |
切 | Cut, Cutoff, Be Sharp |
17 | |
庭 | Courtyard, Garden, Yard |
17 | |
客 | Guest, Visitor, Customer, Client |
17 | |
幼 | Infancy, Childhood |
17 | |
取 | Take, Fetch, Take Up |
17 | |
高 | Tall, High, Expensive |
17 | |
数 | Number, Strength, Fate, Law, Figures |
17 | |
正 | Correct, Justice, Righteous, 10**40 |
17 | |
風 | Wind, Air, Style, Manner |
17 | |
副 | 副 (16) |
Vice-, Assistant, Aide, Duplicate, Copy |
16 |
葉 | Leaf, Plane, Lobe, Needle, Blade, Spear, Counter For Flat Things, Fragment, Piece |
16 | |
界 | World, Boundary |
16 | |
楽 | Music, Comfort, Ease |
16 | |
任 | Responsibility, Duty, Term, Entrust To, Appoint |
16 | |
除 | Exclude, Division (x/3), Remove, Abolish, Cancel, Except |
16 | |
他 | Other, Another, The Others |
16 | |
知 | Know, Wisdom |
16 | |
優 | Tenderness, Excel, Surpass, Actor, Superiority, Gentleness |
16 | |
読 | Read |
16 | |
屋 | Roof, House, Shop, Dealer, Seller |
16 | |
成 | Turn Into, Become, Get, Grow, Elapse, Reach |
16 | |
足 | Leg, Foot, Be Sufficient, Counter For Pairs Of Footwear |
16 | |
会 | Meeting, Meet, Party, Association, Interview, Join |
16 | |
代 | Substitute, Change, Convert, Replace, Period, Age, Counter For Decades Of Ages, Eras, Etc., Generation, Charge, Rate, Fee |
16 | |
制 | 制服 (15) |
System, Law, Rule |
15 |
郷 | 故郷 (15) |
Home Town, Village, Native Place, District |
15 |
僕 | Me, I (male), Servant, Manservant |
15 | |
在 | Exist, Outskirts, Suburbs, Located In |
15 | |
久 | Long Time, Old Story |
15 | |
海 | Sea, Ocean |
15 | |
貴 | Precious, Value, Prize, Esteem, Honor |
15 | |
係 | Person In Charge, Connection, Duty, Concern Oneself |
15 | |
以 | By Means Of, Because, In View Of, Compared With |
15 | |
構 | Posture, Build, Pretend |
15 | |
念 | Wish, Sense, Idea, Thought, Feeling, Desire, Attention |
15 | |
美 | Beauty, Beautiful |
15 | |
職 | Post, Employment, Work |
15 | |
二 | Two, Two Radical (no. 7) |
15 | |
早 | Early, Fast |
15 | |
白 | White |
15 | |
断 | Severance, Decline, Refuse, Apologize, Warn, Dismiss, Prohibit, Decision, Judgement, Cutting |
15 | |
新 | New |
15 | |
図 | Map, Drawing, Plan, Extraordinary, Audacious |
15 | |
対 | Vis-a-vis, Opposite, Even, Equal, Versus, Anti-, Compare |
15 | |
絶 | Discontinue, Sever, Cut Off, Abstain, Interrupt, Suppress, Be Beyond, Without Match, Peerless, Unparalleled |
15 | |
応 | Apply, Answer, Yes, Ok, Reply, Accept |
15 | |
口 | Mouth |
15 | |
駄 | Burdensome, Pack Horse, Horse Load, Send By Horse, Trivial, Worthless |
14 | |
銀 | Silver |
14 | |
単 | Simple, One, Single, Merely |
14 | |
考 | Consider, Think Over |
14 | |
計 | Plot, Plan, Scheme, Measure |
14 | |
返 | Return, Answer, Fade, Repay |
14 | |
失 | Lose, Error, Fault, Disadvantage, Loss |
14 | |
安 | Relax, Cheap, Low, Quiet, Rested, Contented, Peaceful |
14 | |
引 | Pull, Tug, Jerk, Admit, Install, Quote, Refer To |
14 | |
得 | Gain, Get, Find, Earn, Acquire, Can, May, Able To, Profit, Advantage, Benefit |
14 | |
麗 | 綺麗 (13) |
Lovely, Beautiful, Graceful, Resplendent |
13 |
綺 | 綺麗 (13) |
Figured Cloth, Beautiful |
13 |
妻 | Wife, Spouse |
13 | |
紙 | Paper |
13 | |
才 | Genius, Years Old, Cubic Shaku |
13 | |
危 | Dangerous, Fear, Uneasy |
13 | |
問 | Question, Ask, Problem |
13 | |
敵 | Enemy, Foe, Opponent |
13 | |
薬 | Medicine, Chemical, Enamel, Gunpowder, Benefit |
13 | |
程 | Extent, Degree, Law, Formula, Distance, Limits, Amount |
13 | |
暮 | Evening, Twilight, Season's End, Livelihood, Make A Living, Spend Time |
13 | |
調 | Tune, Tone, Meter, Key (music), Writing Style, Prepare, Exorcise, Investigate, Harmonize, Mediate |
13 | |
過 | Overdo, Exceed, Go Beyond, Error |
13 | |
解 | Unravel, Notes, Key, Explanation, Understanding, Untie, Undo, Solve, Answer, Cancel, Absolve, Explain, Minute |
13 | |
戦 | War, Battle, Match |
13 | |
倒 | Overthrow, Fall, Collapse, Drop, Break Down |
13 | |
売 | Sell |
13 | |
守 | Guard, Protect, Defend, Obey |
13 | |
金 | Gold |
13 | |
兜 | 兜 (12) |
Helmet, Head Piece |
12 |
城 | 城 (12) |
Castle |
12 |
幸 | 幸せ (12) |
Happiness, Blessing, Fortune |
12 |
趣 | 趣味 (12) |
Purport, Gist, Elegance, Interest, Proceed To, Tend, Become |
12 |
存 | Exist, Suppose, Be Aware Of, Believe, Feel |
12 | |
由 | Wherefore, A Reason |
12 | |
殿 | Mr., Hall, Mansion, Palace, Temple, Lord |
12 | |
名 | Name, Noted, Distinguished, Reputation |
12 | |
眼 | Eyeball |
12 | |
題 | Topic, Subject |
12 | |
強 | Strong |
12 | |
月 | Month, Moon |
12 | |
殺 | Kill, Murder, Butcher, Slice Off, Split, Diminish, Reduce, Spoil |
12 | |
形 | Shape, Form, Style |
12 | |
完 | Perfect, Completion, End |
12 | |
画 | Brush-stroke, Picture |
12 | |
野 | Plains, Field, Rustic, Civilian Life |
12 | |
天 | Heavens, Sky, Imperial |
12 | |
想 | Concept, Think, Idea, Thought |
12 | |
旅 | Trip, Travel |
12 | |
怖 | Dreadful, Be Frightened, Fearful |
11 | |
娘 | Daughter, Girl |
11 | |
帰 | Homecoming, Arrive At, Lead To, Result In |
11 | |
簡 | Simplicity, Brevity |
11 | |
飯 | Meal, Boiled Rice |
11 | |
多 | Many, Frequent, Much |
11 | |
隠 | Conceal, Hide, Cover |
11 | |
店 | Store, Shop |
11 | |
跡 | Tracks, Mark, Print, Impression |
11 | |
続 | Continue, Series, Sequel |
11 | |
備 | Equip, Provision, Preparation |
11 | |
果 | Fruit, Reward, Carry Out, Achieve, Complete, End, Finish, Succeed |
11 | |
重 | Heavy, Important, Esteem, Respect, Heap Up, Pile Up, Nest Of Boxes, -fold |
11 | |
嬉 | 嬉しい (10) |
Glad, Pleased, Rejoice |
10 |
掃 | 掃除 (10) |
Sweep, Brush |
10 |
産 | Products, Bear, Give Birth, Yield, Childbirth, Native, Property |
10 | |
氷 | Icicle, Ice, Hail, Freeze, Congeal |
10 | |
為 | Do, Change, Make, Benefit, Welfare, Be Of Use, Reach To, Try, Practice, Cost, Serve As, Good, Advantage, As A Result Of |
10 | |
直 | Straightaway, Honesty, Frankness, Fix, Repair |
10 | |
休 | Rest, Day Off, Retire, Sleep |
10 | |
器 | Utensil, Vessel, Receptacle, Implement, Instrument, Ability, Container, Tool, Set |
10 | |
若 | Young, If, Perhaps, Possibly, Low Number, Immature |
10 | |
荷 | Baggage, Shoulder-pole Load, Bear (a Burden), Shoulder (a Gun), Load, Cargo, Freight |
10 | |
張 | Lengthen, Counter For Bows & Stringed Instruments, Stretch, Spread, Put Up (tent) |
10 | |
利 | Profit, Advantage, Benefit |
10 | |
木 | Tree, Wood |
10 | |
基 | Fundamentals, Radical (chem), Counter For Machines, Foundation |
10 | |
機 | Loom, Mechanism, Machine, Airplane, Opportunity, Potency, Efficacy, Occasion |
10 | |
空 | Empty, Sky, Void, Vacant, Vacuum |
10 | |
回 | -times, Round, Game, Revolve, Counter For Occurrences |
10 | |
品 | Goods, Refinement, Dignity, Article, Counter For Meal Courses |
10 | |
傷 | Wound, Hurt, Injure, Impair, Pain, Injury, Cut, Gash, Scar, Weak Point |
10 | |
片 | One-sided, Leaf, Sheet, Right-side Kata Radical (no. 91) |
10 | |
置 | Placement, Put, Set, Deposit, Leave Behind, Keep, Employ, Pawn |
10 | |
師 | 魔導師 (9) |
Expert, Teacher, Master, Model, Exemplar, Army (incl. Counter), War |
9 |
狼 | Wolf |
9 | |
派 | Faction, Group, Party, Clique, Sect, School |
9 | |
欲 | Longing, Covetousness, Greed, Passion, Desire, Craving |
9 | |
残 | Remainder, Leftover, Balance |
9 | |
火 | Fire |
9 | |
精 | Refined, Ghost, Fairy, Energy, Vitality, Semen, Excellence, Purity, Skill |
9 | |
決 | Decide, Fix, Agree Upon, Appoint |
9 | |
照 | Illuminate, Shine, Compare, Bashful |
9 | |
菜 | Vegetable, Side Dish, Greens |
9 | |
男 | Male |
9 | |
難 | Difficult, Impossible, Trouble, Accident, Defect |
9 | |
半 | Half, Middle, Odd Number, Semi-, Part- |
9 | |
独 | Single, Alone, Spontaneously, Germany |
9 | |
覚 | Memorize, Learn, Remember, Awake, Sober Up |
9 | |
歩 | Walk, Counter For Steps |
9 | |
験 | Verification, Effect, Testing |
9 | |
試 | Test, Try, Attempt, Experiment, Ordeal |
9 | |
馬 | Horse |
9 | |
主 | Lord, Chief, Master, Main Thing, Principal |
9 | |
朝 | Morning, Dynasty, Regime, Epoch, Period, (north) Korea |
9 | |
商 | Make A Deal, Selling, Dealing In, Merchant |
9 | |
役 | Duty, War, Campaign, Drafted Labor, Office, Service, Role |
9 | |
状 | Status Quo, Conditions, Circumstances, Form, Appearance |
9 | |
洗 | Wash, Inquire Into, Probe |
9 | |
設 | Establishment, Provision, Prepare |
9 | |
離 | Detach, Separation, Disjoin, Digress |
9 | |
向 | Yonder, Facing, Beyond, Confront, Defy, Tend Toward, Approach |
9 | |
際 | Occasion, Side, Edge, Verge, Dangerous, Adventurous, Indecent, Time, When |
9 | |
振 | Shake, Wave, Wag, Swing |
9 | |
表 | Surface, Table, Chart, Diagram |
8 | |
報 | Report, News, Reward, Retribution |
8 | |
捨 | Discard, Throw Away, Abandon, Resign, Reject, Sacrifice |
8 | |
否 | Negate, No, Noes, Refuse, Decline, Deny |
8 | |
未 | Un-, Not Yet, Hitherto, Still, Even Now, Sign Of The Ram, 1-3pm, Eighth Sign Of Chinese Zodiac |
8 | |
骨 | Skeleton, Bone, Remains, Frame |
8 | |
虫 | Insect, Bug, Temper |
8 | |
予 | Beforehand, Previous, Myself, I |
8 | |
庫 | Warehouse, Storehouse |
8 | |
険 | Precipitous, Inaccessible Place, Impregnable Position, Steep Place, Sharp Eyes |
8 | |
奇 | Strange, Strangeness, Curiosity |
8 | |
孤 | Orphan, Alone |
8 | |
悲 | Grieve, Sad, Deplore, Regret |
8 | |
速 | Quick, Fast |
8 | |
真 | True, Reality, Buddhist Sect |
8 | |
茶 | Tea |
8 | |
移 | Shift, Move, Change, Drift, Catch (cold, Fire), Pass Into |
8 | |
転 | Revolve, Turn Around, Change |
8 | |
限 | Limit, Restrict, To Best Of Ability |
8 | |
願 | Petition, Request, Vow, Wish, Hope |
8 | |
冷 | Cool, Cold (beer, Person), Chill |
8 | |
術 | Art, Technique, Skill, Means, Trick, Resources, Magic |
8 | |
反 | Anti- |
8 | |
古 | Old |
8 | |
呪 | Spell, Curse, Charm, Malediction |
8 | |
護 | Safeguard, Protect |
8 | |
巻 | Scroll, Volume, Book, Part, Roll Up, Wind Up, Tie, Coil, Counter For Texts (or Book Scrolls) |
8 | |
怪 | Suspicious, Mystery, Apparition |
8 | |
恥 | Shame, Dishonor |
8 | |
謝 | Apologize, Thank, Refuse |
8 | |
戻 | Re-, Return, Revert, Resume, Restore, Go Backwards |
8 | |
指 | Finger, Point To, Indicate, Put Into, Play (chess), Measure (ruler) |
8 | |
内 | Inside, Within, Between, Among, House, Home |
8 | |
業 | Business, Vocation, Arts, Performance |
8 | |
現 | Present, Existing, Actual |
8 | |
給 | Salary, Wage, Gift, Allow, Grant, Bestow On |
8 | |
文 | Sentence, Literature, Style, Art, Decoration, Figures, Plan, Literary Radical (no. 67) |
8 | |
熱 | Heat, Temperature, Fever, Mania, Passion |
8 | |
習 | Learn |
8 | |
送 | Escort, Send |
8 | |
泣 | 泣く (7) |
Cry, Weep, Moan |
7 |
猫 | 猫 (7) |
Cat |
7 |
局 | 結局 (7) |
Bureau, Board, Office, Affair, Conclusion, Court Lady, Lady-in-waiting, Her Apartment |
7 |
興 | 興味 (7) |
Entertain, Revive, Retrieve, Interest, Pleasure |
7 |
供 | Submit, Offer, Present, Serve (meal), Accompany |
7 | |
皆 | All, Everything |
7 | |
穏 | Calm, Quiet, Moderation |
7 | |
判 | Judgement, Signature, Stamp, Seal |
7 | |
壁 | Wall, Lining (stomach), Fence |
7 | |
寝 | Lie Down, Sleep, Rest, Bed, Remain Unsold |
7 | |
印 | Stamp, Seal, Mark, Imprint, Symbol, Emblem, Trademark, Evidence, Souvenir, India |
7 | |
封 | Seal, Closing |
7 | |
植 | Plant |
7 | |
毒 | Poison, Virus, Venom, Germ, Harm, Injury, Spite |
7 | |
暇 | Spare Time, Rest, Leisure, Time, Leave Of Absence |
7 | |
勘 | Intuition, Perception, Check, Compare, Sixth Sense |
7 | |
敗 | Failure, Defeat, Reversal |
7 | |
常 | Usual, Ordinary, Normal, Common, Regular, Continually, Always, Long-lasting |
7 | |
懐 | Pocket, Feelings, Heart, Yearn, Miss Someone, Become Attached To, Bosom, Breast |
7 | |
散 | Scatter, Disperse, Spend, Squander |
7 | |
棚 | Shelf, Ledge, Rack, Mount, Mantle, Trellis |
7 | |
頑 | Stubborn, Foolish, Firmly |
7 | |
髪 | Hair Of The Head |
7 | |
住 | Dwell, Reside, Live, Inhabit |
7 | |
恋 | Romance, In Love, Yearn For, Miss, Darling |
7 | |
呼 | Call, Call Out To, Invite |
7 | |
広 | Wide, Broad, Spacious |
7 | |
急 | Hurry, Emergency, Sudden, Steep |
7 | |
態 | Attitude, Condition, Figure, Appearance, Voice (of Verbs) |
7 | |
昇 | Rise Up |
7 | |
段 | Grade, Steps, Stairs |
7 | |
材 | Lumber, Log, Timber, Wood, Materials, Ingredients, Talent |
7 | |
辺 | Environs, Boundary, Border, Vicinity |
7 | |
混 | Mix, Blend, Confuse |
7 | |
留 | Detain, Fasten, Halt, Stop |
7 | |
束 | Bundle, Sheaf, Ream, Tie In Bundles, Govern, Manage, Control |
7 | |
草 | Grass, Weeds, Herbs, Pasture, Write, Draft |
7 | |
装 | Attire, Dress, Pretend, Disguise, Profess |
7 | |
連 | Take Along, Lead, Join, Connect, Party, Gang, Clique |
7 | |
落 | Fall, Drop, Come Down, Village, Hamlet |
7 | |
集 | Gather, Meet, Congregate, Swarm, Flock |
7 | |
御 | Honorable, Manipulate, Govern |
7 | |
質 | Substance, Quality, Matter, Temperament |
7 | |
抜 | Slip Out, Extract, Pull Out, Pilfer, Quote, Remove, Omit |
7 | |
聞 | Hear, Ask, Listen |
7 | |
腹 | Abdomen, Belly, Stomach |
7 | |
起 | Rouse, Wake Up, Get Up |
7 | |
司 | 上司 (6) |
Director, Official, Govt Office, Rule, Administer |
6 |
妖 | 妖精 (6) |
Attractive, Bewitching, Calamity |
6 |
珍 | 珍しい (6) |
Rare, Curious, Strange |
6 |
園 | Park, Garden, Yard, Farm |
6 | |
昨 | Yesterday, Previous |
6 | |
東 | East |
6 | |
背 | Stature, Height, Back, Behind, Disobey, Defy, Go Back On, Rebel |
6 | |
越 | Surpass, Cross Over, Move To, Exceed, Vietnam |
6 | |
憧 | Yearn After, Long For, Aspire To, Admire, Adore |
6 | |
盗 | Steal, Rob, Pilfer |
6 | |
苦 | Suffering, Trial, Worry, Hardship, Feel Bitter, Scowl |
6 | |
迷 | Astray, Be Perplexed, In Doubt, Lost, Err, Illusion |
6 | |
員 | Employee, Member, Number, The One In Charge |
6 | |
車 | Car |
6 | |
便 | Convenience, Facility, Excrement, Feces, Letter, Chance |
6 | |
壊 | Demolition, Break, Destroy |
6 | |
困 | Quandary, Become Distressed, Annoyed |
6 | |
礼 | Salute, Bow, Ceremony, Thanks, Remuneration |
6 | |
宝 | Treasure, Wealth, Valuables |
6 | |
平 | Even, Flat, Peace |
6 | |
座 | Squat, Seat, Cushion, Gathering, Sit |
6 | |
像 | Statue, Picture, Image, Figure, Portrait |
6 | |
有 | Possess, Have, Exist, Happen, Occur, Approx |
6 | |
案 | Plan, Suggestion, Draft, Ponder, Fear, Proposition, Idea, Expectation, Worry, Table, Bench |
6 | |
次 | Next, Order, Sequence |
6 | |
濯 | Laundry, Wash, Pour On, Rinse |
6 | |
準 | Semi-, Correspond To, Proportionate To, Conform, Imitate |
6 | |
眠 | Sleep, Die, Sleepy |
6 | |
密 | Secrecy, Density (pop), Minuteness, Carefulness |
6 | |
経 | Sutra, Longitude, Pass Thru, Expire, Warp |
6 | |
信 | Faith, Truth, Fidelity, Trust |
6 | |
共 | Together, Both, Neither, All, And, Alike, With |
6 | |
瞬 | Wink, Blink, Twinkle |
6 | |
位 | Rank, Grade, Throne, Crown, About, Some |
6 | |
例 | Example, Custom, Usage, Precedent |
6 | |
助 | Help, Rescue, Assist |
6 | |
台 | Pedestal, A Stand, Counter For Machines And Vehicles |
6 | |
域 | Range, Region, Limits, Stage, Level |
6 | |
工 | Craft, Construction, Katakana E Radical (no. 48) |
6 | |
介 | Jammed In, Shellfish, Mediate, Concern Oneself With |
6 | |
適 | Suitable, Occasional, Rare, Qualified, Capable |
6 | |
死 | Death, Die |
6 | |
父 | Father |
6 | |
痛 | Pain, Hurt, Damage, Bruise |
6 | |
荒 | Laid Waste, Rough, Rude, Wild |
6 | |
花 | Flower |
6 | |
害 | Harm, Injury |
6 | |
頭 | Head, Counter For Large Animals |
6 | |
差 | Distinction, Difference, Variation, Discrepancy, Margin, Balance |
6 | |
飛 | Fly, Skip (pages), Scatter |
6 | |
君 | 君たち (5) |
Mister, You, Ruler, Male Name Suffix |
5 |
夏 | 夏服 (5) |
Summer |
5 |
嬢 | 嬢ちゃん (5) |
Lass, Girl, Miss, Daughter |
5 |
憎 | 憎い (5) |
Hate, Detest |
5 |
扉 | 扉 (5) |
Front Door, Title Page, Front Page |
5 |
京 | 東京 (5) |
Capital, 10**16 |
5 |
樹 | 樹海 (5) |
Timber, Trees, Wood, Establish, Set Up |
5 |
犬 | 犬 (5) |
Dog |
5 |
査 | 調査 (5) |
Investigate |
5 |
超 | 超 (5) |
Transcend, Super-, Ultra- |
5 |
却 | 返却 (5) |
Instead, On The Contrary, Rather, Step Back, Withdraw, Retreat |
5 |
議 | Deliberation, Consultation, Debate, Consideration |
5 | |
喧 | Noisy, Boisterous |
5 | |
姿 | Figure, Form, Shape |
5 | |
寮 | Dormitory, Hostel, Villa, Tea Pavillion |
5 | |
怒 | Angry, Be Offended |
5 | |
待 | Wait, Depend On |
5 | |
武 | Warrior, Military, Chivalry, Arms |
5 | |
洋 | Ocean, Sea, Foreign, Western Style |
5 | |
視 | Inspection, Regard As, See, Look At |
5 | |
畑 | Farm, Field, Garden, One's Specialty, (kokuji) |
5 | |
箱 | Box, Chest, Case, Bin, Railway Car |
5 | |
肉 | Meat |
5 | |
惑 | Beguile, Delusion, Perplexity |
5 | |
色 | Color |
5 | |
囲 | Surround, Besiege, Store, Paling, Enclosure, Encircle, Preserve, Keep |
5 | |
社 | Company, Firm, Office, Association, Shrine |
5 | |
値 | Price, Cost, Value |
5 | |
弁 | Valve, Petal, Braid, Speech, Dialect, Discrimination, Dispose Of, Distinguish, Conical Cap |
5 | |
哀 | Pathetic, Grief, Sorrow, Pathos, Pity, Sympathize |
5 | |
喜 | Rejoice, Take Pleasure In |
5 | |
夜 | Night, Evening |
5 | |
就 | Concerning, Settle, Take Position, Depart, Study, Per |
5 | |
恐 | Fear, Dread, Awe |
5 | |
進 | Advance, Proceed, Progress, Promote |
5 | |
塊 | Clod, Lump, Chunk, Clot, Mass |
5 | |
語 | Word, Speech, Language |
5 | |
福 | Blessing, Fortune, Luck, Wealth |
5 | |
秘 | Secret, Conceal |
5 | |
笑 | Laugh |
5 | |
絵 | Picture, Drawing, Painting, Sketch |
5 | |
描 | Sketch, Compose, Write, Draw, Paint |
5 | |
菓 | Candy, Cakes, Fruit |
5 | |
載 | Ride, Board, Get On, Place, Spread, 10**44, Record, Publish |
5 | |
遊 | Play |
5 | |
酒 | Sake, Alcohol |
5 | |
景 | Scenery, View |
5 | |
級 | Class, Rank, Grade |
5 | |
迎 | Welcome, Meet, Greet |
5 | |
量 | Quantity, Measure, Weight, Amount, Consider, Estimate, Surmise |
5 | |
姉 | Elder Sister |
5 | |
昼 | Daytime, Noon |
5 | |
暖 | Warmth |
5 | |
減 | Dwindle, Decrease, Reduce, Decline, Curtail, Get Hungry |
5 | |
申 | Have The Honor To, Sign Of The Monkey, 3-5pm, Ninth Sign Of Chinese Zodiac |
5 | |
訳 | Translate, Reason, Circumstance, Case |
5 | |
短 | Short, Brevity, Fault, Defect, Weak Point |
5 | |
破 | Rend, Rip, Tear, Break, Destroy, Defeat, Frustrate |
5 | |
営 | Occupation, Camp, Perform, Build, Conduct (business) |
5 | |
総 | General, Whole, All, Full, Total |
5 | |
聖 | Holy, Saint, Sage, Master, Priest |
5 | |
寄 | Draw Near, Stop In, Bring Near, Gather, Collect, Send, Forward |
5 | |
屈 | Yield, Bend, Flinch, Submit |
5 | |
選 | Elect, Select, Choose, Prefer |
5 | |
区 | Ward, District |
5 | |
三 | Three |
5 | |
温 | Warm |
5 | |
放 | Set Free, Release, Fire, Shoot, Emit, Banish, Liberate |
5 | |
稼 | Earnings, Work, Earn Money |
5 | |
軽 | Lightly, Trifling, Unimportant |
5 | |
雑 | Miscellaneous |
5 | |
更 | 今更 (4) |
Grow Late, Night Watch, Sit Up Late, Of Course, Renew, Renovate, Again, More And More, Further |
4 |
倉 | 倉庫 (4) |
Godown, Warehouse, Storehouse, Cellar, Treasury |
4 |
雅 | 優雅 (4) |
Gracious, Elegant, Graceful, Refined |
4 |
努 | 努力 (4) |
Toil, Diligent, As Much As Possible |
4 |
善 | 善意 (4) |
Virtuous, Good, Goodness |
4 |
嘩 | 喧嘩 (4) |
Noisy |
4 |
嘘 | 嘘 (4) |
Lie, Falsehood |
4 |
孫 | 孫 (4) |
Grandchild, Descendants |
4 |
属 | 所属 (4) |
Belong, Genus, Subordinate Official, Affiliated |
4 |
整 | 整理 (4) |
Organize, Arranging, Tune, Tone, Meter, Key (music) |
4 |
槍 | 槍 (4) |
Spear, Lance, Javelin |
4 |
甘 | 甘いもの (4) |
Sweet, Coax, Pamper, Be Content, Sugary |
4 |
賊 | 盗賊 (4) |
Burglar, Rebel, Traitor, Robber |
4 |
鏡 | 眼鏡 (4) |
Mirror, Speculum, Barrel-head, Round Rice-cake Offering |
4 |
腕 | 腕 (4) |
Arm, Ability, Talent |
4 |
訓 | 訓練 (4) |
Instruction, Japanese Character Reading, Explanation, Read |
4 |
練 | 訓練 (4) |
Practice, Gloss, Train, Drill, Polish, Refine |
4 |
遺 | 遺跡 (4) |
Bequeath, Leave Behind, Reserve |
4 |
雰 | 雰囲気 (4) |
Atmosphere, Fog |
4 |
鹿 | 馬鹿 (4) |
Deer |
4 |
了 | Complete, Finish |
4 | |
冒 | Risk, Face, Defy, Dare, Damage, Assume (a Name) |
4 | |
乗 | Ride, Power, Multiplication, Record, Counter For Vehicles, Board, Mount, Join |
4 | |
妙 | Exquisite, Strange, Queer, Mystery, Miracle, Excellent, Delicate, Charming |
4 | |
妹 | Younger Sister |
4 | |
民 | People, Nation, Subjects |
4 | |
標 | Signpost, Seal, Mark, Stamp, Imprint, Symbol, Emblem, Trademark, Evidence, Souvenir, Target |
4 | |
鳴 | Chirp, Cry, Bark, Sound, Ring, Echo, Honk |
4 | |
詮 | Discussion, Methods Called For, Selection, Result |
4 | |
扱 | Handle, Entertain, Thresh, Strip |
4 | |
村 | Village, Town |
4 | |
毎 | Every |
4 | |
浜 | Seacoast, Beach, Seashore |
4 | |
爪 | Claw, Nail, Talon |
4 | |
技 | Skill, Art, Craft, Ability, Feat, Performance, Vocation, Arts |
4 | |
襲 | Attack, Advance On, Succeed To, Pile, Heap |
4 | |
許 | Permit, Approve |
4 | |
逆 | Inverted, Reverse, Opposite, Wicked |
4 | |
注 | Pour, Irrigate, Shed (tears), Flow Into, Concentrate On, Notes, Comment, Annotate |
4 | |
低 | Lower, Short, Humble |
4 | |
働 | Work, (kokuji) |
4 | |
処 | Dispose, Manage, Deal With, Sentence, Condemn, Act, Behave, Place |
4 | |
損 | Damage, Loss, Disadvantage, Hurt, Injure |
4 | |
収 | Income, Obtain, Reap, Pay, Supply, Store |
4 | |
周 | Circumference, Circuit, Lap |
4 | |
塗 | Paint, Plaster, Daub, Smear, Coating |
4 | |
化 | Change, Take The Form Of, Influence, Enchant, Delude, -ization |
4 | |
国 | Country |
4 | |
奴 | Guy, Slave, Manservant, Fellow |
4 | |
頃 | Time, About, Toward |
4 | |
根 | Root, Radical, Head (pimple) |
4 | |
望 | Ambition, Full Moon, Hope, Desire, Aspire To, Expect |
4 | |
快 | Cheerful, Pleasant, Agreeable, Comfortable |
4 | |
字 | Character, Letter, Word, Section Of Village |
4 | |
芸 | Technique, Art, Craft, Performance, Acting, Trick, Stunt |
4 | |
非 | Un-, Mistake, Negative, Injustice, Non- |
4 | |
晩 | Nightfall, Night |
4 | |
検 | Examination, Investigate |
4 | |
横 | Sideways, Side, Horizontal, Width, Woof, Unreasonable, Perverse |
4 | |
汚 | Dirty, Pollute, Disgrace, Rape, Defile |
4 | |
深 | Deep, Heighten, Intensify, Strengthen |
4 | |
演 | Performance, Act, Play, Render, Stage |
4 | |
防 | Ward Off, Defend, Protect, Resist |
4 | |
爆 | Bomb, Burst Open, Pop, Split |
4 | |
紹 | Introduce, Inherit, Help |
4 | |
育 | Bring Up, Grow Up, Raise, Rear |
4 | |
裏 | Back, Amidst, In, Reverse, Inside, Palm, Sole, Rear, Lining, Wrong Side |
4 | |
触 | Contact, Touch, Feel, Hit, Proclaim, Announce, Conflict |
4 | |
記 | Scribe, Account, Narrative |
4 | |
識 | Discriminating, Know, Write |
4 | |
買 | Buy |
4 | |
逃 | Escape, Flee, Shirk, Evade, Set Free |
4 | |
鉢 | Bowl, Rice Tub, Pot, Crown |
4 | |
露 | Dew, Tears, Expose, Russia |
4 | |
個 | Individual, Counter For Articles |
4 | |
線 | Line, Track |
4 | |
細 | Dainty, Get Thin, Taper, Slender, Narrow, Detailed, Precise |
4 | |
止 | Stop, Halt |
4 | |
替 | Exchange, Spare, Substitute, Per- |
4 | |
込 | Crowded, Mixture, In Bulk, Included, (kokuji) |
4 | |
割 | Proportion, Comparatively, Divide, Cut, Separate, Split |
4 | |
等 | Etc., And So Forth, Class (first), Quality, Equal, Similar |
4 | |
負 | Defeat, Negative, -, Minus, Bear, Owe, Assume A Responsibility |
4 | |
撃 | Beat, Attack, Defeat, Conquer |
4 | |
模 | Imitation, Copy, Mock |
4 | |
支 | Branch, Support, Sustain, Branch Radical (no. 65) |
4 | |
異 | Uncommon, Different, Queerness, Strangeness, Wonderful, Curious, Unusual |
4 | |
価 | 価値 (3) |
Value, Price |
3 |
協 | 協力 (3) |
Co-, Cooperation |
3 |
館 | 図書館 (3) |
Building, Mansion, Large Building, Palace |
3 |
忘 | 忘れ物 (3) |
Forget |
3 |
掟 | 掟 (3) |
Law, Commandments, Regulations |
3 |
椅 | 椅子 (3) |
Chair |
3 |
歴 | 歴史 (3) |
Curriculum, Continuation, Passage Of Time |
3 |
史 | 歴史 (3) |
History, Chronicle |
3 |
候 | 気候 (3) |
Climate, Season, Weather, Wait For, Expect |
3 |
遣 | 気遣い (3) |
Dispatch, Despatch, Send, Give, Donate, Do, Undertake |
3 |
済 | 済む (3) |
Settle (debt, Etc.), Relieve (burden), Finish, Come To An End, Excusable, Need Not |
3 |
狙 | 狙う (3) |
Aim At, Sight, Shadow, Stalk |
3 |
玄 | 玄関 (3) |
Mysterious, Occultness, Black, Deep, Profound |
3 |
祝 | 祝福 (3) |
Celebrate, Congratulate |
3 |
突 | 突然 (3) |
Stab, Protruding, Thrust, Pierce, Prick, Collision, Sudden |
3 |
約 | 約束 (3) |
Promise, Approximately, Shrink |
3 |
婚 | 結婚 (3) |
Marriage |
3 |
緊 | 緊張 (3) |
Tense, Solid, Hard, Reliable, Tight |
3 |
去 | 過去 (3) |
Gone, Past, Quit, Leave, Elapse, Eliminate, Divorce |
3 |
蛮 | 野蛮 (3) |
Barbarian |
3 |
般 | Carrier, Carry, All, General, Sort, Kind |
3 | |
丁 | Street, Ward, Town, Counter For Guns, Tools, Leaves Or Cakes Of Something, Even Number, 4th Calendar Sign |
3 | |
五 | Five |
3 | |
録 | Record |
3 | |
統 | Overall, Relationship, Ruling, Governing |
3 | |
修 | Discipline, Conduct Oneself Well, Study, Master |
3 | |
静 | Quiet |
3 | |
罰 | Penalty, Punishment |
3 | |
刻 | Engrave, Cut Fine, Chop, Hash, Mince, Time, Carving |
3 | |
効 | Merit, Efficacy, Efficiency, Benefit |
3 | |
十 | Ten |
3 | |
西 | West, Spain |
3 | |
南 | South |
3 | |
純 | Genuine, Purity, Innocence, Net (profit) |
3 | |
卵 | Egg, Ovum, Spawn, Roe |
3 | |
号 | Nickname, Number, Item, Title, Pseudonym, Name, Call |
3 | |
令 | Orders, Ancient Laws, Command, Decree |
3 | |
喋 | Talk, Chat, Chatter |
3 | |
季 | Seasons |
3 | |
執 | Tenacious, Take Hold, Grasp, Take To Heart |
3 | |
型 | Mould, Type, Model |
3 | |
太 | Plump, Thick, Big Around |
3 | |
媒 | Mediator, Go-between |
3 | |
容 | Contain, Form, Looks |
3 | |
柄 | Design, Pattern, Build, Nature, Character, Handle, Crank, Grip, Knob, Shaft |
3 | |
開 | Open, Unfold, Unseal |
3 | |
市 | Market, City, Town |
3 | |
希 | Hope, Beg, Request, Pray, Beseech, Greece, Dilute (acid), Rare, Few, Phenomenal |
3 | |
影 | Shadow, Silhouette, Phantom |
3 | |
響 | Echo, Sound, Resound, Ring, Vibrate |
3 | |
慢 | Ridicule, Laziness |
3 | |
拒 | Repel, Refuse, Reject, Decline |
3 | |
招 | Beckon, Invite, Summon, Engage |
3 | |
探 | Grope, Search, Look For |
3 | |
北 | North |
3 | |
策 | Scheme, Plan, Policy, Step, Means |
3 | |
崖 | Cliff, Bluff, Precipice |
3 | |
熟 | Mellow, Ripen, Mature, Acquire Skill |
3 | |
棒 | Rod, Stick, Cane, Pole, Club, Line |
3 | |
浮 | Floating, Float, Rise To Surface |
3 | |
弾 | Bullet, Twang, Flip, Snap |
3 | |
境 | Boundary, Border, Region |
3 | |
硬 | Stiff, Hard |
3 | |
秋 | Autumn |
3 | |
終 | End, Finish |
3 | |
耕 | Till, Plow, Cultivate |
3 | |
占 | Fortune-telling, Divining, Forecasting, Occupy, Hold, Have, Get, Take |
3 | |
造 | Create, Make, Structure, Physique |
3 | |
被 | Incur, Cover, Veil, Brood Over, Shelter, Wear, Put On, Be Exposed (film), Receiving |
3 | |
討 | Chastise, Attack, Defeat, Destroy, Conquer |
3 | |
誤 | Mistake, Err, Do Wrong, Mislead |
3 | |
教 | Teach, Faith, Doctrine |
3 | |
資 | Assets, Resources, Capital, Funds, Data, Be Conducive To, Contribute To |
3 | |
赤 | Red |
3 | |
蹴 | Kick |
3 | |
辞 | Resign, Word, Term, Expression |
3 | |
納 | Settlement, Obtain, Reap, Pay, Supply, Store |
3 | |
退 | Retreat, Withdraw, Retire, Resign, Repel, Expel, Reject |
3 | |
遅 | Slow, Late, Back, Later |
3 | |
運 | Carry, Luck, Destiny, Fate, Lot, Transport, Progress, Advance |
3 | |
剤 | Dose, Medicine, Drug |
3 | |
縁 | Affinity, Relation, Connection, Edge, Border, Verge, Brink |
3 | |
騒 | Boisterous, Make Noise, Clamor, Disturb, Excite |
3 | |
受 | Accept, Undergo, Answer (phone), Take, Get, Catch, Receive |
3 | |
両 | Both, Old Japanese Coin, Counter For Carriages (e.g., In A Train), Two |
3 | |
打 | Strike, Hit, Knock, Pound, Dozen |
3 | |
板 | Plank, Board, Plate, Stage |
3 | |
乱 | Riot, War, Disorder, Disturb |
3 | |
千 | Thousand |
3 | |
毛 | Fur, Hair, Feather, Down |
3 | |
暴 | Outburst, Rave, Fret, Force, Violence, Cruelty, Outrage |
3 | |
島 | Island |
3 | |
件 | Affair, Case, Matter, Item |
3 | |
保 | Protect, Guarantee, Keep, Preserve, Sustain, Support |
3 | |
充 | Allot, Fill |
3 | |
光 | Ray, Light |
3 | |
栄 | Flourish, Prosperity, Honor, Glory, Splendor |
3 | |
劣 | Inferiority, Be Inferior To, Be Worse |
3 | |
魂 | Soul, Spirit |
3 | |
夕 | Evening |
3 | |
飲 | Drink, Smoke, Take |
3 | |
観 | Outlook, Look, Appearance, Condition, View |
3 | |
袋 | Sack, Bag, Pouch |
3 | |
銭 | Coin, .01 Yen, Money |
3 | |
干 | Dry, Parch, Ebb, Recede, Interfere, Intercede |
3 | |
弱 | Weak, Frail |
3 | |
悔 | Repent, Regret |
3 | |
微 | Delicate, Minuteness, Insignificance |
3 | |
晴 | Clear Up |
3 | |
激 | Violent, Get Excited, Enraged, Chafe, Incite |
3 | |
索 | Cord, Rope, Searching, Inquiring |
3 | |
攻 | Aggression, Attack, Criticize, Polish |
3 | |
第 | No., Residence |
3 | |
治 | Reign, Be At Peace, Calm Down, Subdue, Quell, Govt, Cure, Heal, Rule, Conserve |
3 | |
慮 | Prudence, Thought, Concern, Consider, Deliberate, Fear |
3 | |
鼻 | Nose, Snout |
3 | |
談 | Discuss, Talk |
3 | |
禁 | Prohibition, Ban, Forbid |
3 | |
至 | Climax, Arrive, Proceed, Reach, Attain, Result In |
3 | |
鍛 | Forge, Discipline, Train |
3 | |
黒 | Black |
3 | |
央 | 中央部 (2) |
Center, Middle |
2 |
裕 | 余裕 (2) |
Abundant, Rich, Fertile |
2 |
秀 | 優秀 (2) |
Excel, Excellence, Beauty, Surpass |
2 |
再 | 再び (2) |
Again, Twice, Second Time |
2 |
徹 | 冷徹 (2) |
Penetrate, Clear, Pierce, Strike Home, Sit Up (all Night) |
2 |
凄 | 凄い (2) |
Uncanny, Weird, Threatening, Horrible |
2 |
労 | 労う (2) |
Labor, Thank For, Reward For, Toil, Trouble |
2 |
穫 | 収穫 (2) |
Harvest, Reap |
2 |
詞 | 台詞 (2) |
Part Of Speech, Words, Poetry |
2 |
唯 | 唯一 (2) |
Solely, Only, Merely, Simply |
2 |
四 | 四季 (2) |
Four |
2 |
復 | 回復 (2) |
Restore, Return To, Revert, Resume |
2 |
堅 | 堅実 (2) |
Strict, Hard, Solid, Tough, Tight, Reliable |
2 |
抵 | 大抵 (2) |
Resist, Reach, Touch |
2 |
井 | 天井 (2) |
Well, Well Crib, Town, Community |
2 |
陽 | 太陽 (2) |
Sunshine, Yang Principle, Positive, Male, Heaven, Daytime |
2 |
奢 | 奢る (2) |
Extravagance, Luxury |
2 |
奪 | 奪う (2) |
Rob, Take By Force, Snatch Away, Dispossess, Plunder, Usurp |
2 |
宜 | 宜しく (2) |
Best Regards, Good |
2 |
赦 | 容赦 (2) |
Pardon, Forgiveness |
2 |
展 | 展開 (2) |
Unfold, Expand |
2 |
販 | 市販 (2) |
Marketing, Sell, Trade |
2 |
帽 | 帽子 (2) |
Cap, Headgear |
2 |
染 | 幼馴染 (2) |
Dye, Color, Paint, Stain, Print |
2 |
馴 | 幼馴染 (2) |
Get Used To, Experienced, Tamed |
2 |
功 | 成功 (2) |
Achievement, Merits, Success, Honor, Credit |
2 |
戸 | 戸締まり (2) |
Door, Counter For Houses, Door Radical (no. 63) |
2 |
締 | 戸締まり (2) |
Tighten, Tie, Shut, Lock, Fasten |
2 |
是 | 是非 (2) |
Just So, This, Right, Justice |
2 |
暑 | 暑い (2) |
Sultry, Hot, Summer Heat |
2 |
炉 | 暖炉 (2) |
Hearth, Furnace, Kiln, Reactor |
2 |
殴 | 殴る (2) |
Assault, Hit, Beat, Thrash |
2 |
沓 | 沓 (2) |
Shoes, Boots |
2 |
油 | 油断 (2) |
Oil, Fat |
2 |
源 | 源 (2) |
Source, Origin |
2 |
溶 | 溶ける (2) |
Melt, Dissolve, Thaw |
2 |
漫 | 漫画 (2) |
Cartoon, Involuntarily, Unrestrained, In Spite Of Oneself, Corrupt |
2 |
況 | 状況 (2) |
Condition, Situation |
2 |
環 | 環境 (2) |
Ring, Circle, Link, Wheel |
2 |
舎 | 田舎 (2) |
Cottage, Inn, Hut, House, Mansion |
2 |
田 | 田舎 (2) |
Rice Field, Rice Paddy |
2 |
皿 | 皿洗い (2) |
Dish, A Helping, Plate |
2 |
廉 | 破廉恥 (2) |
Bargain, Reason, Charge, Suspicion, Point, Account, Purity, Honest, Low Price, Cheap, Rested, Contented, Peaceful |
2 |
秒 | 秒 (2) |
Second (1/60 Minute) |
2 |
紅 | 紅茶 (2) |
Crimson, Deep Red |
2 |
罠 | 罠 (2) |
Trap, Snare |
2 |
聡 | 聡明 (2) |
Wise, Fast Learner |
2 |
肯 | 肯定 (2) |
Agreement, Consent, Comply With |
2 |
胸 | 胸 (2) |
Bosom, Breast, Chest, Heart, Feelings |
2 |
己 | 自己紹介 (2) |
Self |
2 |
芋 | 芋虫 (2) |
Potato |
2 |
蒸 | 蒸発 (2) |
Steam, Heat, Sultry, Foment, Get Musty |
2 |
蛇 | 蛇 (2) |
Snake, Serpent, Hard Drinker |
2 |
製 | 製 (2) |
Made In..., Manufacture |
2 |
覗 | 覗き魔 (2) |
Peep, Peek, Come In Sight |
2 |
伐 | 討伐 (2) |
Fell, Strike, Attack, Punish |
2 |
憶 | 記憶 (2) |
Recollection, Think, Remember |
2 |
詳 | 詳しい (2) |
Detailed, Full, Minute, Accurate, Well-informed |
2 |
認 | 認識 (2) |
Acknowledge, Witness, Discern, Recognize, Appreciate, Believe |
2 |
豚 | 豚 (2) |
Pork, Pig |
2 |
賢 | 賢明 (2) |
Intelligent, Wise, Wisdom, Cleverness |
2 |
贈 | 贈り物 (2) |
Presents, Send, Give To, Award To, Confer On, Presenting Something |
2 |
征 | 遠征 (2) |
Subjugate, Attack The Rebellious, Collect Taxes |
2 |
酷 | 酷い (2) |
Cruel, Severe, Atrocious, Unjust |
2 |
郎 | 野郎 (2) |
Son, Counter For Sons |
2 |
闇 | 闇 (2) |
Get Dark, Gloom, Disorder |
2 |
隣 | 隣 (2) |
Neighboring |
2 |
船 | 風船 (2) |
Ship, Boat |
2 |
費 | 食費 (2) |
Expense, Cost, Spend, Consume, Waste |
2 |
駅 | 駅 (2) |
Station |
2 |
駆 | 駆除 (2) |
Drive, Run, Gallop, Advance, Inspire, Impel |
2 |
互 | Mutually, Reciprocally, Together |
2 | |
免 | Excuse, Dismissal |
2 | |
請 | Solicit, Invite, Ask |
2 | |
呂 | Spine, Backbone |
2 | |
百 | ここで会ったが百年目 (1), 数百 (1) |
Hundred |
2 |
比 | Compare, Race, Ratio, Philippines |
2 | |
層 | Stratum, Social Class, Layer, Story, Floor |
2 | |
週 | Week |
2 | |
組 | Association, Braid, Plait, Construct, Assemble, Unite, Cooperate, Grapple |
2 | |
並 | Row, And, Besides, As Well As, Line Up, Rank With, Rival, Equal |
2 | |
義 | Righteousness, Justice, Morality, Honor, Loyalty, Meaning |
2 | |
室 | Room, Apartment, Chamber, Greenhouse, Cellar |
2 | |
頂 | Place On The Head, Receive, Top Of Head, Top, Summit, Peak |
2 | |
降 | Descend, Precipitate, Fall, Surrender |
2 | |
仰 | Face-up, Look Up, Depend, Seek, Respect, Rever, Drink, Take |
2 | |
憩 | Recess, Rest, Relax, Repose |
2 | |
承 | Acquiesce, Hear, Listen To, Be Informed, Receive |
2 | |
伸 | Expand, Stretch, Extend, Lengthen, Increase |
2 | |
似 | Becoming, Resemble, Counterfeit, Imitate, Suitable |
2 | |
管 | Pipe, Tube, Wind Instrument, Drunken Talk, Control, Jurisdiction |
2 | |
豊 | Bountiful, Excellent, Rich |
2 | |
偉 | Admirable, Greatness, Remarkable, Conceited, Famous, Excellent |
2 | |
察 | Guess, Presume, Surmise, Judge, Understand |
2 | |
縮 | Shrink, Contract, Shrivel, Wrinkle, Reduce |
2 | |
凡 | Commonplace, Ordinary, Mediocre |
2 | |
映 | Reflect, Reflection, Projection |
2 | |
到 | Arrival, Proceed, Reach, Attain, Result In |
2 | |
削 | Plane, Sharpen, Whittle, Pare, Shave |
2 | |
創 | Genesis, Wound, Injury, Hurt, Start, Originate |
2 | |
加 | Add, Addition, Increase, Join, Include, Canada |
2 | |
勤 | Diligence, Become Employed, Serve |
2 | |
遇 | Meet, Encounter, Interview, Treat, Entertain, Receive, Deal With |
2 | |
卑 | Lowly, Base, Vile, Vulgar |
2 | |
原 | Meadow, Original, Primitive, Field, Plain, Prairie, Tundra, Wilderness |
2 | |
稿 | Draft, Copy, Manuscript, Straw |
2 | |
聴 | Listen, Headstrong, Naughty, Careful Inquiry |
2 | |
改 | Reformation, Change, Modify, Mend, Renew, Examine, Inspect, Search |
2 | |
噂 | Rumor, Gossip, Hearsay |
2 | |
固 | Harden, Set, Clot, Curdle |
2 | |
均 | Level, Average |
2 | |
規 | Standard, Measure |
2 | |
掛 | Hang, Suspend, Depend, Arrive At, Tax, Pour |
2 | |
奥 | Heart, Interior |
2 | |
盛 | Boom, Prosper, Copulate |
2 | |
節 | Node, Season, Period, Occasion, Verse, Clause, Stanza, Honor, Joint, Knuckle, Knob, Knot, Tune, Melody |
2 | |
校 | Exam, School, Printing, Proof, Correction |
2 | |
宅 | Home, House, Residence, Our House, My Husband |
2 | |
宙 | Mid-air, Air, Space, Sky, Memorization, Interval Of Time |
2 | |
績 | Exploits, Achievements, Unreeling Cocoons |
2 | |
寂 | Loneliness, Quietly, Mellow, Mature, Death Of A Priest |
2 | |
尊 | Revered, Valuable, Precious, Noble, Exalted |
2 | |
尻 | Buttocks, Hips, Butt, Rear |
2 | |
底 | Bottom, Sole, Depth, Bottom Price, Base, Kind, Sort |
2 | |
音 | Sound, Noise |
2 | |
忌 | Mourning, Abhor, Detestable, Death Anniversary |
2 | |
接 | Touch, Contact, Adjoin, Piece Together |
2 | |
癖 | Mannerism, Habit, Vice, Trait, Fault, Kink |
2 | |
悩 | Trouble, Worry, In Pain, Distress, Illness |
2 | |
慣 | Accustomed, Get Used To, Become Experienced |
2 | |
柔 | Tender, Weakness, Gentleness, Softness |
2 | |
渦 | Whirlpool, Eddy, Vortex |
2 | |
投 | Throw, Discard, Abandon, Launch Into, Join, Invest In, Hurl, Give Up, Sell At A Loss |
2 | |
推 | Conjecture, Infer, Guess, Suppose, Support, Push (for) |
2 | |
路 | Path, Route, Road, Distance |
2 | |
雨 | Rain |
2 | |
暗 | Darkness, Disappear, Shade, Informal, Grow Dark, Be Blinded |
2 | |
養 | Foster, Bring Up, Rear, Develop, Nurture |
2 | |
波 | Waves, Billows, Poland |
2 | |
泥 | Mud, Mire, Adhere To, Be Attached To |
2 | |
曜 | Weekday |
2 | |
炎 | Inflammation, Flame, Blaze |
2 | |
点 | Spot, Point, Mark, Speck, Decimal Point |
2 | |
詰 | Packed, Close, Pressed, Reprove, Rebuke, Blame |
2 | |
疑 | Doubt, Distrust, Be Suspicious, Question |
2 | |
盾 | Shield, Escutcheon, Pretext |
2 | |
砂 | Sand |
2 | |
研 | Polish, Study Of, Sharpen |
2 | |
究 | Research, Study |
2 | |
砕 | Smash, Break, Crush, Familiar, Popular |
2 | |
祈 | Pray, Wish |
2 | |
類 | Sort, Kind, Variety, Class, Genus |
2 | |
穴 | Hole, Aperture, Slit, Cave, Den |
2 | |
筆 | Writing Brush, Writing, Painting Brush, Handwriting |
2 | |
鋭 | Pointed, Sharpness, Edge, Weapon, Sharp, Violent |
2 | |
称 | Appellation, Praise, Admire, Name, Title, Fame |
2 | |
罪 | Guilt, Sin, Crime, Fault, Blame, Offense |
2 | |
翌 | The Following, Next |
2 | |
肩 | Shoulder |
2 | |
距 | Long-distance, Spur, Fetlock |
2 | |
致 | Doth, Do, Send, Forward, Cause, Exert, Incur, Engage |
2 | |
苗 | Seedling, Sapling, Shoot |
2 | |
薄 | Dilute, Thin, Weak (tea), Pampas Grass |
2 | |
蘇 | Be Resuscitated, Revived, Perilla, Shiso |
2 | |
飾 | Decorate, Ornament, Adorn, Embellish |
2 | |
補 | Supplement, Supply, Make Good, Offset, Compensate, Assistant, Learner |
2 | |
誇 | Boast, Be Proud, Pride, Triumphantly |
2 | |
賞 | Prize, Reward, Praise |
2 | |
追 | Chase, Drive Away, Follow, Pursue, Meanwhile |
2 | |
遥 | Far Off, Distant, Long Ago |
2 | |
郵 | Mail, Stagecoach Stop |
2 | |
鑑 | Specimen, Take Warning From, Learn From |
2 | |
貨 | Freight, Goods, Property |
2 | |
魅 | Fascination, Charm, Bewitch |
2 | |
伺 | お伺い (1) |
Pay Respects, Visit, Ask, Inquire, Question, Implore |
1 |
届 | お届け (1) |
Deliver, Reach, Arrive, Report, Notify, Forward |
1 |
裾 | お裾分け (1) |
Cuff, Hem, Foot Of Mountain |
1 |
陰 | お陰で (1) |
Shade, Yin, Negative, Sex Organs, Secret, Shadow |
1 |
臭 | カビ臭い (1) |
Stinking, Ill-smelling, Suspicious Looking, Odor, Savor, Fragrance, Be Fragrant, Stink, Glow, Be Bright |
1 |
及 | この期に及んで (1) |
Reach Out, Exert, Exercise, Cause |
1 |
濡 | ずぶ濡れ (1) |
Get Wet, Damp, Make Love |
1 |
菌 | ばい菌 (1) |
Germ, Fungus, Bacteria |
1 |
坊 | やんちゃ坊主 (1) |
Boy, Priest's Residence, Priest |
1 |
垂 | よだれを垂らす (1) |
Droop, Suspend, Hang, Slouch |
1 |
匹 | 一匹狼 (1) |
Equal, Head, Counter For Small Animals, Roll Of Cloth |
1 |
攫 | 一攫千金 (1) |
Abduct |
1 |
旦 | 一旦 (1) |
Daybreak, Dawn, Morning |
1 |
寧 | 丁寧 (1) |
Rather, Preferably, Peaceful, Quiet, Tranquility |
1 |
万 | 万能 (1) |
Ten Thousand, 10,000 |
1 |
愉 | 不愉快 (1) |
Pleasure, Happy, Rejoice |
1 |
測 | 不測 (1) |
Fathom, Plan, Scheme, Measure |
1 |
斐 | 不甲斐ない (1) |
Beautiful, Patterned |
1 |
甲 | 不甲斐ない (1) |
Armor, High (voice), A Grade, First Class, Former, Instep, Carapace |
1 |
釣 | 不釣り合い (1) |
Angling, Fish, Catch, Allure, Ensnare |
1 |
俗 | 世俗的 (1) |
Vulgar, Customs, Manners, Worldliness, Mundane Things |
1 |
紀 | 世紀 (1) |
Chronicle, Account, Narrative, History, Annals, Geologic Period |
1 |
乾 | 乾く (1) |
Drought, Dry, Dessicate, Drink Up, Heaven, Emperor |
1 |
算 | 予算 (1) |
Calculate, Divining, Number, Abacus, Probability |
1 |
争 | 争い (1) |
Contend, Dispute, Argue |
1 |
交 | 交代 (1) |
Mingle, Mixing, Association, Coming & Going |
1 |
魚 | 人魚 (1) |
Fish |
1 |
仏 | 仏頂面 (1) |
Buddha, The Dead, France |
1 |
仔 | 仔細 (1) |
Offspring (animal), Detailed, Fine |
1 |
償 | 代償 (1) |
Reparation, Make Up For, Recompense, Redeem |
1 |
仮 | 仮 (1) |
Sham, Temporary, Interim, Assumed (name), Informal |
1 |
躯 | 体躯 (1) |
Body, Corpse, Tree With Rotten Core |
1 |
侵 | 侵入 (1) |
Encroach, Invade, Raid, Trespass, Violate |
1 |
繕 | 修繕 (1) |
Darning, Repair, Mend, Trim, Tidy Up, Adjust |
1 |
倍 | 倍 (1) |
Double, Twice, Times, Fold |
1 |
借 | 借り (1) |
Borrow, Rent |
1 |
停 | 停止 (1) |
Halt, Stopping |
1 |
診 | 健康診断 (1) |
Checkup, Seeing, Diagnose, Examine |
1 |
康 | 健康診断 (1) |
Ease, Peace |
1 |
健 | 健康診断 (1) |
Healthy, Health, Strength, Persistence |
1 |
偵 | 偵察 (1) |
Spy |
1 |
偶 | 偶然 (1) |
Accidentally, Even Number, Couple, Man & Wife, Same Kind |
1 |
傾 | 傾倒 (1) |
Lean, Incline, Tilt, Trend, Wane, Sink, Ruin, Bias |
1 |
儀 | 儀 (1) |
Ceremony, Rule, Affair, Case, A Matter |
1 |
八 | 八つ当たり (1) |
Eight, Eight Radical (no. 12) |
1 |
兼 | 兼ねて (1) |
Concurrently, And, Beforehand, In Advance |
1 |
冠 | 冠 (1) |
Crown, Best, Peerless |
1 |
凍 | 凍結 (1) |
Frozen, Congeal, Refrigerate |
1 |
凛 | 凛々しい (1) |
Cold |
1 |
凝 | 凝縮 (1) |
Congeal, Freeze, Stiff, Be Absorbed In |
1 |
衛 | 前衛的 (1) |
Defense, Protection |
1 |
担 | 加担 (1) |
Shouldering, Carry, Raise, Bear |
1 |
勇 | 勇気 (1) |
Courage, Cheer Up, Be In High Spirits, Bravery, Heroism |
1 |
勉 | 勉強 (1) |
Exertion, Endeavour, Encourage, Strive, Make Effort, Diligent |
1 |
募 | 募集 (1) |
Recruit, Campaign, Gather (contributions), Enlist, Grow Violent |
1 |
勢 | 勢力 (1) |
Forces, Energy, Military Strength |
1 |
勧 | 勧める (1) |
Persuade, Recommend, Advise, Encourage, Offer |
1 |
県 | 千葉県 (1) |
Prefecture |
1 |
午 | 午後 (1) |
Noon, Sign Of The Horse, 11am-1pm, Seventh Sign Of Chinese Zodiac |
1 |
径 | 半径 (1) |
Diameter, Path, Method |
1 |
因 | 原因 (1) |
Cause, Factor, Be Associated With, Depend On, Be Limited To |
1 |
厭 | 厭味 (1) |
Get Tired Of, Satiate, Bore, Dislike, Disagreeable, Unwelcome |
1 |
参 | 参る (1) |
Nonplussed, Three (in Documents), Going, Coming, Visiting, Visit, Be Defeated, Die, Be Madly In Love, Participate, Take Part In |
1 |
省 | 反省 (1) |
Focus, Government Ministry, Conserve |
1 |
挟 | 口を挟む (1) |
Pinch, Between |
1 |
典 | 古典的 (1) |
Code, Ceremony, Law, Rule |
1 |
叩 | 叩く (1) |
Strike, Beat, Kow Tow, Hit, Thrash, Criticize |
1 |
胞 | 同胞 (1) |
Placenta, Sac, Sheath |
1 |
側 | 向こう側 (1) |
Side, Lean, Oppose, Regret |
1 |
吠 | 吠え面 (1) |
Bark, Howl, Cry |
1 |
吸 | 吸い取る (1) |
Suck, Imbibe, Inhale, Sip |
1 |
吹 | 吹聴 (1) |
Blow, Breathe, Puff, Emit, Smoke |
1 |
喉 | 喉 (1) |
Throat, Voice |
1 |
喪 | 喪失感 (1) |
Miss, Mourning |
1 |
嗜 | 嗜み (1) |
Like, Taste, Modest |
1 |
震 | 地震 (1) |
Quake, Shake, Tremble, Quiver, Shiver |
1 |
告 | 報告書 (1) |
Revelation, Tell, Inform, Announce |
1 |
増 | 増幅器 (1) |
Increase, Add, Augment, Gain, Promote |
1 |
幅 | 増幅器 (1) |
Hanging Scroll, Width |
1 |
焼 | 夕焼け (1) |
Bake, Burning |
1 |
夢 | 夢を見る (1) |
Dream, Vision, Illusion |
1 |
粒 | 大粒 (1) |
Grains, Drop, Counter For Tiny Particles |
1 |
涯 | 天涯孤独 (1) |
Horizon, Shore, Limit, Bound |
1 |
秤 | 天秤に掛ける (1) |
Balances, Scales, Steelyard |
1 |
旺 | 好奇心旺盛 (1) |
Flourishing, Successful, Beautiful, Vigorous |
1 |
妄 | 妄想 (1) |
Delusion, Unnecessarily, Without Authority, Reckless |
1 |
妬 | 妬み (1) |
Jealous, Envy |
1 |
始 | 始まり (1) |
Commence, Begin |
1 |
厳 | 威厳 (1) |
Stern, Strictness, Severity, Rigidity |
1 |
威 | 威厳 (1) |
Intimidate, Dignity, Majesty, Menace, Threaten |
1 |
嫁 | 嫁さん (1) |
Marry Into, Bride |
1 |
学 | 学校 (1) |
Study, Learning, Science |
1 |
宇 | 宇宙 (1) |
Eaves, Roof, House, Heaven |
1 |
妨 | 安眠妨害 (1) |
Disturb, Prevent, Hamper, Obstruct |
1 |
璧 | 完璧 (1) |
Sphere, Ball |
1 |
購 | 定期購読 (1) |
Subscription, Buy |
1 |
宛 | 宛 (1) |
Address, Just Like, Fortunately |
1 |
齢 | 実年齢 (1) |
Age |
1 |
宴 | 宴会 (1) |
Banquet, Feast, Party |
1 |
系 | 家系 (1) |
Lineage, System |
1 |
電 | 家電 (1) |
Electricity |
1 |
宿 | 宿する (1) |
Inn, Lodging, Relay Station, Dwell, Lodge, Be Pregnant, Home, Dwelling |
1 |
黙 | 寡黙 (1) |
Silence, Become Silent, Stop Speaking, Leave As Is |
1 |
寡 | 寡黙 (1) |
Widow, Minority, Few |
1 |
筒 | 封筒 (1) |
Cylinder, Pipe, Tube, Gun Barrel, Sleeve |
1 |
専 | 専用 (1) |
Specialty, Exclusive, Mainly, Solely |
1 |
敬 | 尊敬 (1) |
Awe, Respect, Honor, Revere |
1 |
粉 | 小麦粉 (1) |
Flour, Powder, Dust |
1 |
麦 | 小麦粉 (1) |
Barley, Wheat |
1 |
尺 | 尺度 (1) |
Shaku, Japanese Foot, Measure, Scale, Rule |
1 |
尾 | 尻尾 (1) |
Tail, End, Counter For Fish, Lower Slope Of Mountain |
1 |
屁 | 屁理屈 (1) |
Fart, Passing Gas |
1 |
岬 | 岬 (1) |
Headland, Cape, Spit, Promontory |
1 |
崩 | 崩壊 (1) |
Crumble, Die, Demolish, Level |
1 |
左 | 左手 (1) |
Left |
1 |
席 | 席 (1) |
Seat, Mat, Occasion, Place |
1 |
渉 | 干渉 (1) |
Ford, Go Cross, Transit, Ferry, Import, Involve |
1 |
幻 | 幻 (1) |
Phantasm, Vision, Dream, Illusion, Apparition |
1 |
稚 | 幼稚 (1) |
Immature, Young |
1 |
弄 | 庭弄り (1) |
Play With, Tamper, Trifle With |
1 |
廃 | 廃墟 (1) |
Abolish, Obsolete, Cessation, Discarding, Abandon |
1 |
墟 | 廃墟 (1) |
Ruins |
1 |
建 | 建物 (1) |
Build |
1 |
継 | 引き継ぎ (1) |
Inherit, Succeed, Continue, Patch, Graft (tree) |
1 |
吐 | 弱音を吐く (1) |
Spit, Vomit, Belch, Confess, Tell (lies) |
1 |
彩 | 彩り (1) |
Coloring, Paint, Makeup |
1 |
釜 | 後釜 (1) |
Kettle, Cauldron, Iron Pot |
1 |
噺 | 御伽噺 (1) |
Talk, (kokuji) |
1 |
伽 | 御伽噺 (1) |
Nursing, Attending, Entertainer |
1 |
託 | 御託 (1) |
Consign, Requesting, Entrusting With, Pretend, Hint |
1 |
忙 | 忙しい (1) |
Busy, Occupied, Restless |
1 |
恨 | 恨み (1) |
Regret, Bear A Grudge, Resentment, Malice, Hatred |
1 |
息 | 息 (1) |
Breath, Respiration, Son, Interest (on Money) |
1 |
悠 | 悠遠 (1) |
Permanence, Distant, Long Time, Leisure |
1 |
劇 | 悲劇 (1) |
Drama, Play |
1 |
網 | 情報網 (1) |
Netting, Network |
1 |
惨 | 惨状 (1) |
Wretched, Disaster, Cruelty, Harsh |
1 |
志 | 意志 (1) |
Intention, Plan, Resolve, Aspire, Motive, Hopes, Shilling |
1 |
愚 | 愚問 (1) |
Foolish, Folly, Absurdity, Stupid |
1 |
慎 | 慎ましやか (1) |
Humility, Be Careful, Discreet, Prudent |
1 |
憬 | 憧憬 (1) |
Yearn For, Aspire To, Admire |
1 |
懸 | 懸命 (1) |
State Of Suspension, Hang, Depend, Consult, Distant, Far Apart |
1 |
票 | 投票 (1) |
Ballot, Label, Ticket, Sign |
1 |
擢 | 抜擢 (1) |
Excel In, Surpass, Pull Out, Select |
1 |
揮 | 指揮 (1) |
Brandish, Wave, Wag, Swing, Shake |
1 |
舞 | 振る舞う (1) |
Dance, Flit, Circle, Wheel |
1 |
捌 | 捌き (1) |
Handle, Deal With, Dispose Of, Sell, Be In Demand, Be Worldly, Be Frank, Be Sensible, Be Sociable, Drainage, Sale, Demand For, Eight |
1 |
捗 | 捗る (1) |
Make Progress |
1 |
排 | 排除 (1) |
Repudiate, Exclude, Expel, Reject, Line Up, Arrange |
1 |
採 | 採れたて (1) |
Pick, Take, Fetch, Take Up |
1 |
薦 | 推薦 (1) |
Recommend, Mat, Advise, Encourage, Offer |
1 |
提 | 提案 (1) |
Propose, Take Along, Carry In Hand |
1 |
搬 | 搬入 (1) |
Conveyor, Carry, Transport |
1 |
撫 | 撫する (1) |
Stroke, Pat, Smooth Down |
1 |
操 | 操る (1) |
Maneuver, Manipulate, Operate, Steer, Chastity, Virginity, Fidelity |
1 |
払 | 支払い (1) |
Pay, Clear Out, Prune, Banish, Dispose Of |
1 |
柱 | 支柱 (1) |
Pillar, Post, Cylinder, Support |
1 |
救 | 救護 (1) |
Salvation, Save, Help, Rescue, Reclaim |
1 |
乞 | 教えを乞う (1) |
Beg, Invite, Ask |
1 |
敷 | 敷く (1) |
Spread, Pave, Sit, Promulgate |
1 |
献 | 文献 (1) |
Offering, Counter For Drinks, Present, Offer |
1 |
章 | 文章 (1) |
Badge, Chapter, Composition, Poem, Design |
1 |
築 | 新築 (1) |
Fabricate, Build, Construct |
1 |
鮮 | 新鮮 (1) |
Fresh, Vivid, Clear, Brilliant, Korea |
1 |
施 | 施設 (1) |
Give, Bestow, Perform, Alms |
1 |
律 | 旋律 (1) |
Rhythm, Law, Regulation, Gauge, Control |
1 |
旋 | 旋律 (1) |
Rotation, Go Around |
1 |
既 | 既に (1) |
Previously, Already, Long Ago |
1 |
旨 | 旨い (1) |
Delicious, Relish, Show A Liking For, Purport, Will, Clever, Expert |
1 |
星 | 星 (1) |
Star, Spot, Dot, Mark |
1 |
晒 | 晒 (1) |
Bleach, Refine, Expose, Air |
1 |
酌 | 晩酌 (1) |
Bar-tending, Serving Sake, The Host, Draw (water), Ladle, Scoop, Pump |
1 |
曲 | 曲 (1) |
Bend, Music, Melody, Composition, Pleasure, Injustice, Fault, Curve, Crooked, Perverse, Lean |
1 |
式 | 最新式 (1) |
Style, Ceremony, Rite, Function, Method, System, Form, Expression |
1 |
刊 | 月刊 (1) |
Publish, Carve, Engrave |
1 |
彫 | 木彫り (1) |
Carve, Engrave, Chisel |
1 |
裔 | 末裔 (1) |
Descendant, Border |
1 |
末 | 末裔 (1) |
End, Close, Tip, Powder, Posterity |
1 |
権 | 本権 (1) |
Authority, Power, Rights |
1 |
杖 | 杖 (1) |
Staff, Cane |
1 |
条 | 条件 (1) |
Article, Clause, Item, Stripe, Streak |
1 |
枕 | 枕 (1) |
Pillow |
1 |
軟 | 柔軟 (1) |
Soft |
1 |
核 | 核 (1) |
Nucleus, Core, Kernel |
1 |
栽 | 栽培 (1) |
Plantation, Planting |
1 |
培 | 栽培 (1) |
Cultivate, Foster |
1 |
棟 | 棟 (1) |
Ridgepole, Ridge |
1 |
閲 | 検閲 (1) |
Review, Inspection, Revision |
1 |
極 | 極上 (1) |
Poles, Settlement, Conclusion, End, Highest Rank, Electric Poles, Very, Extremely, Most, Highly, 10**48 |
1 |
概 | 概念 (1) |
Outline, Condition, Approximation, Generally |
1 |
械 | 機械 (1) |
Contraption, Fetter, Machine, Instrument |
1 |
欠 | 欠ける (1) |
Lack, Gap, Fail, Yawning Radical (no. 76) |
1 |
歌 | 歌人 (1) |
Song, Sing |
1 |
歓 | 歓迎 (1) |
Delight, Joy |
1 |
歯 | 歯ブラシ (1) |
Tooth, Cog |
1 |
母 | 母親 (1) |
Mother |
1 |
較 | 比較的 (1) |
Contrast, Compare |
1 |
沫 | 水飛沫 (1) |
Splash, Suds |
1 |
刃 | 氷刃 (1) |
Blade, Sword, Edge |
1 |
求 | 求める (1) |
Request, Want, Wish For, Require, Demand |
1 |
汗 | 汗 (1) |
Sweat, Perspire |
1 |
汝 | 汝 (1) |
You, Thou |
1 |
没 | 没頭 (1) |
Drown, Sink, Hide, Fall Into, Disappear, Die |
1 |
癒 | 治癒 (1) |
Healing, Cure, Quench (thirst), Wreak |
1 |
泊 | 泊まる (1) |
Overnight Stay, Put Up At, Ride At Anchor |
1 |
洒 | 洒落た (1) |
Wash, Sprinkle |
1 |
躍 | 活躍 (1) |
Leap, Dance, Skip |
1 |
浄 | 浄化 (1) |
Clean, Purify, Cleanse, Exorcise, Manchu Dynasty |
1 |
耗 | 消耗 (1) |
Decrease |
1 |
消 | 消耗 (1) |
Extinguish, Blow Out, Turn Off, Neutralize, Cancel |
1 |
涼 | 涼み (1) |
Refreshing, Nice And Cool |
1 |
濁 | 混濁 (1) |
Voiced, Uncleanness, Wrong, Nigori, Impurity |
1 |
添 | 添付 (1) |
Annexed, Accompany, Marry, Suit, Meet, Satisfy, Attach, Append, Garnish, Imitate |
1 |
渡 | 渡す (1) |
Transit, Ford, Ferry, Cross, Import, Deliver, Diameter, Migrate |
1 |
厚 | 温厚 (1) |
Thick, Heavy, Rich, Kind, Cordial, Brazen, Shameless |
1 |
和 | 温和 (1) |
Harmony, Japanese Style, Peace, Soften, Japan |
1 |
湖 | 湖 (1) |
Lake |
1 |
喫 | 満喫 (1) |
Consume, Eat, Drink, Smoke, Receive (a Blow) |
1 |
満 | 満喫 (1) |
Full, Fullness, Enough, Satisfy |
1 |
潰 | 潰す (1) |
Crush, Smash, Break, Dissipate |
1 |
昂 | 激昂 (1) |
Rise |
1 |
頓 | 無頓着 (1) |
Suddenly, Immediately, In A Hurry, Arrange, Stay In Place, Bow, Kowtow |
1 |
煙 | 煙 (1) |
Smoke |
1 |
症 | 熱中症 (1) |
Symptoms, Illness |
1 |
徴 | 特徴 (1) |
Indications, Sign, Omen, Symptom, Collect, Seek, Refer To, Question |
1 |
殊 | 特殊 (1) |
Particularly, Especially, Exceptionally |
1 |
犠 | 犠牲 (1) |
Sacrifice |
1 |
牲 | 犠牲 (1) |
Animal Sacrifice, Offering |
1 |
犯 | 犯人 (1) |
Crime, Sin, Offense |
1 |
狩 | 狩る (1) |
Hunt, Raid, Gather |
1 |
猛 | 猛毒 (1) |
Fierce, Rave, Rush, Become Furious, Wildness, Strength |
1 |
獣 | 獣人 (1) |
Animal, Beast |
1 |
瓶 | 瓶詰め (1) |
Bottle, Vial, Jar, Jug, Vat, Urn |
1 |
埋 | 生き埋め (1) |
Bury, Be Filled Up, Embedded |
1 |
預 | 留守を預かる (1) |
Deposit, Custody, Leave With, Entrust To |
1 |
掘 | 発掘 (1) |
Dig, Delve, Excavate |
1 |
登 | 登場 (1) |
Ascend, Climb Up |
1 |
遭 | 目に遭う (1) |
Encounter, Meet, Party, Association, Interview, Join |
1 |
玉 | 目ん玉 (1) |
Jewel, Ball |
1 |
障 | 目障り (1) |
Hinder, Hurt, Harm |
1 |
看 | 看板娘 (1) |
Watch Over, See |
1 |
睡 | 睡眠 (1) |
Drowsy, Sleep, Die |
1 |
矛 | 矛盾 (1) |
Halberd, Arms, Festival Float |
1 |
矢 | 矢先に (1) |
Dart, Arrow |
1 |
示 | 示す (1) |
Show, Indicate, Point Out, Express, Display |
1 |
祖 | 祖先 (1) |
Ancestor, Pioneer, Founder |
1 |
答 | 答える (1) |
Solution, Answer |
1 |
箇 | 箇所 (1) |
Counter For Articles |
1 |
米 | 米 (1) |
Rice, Usa, Metre |
1 |
杯 | 精一杯 (1) |
Counter For Cupfuls, Wine Glass, Glass, Toast |
1 |
糖 | 糖分 (1) |
Sugar |
1 |
糸 | 糸 (1) |
Thread |
1 |
紋 | 紋 (1) |
Family Crest, Figures |
1 |
括 | 総括 (1) |
Fasten, Tie Up, Arrest, Constrict |
1 |
編 | 編 (1) |
Compilation, Knit, Plait, Braid, Twist, Editing, Completed Poem, Part Of A Book |
1 |
緩 | 緩慢 (1) |
Slacken, Loosen, Relax, Lessen, Be Moderate, Ease |
1 |
縄 | 縄 (1) |
Straw Rope, Cord |
1 |
縦 | 縦 (1) |
Vertical, Length, Height, Self-indulgent, Wayward |
1 |
繊 | 繊細 (1) |
Slender, Fine, Thin Kimono |
1 |
織 | 織り成す (1) |
Weave, Fabric |
1 |
羨 | 羨ましい (1) |
Envious, Be Jealous, Covet |
1 |
羽 | 羽を伸ばす (1) |
Feathers, Counter For Birds, Rabbits |
1 |
老 | 老 (1) |
Old Man, Old Age, Grow Old |
1 |
肌 | 肌荒れ (1) |
Texture, Skin, Body, Grain |
1 |
肴 | 肴 (1) |
Accompaniment For Drinks |
1 |
肺 | 肺 (1) |
Lungs |
1 |
病 | 臆病者 (1) |
Ill, Sick |
1 |
臆 | 臆病者 (1) |
Timidity, Heart, Mind, Fear, Cowardly |
1 |
炊 | 自炊 (1) |
Cook, Boil |
1 |
恵 | 自然の恵み (1) |
Favor, Blessing, Grace, Kindness |
1 |
象 | 自然現象 (1) |
Elephant, Pattern After, Imitate, Image, Shape, Sign (of The Times) |
1 |
舵 | 舵をとる (1) |
Rudder, Helm, Wheel |
1 |
壇 | 花壇 (1) |
Podium, Stage, Rostrum, Terrace |
1 |
英 | 英雄 (1) |
England, English, Hero, Outstanding, Calyx |
1 |
雄 | 英雄 (1) |
Masculine, Male, Hero, Leader, Superiority, Excellence |
1 |
葬 | 葬 (1) |
Interment, Bury, Shelve |
1 |
薔 | 薔薇 (1) |
Water Pepper |
1 |
薇 | 薔薇 (1) |
An Edible Fern |
1 |
蜜 | 蜜 (1) |
Honey, Nectar, Molasses |
1 |
蝶 | 蝶番 (1) |
Butterfly |
1 |
融 | 融合 (1) |
Dissolve, Melt |
1 |
衆 | 衆 (1) |
Masses, Great Numbers, Multitude, Populace |
1 |
街 | 街道 (1) |
Boulevard, Street, Town |
1 |
佐 | 補佐 (1) |
Assistant, Help |
1 |
裸 | 裸 (1) |
Naked, Nude, Uncovered, Partially Clothed |
1 |
複 | 複雑 (1) |
Duplicate, Double, Compound, Multiple |
1 |
褒 | 褒美 (1) |
Praise, Extol |
1 |
訂 | 訂正 (1) |
Revise, Correct, Decide |
1 |
述 | 記述 (1) |
Mention, State, Speak, Relate |
1 |
訪 | 訪れる (1) |
Call On, Visit, Look Up, Offer Sympathy |
1 |
拐 | 誘拐 (1) |
Kidnap, Falsify |
1 |
誘 | 誘拐 (1) |
Entice, Lead, Tempt, Invite, Ask, Call For, Seduce, Allure |
1 |
課 | 課題 (1) |
Chapter, Lesson, Section, Department, Division, Counter For Chapters (of A Book) |
1 |
諦 | 諦め (1) |
Truth, Clarity, Abandon, Give Up |
1 |
諸 | 諸事情 (1) |
Various, Many, Several, Together |
1 |
謎 | 謎 (1) |
Riddle, Puzzle, Enigma, Hint, Tip |
1 |
警 | 警備 (1) |
Admonish, Commandment |
1 |
邸 | 豪邸 (1) |
Residence, Mansion |
1 |
豪 | 豪邸 (1) |
Overpowering, Great, Powerful, Excelling, Australia |
1 |
貧 | 貧しい (1) |
Poverty, Poor |
1 |
責 | 責任 (1) |
Blame, Condemn, Censure |
1 |
貯 | 貯金 (1) |
Savings, Store, Lay In, Keep, Wear Mustache |
1 |
賂 | 賄賂 (1) |
Bribe |
1 |
賄 | 賄賂 (1) |
Bribe, Board, Supply, Finance |
1 |
沢 | 贅沢 (1) |
Swamp, Marsh, Brilliance, Grace |
1 |
贅 | 贅沢 (1) |
Luxury |
1 |
走 | 走る (1) |
Run |
1 |
踏 | 踏む (1) |
Step, Trample, Carry Through, Appraise, Evade Payment |
1 |
躇 | 躊躇い (1) |
Hesitate |
1 |
躊 | 躊躇い (1) |
Hesitate |
1 |
軌 | 軌跡 (1) |
Rut, Wheel, Track, Model, Way Of Doing |
1 |
軍 | 軍 (1) |
Army, Force, Troops, War, Battle |
1 |
辛 | 辛辣 (1) |
Spicy, Bitter, Hot, Acrid |
1 |
辣 | 辛辣 (1) |
Pungent, Spicy, Harsh, Cruel, Severe |
1 |
辿 | 辿る (1) |
Follow (road), Pursue |
1 |
途 | 途中 (1) |
Route, Way, Road |
1 |
端 | 道端 (1) |
Edge, Origin, End, Point, Border, Verge, Cape |
1 |
避 | 避ける (1) |
Evade, Avoid, Avert, Ward Off, Shirk, Shun |
1 |
篤 | 重篤 (1) |
Fervent, Kind, Cordial, Serious, Deliberate |
1 |
鉛 | 鉛筆 (1) |
Lead |
1 |
錦 | 錦 (1) |
Brocade, Fine Dress, Honors |
1 |
鍋 | 鍋 (1) |
Pot, Pan, Kettle |
1 |
錬 | 鍛錬 (1) |
Tempering, Refine, Drill, Train, Polish |
1 |
閉 | 閉じる (1) |
Closed, Shut |
1 |
阿 | 阿鼻叫喚 (1) |
Africa, Flatter, Fawn Upon, Corner, Nook, Recess |
1 |
喚 | 阿鼻叫喚 (1) |
Yell, Cry, Call, Scream, Summon |
1 |
叫 | 阿鼻叫喚 (1) |
Shout, Exclaim, Yell |
1 |
隅 | 隅っこ (1) |
Corner, Nook |
1 |
隔 | 隔絶 (1) |
Isolate, Alternate, Distance, Separate, Gulf |
1 |
誌 | 雑誌 (1) |
Document, Records |
1 |
雲 | 雲 (1) |
Cloud |
1 |
雷 | 雷撃 (1) |
Thunder, Lightning Bolt |
1 |
需 | 需要 (1) |
Demand, Request, Need |
1 |
青 | 青い (1) |
Blue, Green |
1 |
靴 | 靴下 (1) |
Shoes |
1 |
覆 | 顔を覆う (1) |
Capsize, Cover, Shade, Mantle, Be Ruined |
1 |
顧 | 顧問 (1) |
Look Back, Review, Examine Oneself, Turn Around |
1 |
翔 | 飛翔 (1) |
Soar, Fly |
1 |
堂 | 食堂 (1) |
Public Chamber, Hall |
1 |
餌 | 餌付け (1) |
Food, Bait, Prey, Tempting Profit |
1 |
舌 | 饒舌 (1) |
Tongue, Reed, Clapper |
1 |
饒 | 饒舌 (1) |
Abundant |
1 |
駐 | 駐車 (1) |
Stop-over, Reside In, Resident |
1 |
折 | 骨折り損 (1) |
Fold, Break, Fracture, Bend, Yield, Submit |
1 |
潔 | 高潔 (1) |
Undefiled, Pure, Clean, Righteous, Gallant |
1 |
胆 | 魂胆 (1) |
Gall Bladder, Courage, Pluck, Nerve |
1 |
焦 | 黒焦げ (1) |
Char, Hurry, Impatient, Irritate, Burn, Scorch, Singe |
1 |