Is the order a rabbit?
Kanji Meanings
This is an experimental page for viewing kanji in a series. It is likely to change.
Unique kanji: 1,308
Total kanji: 14,247
Kanji | Words | Meaning | Frequency |
私 | Private, I, Me |
595 | |
人 | 人 (37), 二人 (33), 二人とも (14), 主人公 (11), 一人 (10), 一人で (10), 大人 (7), 軍人 (7), 人生 (6), 新人 (6), 使用人 (5), 人数 (4), 人間 (4), 助っ人 (4), 大人っぽい (4), 三人 (3), 人形 (3), 人達 (3), 怪人 (3), 狩人 (3), 美人 (3), もう一人 (2), 二人きり (2), 二人乗り (2), 人前で (2), 人気 (2), 犯人 (2), 素人 (2), ある人 (1), いい人 (1), その人 (1), 一人っ子 (1), 一人二役 (1), 一人娘 (1), 一般人 (1), 二人して (1), 人格 (1), 人物画 (1), 人目 (1), 人見知り (1), 人質 (1), 人間業 (1), 他人事 (1), 個人経営 (1), 各人 (1), 大人げない (1), 女の人 (1), 常人 (1), 恋人 (1), 有名人 (1), 本人 (1), 殺人現場 (1), 男の人 (1), 番人 (1), 詩人 (1) |
Person |
221 |
事 | Matter, Thing, Fact, Business, Reason, Possibly |
179 | |
一 | 一緒に (50), 一番 (11), 一人 (10), 一人で (10), 一つ (9), 一緒 (6), 一応 (3), 一杯 (3), 一瞬 (3), もう一人 (2), もう一回 (2), もう一度 (2), 一列 (2), 一回 (2), 一段落 (2), 一生懸命 (2), 一発芸 (2), 一目 (2), 一種 (2), 一般相対性理論 (2), 一言 (2), 一面 (2), ご一緒 (1), 一カ月 (1), 一人っ子 (1), 一人二役 (1), 一人娘 (1), 一個 (1), 一億 (1), 一兵卒 (1), 一匹 (1), 一口 (1), 一吹き (1), 一品 (1), 一声 (1), 一夜 (1), 一度に (1), 一度も (1), 一斉に (1), 一方 (1), 一日中 (1), 一時的 (1), 一枚 (1), 一段 (1), 一気に (1), 一環 (1), 一生 (1), 一番乗り (1), 一目ぼれ (1), 一般人 (1), 一見 (1), 一雨 (1), 万が一 (1), 唯一 (1), 第一 (1), 第一歩 (1), 第一章 (1) |
One, One Radical (no.1) |
166 |
気 | 気持ち (22), 気 (17), 元気 (8), 気がする (8), 気分 (6), 本気で (5), 雰囲気 (5), 気にする (4), 空気 (4), 本気 (3), 気づく (3), 気のせい (3), いい天気 (2), お天気 (2), やる気 (2), やる気満々 (2), 人気 (2), 健気 (2), 平気 (2), 強気 (2), 気合い (2), 気持ち悪い (2), 気軽に (2), 浮気 (2), お元気ですか (1), お気に入り (1), ような気がする (1), 一気に (1), 元気出して (1), 天気 (1), 心意気 (1), 悪気 (1), 意気投合 (1), 気がかり (1), 気がすまない (1), 気が利く (1), 気が合う (1), 気が早い (1), 気づき (1), 気になる (1), 気を付ける (1), 気体 (1), 気合 (1), 気品 (1), 気品がある (1), 気楽 (1), 気配 (1), 病気 (1), 眠気 (1), 素っ気無い (1), 陰気 (1), 電気 (1) |
Spirit, Mind, Air, Atmosphere, Mood |
140 |
今 | Now |
130 | |
大 | Large, Big |
130 | |
店 | Store, Shop |
117 | |
先 | Before, Ahead, Previous, Future, Precedence |
110 | |
子 | 子 (27), 和菓子 (12), あの子 (7), 子供 (7), お菓子 (5), 女の子 (4), 帽子 (4), 末っ子 (3), 様子 (3), 電子書籍版 (3), 団子 (2), 女子高生 (2), 子たち (2), 息子 (2), 調子 (2), いい子になる (1), 一人っ子 (1), 三つ子 (1), 大和撫子 (1), 女子 (1), 子ども (1), 子供っぽい (1), 子供の頃 (1), 子達 (1), 小冊子 (1), 帽子屋 (1), 息子さん (1), 我が子 (1), 拍子 (1), 椅子 (1), 江戸っ子 (1), 砂糖菓子 (1), 菓子 (1), 菓子パン (1), 親子 (1), 調子に乗る (1), 迷子になる (1), 電子書籍 (1), 餡子 (1) |
Child, Sign Of The Rat, 11pm-1am, First Sign Of Chinese Zodiac |
109 |
手 | お手伝い (9), 手 (9), 上手い (8), 勝手に (8), 苦手 (8), 手紙 (6), 相手 (5), 手相 (4), お手 (3), 上手 (3), 手伝う (3), 手洗い (3), 手作り (2), 手製 (2), オペラ歌手 (1), お上手 (1), お手本 (1), お手柔らかに (1), この手 (1), その手 (1), 上手くいく (1), 両手 (1), 二手 (1), 取っ手 (1), 商売上手 (1), 大手 (1), 小手調べ (1), 手が出る (1), 手の平 (1), 手伝い (1), 手前 (1), 手合わせ (1), 手本 (1), 手榴弾 (1), 手渡す (1), 手近 (1), 派手 (1), 甘え上手 (1), 語り手 (1), 追っ手 (1) |
Hand |
99 |
姉 | Elder Sister |
90 | |
日 | 昨日 (11), 毎日 (10), 翌日 (7), 日 (5), 記念日 (4), 休日 (3), 後日 (3), 数日 (3), 数日後 (3), 日々 (3), 本日 (3), 観察日記 (3), その日 (2), 初日 (2), 当日 (2), 日向ぼっこ (2), 日常 (2), 日頃 (2), 明後日 (2), 父の日 (2), また明日 (1), 一日中 (1), 何日 (1), 何日も (1), 土曜日 (1), 夕日 (1), 数日間 (1), 日が暮れる (1), 日ごろ (1), 日曜 (1), 日本語 (1), 日程 (1), 最終日 (1), 朝日 (1), 登校日 (1), 近日 (1) |
Day, Sun, Japan, Counter For Days |
90 |
学 | Study, Learning, Science |
89 | |
何 | What |
87 | |
本 | Book, Present, Main, Origin, True, Real, Counter For Long Cylindrical Things |
87 | |
前 | In Front, Before |
86 | |
自 | Oneself |
85 | |
輩 | Comrade, Fellow, People, Companions |
84 | |
茶 | Tea |
78 | |
物 | Thing, Object, Matter |
78 | |
服 | Clothing, Admit, Obey, Discharge |
77 | |
当 | Hit, Right, Appropriate, Himself |
75 | |
仕 | Attend, Doing, Official, Serve |
74 | |
校 | Exam, School, Printing, Proof, Correction |
71 | |
分 | Part, Minute Of Time, Segment, Share, Degree, One's Lot, Duty, Understand, Know, Rate, 1%, Chances, Shaku/100 |
71 | |
話 | Tale, Talk |
69 | |
後 | Behind, Back, Later |
68 | |
部 | Section, Bureau, Dept, Class, Copy, Part, Portion, Counter For Copies Of A Newspaper Or Magazine |
68 | |
来 | Come, Due, Next, Cause, Become |
66 | |
喫 | Consume, Eat, Drink, Smoke, Receive (a Blow) |
65 | |
二 | Two, Two Radical (no. 7) |
64 | |
時 | Time, Hour |
64 | |
緒 | Thong, Beginning, Inception, End, Cord, Strap, Mental Or Emotional State |
63 | |
味 | Flavor, Taste |
63 | |
出 | Exit, Leave, Go Out, Come Out, Put Out, Protrude |
62 | |
感 | Emotion, Feeling, Sensation |
61 | |
心 | Heart, Mind, Spirit, Heart Radical (no. 61) |
60 | |
意 | Idea, Mind, Heart, Taste, Thought, Desire, Care, Liking |
59 | |
思 | Think |
57 | |
妹 | Younger Sister |
56 | |
変 | Unusual, Change, Strange |
56 | |
父 | Father |
56 | |
中 | In, Inside, Middle, Mean, Center |
56 | |
違 | Difference, Differ |
55 | |
食 | Eat, Food |
53 | |
上 | Above, Up |
51 | |
生 | Life, Genuine, Birth |
51 | |
近 | Near, Early, Akin, Tantamount |
50 | |
小 | Little, Small |
50 | |
合 | 似合う (5), 合う (3), 合体 (3), 場合 (3), 具合 (2), 合図 (2), 待ち合わせ (2), 気合い (2), 試合 (2), 都合 (2), 付き合い (1), 付き合う (1), 光合成 (1), 合わせて (1), 合宿 (1), 合流 (1), 合点 (1), 合理的 (1), 合間 (1), 引き合い (1), 張り合い (1), 張り合う (1), 息の合った (1), 意気投合 (1), 手合わせ (1), 気が合う (1), 気合 (1), 波長が合う (1), 目が合う (1), 知り合い (1), 総合 (1), 背中合わせ (1), 間に合う (1), 雪合戦 (1) |
Fit, Suit, Join, 0.1 |
50 |
最 | Utmost, Most, Extreme |
49 | |
達 | Accomplished, Reach, Arrive, Attain |
49 | |
言 | Say, Word |
49 | |
顔 | Face, Expression |
49 | |
体 | Body, Substance, Object, Reality, Counter For Images |
49 | |
様 | Esq., Way, Manner, Situation, Polite Suffix |
48 | |
行 | Going, Journey, Carry Out, Conduct, Act, Line, Row, Bank |
48 | |
目 | Eye, Class, Look, Insight, Experience, Care, Favor |
48 | |
通 | Traffic, Pass Through, Avenue, Commute, Counter For Letters, Notes, Documents, Etc. |
47 | |
間 | Interval, Space |
47 | |
見 | See, Hopes, Chances, Idea, Opinion, Look At, Visible |
47 | |
屋 | Roof, House, Shop, Dealer, Seller |
46 | |
初 | First Time, Beginning |
45 | |
度 | Degrees, Occurrence, Time, Counter For Occurrences, Consider, Attitude |
45 | |
無 | Nothingness, None, Ain't, Nothing, Nil, Not |
44 | |
方 | Direction, Person, Alternative |
44 | |
制 | System, Law, Rule |
43 | |
丈 | Length, Ten Shaku, Measure, Mr., Ms., Height, Stature, All (one Has), Only, That's All, Merely |
43 | |
真 | True, Reality, Buddhist Sect |
43 | |
作 | Make, Production, Prepare, Build |
43 | |
夫 | Husband, Man |
42 | |
好 | Fond, Pleasing, Like Something |
42 | |
理 | Logic, Arrangement, Reason, Justice, Truth |
41 | |
女 | Woman, Female |
41 | |
文 | Sentence, Literature, Style, Art, Decoration, Figures, Plan, Literary Radical (no. 67) |
40 | |
客 | Guest, Visitor, Customer, Client |
39 | |
特 | Special |
39 | |
家 | House, Home, Family, Professional, Expert, Performer |
38 | |
全 | Whole, Entire, All, Complete, Fulfill |
38 | |
所 | Place, Extent |
37 | |
持 | Hold, Have |
36 | |
楽 | Music, Comfort, Ease |
36 | |
実 | Reality, Truth |
36 | |
下 | Below, Down, Descend, Give, Low, Inferior |
36 | |
月 | Month, Moon |
35 | |
普 | Universal, Wide(ly), Generally, Prussia |
35 | |
勝 | Victory, Win, Prevail, Excel |
35 | |
新 | New |
35 | |
風 | Wind, Air, Style, Manner |
35 | |
力 | Power, Strength, Strong, Strain, Bear Up, Exert |
34 | |
業 | Business, Vocation, Arts, Performance |
34 | |
戦 | War, Battle, Match |
34 | |
画 | Brush-stroke, Picture |
33 | |
年 | Year, Counter For Years |
33 | |
会 | Meeting, Meet, Party, Association, Interview, Join |
32 | |
配 | Distribute, Spouse, Exile, Rationing |
31 | |
習 | Learn |
31 | |
夜 | Night, Evening |
31 | |
張 | Lengthen, Counter For Bows & Stringed Instruments, Stretch, Spread, Put Up (tent) |
31 | |
高 | Tall, High, Expensive |
31 | |
性 | Sex, Gender, Nature |
31 | |
友 | Friend |
30 | |
注 | Pour, Irrigate, Shed (tears), Flow Into, Concentrate On, Notes, Comment, Annotate |
30 | |
親 | Parent, Intimacy, Relative, Familiarity, Dealer (cards) |
30 | |
悪 | Bad, Vice, Rascal, False, Evil, Wrong |
30 | |
然 | Sort Of Thing, So, If So, In That Case, Well |
29 | |
昔 | Once Upon A Time, Antiquity, Old Times |
28 | |
声 | Voice |
28 | |
写 | Copy, Be Photographed, Describe |
28 | |
素 | Elementary, Principle, Naked, Uncovered |
28 | |
役 | Duty, War, Campaign, Drafted Labor, Office, Service, Role |
28 | |
名 | Name, Noted, Distinguished, Reputation |
28 | |
説 | Opinion, Theory, Explanation, Rumor |
28 | |
用 | Utilize, Business, Service, Use, Employ |
28 | |
相 | Inter-, Mutual, Together, Each Other, Minister Of State, Councillor, Aspect, Phase, Physiognomy |
28 | |
少 | Few, Little |
27 | |
外 | Outside |
27 | |
白 | White |
27 | |
休 | Rest, Day Off, Retire, Sleep |
27 | |
着 | Don, Arrive, Wear, Counter For Suits Of Clothing |
27 | |
練 | Practice, Gloss, Train, Drill, Polish, Refine |
26 | |
笑 | Laugh |
26 | |
誰 | Who, Someone, Somebody |
26 | |
良 | Good, Pleasing, Skilled |
26 | |
対 | Vis-a-vis, Opposite, Even, Equal, Versus, Anti-, Compare |
26 | |
場 | Location, Place |
26 | |
嬢 | Lass, Girl, Miss, Daughter |
25 | |
番 | Turn, Number In A Series |
25 | |
足 | Leg, Foot, Be Sufficient, Counter For Pairs Of Footwear |
25 | |
色 | Color |
25 | |
入 | Enter, Insert |
25 | |
者 | Someone, Person |
25 | |
主 | Lord, Chief, Master, Main Thing, Principal |
24 | |
代 | Substitute, Change, Convert, Replace, Period, Age, Counter For Decades Of Ages, Eras, Etc., Generation, Charge, Rate, Fee |
24 | |
愛 | Love, Affection, Favourite |
24 | |
面 | Mask, Face, Features, Surface |
24 | |
成 | Turn Into, Become, Get, Grow, Elapse, Reach |
24 | |
直 | Straightaway, Honesty, Frankness, Fix, Repair |
24 | |
以 | By Means Of, Because, In View Of, Compared With |
24 | |
運 | Carry, Luck, Destiny, Fate, Lot, Transport, Progress, Advance |
24 | |
母 | Mother |
23 | |
敵 | Enemy, Foe, Opponent |
23 | |
地 | Ground, Earth |
23 | |
数 | Number, Strength, Fate, Law, Figures |
23 | |
動 | Move, Motion, Change, Confusion, Shift, Shake |
23 | |
仲 | Go-between, Relationship |
22 | |
教 | Teach, Faith, Doctrine |
22 | |
苦 | Suffering, Trial, Worry, Hardship, Feel Bitter, Scowl |
22 | |
不 | Negative, Non-, Bad, Ugly, Clumsy |
22 | |
身 | Somebody, Person, One's Station In Life |
22 | |
庵 | 庵 (21) |
Hermitage, Retreat |
21 |
負 | Defeat, Negative, -, Minus, Bear, Owe, Assume A Responsibility |
21 | |
安 | Relax, Cheap, Low, Quiet, Rested, Contented, Peaceful |
21 | |
映 | Reflect, Reflection, Projection |
21 | |
伝 | Transmit, Go Along, Walk Along, Follow, Report, Communicate, Legend, Tradition |
21 | |
強 | Strong |
21 | |
使 | Use, Send On A Mission, Order, Messenger, Envoy, Ambassador, Cause |
21 | |
技 | Skill, Art, Craft, Ability, Feat, Performance, Vocation, Arts |
21 | |
菓 | Candy, Cakes, Fruit |
20 | |
格 | Status, Rank, Capacity, Character, Case (law, Grammar) |
20 | |
完 | Perfect, Completion, End |
20 | |
早 | Early, Fast |
20 | |
題 | Topic, Subject |
20 | |
談 | Discuss, Talk |
20 | |
機 | Loom, Mechanism, Machine, Airplane, Opportunity, Potency, Efficacy, Occasion |
20 | |
想 | Concept, Think, Idea, Thought |
20 | |
立 | Stand Up, Rise, Set Up, Erect |
20 | |
書 | Write |
20 | |
天 | Heavens, Sky, Imperial |
20 | |
次 | Next, Order, Sequence |
19 | |
公 | Public, Prince, Official, Governmental |
19 | |
板 | Plank, Board, Plate, Stage |
19 | |
術 | Art, Technique, Skill, Means, Trick, Resources, Magic |
19 | |
化 | Change, Take The Form Of, Influence, Enchant, Delude, -ization |
19 | |
金 | Gold |
19 | |
内 | Inside, Within, Between, Among, House, Home |
19 | |
命 | Fate, Command, Decree, Destiny, Life, Appoint |
19 | |
発 | Departure, Discharge, Publish, Emit, Start From, Disclose, Counter For Gunshots |
19 | |
世 | Generation, World, Society, Public |
19 | |
願 | Petition, Request, Vow, Wish, Hope |
18 | |
恥 | Shame, Dishonor |
18 | |
確 | Assurance, Firm, Tight, Hard, Solid, Confirm, Clear, Evident |
18 | |
計 | Plot, Plan, Scheme, Measure |
18 | |
頭 | Head, Counter For Large Animals |
18 | |
歯 | Tooth, Cog |
18 | |
道 | Road-way, Street, District, Journey, Course, Moral, Teachings |
18 | |
回 | -times, Round, Game, Revolve, Counter For Occurrences |
18 | |
器 | Utensil, Vessel, Receptacle, Implement, Instrument, Ability, Container, Tool, Set |
18 | |
的 | Bull's Eye, Mark, Target, Object, Adjective Ending |
18 | |
解 | Unravel, Notes, Key, Explanation, Understanding, Untie, Undo, Solve, Answer, Cancel, Absolve, Explain, Minute |
18 | |
和 | Harmony, Japanese Style, Peace, Soften, Japan |
17 | |
難 | Difficult, Impossible, Trouble, Accident, Defect |
17 | |
料 | Fee, Materials |
17 | |
寝 | Lie Down, Sleep, Rest, Bed, Remain Unsold |
17 | |
聞 | Hear, Ask, Listen |
17 | |
魔 | Witch, Demon, Evil Spirit |
17 | |
待 | Wait, Depend On |
17 | |
記 | Scribe, Account, Narrative |
17 | |
集 | Gather, Meet, Congregate, Swarm, Flock |
17 | |
進 | Advance, Proceed, Progress, Promote |
17 | |
怖 | Dreadful, Be Frightened, Fearful |
16 | |
刻 | Engrave, Cut Fine, Chop, Hash, Mince, Time, Carving |
16 | |
帰 | Homecoming, Arrive At, Lead To, Result In |
16 | |
怪 | Suspicious, Mystery, Apparition |
16 | |
長 | Long, Leader, Superior, Senior |
16 | |
嫌 | Dislike, Detest, Hate |
16 | |
覚 | Memorize, Learn, Remember, Awake, Sober Up |
16 | |
切 | Cut, Cutoff, Be Sharp |
16 | |
情 | Feelings, Emotion, Passion, Sympathy, Circumstances, Facts |
16 | |
関 | Connection, Barrier, Gateway, Involve, Concerning |
16 | |
取 | Take, Fetch, Take Up |
16 | |
姿 | Figure, Form, Shape |
15 | |
頑 | Stubborn, Foolish, Firmly |
15 | |
看 | Watch Over, See |
15 | |
元 | Beginning, Former Time, Origin |
15 | |
腹 | Abdomen, Belly, Stomach |
15 | |
状 | Status Quo, Conditions, Circumstances, Form, Appearance |
15 | |
遊 | Play |
15 | |
似 | Becoming, Resemble, Counterfeit, Imitate, Suitable |
15 | |
夕 | Evening |
15 | |
洗 | Wash, Inquire Into, Probe |
15 | |
連 | Take Along, Lead, Join, Connect, Party, Gang, Clique |
15 | |
係 | Person In Charge, Connection, Duty, Concern Oneself |
15 | |
宝 | Treasure, Wealth, Valuables |
15 | |
明 | Bright, Light |
15 | |
宿 | Inn, Lodging, Relay Station, Dwell, Lodge, Be Pregnant, Home, Dwelling |
14 | |
絶 | Discontinue, Sever, Cut Off, Abstain, Interrupt, Suppress, Be Beyond, Without Match, Peerless, Unparalleled |
14 | |
別 | Separate, Branch Off, Diverge, Fork, Another, Extra, Specially |
14 | |
図 | Map, Drawing, Plan, Extraordinary, Audacious |
14 | |
念 | Wish, Sense, Idea, Thought, Feeling, Desire, Attention |
14 | |
考 | Consider, Think Over |
14 | |
買 | Buy |
14 | |
迷 | Astray, Be Perplexed, In Doubt, Lost, Err, Illusion |
14 | |
効 | Merit, Efficacy, Efficiency, Benefit |
14 | |
頃 | Time, About, Toward |
14 | |
応 | Apply, Answer, Yes, Ok, Reply, Accept |
14 | |
接 | Touch, Contact, Adjoin, Piece Together |
14 | |
試 | Test, Try, Attempt, Experiment, Ordeal |
14 | |
同 | Same, Agree, Equal |
14 | |
銃 | Gun, Arms |
13 | |
遅 | Slow, Late, Back, Later |
13 | |
必 | Invariably, Certain, Inevitable |
13 | |
察 | Guess, Presume, Surmise, Judge, Understand |
13 | |
観 | Outlook, Look, Appearance, Condition, View |
13 | |
活 | Lively, Resuscitation, Being Helped, Living |
13 | |
欲 | Longing, Covetousness, Greed, Passion, Desire, Craving |
13 | |
信 | Faith, Truth, Fidelity, Trust |
13 | |
軍 | Army, Force, Troops, War, Battle |
13 | |
告 | Revelation, Tell, Inform, Announce |
13 | |
報 | Report, News, Reward, Retribution |
13 | |
員 | Employee, Member, Number, The One In Charge |
13 | |
弁 | Valve, Petal, Braid, Speech, Dialect, Discrimination, Dispose Of, Distinguish, Conical Cap |
13 | |
正 | Correct, Justice, Righteous, 10**40 |
13 | |
美 | Beauty, Beautiful |
13 | |
邪 | Wicked, Injustice, Wrong |
13 | |
更 | Grow Late, Night Watch, Sit Up Late, Of Course, Renew, Renovate, Again, More And More, Further |
13 | |
得 | Gain, Get, Find, Earn, Acquire, Can, May, Able To, Profit, Advantage, Benefit |
13 | |
経 | Sutra, Longitude, Pass Thru, Expire, Warp |
13 | |
験 | Verification, Effect, Testing |
13 | |
頂 | Place On The Head, Receive, Top Of Head, Top, Summit, Peak |
13 | |
引 | Pull, Tug, Jerk, Admit, Install, Quote, Refer To |
13 | |
焼 | Bake, Burning |
13 | |
付 | Adhere, Attach, Refer To, Append |
13 | |
流 | Current, A Sink, Flow, Forfeit |
13 | |
余 | Too Much, Myself, Surplus, Other, Remainder |
12 | |
温 | Warm |
12 | |
趣 | Purport, Gist, Elegance, Interest, Proceed To, Tend, Become |
12 | |
紙 | Paper |
12 | |
水 | Water |
12 | |
飲 | Drink, Smoke, Take |
12 | |
口 | Mouth |
12 | |
際 | Occasion, Side, Edge, Verge, Dangerous, Adventurous, Indecent, Time, When |
12 | |
飯 | Meal, Boiled Rice |
12 | |
深 | Deep, Heighten, Intensify, Strengthen |
12 | |
品 | Goods, Refinement, Dignity, Article, Counter For Meal Courses |
12 | |
問 | Question, Ask, Problem |
12 | |
向 | Yonder, Facing, Beyond, Confront, Defy, Tend Toward, Approach |
12 | |
定 | Determine, Fix, Establish, Decide |
12 | |
常 | Usual, Ordinary, Normal, Common, Regular, Continually, Always, Long-lasting |
12 | |
昨 | 昨日 (11) |
Yesterday, Previous |
11 |
官 | Bureaucrat, The Government, Organ |
11 | |
毎 | Every |
11 | |
匂 | Fragrant, Stink, Glow, Insinuate, (kokuji) |
11 | |
号 | Nickname, Number, Item, Title, Pseudonym, Name, Call |
11 | |
我 | Ego, I, Selfish, Our, Oneself |
11 | |
担 | Shouldering, Carry, Raise, Bear |
11 | |
勘 | Intuition, Perception, Check, Compare, Sixth Sense |
11 | |
要 | Need, Main Point, Essence, Pivot, Key To |
11 | |
授 | Impart, Instruct, Grant, Confer |
11 | |
虫 | Insect, Bug, Temper |
11 | |
逆 | Inverted, Reverse, Opposite, Wicked |
11 | |
馬 | Horse |
11 | |
供 | Submit, Offer, Present, Serve (meal), Accompany |
11 | |
多 | Many, Frequent, Much |
11 | |
士 | Gentleman, Scholar, Samurai, Samurai Radical (no. 33) |
11 | |
職 | Post, Employment, Work |
11 | |
転 | Revolve, Turn Around, Change |
11 | |
果 | Fruit, Reward, Carry Out, Achieve, Complete, End, Finish, Succeed |
11 | |
像 | Statue, Picture, Image, Figure, Portrait |
11 | |
葉 | Leaf, Plane, Lobe, Needle, Blade, Spear, Counter For Flat Things, Fragment, Piece |
11 | |
勢 | Forces, Energy, Military Strength |
11 | |
期 | Period, Time, Date, Term |
11 | |
劇 | Drama, Play |
11 | |
演 | Performance, Act, Play, Render, Stage |
11 | |
決 | Decide, Fix, Agree Upon, Appoint |
11 | |
三 | Three |
11 | |
死 | Death, Die |
11 | |
売 | Sell |
11 | |
撃 | Beat, Attack, Defeat, Conquer |
11 | |
調 | Tune, Tone, Meter, Key (music), Writing Style, Prepare, Exorcise, Investigate, Harmonize, Mediate |
11 | |
知 | Know, Wisdom |
11 | |
互 | お互い (10) |
Mutually, Reciprocally, Together |
10 |
占 | Fortune-telling, Divining, Forecasting, Occupy, Hold, Have, Get, Take |
10 | |
将 | Leader, Commander, General, Admiral, Or, And Again, Soon, From Now On, Just About |
10 | |
訓 | Instruction, Japanese Character Reading, Explanation, Read |
10 | |
可 | Can, Passable, Mustn't, Should Not, Do Not |
10 | |
残 | Remainder, Leftover, Balance |
10 | |
呂 | Spine, Backbone |
10 | |
失 | Lose, Error, Fault, Disadvantage, Loss |
10 | |
識 | Discriminating, Know, Write |
10 | |
憧 | Yearn After, Long For, Aspire To, Admire, Adore |
10 | |
備 | Equip, Provision, Preparation |
10 | |
隊 | Regiment, Party, Company, Squad |
10 | |
卒 | Graduate, Soldier, Private, Die |
10 | |
喜 | Rejoice, Take Pleasure In |
10 | |
走 | Run |
10 | |
優 | Tenderness, Excel, Surpass, Actor, Superiority, Gentleness |
10 | |
髪 | Hair Of The Head |
10 | |
勉 | 勉強 (9) |
Exertion, Endeavour, Encourage, Strive, Make Effort, Diligent |
9 |
慢 | 我慢 (9) |
Ridicule, Laziness |
9 |
泉 | 温泉 (9) |
Spring, Fountain |
9 |
久 | Long Time, Old Story |
9 | |
急 | Hurry, Emergency, Sudden, Steep |
9 | |
秘 | Secret, Conceal |
9 | |
働 | Work, (kokuji) |
9 | |
縁 | Affinity, Relation, Connection, Edge, Border, Verge, Brink |
9 | |
座 | Squat, Seat, Cushion, Gathering, Sit |
9 | |
漫 | Cartoon, Involuntarily, Unrestrained, In Spite Of Oneself, Corrupt |
9 | |
減 | Dwindle, Decrease, Reduce, Decline, Curtail, Get Hungry |
9 | |
指 | Finger, Point To, Indicate, Put Into, Play (chess), Measure (ruler) |
9 | |
段 | Grade, Steps, Stairs |
9 | |
準 | Semi-, Correspond To, Proportionate To, Conform, Imitate |
9 | |
派 | Faction, Group, Party, Clique, Sect, School |
9 | |
舞 | Dance, Flit, Circle, Wheel |
9 | |
式 | Style, Ceremony, Rite, Function, Method, System, Form, Expression |
9 | |
困 | Quandary, Become Distressed, Annoyed |
9 | |
疲 | Exhausted, Tire, Weary |
9 | |
皆 | All, Everything |
9 | |
赤 | Red |
9 | |
界 | World, Boundary |
9 | |
形 | Shape, Form, Style |
9 | |
朝 | Morning, Dynasty, Regime, Epoch, Period, (north) Korea |
9 | |
能 | Ability, Talent, Skill, Capacity |
9 | |
娘 | Daughter, Girl |
9 | |
満 | Full, Fullness, Enough, Satisfy |
9 | |
置 | Placement, Put, Set, Deposit, Leave Behind, Keep, Employ, Pawn |
9 | |
読 | Read |
9 | |
開 | Open, Unfold, Unseal |
9 | |
黒 | Black |
9 | |
落 | Fall, Drop, Come Down, Village, Hamlet |
9 | |
予 | Beforehand, Previous, Myself, I |
9 | |
現 | Present, Existing, Actual |
9 | |
眠 | Sleep, Die, Sleepy |
9 | |
園 | 公園 (8) |
Park, Garden, Yard, Farm |
8 |
璧 | 完璧 (8) |
Sphere, Ball |
8 |
尾 | 尾行 (8) |
Tail, End, Counter For Fish, Lower Slope Of Mountain |
8 |
緊 | 緊張 (8) |
Tense, Solid, Hard, Reliable, Tight |
8 |
影 | Shadow, Silhouette, Phantom |
8 | |
響 | Echo, Sound, Resound, Ring, Vibrate |
8 | |
密 | Secrecy, Density (pop), Minuteness, Carefulness |
8 | |
翌 | The Following, Next |
8 | |
香 | Incense, Smell, Perfume |
8 | |
憩 | Recess, Rest, Relax, Repose |
8 | |
呼 | Call, Call Out To, Invite |
8 | |
忙 | Busy, Occupied, Restless |
8 | |
速 | Quick, Fast |
8 | |
暑 | Sultry, Hot, Summer Heat |
8 | |
車 | Car |
8 | |
惑 | Beguile, Delusion, Perplexity |
8 | |
加 | Add, Addition, Increase, Join, Include, Canada |
8 | |
国 | Country |
8 | |
敗 | Failure, Defeat, Reversal |
8 | |
案 | Plan, Suggestion, Draft, Ponder, Fear, Proposition, Idea, Expectation, Worry, Table, Bench |
8 | |
酔 | Drunk, Feel Sick, Poisoned, Elated, Spellbound |
8 | |
雨 | Rain |
8 | |
危 | Dangerous, Fear, Uneasy |
8 | |
原 | Meadow, Original, Primitive, Field, Plain, Prairie, Tundra, Wilderness |
8 | |
材 | Lumber, Log, Timber, Wood, Materials, Ingredients, Talent |
8 | |
館 | Building, Mansion, Large Building, Palace |
8 | |
製 | Made In..., Manufacture |
8 | |
糖 | Sugar |
8 | |
空 | Empty, Sky, Void, Vacant, Vacuum |
8 | |
線 | Line, Track |
8 | |
豆 | Beans, Pea, Midget |
8 | |
遠 | Distant, Far |
8 | |
玉 | Jewel, Ball |
8 | |
息 | Breath, Respiration, Son, Interest (on Money) |
8 | |
組 | Association, Braid, Plait, Construct, Assemble, Unite, Cooperate, Grapple |
8 | |
盛 | Boom, Prosper, Copulate |
8 | |
裏 | Back, Amidst, In, Reverse, Inside, Palm, Sole, Rear, Lining, Wrong Side |
8 | |
離 | Detach, Separation, Disjoin, Digress |
8 | |
始 | Commence, Begin |
8 | |
電 | Electricity |
8 | |
泊 | Overnight Stay, Put Up At, Ride At Anchor |
8 | |
種 | Species, Kind, Class, Variety, Seed |
8 | |
乗 | Ride, Power, Multiplication, Record, Counter For Vehicles, Board, Mount, Join |
8 | |
追 | Chase, Drive Away, Follow, Pursue, Meanwhile |
8 | |
過 | Overdo, Exceed, Go Beyond, Error |
8 | |
潜 | 潜入 (7) |
Submerge, Conceal, Hide, Lower (voice), Hush |
7 |
況 | 状況 (7) |
Condition, Situation |
7 |
労 | 苦労 (7) |
Labor, Thank For, Reward For, Toil, Trouble |
7 |
容 | Contain, Form, Looks |
7 | |
寂 | Loneliness, Quietly, Mellow, Mature, Death Of A Priest |
7 | |
護 | Safeguard, Protect |
7 | |
吹 | Blow, Breathe, Puff, Emit, Smoke |
7 | |
敬 | Awe, Respect, Honor, Revere |
7 | |
牛 | Cow |
7 | |
隣 | Neighboring |
7 | |
静 | Quiet |
7 | |
兄 | Elder Brother, Big Brother |
7 | |
兵 | Soldier, Private, Troops, Army, Warfare, Strategy, Tactics |
7 | |
険 | Precipitous, Inaccessible Place, Impregnable Position, Steep Place, Sharp Eyes |
7 | |
稿 | Draft, Copy, Manuscript, Straw |
7 | |
探 | Grope, Search, Look For |
7 | |
描 | Sketch, Compose, Write, Draw, Paint |
7 | |
筆 | Writing Brush, Writing, Painting Brush, Handwriting |
7 | |
才 | Genius, Years Old, Cubic Shaku |
7 | |
提 | Propose, Take Along, Carry In Hand |
7 | |
木 | Tree, Wood |
7 | |
球 | Ball, Sphere |
7 | |
第 | No., Residence |
7 | |
脱 | Undress, Removing, Escape From, Get Rid Of, Be Left Out, Take Off |
7 | |
表 | Surface, Table, Chart, Diagram |
7 | |
雑 | Miscellaneous |
7 | |
限 | Limit, Restrict, To Best Of Ability |
7 | |
返 | Return, Answer, Fade, Repay |
7 | |
陰 | Shade, Yin, Negative, Sex Organs, Secret, Shadow |
7 | |
抜 | Slip Out, Extract, Pull Out, Pilfer, Quote, Remove, Omit |
7 | |
割 | Proportion, Comparatively, Divide, Cut, Separate, Split |
7 | |
点 | Spot, Point, Mark, Speck, Decimal Point |
7 | |
振 | Shake, Wave, Wag, Swing |
7 | |
放 | Set Free, Release, Fire, Shoot, Emit, Banish, Liberate |
7 | |
起 | Rouse, Wake Up, Get Up |
7 | |
甘 | Sweet, Coax, Pamper, Be Content, Sugary |
7 | |
終 | End, Finish |
7 | |
結 | Tie, Bind, Contract, Join, Organize, Do Up Hair, Fasten |
7 | |
罪 | Guilt, Sin, Crime, Fault, Blame, Offense |
7 | |
語 | Word, Speech, Language |
7 | |
染 | Dye, Color, Paint, Stain, Print |
7 | |
冗 | 冗談 (6) |
Superfluous, Uselessness |
6 |
周 | 周り (6) |
Circumference, Circuit, Lap |
6 |
因 | 因縁 (6) |
Cause, Factor, Be Associated With, Depend On, Be Limited To |
6 |
悟 | 覚悟 (6) |
Enlightenment, Perceive, Discern, Realize, Understand |
6 |
十 | Ten |
6 | |
矢 | Dart, Arrow |
6 | |
孫 | Grandchild, Descendants |
6 | |
席 | Seat, Mat, Occasion, Place |
6 | |
撮 | Snapshot, Take Pictures |
6 | |
泳 | Swim |
6 | |
濯 | Laundry, Wash, Pour On, Rinse |
6 | |
駄 | Burdensome, Pack Horse, Horse Load, Send By Horse, Trivial, Worthless |
6 | |
乳 | Milk, Breasts |
6 | |
単 | Simple, One, Single, Merely |
6 | |
議 | Deliberation, Consultation, Debate, Consideration |
6 | |
交 | Mingle, Mixing, Association, Coming & Going |
6 | |
助 | Help, Rescue, Assist |
6 | |
存 | Exist, Suppose, Be Aware Of, Believe, Feel |
6 | |
帽 | Cap, Headgear |
6 | |
有 | Possess, Have, Exist, Happen, Occur, Approx |
6 | |
攻 | Aggression, Attack, Criticize, Polish |
6 | |
由 | Wherefore, A Reason |
6 | |
砂 | Sand |
6 | |
踊 | Jump, Dance, Leap, Skip |
6 | |
土 | Soil, Earth, Ground, Turkey |
6 | |
湯 | Hot Water, Bath, Hot Spring |
6 | |
杯 | Counter For Cupfuls, Wine Glass, Glass, Toast |
6 | |
創 | Genesis, Wound, Injury, Hurt, Start, Originate |
6 | |
石 | Stone |
6 | |
宣 | Proclaim, Say, Announce |
6 | |
粉 | Flour, Powder, Dust |
6 | |
具 | Tool, Utensil, Means, Possess, Ingredients, Counter For Armor, Suits, Sets Of Furniture |
6 | |
系 | Lineage, System |
6 | |
暗 | Darkness, Disappear, Shade, Informal, Grow Dark, Be Blinded |
6 | |
熱 | Heat, Temperature, Fever, Mania, Passion |
6 | |
病 | Ill, Sick |
6 | |
社 | Company, Firm, Office, Association, Shrine |
6 | |
程 | Extent, Degree, Law, Formula, Distance, Limits, Amount |
6 | |
華 | Splendor, Flower, Petal, Shine, Luster, Ostentatious, Showy, Gay, Gorgeous |
6 | |
型 | Mould, Type, Model |
6 | |
芸 | Technique, Art, Craft, Performance, Acting, Trick, Stunt |
6 | |
論 | Argument, Discourse |
6 | |
両 | Both, Old Japanese Coin, Counter For Carriages (e.g., In A Train), Two |
6 | |
草 | Grass, Weeds, Herbs, Pasture, Write, Draft |
6 | |
装 | Attire, Dress, Pretend, Disguise, Profess |
6 | |
族 | Tribe, Family |
6 | |
平 | Even, Flat, Peace |
6 | |
悩 | Trouble, Worry, In Pain, Distress, Illness |
6 | |
争 | Contend, Dispute, Argue |
6 | |
軽 | Lightly, Trifling, Unimportant |
6 | |
収 | Income, Obtain, Reap, Pay, Supply, Store |
6 | |
渡 | Transit, Ford, Ferry, Cross, Import, Deliver, Diameter, Migrate |
6 | |
続 | Continue, Series, Sequel |
6 | |
境 | Boundary, Border, Region |
6 | |
望 | Ambition, Full Moon, Hope, Desire, Aspire To, Expect |
6 | |
任 | Responsibility, Duty, Term, Entrust To, Appoint |
6 | |
景 | Scenery, View |
6 | |
殺 | Kill, Murder, Butcher, Slice Off, Split, Diminish, Reduce, Spoil |
6 | |
込 | Crowded, Mixture, In Bulk, Included, (kokuji) |
6 | |
散 | Scatter, Disperse, Spend, Squander |
6 | |
令 | 命令 (5) |
Orders, Ancient Laws, Command, Decree |
5 |
嬉 | 嬉しい (5) |
Glad, Pleased, Rejoice |
5 |
援 | 応援 (5) |
Abet, Help, Save |
5 |
導 | 指導 (5) |
Guidance, Leading, Conduct, Usher |
5 |
簡 | 簡単 (5) |
Simplicity, Brevity |
5 |
羹 | 羊羹 (5) |
Hot Soup |
5 |
羊 | 羊羹 (5) |
Sheep |
5 |
胸 | 胸 (5) |
Bosom, Breast, Chest, Heart, Feelings |
5 |
途 | 途中 (5) |
Route, Way, Road |
5 |
囲 | 雰囲気 (5) |
Surround, Besiege, Store, Paling, Enclosure, Encircle, Preserve, Keep |
5 |
雰 | 雰囲気 (5) |
Atmosphere, Fog |
5 |
昼 | Daytime, Noon |
5 | |
質 | Substance, Quality, Matter, Temperament |
5 | |
協 | Co-, Cooperation |
5 | |
在 | Exist, Outskirts, Suburbs, Located In |
5 | |
彼 | He, That, The |
5 | |
答 | Solution, Answer |
5 | |
腰 | Loins, Hips, Waist, Low Wainscoting |
5 | |
視 | Inspection, Regard As, See, Look At |
5 | |
釣 | Angling, Fish, Catch, Allure, Ensnare |
5 | |
飾 | Decorate, Ornament, Adorn, Embellish |
5 | |
瞬 | Wink, Blink, Twinkle |
5 | |
万 | Ten Thousand, 10,000 |
5 | |
傘 | Umbrella |
5 | |
券 | Ticket |
5 | |
古 | Old |
5 | |
汁 | Soup, Juice, Broth, Sap, Gravy, Pus |
5 | |
奇 | Strange, Strangeness, Curiosity |
5 | |
幼 | Infancy, Childhood |
5 | |
悔 | Repent, Regret |
5 | |
字 | Character, Letter, Word, Section Of Village |
5 | |
曲 | Bend, Music, Melody, Composition, Pleasure, Injustice, Fault, Curve, Crooked, Perverse, Lean |
5 | |
衣 | Garment, Clothes, Dressing |
5 | |
枕 | Pillow |
5 | |
武 | Warrior, Military, Chivalry, Arms |
5 | |
歴 | Curriculum, Continuation, Passage Of Time |
5 | |
淑 | Graceful, Gentle, Pure |
5 | |
癖 | Mannerism, Habit, Vice, Trait, Fault, Kink |
5 | |
移 | Shift, Move, Change, Drift, Catch (cold, Fire), Pass Into |
5 | |
屈 | Yield, Bend, Flinch, Submit |
5 | |
介 | Jammed In, Shellfish, Mediate, Concern Oneself With |
5 | |
紹 | Introduce, Inherit, Help |
5 | |
称 | Appellation, Praise, Admire, Name, Title, Fame |
5 | |
興 | Entertain, Revive, Retrieve, Interest, Pleasure |
5 | |
薬 | Medicine, Chemical, Enamel, Gunpowder, Benefit |
5 | |
守 | Guard, Protect, Defend, Obey |
5 | |
算 | Calculate, Divining, Number, Abacus, Probability |
5 | |
課 | Chapter, Lesson, Section, Department, Division, Counter For Chapters (of A Book) |
5 | |
重 | Heavy, Important, Esteem, Respect, Heap Up, Pile Up, Nest Of Boxes, -fold |
5 | |
野 | Plains, Field, Rustic, Civilian Life |
5 | |
替 | Exchange, Spare, Substitute, Per- |
5 | |
般 | Carrier, Carry, All, General, Sort, Kind |
5 | |
半 | Half, Middle, Odd Number, Semi-, Part- |
5 | |
保 | Protect, Guarantee, Keep, Preserve, Sustain, Support |
5 | |
個 | Individual, Counter For Articles |
5 | |
免 | Excuse, Dismissal |
5 | |
除 | Exclude, Division (x/3), Remove, Abolish, Cancel, Except |
5 | |
団 | Group, Association |
5 | |
跡 | Tracks, Mark, Print, Impression |
5 | |
抗 | Confront, Resist, Defy, Oppose |
5 | |
射 | Shoot, Shine Into, Onto, Archery |
5 | |
庭 | Courtyard, Garden, Yard |
5 | |
症 | Symptoms, Illness |
5 | |
載 | Ride, Board, Get On, Place, Spread, 10**44, Record, Publish |
5 | |
都 | Metropolis, Capital, All, Everything |
5 | |
星 | Star, Spot, Dot, Mark |
5 | |
絵 | Picture, Drawing, Painting, Sketch |
5 | |
浮 | Floating, Float, Rise To Surface |
5 | |
海 | Sea, Ocean |
5 | |
火 | Fire |
5 | |
悲 | Grieve, Sad, Deplore, Regret |
5 | |
殊 | Particularly, Especially, Exceptionally |
5 | |
犯 | Crime, Sin, Offense |
5 | |
神 | Gods, Mind, Soul |
5 | |
滅 | Destroy, Ruin, Overthrow, Perish |
5 | |
被 | Incur, Cover, Veil, Brood Over, Shelter, Wear, Put On, Be Exposed (film), Receiving |
5 | |
証 | Evidence, Proof, Certificate |
5 | |
逃 | Escape, Flee, Shirk, Evade, Set Free |
5 | |
去 | Gone, Past, Quit, Leave, Elapse, Eliminate, Divorce |
5 | |
雪 | Snow |
5 | |
頼 | Trust, Request |
5 | |
鳴 | Chirp, Cry, Bark, Sound, Ring, Echo, Honk |
5 | |
断 | Severance, Decline, Refuse, Apologize, Warn, Dismiss, Prohibit, Decision, Judgement, Cutting |
5 | |
誘 | Entice, Lead, Tempt, Invite, Ask, Call For, Seduce, Allure |
5 | |
受 | Accept, Undergo, Answer (phone), Take, Get, Catch, Receive |
5 | |
法 | Method, Law, Rule, Principle, Model, System |
5 | |
音 | Sound, Noise |
5 | |
若 | Young, If, Perhaps, Possibly, Low Number, Immature |
5 | |
換 | 交換 (4) |
Interchange, Period, Change, Convert, Replace, Renew |
4 |
倍 | 倍 (4) |
Double, Twice, Times, Fold |
4 |
克 | 克服 (4) |
Overcome, Kindly, Skillfully |
4 |
努 | 努力 (4) |
Toil, Diligent, As Much As Possible |
4 |
謝 | 感謝 (4) |
Apologize, Thank, Refuse |
4 |
鮮 | 新鮮 (4) |
Fresh, Vivid, Clear, Brilliant, Korea |
4 |
机 | 机 (4) |
Desk, Table |
4 |
医 | 歯医者 (4) |
Doctor, Medicine |
4 |
謎 | 謎 (4) |
Riddle, Puzzle, Enigma, Hint, Tip |
4 |
醤 | 豆板醤 (4) |
A Kind Of Miso |
4 |
慮 | 遠慮 (4) |
Prudence, Thought, Concern, Consider, Deliberate, Fear |
4 |
適 | 適当 (4) |
Suitable, Occasional, Rare, Qualified, Capable |
4 |
髭 | 髭 (4) |
Beard, Mustache |
4 |
魂 | 魂 (4) |
Soul, Spirit |
4 |
礼 | Salute, Bow, Ceremony, Thanks, Remuneration |
4 | |
濡 | Get Wet, Damp, Make Love |
4 | |
毒 | Poison, Virus, Venom, Germ, Harm, Injury, Spite |
4 | |
乙 | The Latter, Duplicate, Strange, Witty, Fishhook Radical (no. 5) |
4 | |
伸 | Expand, Stretch, Extend, Lengthen, Increase |
4 | |
庫 | Warehouse, Storehouse |
4 | |
厳 | Stern, Strictness, Severity, Rigidity |
4 | |
噌 | Boisterous |
4 | |
奴 | Guy, Slave, Manservant, Fellow |
4 | |
箱 | Box, Chest, Case, Bin, Railway Car |
4 | |
布 | Linen, Cloth, Spread, Distribute |
4 | |
建 | Build |
4 | |
帯 | Sash, Belt, Obi, Zone, Region |
4 | |
房 | Tassel, Tuft, Fringe, Bunch, Lock (hair), Segment (orange), House, Room |
4 | |
室 | Room, Apartment, Chamber, Greenhouse, Cellar |
4 | |
末 | End, Close, Tip, Powder, Posterity |
4 | |
涙 | Tears, Sympathy |
4 | |
犬 | Dog |
4 | |
等 | Etc., And So Forth, Class (first), Quality, Equal, Similar |
4 | |
束 | Bundle, Sheaf, Ream, Tie In Bundles, Govern, Manage, Control |
4 | |
約 | Promise, Approximately, Shrink |
4 | |
絆 | Bonds, Fetters |
4 | |
級 | Class, Rank, Grade |
4 | |
菜 | Vegetable, Side Dish, Greens |
4 | |
版 | Printing Block, Printing Plate, Edition, Impression, Label |
4 | |
籍 | Enroll, Domiciliary Register, Membership |
4 | |
迎 | Welcome, Meet, Greet |
4 | |
懸 | State Of Suspension, Hang, Depend, Consult, Distant, Far Apart |
4 | |
敷 | Spread, Pave, Sit, Promulgate |
4 | |
仏 | Buddha, The Dead, France |
4 | |
他 | Other, Another, The Others |
4 | |
低 | Lower, Short, Humble |
4 | |
育 | Bring Up, Grow Up, Raise, Rear |
4 | |
例 | Example, Custom, Usage, Precedent |
4 | |
健 | Healthy, Health, Strength, Persistence |
4 | |
冷 | Cool, Cold (beer, Person), Chill |
4 | |
各 | Each, Every, Either |
4 | |
夢 | Dream, Vision, Illusion |
4 | |
台 | Pedestal, A Stand, Counter For Machines And Vehicles |
4 | |
幸 | Happiness, Blessing, Fortune |
4 | |
広 | Wide, Broad, Spacious |
4 | |
盗 | Steal, Rob, Pilfer |
4 | |
恐 | Fear, Dread, Awe |
4 | |
賞 | Prize, Reward, Praise |
4 | |
闘 | Fight, War |
4 | |
挑 | Challenge, Contend For, Make Love To |
4 | |
科 | Department, Course, Section |
4 | |
春 | Springtime, Spring (season) |
4 | |
干 | Dry, Parch, Ebb, Recede, Interfere, Intercede |
4 | |
歩 | Walk, Counter For Steps |
4 | |
汗 | Sweat, Perspire |
4 | |
没 | Drown, Sink, Hide, Fall Into, Disappear, Die |
4 | |
治 | Reign, Be At Peace, Calm Down, Subdue, Quell, Govt, Cure, Heal, Rule, Conserve |
4 | |
洋 | Ocean, Sea, Foreign, Western Style |
4 | |
誕 | Nativity, Be Born, Declension, Lie, Be Arbitrary |
4 | |
爆 | Bomb, Burst Open, Pop, Split |
4 | |
爺 | Old Man, Grampa |
4 | |
研 | Polish, Study Of, Sharpen |
4 | |
騒 | Boisterous, Make Noise, Clamor, Disturb, Excite |
4 | |
態 | Attitude, Condition, Figure, Appearance, Voice (of Verbs) |
4 | |
処 | Dispose, Manage, Deal With, Sentence, Condemn, Act, Behave, Place |
4 | |
異 | Uncommon, Different, Queerness, Strangeness, Wonderful, Curious, Unusual |
4 | |
極 | Poles, Settlement, Conclusion, End, Highest Rank, Electric Poles, Very, Extremely, Most, Highly, 10**48 |
4 | |
率 | Ratio, Rate, Proportion, %, Factor, Lead, Spearhead, Command |
4 | |
肩 | Shoulder |
4 | |
菌 | Germ, Fungus, Bacteria |
4 | |
害 | Harm, Injury |
4 | |
歌 | Song, Sing |
4 | |
輪 | Wheel, Ring, Circle, Link, Loop, Counter For Wheels And Flowers |
4 | |
細 | Dainty, Get Thin, Taper, Slender, Narrow, Detailed, Precise |
4 | |
判 | Judgement, Signature, Stamp, Seal |
4 | |
利 | Profit, Advantage, Benefit |
4 | |
反 | Anti- |
4 | |
差 | Distinction, Difference, Variation, Discrepancy, Margin, Balance |
4 | |
師 | Expert, Teacher, Master, Model, Exemplar, Army (incl. Counter), War |
4 | |
居 | Reside, To Be, Exist, Live With |
4 | |
酒 | Sake, Alcohol |
4 | |
馴 | Get Used To, Experienced, Tamed |
4 | |
霊 | Spirits, Soul |
4 | |
毛 | Fur, Hair, Feather, Down |
4 | |
招 | Beckon, Invite, Summon, Engage |
4 | |
未 | Un-, Not Yet, Hitherto, Still, Even Now, Sign Of The Ram, 1-3pm, Eighth Sign Of Chinese Zodiac |
4 | |
構 | Posture, Build, Pretend |
4 | |
訳 | Translate, Reason, Circumstance, Case |
4 | |
青 | Blue, Green |
4 | |
産 | お土産 (3) |
Products, Bear, Give Birth, Yield, Childbirth, Native, Property |
3 |
俺 | 俺 (3) |
I, Myself |
3 |
倉 | 倉庫 (3) |
Godown, Warehouse, Storehouse, Cellar, Treasury |
3 |
偶 | 偶然 (3) |
Accidentally, Even Number, Couple, Man & Wife, Same Kind |
3 |
雅 | 優雅 (3) |
Gracious, Elegant, Graceful, Refined |
3 |
募 | 募集 (3) |
Recruit, Campaign, Gather (contributions), Enlist, Grow Violent |
3 |
壁 | 壁 (3) |
Wall, Lining (stomach), Fence |
3 |
遇 | 奇遇 (3) |
Meet, Encounter, Interview, Treat, Entertain, Receive, Deal With |
3 |
麦 | 小麦粉 (3) |
Barley, Wheat |
3 |
扱 | 扱い (3) |
Handle, Entertain, Thresh, Strip |
3 |
携 | 携帯 (3) |
Portable, Carry (in Hand), Armed With, Bring Along |
3 |
敏 | 機敏 (3) |
Cleverness, Agile, Alert |
3 |
史 | 歴史 (3) |
History, Chronicle |
3 |
狩 | 狩人 (3) |
Hunt, Raid, Gather |
3 |
珍 | 珍しい (3) |
Rare, Curious, Strange |
3 |
標 | 目標 (3) |
Signpost, Seal, Mark, Stamp, Imprint, Symbol, Emblem, Trademark, Evidence, Souvenir, Target |
3 |
認 | 確認 (3) |
Acknowledge, Witness, Discern, Recognize, Appreciate, Believe |
3 |
祭 | 祭り (3) |
Ritual, Offer Prayers, Celebrate, Deify, Enshrine, Worship |
3 |
窮 | 窮屈 (3) |
Hard Up, Destitute, Suffer, Perplexed, Cornered |
3 |
糸 | 糸 (3) |
Thread |
3 |
羨 | 羨ましい (3) |
Envious, Be Jealous, Covet |
3 |
複 | 複雑 (3) |
Duplicate, Double, Compound, Multiple |
3 |
憶 | 記憶 (3) |
Recollection, Think, Remember |
3 |
誤 | 誤解 (3) |
Mistake, Err, Do Wrong, Mislead |
3 |
距 | 距離 (3) |
Long-distance, Spur, Fetlock |
3 |
誌 | 雑誌 (3) |
Document, Records |
3 |
揃 | Be Complete, Uniform, All Present |
3 | |
皿 | Dish, A Helping, Plate |
3 | |
辺 | Environs, Boundary, Border, Vicinity |
3 | |
了 | Complete, Finish |
3 | |
承 | Acquiesce, Hear, Listen To, Be Informed, Receive |
3 | |
規 | Standard, Measure |
3 | |
管 | Pipe, Tube, Wind Instrument, Drunken Talk, Control, Jurisdiction |
3 | |
企 | Undertake, Scheme, Design, Attempt, Plan |
3 | |
共 | Together, Both, Neither, All, And, Alike, With |
3 | |
冒 | Risk, Face, Defy, Dare, Damage, Assume (a Name) |
3 | |
刀 | Sword, Saber, Knife |
3 | |
削 | Plane, Sharpen, Whittle, Pare, Shave |
3 | |
噂 | Rumor, Gossip, Hearsay |
3 | |
基 | Fundamentals, Radical (chem), Counter For Machines, Foundation |
3 | |
費 | Expense, Cost, Spend, Consume, Waste |
3 | |
寒 | Cold |
3 | |
坊 | Boy, Priest's Residence, Priest |
3 | |
左 | Left |
3 | |
儀 | Ceremony, Rule, Affair, Case, A Matter |
3 | |
従 | Accompany, Obey, Submit To, Comply, Follow, Secondary, Incidental, Subordinate |
3 | |
慎 | Humility, Be Careful, Discreet, Prudent |
3 | |
懐 | Pocket, Feelings, Heart, Yearn, Miss Someone, Become Attached To, Bosom, Breast |
3 | |
栗 | Chestnut |
3 | |
模 | Imitation, Copy, Mock |
3 | |
渋 | Astringent, Hesitate, Reluctant, Have Diarrhea |
3 | |
漢 | Sino-, China |
3 | |
癒 | Healing, Cure, Quench (thirst), Wreak |
3 | |
鬼 | Ghost, Devil |
3 | |
積 | Volume, Product (x*y), Acreage, Contents, Pile Up, Stack, Load, Amass |
3 | |
競 | Emulate, Compete With, Bid, Sell At Auction, Bout, Contest, Race |
3 | |
納 | Settlement, Obtain, Reap, Pay, Supply, Store |
3 | |
紐 | String, Cord, Braid, Lace, Tape, Strap, Ribbon |
3 | |
値 | Price, Cost, Value |
3 | |
統 | Overall, Relationship, Ruling, Governing |
3 | |
脇 | Armpit, The Other Way, Another Place, Flank, Supporting Role |
3 | |
腕 | Arm, Ability, Talent |
3 | |
貸 | Lend |
3 | |
鈍 | Dull, Slow, Foolish, Blunt |
3 | |
柄 | Design, Pattern, Build, Nature, Character, Handle, Crank, Grip, Knob, Shaft |
3 | |
幕 | Curtain, Bunting, Act Of Play |
3 | |
降 | Descend, Precipitate, Fall, Surrender |
3 | |
魅 | Fascination, Charm, Bewitch |
3 | |
耳 | Ear |
3 | |
老 | Old Man, Old Age, Grow Old |
3 | |
裾 | Cuff, Hem, Foot Of Mountain |
3 | |
位 | Rank, Grade, Throne, Crown, About, Some |
3 | |
義 | Righteousness, Justice, Morality, Honor, Loyalty, Meaning |
3 | |
防 | Ward Off, Defend, Protect, Resist |
3 | |
営 | Occupation, Camp, Perform, Build, Conduct (business) |
3 | |
借 | Borrow, Rent |
3 | |
恵 | Favor, Blessing, Grace, Kindness |
3 | |
快 | Cheerful, Pleasant, Agreeable, Comfortable |
3 | |
独 | Single, Alone, Spontaneously, Germany |
3 | |
領 | Jurisdiction, Dominion, Territory, Fief, Reign |
3 | |
卵 | Egg, Ovum, Spawn, Roe |
3 | |
参 | Nonplussed, Three (in Documents), Going, Coming, Visiting, Visit, Be Defeated, Die, Be Madly In Love, Participate, Take Part In |
3 | |
血 | Blood |
3 | |
商 | Make A Deal, Selling, Dealing In, Merchant |
3 | |
王 | King, Rule, Magnate |
3 | |
寄 | Draw Near, Stop In, Bring Near, Gather, Collect, Send, Forward |
3 | |
山 | Mountain |
3 | |
工 | Craft, Construction, Katakana E Radical (no. 48) |
3 | |
幻 | Phantasm, Vision, Dream, Illusion, Apparition |
3 | |
民 | People, Nation, Subjects |
3 | |
退 | Retreat, Withdraw, Retire, Resign, Repel, Expel, Reject |
3 | |
怒 | Angry, Be Offended |
3 | |
恋 | Romance, In Love, Yearn For, Miss, Darling |
3 | |
露 | Dew, Tears, Expose, Russia |
3 | |
捨 | Discard, Throw Away, Abandon, Resign, Reject, Sacrifice |
3 | |
略 | Abbreviation, Omission, Outline, Shorten, Capture, Plunder |
3 | |
晴 | Clear Up |
3 | |
止 | Stop, Halt |
3 | |
隠 | Conceal, Hide, Cover |
3 | |
男 | Male |
3 | |
町 | Town, Village, Block, Street |
3 | |
群 | Flock, Group, Crowd, Herd, Swarm, Cluster |
3 | |
痛 | Pain, Hurt, Damage, Bruise |
3 | |
窓 | Window, Pane |
3 | |
破 | Rend, Rip, Tear, Break, Destroy, Defeat, Frustrate |
3 | |
穴 | Hole, Aperture, Slit, Cave, Den |
3 | |
突 | Stab, Protruding, Thrust, Pierce, Prick, Collision, Sudden |
3 | |
精 | Refined, Ghost, Fairy, Energy, Vitality, Semen, Excellence, Purity, Skill |
3 | |
肉 | Meat |
3 | |
背 | Stature, Height, Back, Behind, Disobey, Defy, Go Back On, Rebel |
3 | |
花 | Flower |
3 | |
貴 | Precious, Value, Prize, Esteem, Honor |
3 | |
順 | Obey, Order, Turn, Right, Docility, Occasion |
3 | |
黄 | Yellow |
3 | |
叱 | お叱り (2) |
Scold, Reprove |
2 |
粥 | お粥 (2) |
Rice Gruel |
2 |
列 | 一列 (2) |
File, Row, Rank, Tier, Column |
2 |
住 | 住む (2) |
Dwell, Reside, Live, Inhabit |
2 |
侵 | 侵入 (2) |
Encroach, Invade, Raid, Trespass, Violate |
2 |
修 | 修業 (2) |
Discipline, Conduct Oneself Well, Study, Master |
2 |
偵 | 偵察 (2) |
Spy |
2 |
偽 | 偽物 (2) |
Falsehood, Lie, Deceive, Pretend, Counterfeit, Forgery |
2 |
秀 | 優秀 (2) |
Excel, Excellence, Beauty, Surpass |
2 |
弟 | 兄弟 (2) |
Younger Brother, Faithful Service To Elders |
2 |
疫 | 免疫 (2) |
Epidemic |
2 |
嘲 | 嘲笑 (2) |
Ridicule, Insult |
2 |
城 | 城 (2) |
Castle |
2 |
堂 | 堂々 (2) |
Public Chamber, Hall |
2 |
漁 | 大漁 (2) |
Fishing, Fishery |
2 |
福 | 大福 (2) |
Blessing, Fortune, Luck, Wealth |
2 |
妬 | 嫉妬 (2) |
Jealous, Envy |
2 |
嫉 | 嫉妬 (2) |
Jealous, Envy |
2 |
袋 | 寝袋 (2) |
Sack, Bag, Pouch |
2 |
尋 | 尋問 (2) |
Inquire, Fathom, Look For |
2 |
償 | 弁償 (2) |
Reparation, Make Up For, Recompense, Redeem |
2 |
弊 | 弊社 (2) |
Abuse, Evil, Vice, Breakage |
2 |
弱 | 弱点 (2) |
Weak, Frail |
2 |
律 | 律儀 (2) |
Rhythm, Law, Regulation, Gauge, Control |
2 |
象 | 怪現象 (2) |
Elephant, Pattern After, Imitate, Image, Shape, Sign (of The Times) |
2 |
抑 | 抑えきれない (2) |
Repress, Well, Now, In The First Place, Push, Shove, Press, Seal, Do In Spite Of |
2 |
挨 | 挨拶 (2) |
Approach, Draw Near, Push Open |
2 |
拶 | 挨拶 (2) |
Be Imminent, Draw Close |
2 |
挫 | 捻挫 (2) |
Crush, Break, Sprain, Discourage |
2 |
捻 | 捻挫 (2) |
Twirl, Twist, Play With |
2 |
掃 | 掃除 (2) |
Sweep, Brush |
2 |
掟 | 掟 (2) |
Law, Commandments, Regulations |
2 |
掲 | 掲載 (2) |
Put Up (a Notice), Put Up, Hoist, Display, Hang Out, Publish, Describe |
2 |
棄 | 放棄 (2) |
Abandon, Throw Away, Discard, Resign, Reject, Sacrifice |
2 |
救 | 救世主 (2) |
Salvation, Save, Help, Rescue, Reclaim |
2 |
斬 | 斬新 (2) |
Beheading, Kill, Murder |
2 |
京 | 東京都 (2) |
Capital, 10**16 |
2 |
東 | 東京都 (2) |
East |
2 |
栄 | 栄養 (2) |
Flourish, Prosperity, Honor, Glory, Splendor |
2 |
養 | 栄養 (2) |
Foster, Bring Up, Rear, Develop, Nurture |
2 |
梅 | 梅干し (2) |
Plum |
2 |
械 | 機械 (2) |
Contraption, Fetter, Machine, Instrument |
2 |
氷 | 氷 (2) |
Icicle, Ice, Hail, Freeze, Congeal |
2 |
汚 | 汚れ (2) |
Dirty, Pollute, Disgrace, Rape, Defile |
2 |
泣 | 泣く (2) |
Cry, Weep, Moan |
2 |
滑 | 滑走 (2) |
Slippery, Slide, Slip, Flunk |
2 |
漆 | 漆黒 (2) |
Lacquer, Varnish, Seven |
2 |
炸 | 炸裂 (2) |
Frying, Explosion |
2 |
裂 | 炸裂 (2) |
Split, Rend, Tear |
2 |
慈 | 無慈悲 (2) |
Mercy |
2 |
牙 | 牙を研ぐ (2) |
Tusk, Fang, Tusk Radical (no. 92) |
2 |
狭 | 狭い (2) |
Cramped, Narrow, Contract, Tight |
2 |
珈 | 珈琲 (2) |
Ornamental Hairpin |
2 |
琲 | 珈琲 (2) |
String Of Many Pearls |
2 |
贄 | 生贄 (2) |
Offering, Sacrifice |
2 |
畳 | 石畳 (2) |
Tatami Mat, Counter For Tatami Mats, Fold, Shut Up, Do Away With |
2 |
秒 | 秒 (2) |
Second (1/60 Minute) |
2 |
類 | 種類 (2) |
Sort, Kind, Variety, Class, Genus |
2 |
童 | 童話 (2) |
Juvenile, Child |
2 |
紅 | 紅茶 (2) |
Crimson, Deep Red |
2 |
局 | 結局 (2) |
Bureau, Board, Office, Affair, Conclusion, Court Lady, Lady-in-waiting, Her Apartment |
2 |
繁 | 繁盛 (2) |
Luxuriant, Thick, Overgrown, Frequency, Complexity, Trouble |
2 |
脅 | 脅し (2) |
Threaten, Coerce |
2 |
己 | 自己紹介 (2) |
Self |
2 |
英 | 英語 (2) |
England, English, Hero, Outstanding, Calyx |
2 |
荷 | 荷物 (2) |
Baggage, Shoulder-pole Load, Bear (a Burden), Shoulder (a Gun), Load, Cargo, Freight |
2 |
麗 | 華麗なる (2) |
Lovely, Beautiful, Graceful, Resplendent |
2 |
薇 | 薔薇 (2) |
An Edible Fern |
2 |
薔 | 薔薇 (2) |
Water Pepper |
2 |
補 | 補習 (2) |
Supplement, Supply, Make Good, Offset, Compensate, Assistant, Learner |
2 |
醒 | 覚醒 (2) |
Awake, Be Disillusioned, Sober Up |
2 |
諦 | 諦める (2) |
Truth, Clarity, Abandon, Give Up |
2 |
富 | 豊富 (2) |
Wealth, Enrich, Abundant |
2 |
豊 | 豊富 (2) |
Bountiful, Excellent, Rich |
2 |
貢 | 貢献 (2) |
Tribute, Support, Finance |
2 |
献 | 貢献 (2) |
Offering, Counter For Drinks, Present, Offer |
2 |
貧 | 貧乏 (2) |
Poverty, Poor |
2 |
乏 | 貧乏 (2) |
Destitution, Scarce, Limited |
2 |
賑 | 賑やか (2) |
Flourish, Be Bustling, Prosperity |
2 |
旨 | 趣旨 (2) |
Delicious, Relish, Show A Liking For, Purport, Will, Clever, Expert |
2 |
継 | 跡継ぎ (2) |
Inherit, Succeed, Continue, Patch, Graft (tree) |
2 |
絡 | 連絡 (2) |
Entwine, Coil Around, Get Caught In |
2 |
酵 | 酵母菌 (2) |
Fermentation |
2 |
銘 | 銘柄 (2) |
Inscription, Signature (of Artisan) |
2 |
銭 | 銭湯 (2) |
Coin, .01 Yen, Money |
2 |
拓 | 開拓 (2) |
Clear (the Land), Open, Break Up (land) |
2 |
臨 | 降臨 (2) |
Look To, Face, Meet, Confront, Attend, Call On |
2 |
餌 | 餌 (2) |
Food, Bait, Prey, Tempting Profit |
2 |
魑 | 魑魅魍魎 (2) |
Mountain Spirits |
2 |
魎 | 魑魅魍魎 (2) |
Spirits Of Trees And Rocks |
2 |
魍 | 魑魅魍魎 (2) |
Spirits Of Mountains And Streams |
2 |
婆 | Old Woman, Grandma, Wet Nurse |
2 | |
御 | Honorable, Manipulate, Govern |
2 | |
柔 | Tender, Weakness, Gentleness, Softness |
2 | |
造 | Create, Make, Structure, Physique |
2 | |
環 | Ring, Circle, Link, Wheel |
2 | |
丁 | Street, Ward, Town, Counter For Guns, Tools, Leaves Or Cakes Of Something, Even Number, 4th Calendar Sign |
2 | |
評 | Evaluate, Criticism, Comment |
2 | |
故 | Happenstance, Especially, Intentionally, Reason, Cause, Circumstances, The Late, Therefore, Consequently |
2 | |
句 | Phrase, Clause, Sentence, Passage, Paragraph, Counter For Haiku |
2 | |
光 | Ray, Light |
2 | |
許 | Permit, Approve |
2 | |
浴 | Bathe, Be Favored With, Bask In |
2 | |
蔵 | Storehouse, Hide, Own, Have, Possess |
2 | |
刷 | Printing, Print, Brush |
2 | |
衛 | Defense, Protection |
2 | |
剣 | Sabre, Sword, Blade, Clock Hand |
2 | |
区 | Ward, District |
2 | |
即 | Instant, Namely, As Is, Conform, Agree, Adapt |
2 | |
却 | Instead, On The Contrary, Rather, Step Back, Withdraw, Retreat |
2 | |
厚 | Thick, Heavy, Rich, Kind, Cordial, Brazen, Shameless |
2 | |
吸 | Suck, Imbibe, Inhale, Sip |
2 | |
量 | Quantity, Measure, Weight, Amount, Consider, Estimate, Surmise |
2 | |
避 | Evade, Avoid, Avert, Ward Off, Shirk, Shun |
2 | |
曜 | Weekday |
2 | |
執 | Tenacious, Take Hold, Grasp, Take To Heart |
2 | |
増 | Increase, Add, Augment, Gain, Promote |
2 | |
壊 | Demolition, Break, Destroy |
2 | |
夏 | Summer |
2 | |
抵 | Resist, Reach, Touch |
2 | |
太 | Plump, Thick, Big Around |
2 | |
奥 | Heart, Interior |
2 | |
妙 | Exquisite, Strange, Queer, Mystery, Miracle, Excellent, Delicate, Charming |
2 | |
弾 | Bullet, Twang, Flip, Snap |
2 | |
床 | Bed, Counter For Beds, Floor, Padding, Tatami |
2 | |
策 | Scheme, Plan, Policy, Step, Means |
2 | |
就 | Concerning, Settle, Take Position, Depart, Study, Per |
2 | |
根 | Root, Radical, Head (pimple) |
2 | |
巻 | Scroll, Volume, Book, Part, Roll Up, Wind Up, Tie, Coil, Counter For Texts (or Book Scrolls) |
2 | |
聴 | Listen, Headstrong, Naughty, Careful Inquiry |
2 | |
庶 | Commoner, All |
2 | |
惨 | Wretched, Disaster, Cruelty, Harsh |
2 | |
投 | Throw, Discard, Abandon, Launch Into, Join, Invest In, Hurl, Give Up, Sell At A Loss |
2 | |
触 | Contact, Touch, Feel, Hit, Proclaim, Announce, Conflict |
2 | |
戸 | Door, Counter For Houses, Door Radical (no. 63) |
2 | |
打 | Strike, Hit, Knock, Pound, Dozen |
2 | |
検 | Examination, Investigate |
2 | |
掻 | Scratch, Rake, Comb, Paddle, Behead |
2 | |
支 | Branch, Support, Sustain, Branch Radical (no. 65) |
2 | |
障 | Hinder, Hurt, Harm |
2 | |
改 | Reformation, Change, Modify, Mend, Renew, Examine, Inspect, Search |
2 | |
週 | Week |
2 | |
暮 | Evening, Twilight, Season's End, Livelihood, Make A Living, Spend Time |
2 | |
給 | Salary, Wage, Gift, Allow, Grant, Bestow On |
2 | |
暴 | Outburst, Rave, Fret, Force, Violence, Cruelty, Outrage |
2 | |
餅 | Mochi Rice Cake |
2 | |
横 | Sideways, Side, Horizontal, Width, Woof, Unreasonable, Perverse |
2 | |
米 | Rice, Usa, Metre |
2 | |
磨 | Grind, Polish, Scour, Improve, Brush (teeth) |
2 | |
並 | Row, And, Besides, As Well As, Line Up, Rank With, Rival, Equal |
2 | |
療 | Heal, Cure |
2 | |
濃 | Concentrated, Thick, Dark, Undiluted |
2 | |
為 | Do, Change, Make, Benefit, Welfare, Be Of Use, Reach To, Try, Practice, Cost, Serve As, Good, Advantage, As A Result Of |
2 | |
魚 | Fish |
2 | |
照 | Illuminate, Shine, Compare, Bashful |
2 | |
片 | One-sided, Leaf, Sheet, Right-side Kata Radical (no. 91) |
2 | |
留 | Detain, Fasten, Halt, Stop |
2 | |
短 | Short, Brevity, Fault, Defect, Weak Point |
2 | |
究 | Research, Study |
2 | |
章 | Badge, Chapter, Composition, Poem, Design |
2 | |
節 | Node, Season, Period, Occasion, Verse, Clause, Stanza, Honor, Joint, Knuckle, Knob, Knot, Tune, Melody |
2 | |
飛 | Fly, Skip (pages), Scatter |
2 | |
賛 | Approve, Praise, Title Or Inscription On Picture, Assist, Agree With |
2 | |
総 | General, Whole, All, Full, Total |
2 | |
緑 | Green |
2 | |
脈 | Vein, Pulse, Hope |
2 | |
蓄 | Amass, Raise, Hoard, Store |
2 | |
褒 | Praise, Extol |
2 | |
訪 | Call On, Visit, Look Up, Offer Sympathy |
2 | |
講 | Lecture, Club, Association |
2 | |
責 | Blame, Condemn, Censure |
2 | |
蹴 | Kick |
2 | |
非 | Un-, Mistake, Negative, Injustice, Non- |
2 | |
靴 | Shoes |
2 | |
駆 | Drive, Run, Gallop, Advance, Inspire, Impel |
2 | |
殿 | お殿様 (1) |
Mr., Hall, Mansion, Palace, Temple, Lord |
1 |
盆 | お盆 (1) |
Basin, Lantern Festival, Tray |
1 |
鍋 | お鍋 (1) |
Pot, Pan, Kettle |
1 |
淹 | コーヒーを淹れる (1) |
Dip, Soak, Immerse, Stop, Linger |
1 |
帳 | メモ帳 (1) |
Notebook, Account Book, Album, Curtain, Veil, Net, Tent |
1 |
億 | 一億 (1) |
Hundred Million, 10**8 |
1 |
匹 | 一匹 (1) |
Equal, Head, Counter For Small Animals, Roll Of Cloth |
1 |
斉 | 一斉に (1) |
Adjusted, Alike, Equal, Similar Variety Of |
1 |
枚 | 一枚 (1) |
Sheet Of..., Counter For Flat Thin Objects Or Sheets |
1 |
角 | 三角関係 (1) |
Angle, Corner, Square, Horn, Antlers |
1 |
司 | 上司 (1) |
Director, Official, Govt Office, Rule, Administer |
1 |
昇 | 上昇 (1) |
Rise Up |
1 |
便 | 不便 (1) |
Convenience, Facility, Excrement, Feces, Letter, Chance |
1 |
些 | 些細 (1) |
A Little Bit, Sometimes |
1 |
務 | 任務 (1) |
Task, Duties |
1 |
俳 | 俳句 (1) |
Haiku, Actor |
1 |
倒 | 倒れ (1) |
Overthrow, Fall, Collapse, Drop, Break Down |
1 |
停 | 停電 (1) |
Halt, Stopping |
1 |
側 | 側面 (1) |
Side, Lean, Oppose, Regret |
1 |
儚 | 儚い (1) |
Fleeting, Fickle |
1 |
充 | 充実感 (1) |
Allot, Fill |
1 |
剤 | 入浴剤 (1) |
Dose, Medicine, Drug |
1 |
八 | 八百屋 (1) |
Eight, Eight Radical (no. 12) |
1 |
百 | 八百屋 (1) |
Hundred |
1 |
六 | 六 (1) |
Six |
1 |
冬 | 冬眠 (1) |
Winter |
1 |
凄 | 凄まじい (1) |
Uncanny, Weird, Threatening, Horrible |
1 |
凛 | 凛々しい (1) |
Cold |
1 |
凹 | 凹む (1) |
Concave, Hollow, Sunken |
1 |
損 | 出来損ない (1) |
Damage, Loss, Disadvantage, Hurt, Injure |
1 |
稼 | 出稼ぎ (1) |
Earnings, Work, Earn Money |
1 |
刃 | 刃物 (1) |
Blade, Sword, Edge |
1 |
刈 | 刈る (1) |
Reap, Cut, Clip, Trim, Prune |
1 |
刑 | 刑事 (1) |
Punish, Penalty, Sentence, Punishment |
1 |
到 | 到着 (1) |
Arrival, Proceed, Reach, Attain, Result In |
1 |
刺 | 刺し (1) |
Thorn, Pierce, Stab, Prick, Sting, Calling Card |
1 |
勇 | 勇者 (1) |
Courage, Cheer Up, Be In High Spirits, Bravery, Heroism |
1 |
揺 | 動揺 (1) |
Swing, Shake, Sway, Rock, Tremble, Vibrate |
1 |
繰 | 勘繰り (1) |
Winding, Reel, Spin, Turn (pages), Look Up, Refer To |
1 |
勧 | 勧誘 (1) |
Persuade, Recommend, Advise, Encourage, Offer |
1 |
勿 | 勿体ない (1) |
Not, Must Not, Do Not, Be Not |
1 |
午 | 午後 (1) |
Noon, Sign Of The Horse, 11am-1pm, Seventh Sign Of Chinese Zodiac |
1 |
印 | 印刷 (1) |
Stamp, Seal, Mark, Imprint, Symbol, Emblem, Trademark, Evidence, Souvenir, India |
1 |
厨 | 厨房 (1) |
Kitchen |
1 |
則 | 反則 (1) |
Rule, Follow, Based On, Model After |
1 |
叔 | 叔父 (1) |
Uncle, Youth |
1 |
憑 | 取り憑かれる (1) |
Depend, Rely, Evidence, Proof, According To, Possess, Haunt |
1 |
叶 | 叶う (1) |
Grant, Answer |
1 |
否 | 否定 (1) |
Negate, No, Noes, Refuse, Decline, Deny |
1 |
含 | 含む (1) |
Contain, Include, Hold In The Mouth, Bear In Mind, Understand, Cherish |
1 |
哮 | 咆哮 (1) |
Roar, Howl, Growl, Bellow |
1 |
咆 | 咆哮 (1) |
Bark, Roar, Get Angry |
1 |
咲 | 咲かせる (1) |
Blossom, Bloom |
1 |
咳 | 咳 (1) |
Cough, Clear Throat |
1 |
哀 | 哀愁 (1) |
Pathetic, Grief, Sorrow, Pathos, Pity, Sympathize |
1 |
愁 | 哀愁 (1) |
Distress, Grieve, Lament, Be Anxious |
1 |
唯 | 唯一 (1) |
Solely, Only, Merely, Simply |
1 |
街 | 商店街 (1) |
Boulevard, Street, Town |
1 |
詰 | 問い詰める (1) |
Packed, Close, Pressed, Reprove, Rebuke, Blame |
1 |
喉 | 喉 (1) |
Throat, Voice |
1 |
嗜 | 嗜み (1) |
Like, Taste, Modest |
1 |
嘘 | 嘘をつく (1) |
Lie, Falsehood |
1 |
四 | 四川 (1) |
Four |
1 |
川 | 四川 (1) |
Stream, River, River Or Three-stroke River Radical (no. 47) |
1 |
囮 | 囮 (1) |
Decoy, Lure, Stool Pigeon |
1 |
獄 | 地獄 (1) |
Prison, Jail |
1 |
雷 | 地雷 (1) |
Thunder, Lightning Bolt |
1 |
坂 | 坂道 (1) |
Slope, Incline, Hill |
1 |
塊 | 塊 (1) |
Clod, Lump, Chunk, Clot, Mass |
1 |
塗 | 塗る (1) |
Paint, Plaster, Daub, Smear, Coating |
1 |
塩 | 塩 (1) |
Salt |
1 |
墓 | 墓 (1) |
Grave, Tomb |
1 |
套 | 外套 (1) |
Accumulate, Big And Long, Hackneyed |
1 |
撫 | 大和撫子 (1) |
Stroke, Pat, Smooth Down |
1 |
胆 | 大胆 (1) |
Gall Bladder, Courage, Pluck, Nerve |
1 |
奉 | 奉仕 (1) |
Observance, Offer, Present, Dedicate |
1 |
奪 | 奪う (1) |
Rob, Take By Force, Snatch Away, Dispossess, Plunder, Usurp |
1 |
妄 | 妄想 (1) |
Delusion, Unnecessarily, Without Authority, Reckless |
1 |
妥 | 妥協 (1) |
Gentle, Peace, Depravity |
1 |
威 | 威厳 (1) |
Intimidate, Dignity, Majesty, Menace, Threaten |
1 |
嫁 | 嫁 (1) |
Marry Into, Bride |
1 |
舎 | 学び舎 (1) |
Cottage, Inn, Hut, House, Mansion |
1 |
宛 | 宛て (1) |
Address, Just Like, Fortunately |
1 |
賃 | 家賃 (1) |
Fare, Fee, Hire, Rent, Wages, Charge |
1 |
審 | 審判 (1) |
Hearing, Judge, Trial |
1 |
峙 | 対峙 (1) |
Tower, Soar |
1 |
棋 | 将棋 (1) |
Chess Piece, Japanese Chess, Shogi |
1 |
尊 | 尊敬 (1) |
Revered, Valuable, Precious, Noble, Exalted |
1 |
冊 | 小冊子 (1) |
Tome, Counter For Books, Volume |
1 |
展 | 展 (1) |
Unfold, Expand |
1 |
採 | 山菜採り (1) |
Pick, Take, Fetch, Take Up |
1 |
崩 | 崩れ去る (1) |
Crumble, Die, Demolish, Level |
1 |
右 | 左右 (1) |
Right |
1 |
巨 | 巨大 (1) |
Gigantic, Big, Large, Great |
1 |
匠 | 師匠 (1) |
Artisan, Workman, Carpenter |
1 |
幅 | 幅広い (1) |
Hanging Scroll, Width |
1 |
均 | 平均 (1) |
Level, Average |
1 |
季 | 年季 (1) |
Seasons |
1 |
齢 | 年齢層 (1) |
Age |
1 |
層 | 年齢層 (1) |
Stratum, Social Class, Layer, Story, Floor |
1 |
幽 | 幽霊屋敷 (1) |
Seclude, Confine To A Room, Deep, Profound, Secluded, Faint, Dark, Tranquil, Calm |
1 |
幾 | 幾千 (1) |
How Many, How Much, How Far, How Long, Some, Several |
1 |
千 | 幾千 (1) |
Thousand |
1 |
底 | 底力 (1) |
Bottom, Sole, Depth, Bottom Price, Base, Kind, Sort |
1 |
往 | 往く (1) |
Journey, Travel, Chase Away, Let Go, Going, Before, Formerly |
1 |
復 | 復刻 (1) |
Restore, Return To, Revert, Resume |
1 |
微 | 微妙 (1) |
Delicate, Minuteness, Insignificance |
1 |
徳 | 徳用 (1) |
Benevolence, Virtue, Goodness, Commanding Respect |
1 |
徹 | 徹夜 (1) |
Penetrate, Clear, Pierce, Strike Home, Sit Up (all Night) |
1 |
須 | 必須 (1) |
Ought, By All Means, Necessarily |
1 |
診 | 性格診断 (1) |
Checkup, Seeing, Diagnose, Examine |
1 |
怯 | 怯える (1) |
Cowardice, Wince, Flinch, Hesitate, Waver |
1 |
恒 | 恒例 (1) |
Constancy, Always |
1 |
憐 | 憐れむ (1) |
Pity, Have Mercy, Sympathise, Compassion |
1 |
灯 | 懐中電灯 (1) |
Lamp, A Light, Light, Counter For Lights |
1 |
功 | 成功 (1) |
Achievement, Merits, Success, Honor, Credit |
1 |
促 | 成長促進 (1) |
Stimulate, Urge, Press, Demand, Incite |
1 |
或 | 或 (1) |
Some, One, Or, Possibly, A Certain |
1 |
戻 | 戻る (1) |
Re-, Return, Revert, Resume, Restore, Go Backwards |
1 |
扇 | 扇風機 (1) |
Fan, Folding Fan |
1 |
扉 | 扉 (1) |
Front Door, Title Page, Front Page |
1 |
榴 | 手榴弾 (1) |
Pomegranate |
1 |
披 | 披露 (1) |
Expose, Open |
1 |
抱 | 抱き枕 (1) |
Embrace, Hug, Hold In Arms |
1 |
押 | 押しつけ (1) |
Push, Stop, Check, Subdue, Attach, Seize, Weight, Shove, Press, Seal, Do In Spite Of |
1 |
拍 | 拍子 (1) |
Clap, Beat (music) |
1 |
拒 | 拒絶 (1) |
Repel, Refuse, Reject, Decline |
1 |
拝 | 拝見 (1) |
Worship, Adore, Pray To |
1 |
南 | 指南書 (1) |
South |
1 |
示 | 指示 (1) |
Show, Indicate, Point Out, Express, Display |
1 |
挽 | 挽回 (1) |
Saw, Turn (lathe), Grind |
1 |
捕 | 捕まる (1) |
Catch, Capture |
1 |
捧 | 捧げる (1) |
Lift Up, Give, Offer, Consecrate, Sacrifice, Dedicate |
1 |
薦 | 推薦 (1) |
Recommend, Mat, Advise, Encourage, Offer |
1 |
推 | 推薦 (1) |
Conjecture, Infer, Guess, Suppose, Support, Push (for) |
1 |
摩 | 摩訶不思議 (1) |
Chafe, Rub, Polish, Grind, Scrape |
1 |
訶 | 摩訶不思議 (1) |
Scold |
1 |
政 | 政略 (1) |
Politics, Government |
1 |
妻 | 新妻 (1) |
Wife, Spouse |
1 |
痴 | 方向音痴 (1) |
Stupid, Foolish |
1 |
針 | 方針 (1) |
Needle, Pin, Staple, Stinger |
1 |
昆 | 昆布 (1) |
Descendants, Elder Brother, Insect |
1 |
維 | 明治維新 (1) |
Fiber, Tie, Rope |
1 |
晩 | 晩御飯 (1) |
Nightfall, Night |
1 |
暇 | 暇つぶし (1) |
Spare Time, Rest, Leisure, Time, Leave Of Absence |
1 |
彫 | 木彫り (1) |
Carve, Engrave, Chisel |
1 |
録 | 未収録 (1) |
Record |
1 |
熟 | 未熟 (1) |
Mellow, Ripen, Mature, Acquire Skill |
1 |
丸 | 本丸 (1) |
Round, Full (month), Perfection, -ship, Pills, Make Round, Roll Up, Curl Up, Seduce, Explain Away |
1 |
核 | 核 (1) |
Nucleus, Core, Kernel |
1 |
桃 | 桃缶 (1) |
Peach |
1 |
缶 | 桃缶 (1) |
Tin Can, Container, Jar Radical (no. 121) |
1 |
桜 | 桜餅 (1) |
Cherry |
1 |
桶 | 桶 (1) |
Tub, Bucket |
1 |
棚 | 棚 (1) |
Shelf, Ledge, Rack, Mount, Mantle, Trellis |
1 |
椅 | 椅子 (1) |
Chair |
1 |
植 | 植木 (1) |
Plant |
1 |
査 | 検査 (1) |
Investigate |
1 |
権 | 権利 (1) |
Authority, Power, Rights |
1 |
欧 | 欧米 (1) |
Europe |
1 |
伎 | 歌舞伎 (1) |
Deed, Skill |
1 |
震 | 武者震い (1) |
Quake, Shake, Tremble, Quiver, Shiver |
1 |
伐 | 殺伐 (1) |
Fell, Strike, Attack, Punish |
1 |
比 | 比べる (1) |
Compare, Race, Ratio, Philippines |
1 |
求 | 求め (1) |
Request, Want, Wish For, Require, Demand |
1 |
江 | 江戸っ子 (1) |
Creek, Inlet, Bay |
1 |
泡 | 泡 (1) |
Bubbles, Foam, Suds, Froth |
1 |
波 | 波長が合う (1) |
Waves, Billows, Poland |
1 |
棒 | 泥棒 (1) |
Rod, Stick, Cane, Pole, Club, Line |
1 |
泥 | 泥棒 (1) |
Mud, Mire, Adhere To, Be Attached To |
1 |
脳 | 洗脳 (1) |
Brain, Memory |
1 |
苔 | 海苔 (1) |
Moss, Lichen |
1 |
消 | 消しゴム (1) |
Extinguish, Blow Out, Turn Off, Neutralize, Cancel |
1 |
腺 | 涙腺 (1) |
Gland |
1 |
液 | 液体 (1) |
Fluid, Liquid, Juice, Sap, Secretion |
1 |
乱 | 混乱 (1) |
Riot, War, Disorder, Disturb |
1 |
混 | 混乱 (1) |
Mix, Blend, Confuse |
1 |
畔 | 湖畔 (1) |
Paddy Ridge, Levee |
1 |
湖 | 湖畔 (1) |
Lake |
1 |
漂 | 漂う (1) |
Drift, Float (on Liquid) |
1 |
漕 | 漕ぐ (1) |
Rowing, Scull, Paddle |
1 |
漠 | 漠然 (1) |
Vague, Obscure, Desert, Wide |
1 |
潰 | 潰れる (1) |
Crush, Smash, Break, Dissipate |
1 |
濁 | 濁流 (1) |
Voiced, Uncleanness, Wrong, Nigori, Impurity |
1 |
災 | 火災 (1) |
Disaster, Calamity, Woe, Curse, Evil |
1 |
炎 | 火炎 (1) |
Inflammation, Flame, Blaze |
1 |
灰 | 灰色 (1) |
Ashes, Puckery Juice, Cremate |
1 |
焦 | 焦る (1) |
Char, Hurry, Impatient, Irritate, Burn, Scorch, Singe |
1 |
煌 | 煌めく (1) |
Glitter, Gleam, Twinkle |
1 |
爪 | 爪先立ち (1) |
Claw, Nail, Talon |
1 |
爽 | 爽やか (1) |
Refreshing, Bracing, Resonant, Sweet, Clear |
1 |
丹 | 牡丹餅 (1) |
Rust-colored, Red, Red Lead, Pills, Sincerity |
1 |
牡 | 牡丹餅 (1) |
Male |
1 |
典 | 特典 (1) |
Code, Ceremony, Law, Rule |
1 |
冠 | 王冠 (1) |
Crown, Best, Peerless |
1 |
班 | 班 (1) |
Squad, Corps, Unit, Group |
1 |
徒 | 生徒 (1) |
On Foot, Junior, Emptiness, Vanity, Futility, Uselessness, Ephemeral Thing, Gang, Set, Party, People |
1 |
申 | 申し訳 (1) |
Have The Honor To, Sign Of The Monkey, 3-5pm, Ninth Sign Of Chinese Zodiac |
1 |
爵 | 男爵 (1) |
Baron, Peerage, Court Rank |
1 |
候 | 症候群 (1) |
Climate, Season, Weather, Wait For, Expect |
1 |
揮 | 発揮 (1) |
Brandish, Wave, Wag, Swing, Shake |
1 |
登 | 登校日 (1) |
Ascend, Climb Up |
1 |
県 | 県 (1) |
Prefecture |
1 |
履 | 着信履歴 (1) |
Perform, Complete, Footgear, Shoes, Boots, Put On (the Feet) |
1 |
睡 | 睡眠 (1) |
Drowsy, Sleep, Die |
1 |
煙 | 硝煙 (1) |
Smoke |
1 |
硝 | 硝煙 (1) |
Nitrate, Saltpeter |
1 |
硬 | 硬い (1) |
Stiff, Hard |
1 |
祖 | 祖父 (1) |
Ancestor, Pioneer, Founder |
1 |
祝 | 祝い (1) |
Celebrate, Congratulate |
1 |
禁 | 禁句 (1) |
Prohibition, Ban, Forbid |
1 |
秋 | 秋 (1) |
Autumn |
1 |
訣 | 秘訣 (1) |
Separation, Part, Secret |
1 |
塞 | 穴を塞ぐ (1) |
Close, Shut, Cover, Block, Obstruct |
1 |
竜 | 竜巻 (1) |
Dragon, Imperial |
1 |
端 | 端っこ (1) |
Edge, Origin, End, Point, Border, Verge, Cape |
1 |
紛 | 紛らわしい (1) |
Distract, Be Mistaken For, Go Astray, Divert |
1 |
紳 | 紳士的 (1) |
Sire, Good Belt, Gentleman |
1 |
膏 | 絆創膏 (1) |
Fat, Grease, Lard, Paste, Ointment, Plaster |
1 |
緯 | 経緯 (1) |
Horizontal, Woof, Left & Right, (parallels Of) Latitude, Prediction |
1 |
綿 | 綿あめ (1) |
Cotton |
1 |
締 | 締めて (1) |
Tighten, Tie, Shut, Lock, Fasten |
1 |
縄 | 縄張り (1) |
Straw Rope, Cord |
1 |
縮 | 縮図 (1) |
Shrink, Contract, Shrivel, Wrinkle, Reduce |
1 |
繊 | 繊細 (1) |
Slender, Fine, Thin Kimono |
1 |
纏 | 纏い (1) |
Wear, Wrap, Tie, Follow Around, Collect |
1 |
罰 | 罰ゲーム (1) |
Penalty, Punishment |
1 |
羞 | 羞恥心 (1) |
Feel Ashamed |
1 |
堅 | 義理堅い (1) |
Strict, Hard, Solid, Tough, Tight, Reliable |
1 |
翡 | 翡翠 (1) |
Kingfisher |
1 |
翠 | 翡翠 (1) |
Green, Kingfisher |
1 |
眼 | 老眼 (1) |
Eyeball |
1 |
聖 | 聖なる (1) |
Holy, Saint, Sage, Master, Priest |
1 |
肌 | 肌 (1) |
Texture, Skin, Body, Grain |
1 |
脚 | 脚本 (1) |
Skids, Leg, Undercarriage, Lower Part, Base |
1 |
腐 | 腐り (1) |
Rot, Decay, Sour |
1 |
培 | 自家栽培 (1) |
Cultivate, Foster |
1 |
栽 | 自家栽培 (1) |
Plantation, Planting |
1 |
奮 | 興奮 (1) |
Stirred Up, Be Invigorated, Flourish |
1 |
茂 | 茂み (1) |
Overgrown, Grow Thick, Be Luxuriant |
1 |
柱 | 茶柱 (1) |
Pillar, Post, Cylinder, Support |
1 |
碗 | 茶碗 (1) |
Porcelain Bowl, Tea Cup |
1 |
荒 | 荒れ (1) |
Laid Waste, Rough, Rude, Wild |
1 |
藤 | 葛藤 (1) |
Wisteria |
1 |
葛 | 葛藤 (1) |
Arrowroot, Kudzu |
1 |
萄 | 葡萄酒 (1) |
Grape Vine, Wild Grape |
1 |
葡 | 葡萄酒 (1) |
Wild Grape, Portugal |
1 |
蘇 | 蘇る (1) |
Be Resuscitated, Revived, Perilla, Shiso |
1 |
衝 | 衝動 (1) |
Collide, Brunt, Highway, Opposition (astronomy), Thrust, Pierce, Stab, Prick |
1 |
袖 | 袖 (1) |
Sleeve, Wing (building), Extension, Give Cold Shoulder |
1 |
袴 | 袴 (1) |
Men's Formal Divided Skirt |
1 |
襲 | 襲撃 (1) |
Attack, Advance On, Succeed To, Pile, Heap |
1 |
覗 | 覗く (1) |
Peep, Peek, Come In Sight |
1 |
雇 | 解雇 (1) |
Employ, Hire |
1 |
遣 | 言葉遣い (1) |
Dispatch, Despatch, Send, Give, Donate, Do, Undertake |
1 |
設 | 設備 (1) |
Establishment, Provision, Prepare |
1 |
拠 | 証拠 (1) |
Foothold, Based On, Follow, Therefore |
1 |
詩 | 詩人 (1) |
Poem, Poetry |
1 |
詳 | 詳しい (1) |
Detailed, Full, Minute, Accurate, Well-informed |
1 |
拐 | 誘拐 (1) |
Kidnap, Falsify |
1 |
豪 | 豪華 (1) |
Overpowering, Great, Powerful, Excelling, Australia |
1 |
購 | 購買 (1) |
Subscription, Buy |
1 |
越 | 越える (1) |
Surpass, Cross Over, Move To, Exceed, Vietnam |
1 |
蹂 | 蹂躙 (1) |
Step On |
1 |
躙 | 蹂躙 (1) |
Edge Forward, Trample |
1 |
蔑 | 軽蔑 (1) |
Ignore, Despise, Neglect, Ridicule |
1 |
迫 | 迫力 (1) |
Urge, Force, Imminent, Spur On |
1 |
宮 | 迷宮 (1) |
Shinto Shrine, Constellations, Palace, Princess |
1 |
彩 | 迷彩 (1) |
Coloring, Paint, Makeup |
1 |
随 | 追随 (1) |
Follow, Though, Notwithstanding, While, During, Both, All, Obey, Submit To, Comply, At The Mercy Of (the Waves) |
1 |
送 | 送り (1) |
Escort, Send |
1 |
透 | 透明感 (1) |
Transparent, Permeate, Filter, Penetrate |
1 |
酷 | 過酷 (1) |
Cruel, Severe, Atrocious, Unjust |
1 |
遮 | 遮る (1) |
Intercept, Interrupt, Obstruct |
1 |
選 | 選 (1) |
Elect, Select, Choose, Prefer |
1 |
酸 | 酸味 (1) |
Acid, Bitterness, Sour, Tart |
1 |
釘 | 釘付け (1) |
Nail, Tack, Peg |
1 |
鉛 | 鉛筆削り (1) |
Lead |
1 |
銀 | 銀幕 (1) |
Silver |
1 |
錬 | 錬金術 (1) |
Tempering, Refine, Drill, Train, Polish |
1 |
錯 | 錯覚 (1) |
Confused, Mix, Be In Disorder |
1 |
鍛 | 鍛える (1) |
Forge, Discipline, Train |
1 |
鍵 | 鍵かけ (1) |
Key |
1 |
鎮 | 鎮まる (1) |
Tranquilize, Ancient Peace-preservation Centers |
1 |
閃 | 閃き (1) |
Flash, Brandish |
1 |
催 | 開催中 (1) |
Sponsor, Hold (a Meeting), Give (a Dinner) |
1 |
陶 | 陶器 (1) |
Pottery, Porcelain |
1 |
階 | 階段 (1) |
Storey, Stair, Counter For Storeys Of A Building |
1 |
隙 | 隙間 (1) |
Crevice, Fissure, Discord, Opportunity, Leisure |
1 |
易 | 難易度 (1) |
Easy, Ready To, Simple, Fortune-telling, Divination |
1 |
船 | 難破船 (1) |
Ship, Boat |
1 |
雲 | 雲 (1) |
Cloud |
1 |
革 | 革命 (1) |
Leather, Skin, Reform, Become Serious |
1 |
域 | 領域 (1) |
Range, Region, Limits, Stage, Level |
1 |
蒼 | 顔面蒼白 (1) |
Blue, Pale |
1 |
貌 | 風貌 (1) |
Form, Appearance, Countenance |
1 |
鎖 | 食物連鎖 (1) |
Chain, Irons, Connection |
1 |
飽 | 飽きる (1) |
Sated, Tired Of, Bored, Satiate |
1 |
餡 | 餡子 (1) |
Bean Jam |
1 |
首 | 首 (1) |
Neck, Counter For Songs And Poems |
1 |
騎 | 騎馬戦 (1) |
Equestrian, Riding On Horses, Counter For Equestrians |
1 |
驚 | 驚異 (1) |
Wonder, Be Surprised, Frightened, Amazed |
1 |
価 | 高価 (1) |
Value, Price |
1 |
圧 | 高血圧 (1) |
Pressure, Push, Overwhelm, Oppress, Dominate |
1 |
鬱 | 鬱憤 (1) |
Gloom, Depression, Melancholy, Luxuriant |
1 |
憤 | 鬱憤 (1) |
Aroused, Resent, Be Indignant, Anger |
1 |
鮪 | 鮪 (1) |
Tuna |
1 |
鮭 | 鮭 (1) |
Salmon |
1 |
鼻 | 鼻水 (1) |
Nose, Snout |
1 |