Good Morning Kiss
Kanji Meanings
This is an experimental page for viewing kanji in a series. It is likely to change.
Unique kanji: 1,353
Total kanji: 23,432
Kanji | Words | Meaning | Frequency |
大 | 大丈夫 (102), 大学 (76), 大変 (45), 大人 (26), 大事 (25), 大学院 (25), 大学生 (21), 大好き (16), 大手 (8), 大きな (6), 大きい (5), 大切 (5), 大家さん (5), 大袈裟 (5), 大金 (5), 最大 (4), 大不況 (3), 大好物 (3), 大騒ぎ (3), いい大人 (2), 大き (2), 大きく (2), 大げさ (2), 大人買い (2), 大口 (2), 大学院生 (2), 大忙し (2), 大森 (2), 大部屋 (2), 大阪 (2), 大黒柱 (2), 女子大 (2), 偉大 (1), 大きさ (1), 大した (1), 大したことない (1), 大ショック (1), 大の (1), 大ヒット (1), 大人げない (1), 大人っぽい (1), 大人になる (1), 大人数 (1), 大企業 (1), 大会 (1), 大体 (1), 大切に (1), 大化 (1), 大半 (1), 大同 (1), 大問題 (1), 大喜び (1), 大国 (1), 大型 (1), 大声 (1), 大失敗 (1), 大学祭 (1), 大学進学 (1), 大家族 (1), 大層 (1), 大州 (1), 大得意 (1), 大感謝 (1), 大成 (1), 大文字 (1), 大枚 (1), 大根 (1), 大河ドラマ (1), 大王 (1), 大統領 (1), 大荒れ (1), 大量 (1), 大金持 (1), 大陸 (1), 大食い (1), 短大 (1), 花火大会 (1), 重大 (1) |
Large, Big |
460 |
人 | 人 (104), 大人 (26), 人生 (25), 人間 (20), いい人 (14), あの人 (12), 社会人 (12), この人 (11), 求人 (10), 人たち (8), 一人暮らし (6), 二人 (6), 人気 (5), 日本人 (5), その人 (4), 主人公 (3), 人数 (3), 人柱 (3), 人気者 (3), 友人 (3), 対人関係 (3), 小人 (3), 本人 (3), いい大人 (2), 一人旅 (2), 人々 (2), 人それぞれ (2), 人文 (2), 人達 (2), 他人 (2), 友人宅 (2), 大人買い (2), 恋人同士 (2), 知人 (2), 芸能人 (2), 苦労人 (2), ある人 (1), お一人様 (1), お人好し (1), ダメ人間 (1), 一人 (1), 一人前 (1), 中の人 (1), 主人 (1), 二人とも (1), 人がいい (1), 人一倍 (1), 人事部 (1), 人前 (1), 人受け (1), 人口 (1), 人生の先輩 (1), 人生初 (1), 人通り (1), 人類学 (1), 他人事 (1), 個人 (1), 個人差 (1), 個人情報 (1), 友達以上恋人未満 (1), 同人 (1), 同居人 (1), 外国人 (1), 大人げない (1), 大人っぽい (1), 大人になる (1), 大人数 (1), 対人 (1), 恩人 (1), 成人 (1), 料理人 (1), 新人 (1), 日本法人 (1), 有名人 (1), 本人確認 (1), 無人島 (1), 男の人 (1), 米人 (1), 美人 (1), 美人妻 (1), 鉄人 (1) |
Person |
363 |
一 | 一緒に (95), 一番星 (18), 一番 (15), 一緒 (14), 一生 (12), 一応 (10), 一気に (9), 一戸建て (7), 一人暮らし (6), 一見 (6), 一度 (5), 一般的 (5), 一に (4), 一般論 (4), 一週間 (4), 一つ (3), 一体 (3), 一同 (3), 一石二鳥 (3), 第一線 (3), 一人旅 (2), 一刻も早く (2), 一方 (2), 一日目 (2), 一晩 (2), 一歩 (2), 一瞬 (2), 一般 (2), 一言 (2), 一途 (2), 一部 (2), 一限 (2), 第一 (2), お一人様 (1), もう一つ (1), もう一度 (1), 一人 (1), 一人前 (1), 一休み (1), 一体に (1), 一個 (1), 一分 (1), 一回 (1), 一夜 (1), 一定 (1), 一家 (1), 一年間 (1), 一式 (1), 一心に (1), 一択 (1), 一日中 (1), 一時間 (1), 一本 (1), 一杯 (1), 一枚 (1), 一次会 (1), 一段 (1), 一段落 (1), 一泊 (1), 一流 (1), 一生モノ (1), 一目 (1), 一筋 (1), 一荷 (1), 一覧表 (1), 一軒 (1), 万が一 (1), 世界一周 (1), 中一 (1), 人一倍 (1), 唯一 (1), 第一歩 (1), 純一 (1), 鶴の一声 (1) |
One, One Radical (no.1) |
296 |
気 | 気 (39), 気持ち (37), 浮気 (23), 元気 (17), 気がする (14), 気になる (13), 一気に (9), 平気 (8), 本気 (7), 気分 (7), 気をつけて (6), 人気 (5), 雰囲気 (5), お気に入り (4), 気のせい (4), 気楽 (4), やる気 (3), 人気者 (3), 天気 (3), 気にする (3), 気付 (3), 気付く (3), 気合い (3), いい天気 (2), お元気ですか (2), 寒気 (2), 平気で (2), 本気で (2), 気が散る (2), 気軽に (2), 空気 (2), 脳天気 (2), 電気 (2), お天気 (1), 不景気 (1), 不気味 (1), 何気なく (1), 何気に (1), 勇気 (1), 外気 (1), 平均気温 (1), 意気投合 (1), 気がきく (1), 気がつくと (1), 気がね (1), 気が合う (1), 気が早い (1), 気が楽 (1), 気が重い (1), 気にしない (1), 気のきいた (1), 気まま (1), 気をつけ (1), 気をつける (1), 気を使う (1), 気を遣う (1), 気付き (1), 気兼ね (1), 気分転換 (1), 気力 (1), 気合 (1), 気象 (1), 気質 (1), 気遣い (1), 浮気相手 (1), 湯気 (1), 無邪気 (1), 病気 (1), 能天気 (1), 邪気 (1) |
Spirit, Mind, Air, Atmosphere, Mood |
280 |
今 | Now |
257 | |
何 | 何か (69), 何で (26), 何も (20), 何の (10), 何度も (10), 何でも (9), 何だか (8), 何て (8), 何故 (7), 何でもない (6), 何年 (6), 何かと (5), 何だって (4), 何にも (4), 何もない (4), とか何とか (3), 何それ (3), 何でもいい (3), 何とか (3), 何度か (3), 何故か (3), 何日か (3), 何これ (2), 何だっけ (2), 何もかも (2), 何度 (2), 何日 (2), いくら何でも (1), だから何だ (1), 何かしら (1), 何だかんだ (1), 何だと (1), 何てこと (1), 何といっても (1), 何とかなる (1), 何とも (1), 何なのか (1), 何のその (1), 何やら (1), 何を (1), 何事も (1), 何事もなく (1), 何十 (1), 何回 (1), 何度でも (1), 何気なく (1), 何気に (1) |
What |
247 |
学 | 大学 (76), 学生 (26), 大学院 (25), 大学生 (21), 学校 (9), 学費 (9), 進学 (9), 中学 (6), 学食 (6), 中学生 (3), 学生時代 (3), 学生結婚 (3), 学部 (3), 工学部 (3), 高学歴 (3), 化学 (2), 大学院生 (2), 奨学金 (2), 小学生 (2), 理学部 (2), 苦学生 (2), 見学 (2), 人類学 (1), 入学 (1), 入学式 (1), 大学祭 (1), 大学進学 (1), 学年末 (1), 学期 (1), 学生生活 (1), 学生証 (1), 学祭 (1), 学芸会 (1), 文学部 (1), 生命科学 (1), 留学 (1), 語学 (1) |
Study, Learning, Science |
234 |
生 | 生活 (34), 学生 (26), 人生 (25), 大学生 (21), 一生 (12), 先生 (11), 生活費 (11), 新入生 (6), 高校生 (6), 生まれつき (5), 院生 (4), 中学生 (3), 学生時代 (3), 学生結婚 (3), 新生活 (3), 生きる (3), 同級生 (2), 大学院生 (2), 小学生 (2), 新婚生活 (2), 生き方 (2), 生活習慣 (2), 発生 (2), 私生活 (2), 苦学生 (2), 一生モノ (1), 二年生 (1), 人生の先輩 (1), 人生初 (1), 共同生活 (1), 受験生 (1), 学生生活 (1), 学生証 (1), 年金生活 (1), 生きがい (1), 生き生き (1), 生まじめ (1), 生乳 (1), 生協 (1), 生命 (1), 生命科学 (1), 生地 (1), 生姜 (1), 生活パターン (1), 生活環境 (1), 生産 (1), 生真面目 (1), 結婚生活 (1), 誕生日 (1), 長生き (1) |
Life, Genuine, Birth |
219 |
行 | 行く (97), 旅行 (30), 卒業旅行 (14), 銀行 (10), 飛行機 (10), 尾行 (6), 孝行 (4), 東京行き (4), 海外旅行 (3), 行ってくる (3), 行動力 (3), 親孝行 (3), 迎えに行く (3), 別行動 (2), 夜行バス (2), 実行 (2), 行ってきます (2), 見に行く (2), 遊びに行く (2), ないと行けない (1), 今流行り (1), 刊行 (1), 実行委員 (1), 実行委員会 (1), 旅行代理店 (1), 直行便 (1), 行かん (1), 行きすぎ (1), 行き先 (1), 行事 (1), 行政 (1), 行為 (1), 遂行 (1), 都市銀行 (1), 鈍行 (1) |
Going, Journey, Carry Out, Conduct, Act, Line, Row, Bank |
218 |
部 | Section, Bureau, Dept, Class, Copy, Part, Portion, Counter For Copies Of A Newspaper Or Magazine |
217 | |
結 | Tie, Bind, Contract, Join, Organize, Do Up Hair, Fasten |
178 | |
自 | 自分 (73), 自分で (40), 自体 (7), 自由 (5), 自信 (4), 自分から (4), 自然 (4), 自由に (4), 自業自得 (3), 自身 (3), 不自由 (2), 自営業 (2), 自慢 (2), 自活 (2), 自炊 (2), 自作 (1), 自分磨き (1), 自分自身 (1), 自力 (1), 自動車 (1), 自宅 (1), 自己 (1), 自己中 (1), 自己完結 (1), 自己管理 (1), 自己責任 (1), 自得 (1), 自然消滅 (1), 自画自賛 (1), 自発的 (1), 自粛 (1), 自給自足 (1), 自販機 (1), 自転車 (1) |
Oneself |
176 |
京 | Capital, 10**16 |
175 | |
女 | Woman, Female |
172 | |
東 | East |
171 | |
婚 | Marriage |
167 | |
分 | Part, Minute Of Time, Segment, Share, Degree, One's Lot, Duty, Understand, Know, Rate, 1%, Chances, Shaku/100 |
167 | |
日 | 毎日 (20), 日 (17), 日本 (12), 昨日 (12), ある日 (7), 本日 (6), 先日 (5), 日曜 (5), 日本人 (5), 翌日 (5), 休日 (4), 何日か (3), 土日 (3), 数日 (3), 日々 (3), その日 (2), また明日 (2), 一日目 (2), 何日 (2), 初日 (2), 土曜日 (2), 日にち (2), 日中 (2), 日付 (2), 日常 (2), 日替わり (2), 日本語 (2), 日焼け (2), 毎日毎日 (2), お日様 (1), 一日中 (1), 二日 (1), 今日この頃 (1), 今日中に (1), 全日 (1), 十日 (1), 半日 (1), 吉日 (1), 命日 (1), 平日 (1), 当日 (1), 数日後 (1), 日が暮れる (1), 日帰り温泉 (1), 日本法人 (1), 日照時間 (1), 日程 (1), 日間 (1), 月曜日 (1), 来日 (1), 記念日 (1), 誕生日 (1) |
Day, Sun, Japan, Counter For Days |
161 |
事 | 仕事 (31), 大事 (25), 事 (19), 家事 (9), 事故 (7), 用事 (7), 仕事中 (6), 事情 (4), 記事 (4), 食事 (4), 事務 (3), 事務所 (2), 商事 (2), お仕事 (1), 事件 (1), 事例 (1), 事前 (1), 事務的 (1), 事態 (1), 事業 (1), 事業者 (1), 事象 (1), 人事部 (1), 仕事帰り (1), 仕事着 (1), 他人事 (1), 何事も (1), 何事もなく (1), 出来事 (1), 初仕事 (1), 工事 (1), 最悪の事態 (1), 無事に (1), 物事 (1), 綺麗事 (1), 行事 (1), 見事 (1), 非常事態 (1) |
Matter, Thing, Fact, Business, Reason, Possibly |
148 |
時 | Time, Hour |
146 | |
彼 | He, That, The |
141 | |
家 | House, Home, Family, Professional, Expert, Performer |
141 | |
父 | Father |
139 | |
年 | 今年 (21), お年玉 (13), 去年 (9), 来年 (8), 年末年始 (7), 年齢 (7), 何年 (6), 年ぶり (6), 年後 (6), 年末 (6), 長年 (5), 半年 (4), 周年 (3), 未成年 (3), よいお年を (2), 同い年 (2), 年々 (2), 年下 (2), 年寄り (2), 年明け (2), 年金 (2), 昨年 (2), 青年 (2), 一年間 (1), 二年生 (1), 今年度 (1), 国民年金 (1), 学年末 (1), 定年 (1), 年の瀬 (1), 年上 (1), 年始 (1), 年越し (1), 年金生活 (1), 年間 (1), 忘年会 (1), 毎年 (1), 熟年離婚 (1), 近年 (1) |
Year, Counter For Years |
138 |
実 | Reality, Truth |
131 | |
子 | Child, Sign Of The Rat, 11pm-1am, First Sign Of Chinese Zodiac |
129 | |
金 | Gold |
127 | |
男 | Male |
126 | |
話 | Tale, Talk |
125 | |
手 | 相手 (28), 手 (13), 勝手に (9), 大手 (8), 手紙 (7), 手作り (4), お手伝い (3), 上手 (3), 手術 (3), 番手 (3), 選手 (3), お手 (2), この手 (2), 不手際 (2), 手に入る (2), 結婚相手 (2), お手付き (1), その手 (1), 下手したら (1), 元手 (1), 勝手 (1), 勝手ながら (1), 喉から手が出る (1), 売り手市場 (1), 好き勝手 (1), 山手 (1), 手が届く (1), 手が足りねー (1), 手の込んだ (1), 手伝う (1), 手入れ (1), 手取り (1), 手応え (1), 手抜き (1), 手数料 (1), 手編み (1), 手遅れ (1), 手長海老 (1), 手間 (1), 手頃 (1), 料理上手 (1), 決め手 (1), 浮気相手 (1), 着手 (1), 苦手 (1) |
Hand |
123 |
合 | 場合 (14), 見合い (12), お見合い (9), 合コン (8), 合宿 (8), 似合う (7), 合わせて (7), 似合い (6), 知り合い (6), 都合 (5), 合格 (4), 合う (3), 気合い (3), 不釣り合い (2), 具合 (2), 口に合う (2), 合間 (2), 打ち合わせ (2), 集合 (2), 合い鍵 (1), 合図 (1), 合流 (1), 意気投合 (1), 気が合う (1), 気合 (1), 盛り合わせ (1), 知り合う (1), 組み合わせ (1), 総合病院 (1), 話が合う (1), 話し合う (1), 語り合う (1), 集合時間 (1), 頃合 (1), 顔合わせ (1) |
Fit, Suit, Join, 0.1 |
120 |
緒 | Thong, Beginning, Inception, End, Cord, Strap, Mental Or Emotional State |
118 | |
夫 | Husband, Man |
116 | |
好 | Fond, Pleasing, Like Something |
114 | |
職 | Post, Employment, Work |
114 | |
地 | Ground, Earth |
111 | |
思 | Think |
110 | |
言 | Say, Word |
110 | |
物 | Thing, Object, Matter |
110 | |
丈 | Length, Ten Shaku, Measure, Mr., Ms., Height, Stature, All (one Has), Only, That's All, Merely |
107 | |
活 | Lively, Resuscitation, Being Helped, Living |
106 | |
食 | Eat, Food |
104 | |
私 | Private, I, Me |
102 | |
会 | Meeting, Meet, Party, Association, Interview, Join |
101 | |
本 | Book, Present, Main, Origin, True, Real, Counter For Long Cylindrical Things |
101 | |
屋 | Roof, House, Shop, Dealer, Seller |
98 | |
中 | 夜中 (10), 途中 (9), 中学 (6), 仕事中 (6), 集中 (6), 中でも (5), 中国 (5), そんな中 (3), 中 (3), 中学生 (3), 中心 (3), 中身 (3), 世の中 (2), 中には (2), 中間 (2), 日中 (2), お中 (1), この中 (1), 一日中 (1), 世界中 (1), 中くらい (1), 中の人 (1), 中一 (1), 中古 (1), 中奥 (1), 中心地 (1), 中心部 (1), 中抜け (1), 中華街 (1), 中退 (1), 中途採用 (1), 今日中に (1), 作中 (1), 公開中 (1), 同中 (1), 和洋中 (1), 夢中 (1), 実施中 (1), 意中 (1), 背中 (1), 自己中 (1), 連中 (1), 集中講義 (1), 食中毒 (1) |
In, Inside, Middle, Mean, Center |
98 |
初 | First Time, Beginning |
97 | |
同 | Same, Agree, Equal |
97 | |
見 | 見る (21), 見合い (12), お見合い (9), 一見 (6), 見せる (6), 外見 (5), 発見 (4), 意見 (2), 花見 (2), 見 (2), 見に行く (2), 見劣り (2), 見学 (2), お見舞い (1), ちょっと見 (1), どう見ても (1), よそ見 (1), 下見 (1), 夢見る (1), 怖いもの見たさ (1), 拝見 (1), 見かけ (1), 見ごたえ (1), 見つける (1), 見に来る (1), 見る見る (1), 見事 (1), 見所 (1), 見渡す限り (1), 見直し (1), 見続ける (1), 見込み (1), 顔見せ (1) |
See, Hopes, Chances, Idea, Opinion, Look At, Visible |
95 |
方 | Direction, Person, Alternative |
93 | |
業 | Business, Vocation, Arts, Performance |
93 | |
高 | Tall, High, Expensive |
92 | |
後 | Behind, Back, Later |
92 | |
月 | Month, Moon |
87 | |
変 | Unusual, Change, Strange |
86 | |
間 | 人間 (20), 仲間 (6), 期間 (5), いつの間に (4), 一週間 (4), 昼間 (3), 期間限定 (3), 世間 (2), 世間知らず (2), 中間 (2), 合間 (2), 夫婦間 (2), 瞬間 (2), 知らない間に (2), 間違い (2), 間際 (2), あっという間 (1), お時間 (1), その間 (1), ダメ人間 (1), 一年間 (1), 一時間 (1), 世間体 (1), 世間話 (1), 二週間 (1), 仲間外れ (1), 始業時間 (1), 客間 (1), 年間 (1), 手間 (1), 数時間 (1), 日照時間 (1), 日間 (1), 時間通り (1), 通勤時間 (1), 間もない (1), 間もない頃 (1), 間取り (1), 集合時間 (1) |
Interval, Space |
86 |
親 | Parent, Intimacy, Relative, Familiarity, Dealer (cards) |
86 | |
全 | Whole, Entire, All, Complete, Fulfill |
85 | |
夜 | Night, Evening |
85 | |
味 | Flavor, Taste |
84 | |
買 | Buy |
82 | |
出 | 出す (12), 出る (10), 思い出 (8), 出会い (6), 出かける (4), 出勤 (4), 出張 (4), 出産 (3), 買い出し (3), 出版 (2), くり出す (1), 上出来 (1), 出入り (1), 出前 (1), 出席 (1), 出席率 (1), 出掛ける (1), 出来 (1), 出来る (1), 出来事 (1), 出来婚 (1), 出版社 (1), 出身 (1), 出身者 (1), 口出し (1), 呼出 (1), 喉から手が出る (1), 外出 (1), 家出 (1), 店出し (1), 引き出物 (1), 想い出 (1), 提出 (1), 言い出す (1), 進出 (1) |
Exit, Leave, Go Out, Come Out, Put Out, Protrude |
81 |
着 | Don, Arrive, Wear, Counter For Suits Of Clothing |
80 | |
目 | Eye, Class, Look, Insight, Experience, Care, Favor |
79 | |
不 | Negative, Non-, Bad, Ugly, Clumsy |
79 | |
来 | Come, Due, Next, Cause, Become |
79 | |
心 | Heart, Mind, Spirit, Heart Radical (no. 61) |
78 | |
最 | Utmost, Most, Extreme |
77 | |
場 | Location, Place |
76 | |
上 | Above, Up |
75 | |
別 | Separate, Branch Off, Diverge, Fork, Another, Extra, Specially |
74 | |
定 | Determine, Fix, Establish, Decide |
74 | |
意 | Idea, Mind, Heart, Taste, Thought, Desire, Care, Liking |
74 | |
先 | Before, Ahead, Previous, Future, Precedence |
73 | |
就 | Concerning, Settle, Take Position, Depart, Study, Per |
72 | |
理 | Logic, Arrangement, Reason, Justice, Truth |
72 | |
恋 | Romance, In Love, Yearn For, Miss, Darling |
72 | |
然 | Sort Of Thing, So, If So, In That Case, Well |
70 | |
元 | Beginning, Former Time, Origin |
70 | |
無 | Nothingness, None, Ain't, Nothing, Nil, Not |
70 | |
前 | In Front, Before |
70 | |
仕 | Attend, Doing, Official, Serve |
69 | |
院 | Inst., Institution, Temple, Mansion, School |
69 | |
安 | Relax, Cheap, Low, Quiet, Rested, Contented, Peaceful |
69 | |
通 | Traffic, Pass Through, Avenue, Commute, Counter For Letters, Notes, Documents, Etc. |
69 | |
外 | Outside |
69 | |
度 | Degrees, Occurrence, Time, Counter For Occurrences, Consider, Attitude |
69 | |
新 | New |
68 | |
当 | Hit, Right, Appropriate, Himself |
68 | |
友 | Friend |
67 | |
旅 | Trip, Travel |
66 | |
長 | Long, Leader, Superior, Senior |
65 | |
超 | Transcend, Super-, Ultra- |
62 | |
持 | Hold, Have |
62 | |
用 | Utilize, Business, Service, Use, Employ |
62 | |
達 | Accomplished, Reach, Arrive, Attain |
59 | |
近 | Near, Early, Akin, Tantamount |
59 | |
相 | Inter-, Mutual, Together, Each Other, Minister Of State, Councillor, Aspect, Phase, Physiognomy |
58 | |
店 | Store, Shop |
57 | |
作 | Make, Production, Prepare, Build |
56 | |
入 | Enter, Insert |
56 | |
社 | Company, Firm, Office, Association, Shrine |
56 | |
対 | Vis-a-vis, Opposite, Even, Equal, Versus, Anti-, Compare |
55 | |
氏 | Family Name, Surname, Clan |
53 | |
色 | Color |
53 | |
内 | Inside, Within, Between, Among, House, Home |
53 | |
帰 | Homecoming, Arrive At, Lead To, Result In |
52 | |
母 | Mother |
51 | |
面 | Mask, Face, Features, Surface |
51 | |
幸 | Happiness, Blessing, Fortune |
50 | |
代 | Substitute, Change, Convert, Replace, Period, Age, Counter For Decades Of Ages, Eras, Etc., Generation, Charge, Rate, Fee |
50 | |
以 | By Means Of, Because, In View Of, Compared With |
49 | |
休 | Rest, Day Off, Retire, Sleep |
49 | |
期 | Period, Time, Date, Term |
49 | |
車 | Car |
48 | |
次 | Next, Order, Sequence |
47 | |
愛 | Love, Affection, Favourite |
47 | |
番 | Turn, Number In A Series |
47 | |
的 | Bull's Eye, Mark, Target, Object, Adjective Ending |
47 | |
体 | Body, Substance, Object, Reality, Counter For Images |
46 | |
感 | Emotion, Feeling, Sensation |
46 | |
遠 | Distant, Far |
45 | |
楽 | Music, Comfort, Ease |
45 | |
様 | Esq., Way, Manner, Situation, Polite Suffix |
45 | |
半 | Half, Middle, Odd Number, Semi-, Part- |
45 | |
正 | Correct, Justice, Righteous, 10**40 |
45 | |
料 | Fee, Materials |
45 | |
者 | Someone, Person |
43 | |
題 | Topic, Subject |
42 | |
牛 | Cow |
41 | |
回 | -times, Round, Game, Revolve, Counter For Occurrences |
41 | |
員 | Employee, Member, Number, The One In Charge |
41 | |
画 | Brush-stroke, Picture |
41 | |
乳 | Milk, Breasts |
40 | |
直 | Straightaway, Honesty, Frankness, Fix, Repair |
40 | |
性 | Sex, Gender, Nature |
40 | |
巻 | Scroll, Volume, Book, Part, Roll Up, Wind Up, Tie, Coil, Counter For Texts (or Book Scrolls) |
39 | |
予 | Beforehand, Previous, Myself, I |
39 | |
想 | Concept, Think, Idea, Thought |
39 | |
集 | Gather, Meet, Congregate, Swarm, Flock |
39 | |
違 | Difference, Differ |
38 | |
毎 | Every |
38 | |
兄 | Elder Brother, Big Brother |
38 | |
電 | Electricity |
37 | |
情 | Feelings, Emotion, Passion, Sympathy, Circumstances, Facts |
37 | |
問 | Question, Ask, Problem |
36 | |
確 | Assurance, Firm, Tight, Hard, Solid, Confirm, Clear, Evident |
36 | |
課 | Chapter, Lesson, Section, Department, Division, Counter For Chapters (of A Book) |
36 | |
誰 | Who, Someone, Somebody |
36 | |
約 | Promise, Approximately, Shrink |
36 | |
動 | Move, Motion, Change, Confusion, Shift, Shake |
36 | |
下 | Below, Down, Descend, Give, Low, Inferior |
35 | |
疲 | Exhausted, Tire, Weary |
35 | |
都 | Metropolis, Capital, All, Everything |
35 | |
卒 | Graduate, Soldier, Private, Die |
35 | |
少 | Few, Little |
35 | |
知 | Know, Wisdom |
35 | |
舎 | Cottage, Inn, Hut, House, Mansion |
34 | |
田 | Rice Field, Rice Paddy |
34 | |
形 | Shape, Form, Style |
34 | |
配 | Distribute, Spouse, Exile, Rationing |
34 | |
強 | Strong |
34 | |
普 | Universal, Wide(ly), Generally, Prussia |
34 | |
費 | Expense, Cost, Spend, Consume, Waste |
34 | |
発 | Departure, Discharge, Publish, Emit, Start From, Disclose, Counter For Gunshots |
34 | |
道 | Road-way, Street, District, Journey, Course, Moral, Teachings |
34 | |
海 | Sea, Ocean |
34 | |
二 | Two, Two Radical (no. 7) |
34 | |
急 | Hurry, Emergency, Sudden, Steep |
33 | |
校 | Exam, School, Printing, Proof, Correction |
33 | |
世 | Generation, World, Society, Public |
33 | |
連 | Take Along, Lead, Join, Connect, Party, Gang, Clique |
33 | |
決 | Decide, Fix, Agree Upon, Appoint |
33 | |
力 | Power, Strength, Strong, Strain, Bear Up, Exert |
33 | |
住 | Dwell, Reside, Live, Inhabit |
32 | |
特 | Special |
32 | |
顔 | Face, Expression |
32 | |
暮 | Evening, Twilight, Season's End, Livelihood, Make A Living, Spend Time |
32 | |
服 | Clothing, Admit, Obey, Discharge |
31 | |
久 | Long Time, Old Story |
31 | |
悪 | Bad, Vice, Rascal, False, Evil, Wrong |
31 | |
早 | Early, Fast |
31 | |
土 | Soil, Earth, Ground, Turkey |
31 | |
水 | Water |
31 | |
断 | Severance, Decline, Refuse, Apologize, Warn, Dismiss, Prohibit, Decision, Judgement, Cutting |
31 | |
所 | Place, Extent |
31 | |
切 | Cut, Cutoff, Be Sharp |
31 | |
身 | Somebody, Person, One's Station In Life |
31 | |
絶 | Discontinue, Sever, Cut Off, Abstain, Interrupt, Suppress, Be Beyond, Without Match, Peerless, Unparalleled |
30 | |
客 | Guest, Visitor, Customer, Client |
30 | |
報 | Report, News, Reward, Retribution |
30 | |
良 | Good, Pleasing, Skilled |
30 | |
験 | Verification, Effect, Testing |
30 | |
限 | Limit, Restrict, To Best Of Ability |
30 | |
風 | Wind, Air, Style, Manner |
29 | |
主 | Lord, Chief, Master, Main Thing, Principal |
29 | |
倒 | Overthrow, Fall, Collapse, Drop, Break Down |
28 | |
奴 | Guy, Slave, Manservant, Fellow |
27 | |
浮 | Floating, Float, Rise To Surface |
27 | |
居 | Reside, To Be, Exist, Live With |
27 | |
望 | Ambition, Full Moon, Hope, Desire, Aspire To, Expect |
27 | |
始 | Commence, Begin |
27 | |
考 | Consider, Think Over |
27 | |
天 | Heavens, Sky, Imperial |
27 | |
続 | Continue, Series, Sequel |
27 | |
肉 | Meat |
26 | |
許 | Permit, Approve |
26 | |
系 | Lineage, System |
26 | |
飲 | Drink, Smoke, Take |
26 | |
産 | Products, Bear, Give Birth, Yield, Childbirth, Native, Property |
26 | |
品 | Goods, Refinement, Dignity, Article, Counter For Meal Courses |
26 | |
国 | Country |
26 | |
衣 | Garment, Clothes, Dressing |
25 | |
星 | Star, Spot, Dot, Mark |
25 | |
玉 | Jewel, Ball |
25 | |
程 | Extent, Degree, Law, Formula, Distance, Limits, Amount |
25 | |
仲 | Go-between, Relationship |
25 | |
関 | Connection, Barrier, Gateway, Involve, Concerning |
25 | |
応 | Apply, Answer, Yes, Ok, Reply, Accept |
24 | |
素 | Elementary, Principle, Naked, Uncovered |
24 | |
教 | Teach, Faith, Doctrine |
24 | |
勉 | 勉強 (23) |
Exertion, Endeavour, Encourage, Strive, Make Effort, Diligent |
23 |
浴 | 浴衣 (23) |
Bathe, Be Favored With, Bask In |
23 |
若 | Young, If, Perhaps, Possibly, Low Number, Immature |
23 | |
多 | Many, Frequent, Much |
23 | |
写 | Copy, Be Photographed, Describe |
23 | |
両 | Both, Old Japanese Coin, Counter For Carriages (e.g., In A Train), Two |
23 | |
経 | Sutra, Longitude, Pass Thru, Expire, Warp |
23 | |
務 | Task, Duties |
23 | |
語 | Word, Speech, Language |
23 | |
引 | Pull, Tug, Jerk, Admit, Install, Quote, Refer To |
23 | |
役 | Duty, War, Campaign, Drafted Labor, Office, Service, Role |
22 | |
奥 | Heart, Interior |
22 | |
町 | Town, Village, Block, Street |
22 | |
転 | Revolve, Turn Around, Change |
22 | |
棲 | Live, Dwell |
22 | |
段 | Grade, Steps, Stairs |
22 | |
機 | Loom, Mechanism, Machine, Airplane, Opportunity, Potency, Efficacy, Occasion |
22 | |
願 | Petition, Request, Vow, Wish, Hope |
22 | |
婦 | Lady, Woman, Wife, Bride |
22 | |
朝 | Morning, Dynasty, Regime, Epoch, Period, (north) Korea |
22 | |
係 | Person In Charge, Connection, Duty, Concern Oneself |
22 | |
宅 | Home, House, Residence, Our House, My Husband |
22 | |
文 | Sentence, Literature, Style, Art, Decoration, Figures, Plan, Literary Radical (no. 67) |
22 | |
省 | Focus, Government Ministry, Conserve |
21 | |
帯 | Sash, Belt, Obi, Zone, Region |
21 | |
進 | Advance, Proceed, Progress, Promote |
21 | |
働 | Work, (kokuji) |
21 | |
末 | End, Close, Tip, Powder, Posterity |
21 | |
洗 | Wash, Inquire Into, Probe |
21 | |
受 | Accept, Undergo, Answer (phone), Take, Get, Catch, Receive |
21 | |
解 | Unravel, Notes, Key, Explanation, Understanding, Untie, Undo, Solve, Answer, Cancel, Absolve, Explain, Minute |
21 | |
冷 | Cool, Cold (beer, Person), Chill |
21 | |
免 | Excuse, Dismissal |
20 | |
冬 | Winter |
20 | |
呂 | Spine, Backbone |
20 | |
広 | Wide, Broad, Spacious |
20 | |
試 | Test, Try, Attempt, Experiment, Ordeal |
20 | |
開 | Open, Unfold, Unseal |
20 | |
売 | Sell |
20 | |
付 | Adhere, Attach, Refer To, Append |
20 | |
離 | Detach, Separation, Disjoin, Digress |
20 | |
美 | Beauty, Beautiful |
20 | |
族 | Tribe, Family |
19 | |
昨 | Yesterday, Previous |
19 | |
界 | World, Boundary |
19 | |
表 | Surface, Table, Chart, Diagram |
19 | |
聞 | Hear, Ask, Listen |
19 | |
送 | Escort, Send |
19 | |
平 | Even, Flat, Peace |
19 | |
使 | Use, Send On A Mission, Order, Messenger, Envoy, Ambassador, Cause |
19 | |
白 | White |
19 | |
足 | Leg, Foot, Be Sufficient, Counter For Pairs Of Footwear |
19 | |
険 | Precipitous, Inaccessible Place, Impregnable Position, Steep Place, Sharp Eyes |
19 | |
週 | Week |
19 | |
茶 | Tea |
19 | |
明 | Bright, Light |
19 | |
小 | Little, Small |
19 | |
俺 | I, Myself |
18 | |
欲 | Longing, Covetousness, Greed, Passion, Desire, Craving |
18 | |
運 | Carry, Luck, Destiny, Fate, Lot, Transport, Progress, Advance |
18 | |
局 | Bureau, Board, Office, Affair, Conclusion, Court Lady, Lady-in-waiting, Her Apartment |
18 | |
酒 | Sake, Alcohol |
18 | |
未 | Un-, Not Yet, Hitherto, Still, Even Now, Sign Of The Ram, 1-3pm, Eighth Sign Of Chinese Zodiac |
18 | |
況 | Condition, Situation |
18 | |
嫁 | Marry Into, Bride |
18 | |
待 | Wait, Depend On |
18 | |
失 | Lose, Error, Fault, Disadvantage, Loss |
18 | |
状 | Status Quo, Conditions, Circumstances, Form, Appearance |
18 | |
病 | Ill, Sick |
18 | |
由 | Wherefore, A Reason |
18 | |
労 | Labor, Thank For, Reward For, Toil, Trouble |
18 | |
説 | Opinion, Theory, Explanation, Rumor |
18 | |
名 | Name, Noted, Distinguished, Reputation |
18 | |
輩 | Comrade, Fellow, People, Companions |
17 | |
勝 | Victory, Win, Prevail, Excel |
17 | |
周 | Circumference, Circuit, Lap |
17 | |
建 | Build |
17 | |
故 | Happenstance, Especially, Intentionally, Reason, Cause, Circumstances, The Late, Therefore, Consequently |
17 | |
似 | Becoming, Resemble, Counterfeit, Imitate, Suitable |
17 | |
流 | Current, A Sink, Flow, Forfeit |
17 | |
残 | Remainder, Leftover, Balance |
17 | |
備 | Equip, Provision, Preparation |
17 | |
組 | Association, Braid, Plait, Construct, Assemble, Unite, Cooperate, Grapple |
17 | |
調 | Tune, Tone, Meter, Key (music), Writing Style, Prepare, Exorcise, Investigate, Harmonize, Mediate |
17 | |
反 | Anti- |
17 | |
格 | Status, Rank, Capacity, Character, Case (law, Grammar) |
17 | |
城 | 城 (16) |
Castle |
16 |
遅 | Slow, Late, Back, Later |
16 | |
腹 | Abdomen, Belly, Stomach |
16 | |
銀 | Silver |
16 | |
可 | Can, Passable, Mustn't, Should Not, Do Not |
16 | |
難 | Difficult, Impossible, Trouble, Accident, Defect |
16 | |
英 | England, English, Hero, Outstanding, Calyx |
16 | |
器 | Utensil, Vessel, Receptacle, Implement, Instrument, Ability, Container, Tool, Set |
16 | |
戸 | Door, Counter For Houses, Door Radical (no. 63) |
16 | |
件 | Affair, Case, Matter, Item |
16 | |
給 | Salary, Wage, Gift, Allow, Grant, Bestow On |
16 | |
過 | Overdo, Exceed, Go Beyond, Error |
16 | |
頃 | Time, About, Toward |
16 | |
化 | Change, Take The Form Of, Influence, Enchant, Delude, -ization |
16 | |
常 | Usual, Ordinary, Normal, Common, Regular, Continually, Always, Long-lasting |
16 | |
訳 | Translate, Reason, Circumstance, Case |
16 | |
得 | Gain, Get, Find, Earn, Acquire, Can, May, Able To, Profit, Advantage, Benefit |
16 | |
歩 | Walk, Counter For Steps |
16 | |
終 | End, Finish |
16 | |
数 | Number, Strength, Fate, Law, Figures |
16 | |
成 | Turn Into, Become, Get, Grow, Elapse, Reach |
16 | |
乏 | 貧乏 (15) |
Destitution, Scarce, Limited |
15 |
貧 | 貧乏 (15) |
Poverty, Poor |
15 |
忙 | Busy, Occupied, Restless |
15 | |
声 | Voice |
15 | |
葉 | Leaf, Plane, Lobe, Needle, Blade, Spear, Counter For Flat Things, Fragment, Piece |
15 | |
退 | Retreat, Withdraw, Retire, Resign, Repel, Expel, Reject |
15 | |
輪 | Wheel, Ring, Circle, Link, Loop, Counter For Wheels And Flowers |
15 | |
談 | Discuss, Talk |
15 | |
神 | Gods, Mind, Soul |
15 | |
春 | Springtime, Spring (season) |
15 | |
案 | Plan, Suggestion, Draft, Ponder, Fear, Proposition, Idea, Expectation, Worry, Table, Bench |
15 | |
雑 | Miscellaneous |
15 | |
昼 | Daytime, Noon |
15 | |
遊 | Play |
15 | |
口 | Mouth |
15 | |
立 | Stand Up, Rise, Set Up, Erect |
15 | |
重 | Heavy, Important, Esteem, Respect, Heap Up, Pile Up, Nest Of Boxes, -fold |
15 | |
勤 | Diligence, Become Employed, Serve |
15 | |
信 | Faith, Truth, Fidelity, Trust |
15 | |
路 | Path, Route, Road, Distance |
15 | |
詣 | 初詣 (14) |
Visit A Temple, Arrive, Attain |
14 |
希 | Hope, Beg, Request, Pray, Beseech, Greece, Dilute (acid), Rare, Few, Phenomenal |
14 | |
真 | True, Reality, Buddhist Sect |
14 | |
突 | Stab, Protruding, Thrust, Pierce, Prick, Collision, Sudden |
14 | |
束 | Bundle, Sheaf, Ream, Tie In Bundles, Govern, Manage, Control |
14 | |
寝 | Lie Down, Sleep, Rest, Bed, Remain Unsold |
14 | |
映 | Reflect, Reflection, Projection |
14 | |
駅 | Station |
14 | |
嫌 | Dislike, Detest, Hate |
14 | |
怖 | Dreadful, Be Frightened, Fearful |
14 | |
指 | Finger, Point To, Indicate, Put Into, Play (chess), Measure (ruler) |
14 | |
公 | Public, Prince, Official, Governmental |
14 | |
供 | Submit, Offer, Present, Serve (meal), Accompany |
14 | |
温 | Warm |
14 | |
載 | Ride, Board, Get On, Place, Spread, 10**44, Record, Publish |
14 | |
原 | Meadow, Original, Primitive, Field, Plain, Prairie, Tundra, Wilderness |
14 | |
値 | Price, Cost, Value |
14 | |
商 | Make A Deal, Selling, Dealing In, Merchant |
14 | |
苦 | Suffering, Trial, Worry, Hardship, Feel Bitter, Scowl |
14 | |
士 | Gentleman, Scholar, Samurai, Samurai Radical (no. 33) |
14 | |
便 | Convenience, Facility, Excrement, Feces, Letter, Chance |
14 | |
室 | Room, Apartment, Chamber, Greenhouse, Cellar |
14 | |
迎 | Welcome, Meet, Greet |
14 | |
保 | Protect, Guarantee, Keep, Preserve, Sustain, Support |
14 | |
満 | Full, Fullness, Enough, Satisfy |
14 | |
嬉 | 嬉しい (13) |
Glad, Pleased, Rejoice |
13 |
携 | 携帯 (13) |
Portable, Carry (in Hand), Armed With, Bring Along |
13 |
僕 | Me, I (male), Servant, Manservant |
13 | |
届 | Deliver, Reach, Arrive, Report, Notify, Forward |
13 | |
賃 | Fare, Fee, Hire, Rent, Wages, Charge |
13 | |
祭 | Ritual, Offer Prayers, Celebrate, Deify, Enshrine, Worship |
13 | |
求 | Request, Want, Wish For, Require, Demand |
13 | |
農 | Agriculture, Farmers |
13 | |
接 | Touch, Contact, Adjoin, Piece Together |
13 | |
例 | Example, Custom, Usage, Precedent |
13 | |
具 | Tool, Utensil, Means, Possess, Ingredients, Counter For Armor, Suits, Sets Of Furniture |
13 | |
泉 | Spring, Fountain |
13 | |
礼 | Salute, Bow, Ceremony, Thanks, Remuneration |
13 | |
姉 | Elder Sister |
13 | |
伝 | Transmit, Go Along, Walk Along, Follow, Report, Communicate, Legend, Tradition |
13 | |
曜 | Weekday |
13 | |
現 | Present, Existing, Actual |
13 | |
有 | Possess, Have, Exist, Happen, Occur, Approx |
13 | |
頼 | Trust, Request |
13 | |
台 | Pedestal, A Stand, Counter For Machines And Vehicles |
13 | |
計 | Plot, Plan, Scheme, Measure |
13 | |
念 | Wish, Sense, Idea, Thought, Feeling, Desire, Attention |
13 | |
落 | Fall, Drop, Come Down, Village, Hamlet |
13 | |
介 | 紹介 (12) |
Jammed In, Shellfish, Mediate, Concern Oneself With |
12 |
紹 | 紹介 (12) |
Introduce, Inherit, Help |
12 |
診 | 診断 (12) |
Checkup, Seeing, Diagnose, Examine |
12 |
漫 | Cartoon, Involuntarily, Unrestrained, In Spite Of Oneself, Corrupt |
12 | |
雨 | Rain |
12 | |
助 | Help, Rescue, Assist |
12 | |
景 | Scenery, View |
12 | |
途 | Route, Way, Road |
12 | |
北 | North |
12 | |
痛 | Pain, Hurt, Damage, Bruise |
12 | |
姿 | Figure, Form, Shape |
12 | |
材 | Lumber, Log, Timber, Wood, Materials, Ingredients, Talent |
12 | |
態 | Attitude, Condition, Figure, Appearance, Voice (of Verbs) |
12 | |
余 | Too Much, Myself, Surplus, Other, Remainder |
12 | |
告 | Revelation, Tell, Inform, Announce |
12 | |
野 | Plains, Field, Rustic, Civilian Life |
12 | |
充 | Allot, Fill |
12 | |
際 | Occasion, Side, Edge, Verge, Dangerous, Adventurous, Indecent, Time, When |
12 | |
布 | Linen, Cloth, Spread, Distribute |
12 | |
単 | Simple, One, Single, Merely |
12 | |
式 | Style, Ceremony, Rite, Function, Method, System, Form, Expression |
12 | |
隣 | Neighboring |
12 | |
五 | Five |
12 | |
型 | Mould, Type, Model |
12 | |
師 | Expert, Teacher, Master, Model, Exemplar, Army (incl. Counter), War |
12 | |
晩 | Nightfall, Night |
12 | |
祝 | Celebrate, Congratulate |
12 | |
線 | Line, Track |
12 | |
他 | Other, Another, The Others |
12 | |
丸 | Round, Full (month), Perfection, -ship, Pills, Make Round, Roll Up, Curl Up, Seduce, Explain Away |
12 | |
庫 | Warehouse, Storehouse |
12 | |
空 | Empty, Sky, Void, Vacant, Vacuum |
12 | |
容 | Contain, Form, Looks |
12 | |
戚 | 親戚 (11) |
Grieve, Relatives |
11 |
夏 | Summer |
11 | |
階 | Storey, Stair, Counter For Storeys Of A Building |
11 | |
互 | Mutually, Reciprocally, Together |
11 | |
去 | Gone, Past, Quit, Leave, Elapse, Eliminate, Divorce |
11 | |
絡 | Entwine, Coil Around, Get Caught In |
11 | |
宿 | Inn, Lodging, Relay Station, Dwell, Lodge, Be Pregnant, Home, Dwelling |
11 | |
号 | Nickname, Number, Item, Title, Pseudonym, Name, Call |
11 | |
将 | Leader, Commander, General, Admiral, Or, And Again, Soon, From Now On, Just About |
11 | |
般 | Carrier, Carry, All, General, Sort, Kind |
11 | |
六 | Six |
11 | |
誌 | Document, Records |
11 | |
張 | Lengthen, Counter For Bows & Stringed Instruments, Stretch, Spread, Put Up (tent) |
11 | |
要 | Need, Main Point, Essence, Pivot, Key To |
11 | |
館 | Building, Mansion, Large Building, Palace |
11 | |
記 | Scribe, Account, Narrative |
11 | |
起 | Rouse, Wake Up, Get Up |
11 | |
遣 | Dispatch, Despatch, Send, Give, Donate, Do, Undertake |
11 | |
演 | Performance, Act, Play, Render, Stage |
11 | |
更 | Grow Late, Night Watch, Sit Up Late, Of Course, Renew, Renovate, Again, More And More, Further |
11 | |
能 | Ability, Talent, Skill, Capacity |
11 | |
在 | Exist, Outskirts, Suburbs, Located In |
11 | |
戦 | War, Battle, Match |
11 | |
深 | Deep, Heighten, Intensify, Strengthen |
11 | |
取 | Take, Fetch, Take Up |
11 | |
完 | Perfect, Completion, End |
11 | |
昔 | 昔 (10) |
Once Upon A Time, Antiquity, Old Times |
10 |
飛 | 飛行機 (10) |
Fly, Skip (pages), Scatter |
10 |
古 | Old |
10 | |
妻 | Wife, Spouse |
10 | |
悩 | Trouble, Worry, In Pain, Distress, Illness |
10 | |
貴 | Precious, Value, Prize, Esteem, Honor |
10 | |
像 | Statue, Picture, Image, Figure, Portrait |
10 | |
棒 | Rod, Stick, Cane, Pole, Club, Line |
10 | |
貨 | Freight, Goods, Property |
10 | |
専 | Specialty, Exclusive, Mainly, Solely |
10 | |
算 | Calculate, Divining, Number, Abacus, Probability |
10 | |
団 | Group, Association |
10 | |
採 | Pick, Take, Fetch, Take Up |
10 | |
片 | One-sided, Leaf, Sheet, Right-side Kata Radical (no. 91) |
10 | |
種 | Species, Kind, Class, Variety, Seed |
10 | |
命 | Fate, Command, Decree, Destiny, Life, Appoint |
10 | |
必 | Invariably, Certain, Inevitable |
10 | |
息 | Breath, Respiration, Son, Interest (on Money) |
10 | |
習 | Learn |
10 | |
替 | Exchange, Spare, Substitute, Per- |
10 | |
弁 | Valve, Petal, Braid, Speech, Dialect, Discrimination, Dispose Of, Distinguish, Conical Cap |
10 | |
証 | Evidence, Proof, Certificate |
10 | |
越 | Surpass, Cross Over, Move To, Exceed, Vietnam |
10 | |
編 | Compilation, Knit, Plait, Braid, Twist, Editing, Completed Poem, Part Of A Book |
10 | |
収 | Income, Obtain, Reap, Pay, Supply, Store |
10 | |
向 | Yonder, Facing, Beyond, Confront, Defy, Tend Toward, Approach |
10 | |
覚 | Memorize, Learn, Remember, Awake, Sober Up |
10 | |
返 | Return, Answer, Fade, Repay |
10 | |
妄 | 妄想 (9) |
Delusion, Unnecessarily, Without Authority, Reckless |
9 |
池 | 池 (9) |
Pond, Cistern, Pool, Reservoir |
9 |
倍 | Double, Twice, Times, Fold |
9 | |
娘 | Daughter, Girl |
9 | |
鮮 | Fresh, Vivid, Clear, Brilliant, Korea |
9 | |
寒 | Cold |
9 | |
杯 | Counter For Cupfuls, Wine Glass, Glass, Toast |
9 | |
準 | Semi-, Correspond To, Proportionate To, Conform, Imitate |
9 | |
差 | Distinction, Difference, Variation, Discrepancy, Margin, Balance |
9 | |
築 | Fabricate, Build, Construct |
9 | |
申 | Have The Honor To, Sign Of The Monkey, 3-5pm, Ninth Sign Of Chinese Zodiac |
9 | |
興 | Entertain, Revive, Retrieve, Interest, Pleasure |
9 | |
髪 | Hair Of The Head |
9 | |
交 | Mingle, Mixing, Association, Coming & Going |
9 | |
再 | Again, Twice, Second Time |
9 | |
抜 | Slip Out, Extract, Pull Out, Pilfer, Quote, Remove, Omit |
9 | |
速 | Quick, Fast |
9 | |
泊 | Overnight Stay, Put Up At, Ride At Anchor |
9 | |
優 | Tenderness, Excel, Surpass, Actor, Superiority, Gentleness |
9 | |
任 | Responsibility, Duty, Term, Entrust To, Appoint |
9 | |
判 | Judgement, Signature, Stamp, Seal |
9 | |
四 | Four |
9 | |
太 | Plump, Thick, Big Around |
9 | |
我 | Ego, I, Selfish, Our, Oneself |
9 | |
注 | Pour, Irrigate, Shed (tears), Flow Into, Concentrate On, Notes, Comment, Annotate |
9 | |
第 | No., Residence |
9 | |
青 | Blue, Green |
9 | |
三 | Three |
9 | |
細 | Dainty, Get Thin, Taper, Slender, Narrow, Detailed, Precise |
9 | |
資 | Assets, Resources, Capital, Funds, Data, Be Conducive To, Contribute To |
9 | |
花 | Flower |
9 | |
込 | Crowded, Mixture, In Bulk, Included, (kokuji) |
9 | |
伊 | Italy, That One |
8 | |
紙 | Paper |
8 | |
扱 | Handle, Entertain, Thresh, Strip |
8 | |
担 | Shouldering, Carry, Raise, Bear |
8 | |
研 | Polish, Study Of, Sharpen |
8 | |
究 | Research, Study |
8 | |
逆 | Inverted, Reverse, Opposite, Wicked |
8 | |
困 | Quandary, Become Distressed, Annoyed |
8 | |
境 | Boundary, Border, Region |
8 | |
胸 | Bosom, Breast, Chest, Heart, Feelings |
8 | |
募 | Recruit, Campaign, Gather (contributions), Enlist, Grow Violent |
8 | |
御 | Honorable, Manipulate, Govern |
8 | |
法 | Method, Law, Rule, Principle, Model, System |
8 | |
荘 | Villa, Inn, Cottage, Feudal Manor, Solemn, Dignified |
8 | |
換 | Interchange, Period, Change, Convert, Replace, Renew |
8 | |
個 | Individual, Counter For Articles |
8 | |
氷 | Icicle, Ice, Hail, Freeze, Congeal |
8 | |
稼 | Earnings, Work, Earn Money |
8 | |
荷 | Baggage, Shoulder-pole Load, Bear (a Burden), Shoulder (a Gun), Load, Cargo, Freight |
8 | |
距 | Long-distance, Spur, Fetlock |
8 | |
馬 | Horse |
8 | |
黒 | Black |
8 | |
柱 | Pillar, Post, Cylinder, Support |
8 | |
十 | Ten |
8 | |
庭 | Courtyard, Garden, Yard |
8 | |
戻 | Re-, Return, Revert, Resume, Restore, Go Backwards |
8 | |
支 | Branch, Support, Sustain, Branch Radical (no. 65) |
8 | |
散 | Scatter, Disperse, Spend, Squander |
8 | |
火 | Fire |
8 | |
独 | Single, Alone, Spontaneously, Germany |
8 | |
納 | Settlement, Obtain, Reap, Pay, Supply, Store |
8 | |
設 | Establishment, Provision, Prepare |
8 | |
迷 | Astray, Be Perplexed, In Doubt, Lost, Err, Illusion |
8 | |
惑 | Beguile, Delusion, Perplexity |
8 | |
選 | Elect, Select, Choose, Prefer |
8 | |
魔 | Witch, Demon, Evil Spirit |
8 | |
頑 | Stubborn, Foolish, Firmly |
8 | |
共 | Together, Both, Neither, All, And, Alike, With |
8 | |
割 | Proportion, Comparatively, Divide, Cut, Separate, Split |
8 | |
和 | Harmony, Japanese Style, Peace, Soften, Japan |
8 | |
販 | Marketing, Sell, Trade |
8 | |
座 | Squat, Seat, Cushion, Gathering, Sit |
8 | |
謝 | Apologize, Thank, Refuse |
8 | |
焼 | Bake, Burning |
8 | |
質 | Substance, Quality, Matter, Temperament |
8 | |
書 | Write |
8 | |
賀 | 伊賀 (7) |
Congratulations, Joy |
7 |
厳 | 厳しい (7) |
Stern, Strictness, Severity, Rigidity |
7 |
齢 | 年齢 (7) |
Age |
7 |
悔 | 後悔 (7) |
Repent, Regret |
7 |
憧 | 憧れ (7) |
Yearn After, Long For, Aspire To, Admire, Adore |
7 |
虫 | 虫 (7) |
Insect, Bug, Temper |
7 |
偉 | Admirable, Greatness, Remarkable, Conceited, Famous, Excellent |
7 | |
怪 | Suspicious, Mystery, Apparition |
7 | |
環 | Ring, Circle, Link, Wheel |
7 | |
貯 | Savings, Store, Lay In, Keep, Wear Mustache |
7 | |
趣 | Purport, Gist, Elegance, Interest, Proceed To, Tend, Become |
7 | |
菜 | Vegetable, Side Dish, Greens |
7 | |
危 | Dangerous, Fear, Uneasy |
7 | |
夕 | Evening |
7 | |
復 | Restore, Return To, Revert, Resume |
7 | |
恥 | Shame, Dishonor |
7 | |
識 | Discriminating, Know, Write |
7 | |
掲 | Put Up (a Notice), Put Up, Hoist, Display, Hang Out, Publish, Describe |
7 | |
濃 | Concentrated, Thick, Dark, Undiluted |
7 | |
登 | Ascend, Climb Up |
7 | |
秋 | Autumn |
7 | |
税 | Tax, Duty |
7 | |
類 | Sort, Kind, Variety, Class, Genus |
7 | |
敵 | Enemy, Foe, Opponent |
7 | |
果 | Fruit, Reward, Carry Out, Achieve, Complete, End, Finish, Succeed |
7 | |
染 | Dye, Color, Paint, Stain, Print |
7 | |
貸 | Lend |
7 | |
遺 | Bequeath, Leave Behind, Reserve |
7 | |
湯 | Hot Water, Bath, Hot Spring |
7 | |
袖 | Sleeve, Wing (building), Extension, Give Cold Shoulder |
7 | |
孝 | Filial Piety, Child's Respect |
7 | |
席 | Seat, Mat, Occasion, Place |
7 | |
提 | Propose, Take Along, Carry In Hand |
7 | |
河 | River |
7 | |
皆 | All, Everything |
7 | |
静 | Quiet |
7 | |
存 | Exist, Suppose, Be Aware Of, Believe, Feel |
7 | |
投 | Throw, Discard, Abandon, Launch Into, Join, Invest In, Hurl, Give Up, Sell At A Loss |
7 | |
企 | Undertake, Scheme, Design, Attempt, Plan |
7 | |
講 | Lecture, Club, Association |
7 | |
参 | Nonplussed, Three (in Documents), Going, Coming, Visiting, Visit, Be Defeated, Die, Be Madly In Love, Participate, Take Part In |
7 | |
騒 | Boisterous, Make Noise, Clamor, Disturb, Excite |
7 | |
節 | Node, Season, Period, Occasion, Verse, Clause, Stanza, Honor, Joint, Knuckle, Knob, Knot, Tune, Melody |
7 | |
志 | Intention, Plan, Resolve, Aspire, Motive, Hopes, Shilling |
7 | |
術 | Art, Technique, Skill, Means, Trick, Resources, Magic |
7 | |
死 | Death, Die |
7 | |
県 | Prefecture |
7 | |
読 | Read |
7 | |
邪 | Wicked, Injustice, Wrong |
7 | |
乗 | Ride, Power, Multiplication, Record, Counter For Vehicles, Board, Mount, Join |
7 | |
純 | Genuine, Purity, Innocence, Net (profit) |
7 | |
置 | Placement, Put, Set, Deposit, Leave Behind, Keep, Employ, Pawn |
7 | |
放 | Set Free, Release, Fire, Shoot, Emit, Banish, Liberate |
7 | |
字 | Character, Letter, Word, Section Of Village |
7 | |
敷 | Spread, Pave, Sit, Promulgate |
7 | |
義 | Righteousness, Justice, Morality, Honor, Loyalty, Meaning |
7 | |
芸 | Technique, Art, Craft, Performance, Acting, Trick, Stunt |
7 | |
山 | Mountain |
7 | |
乙 | 乙女 (6) |
The Latter, Duplicate, Strange, Witty, Fishhook Radical (no. 5) |
6 |
裕 | 余裕 (6) |
Abundant, Rich, Fertile |
6 |
勢 | 勢い (6) |
Forces, Energy, Military Strength |
6 |
坪 | 坪 (6) |
Two-mat Area, Approx. Thirty-six Sq Ft |
6 |
尾 | 尾行 (6) |
Tail, End, Counter For Fish, Lower Slope Of Mountain |
6 |
描 | 描く (6) |
Sketch, Compose, Write, Draw, Paint |
6 |
橋 | 橋 (6) |
Bridge |
6 |
猫 | 猫 (6) |
Cat |
6 |
臨 | 臨時 (6) |
Look To, Face, Meet, Confront, Attend, Call On |
6 |
購 | 購入 (6) |
Subscription, Buy |
6 |
署 | 部署 (6) |
Signature, Govt Office, Police Station |
6 |
鍋 | 鍋 (6) |
Pot, Pan, Kettle |
6 |
司 | Director, Official, Govt Office, Rule, Administer |
6 | |
暑 | Sultry, Hot, Summer Heat |
6 | |
標 | Signpost, Seal, Mark, Stamp, Imprint, Symbol, Emblem, Trademark, Evidence, Souvenir, Target |
6 | |
破 | Rend, Rip, Tear, Break, Destroy, Defeat, Frustrate |
6 | |
米 | Rice, Usa, Metre |
6 | |
翌 | The Following, Next |
6 | |
論 | Argument, Discourse |
6 | |
協 | Co-, Cooperation |
6 | |
授 | Impart, Instruct, Grant, Confer |
6 | |
検 | Examination, Investigate |
6 | |
横 | Sideways, Side, Horizontal, Width, Woof, Unreasonable, Perverse |
6 | |
激 | Violent, Get Excited, Enraged, Chafe, Incite |
6 | |
減 | Dwindle, Decrease, Reduce, Decline, Curtail, Get Hungry |
6 | |
済 | Settle (debt, Etc.), Relieve (burden), Finish, Come To An End, Excusable, Need Not |
6 | |
裏 | Back, Amidst, In, Reverse, Inside, Palm, Sole, Rear, Lining, Wrong Side |
6 | |
誘 | Entice, Lead, Tempt, Invite, Ask, Call For, Seduce, Allure |
6 | |
波 | Waves, Billows, Poland |
6 | |
露 | Dew, Tears, Expose, Russia |
6 | |
頭 | Head, Counter For Large Animals |
6 | |
守 | Guard, Protect, Defend, Obey |
6 | |
鳥 | Bird, Chicken |
6 | |
補 | Supplement, Supply, Make Good, Offset, Compensate, Assistant, Learner |
6 | |
康 | Ease, Peace |
6 | |
健 | Healthy, Health, Strength, Persistence |
6 | |
弱 | Weak, Frail |
6 | |
版 | Printing Block, Printing Plate, Edition, Impression, Label |
6 | |
木 | Tree, Wood |
6 | |
歯 | Tooth, Cog |
6 | |
混 | Mix, Blend, Confuse |
6 | |
駄 | Burdensome, Pack Horse, Horse Load, Send By Horse, Trivial, Worthless |
6 | |
甘 | Sweet, Coax, Pamper, Be Content, Sugary |
6 | |
認 | Acknowledge, Witness, Discern, Recognize, Appreciate, Believe |
6 | |
了 | Complete, Finish |
6 | |
視 | Inspection, Regard As, See, Look At |
6 | |
固 | Harden, Set, Clot, Curdle |
6 | |
首 | Neck, Counter For Songs And Poems |
6 | |
層 | Stratum, Social Class, Layer, Story, Floor |
6 | |
級 | Class, Rank, Grade |
6 | |
刻 | Engrave, Cut Fine, Chop, Hash, Mince, Time, Carving |
6 | |
価 | Value, Price |
6 | |
観 | Outlook, Look, Appearance, Condition, View |
6 | |
弟 | Younger Brother, Faithful Service To Elders |
6 | |
円 | Circle, Yen, Round |
6 | |
印 | Stamp, Seal, Mark, Imprint, Symbol, Emblem, Trademark, Evidence, Souvenir, India |
6 | |
喫 | Consume, Eat, Drink, Smoke, Receive (a Blow) |
6 | |
養 | Foster, Bring Up, Rear, Develop, Nurture |
6 | |
異 | Uncommon, Different, Queerness, Strangeness, Wonderful, Curious, Unusual |
6 | |
草 | Grass, Weeds, Herbs, Pasture, Write, Draft |
6 | |
光 | Ray, Light |
6 | |
赤 | Red |
6 | |
非 | Un-, Mistake, Negative, Injustice, Non- |
6 | |
育 | Bring Up, Grow Up, Raise, Rear |
6 | |
菓 | お菓子 (5) |
Candy, Cakes, Fruit |
5 |
丼 | 丼 (5) |
Bowl, Bowl Of Food |
5 |
畳 | 六畳 (5) |
Tatami Mat, Counter For Tatami Mats, Fold, Shut Up, Do Away With |
5 |
右 | 右 (5) |
Right |
5 |
飯 | 夕飯 (5) |
Meal, Boiled Rice |
5 |
裟 | 大袈裟 (5) |
Buddhist Surplice |
5 |
袈 | 大袈裟 (5) |
A Coarse Camlet |
5 |
展 | 展開 (5) |
Unfold, Expand |
5 |
往 | 往復 (5) |
Journey, Travel, Chase Away, Let Go, Going, Before, Formerly |
5 |
暗 | 暗い (5) |
Darkness, Disappear, Shade, Informal, Grow Dark, Be Blinded |
5 |
泣 | 泣く (5) |
Cry, Weep, Moan |
5 |
簡 | 簡単 (5) |
Simplicity, Brevity |
5 |
藍 | 藍染め (5) |
Indigo |
5 |
誤 | 誤解 (5) |
Mistake, Err, Do Wrong, Mislead |
5 |
雰 | 雰囲気 (5) |
Atmosphere, Fog |
5 |
囲 | 雰囲気 (5) |
Surround, Besiege, Store, Paling, Enclosure, Encircle, Preserve, Keep |
5 |
喜 | Rejoice, Take Pleasure In |
5 | |
妙 | Exquisite, Strange, Queer, Mystery, Miracle, Excellent, Delicate, Charming |
5 | |
援 | Abet, Help, Save |
5 | |
払 | Pay, Clear Out, Prune, Banish, Dispose Of |
5 | |
挨 | Approach, Draw Near, Push Open |
5 | |
拶 | Be Imminent, Draw Close |
5 | |
歓 | Delight, Joy |
5 | |
涙 | Tears, Sympathy |
5 | |
額 | Forehead, Tablet, Plaque, Framed Picture, Sum, Amount, Volume |
5 | |
噌 | Boisterous |
5 | |
営 | Occupation, Camp, Perform, Build, Conduct (business) |
5 | |
碗 | Porcelain Bowl, Tea Cup |
5 | |
工 | Craft, Construction, Katakana E Radical (no. 48) |
5 | |
慢 | Ridicule, Laziness |
5 | |
阪 | Heights, Slope |
5 | |
点 | Spot, Point, Mark, Speck, Decimal Point |
5 | |
短 | Short, Brevity, Fault, Defect, Weak Point |
5 | |
豆 | Beans, Pea, Midget |
5 | |
追 | Chase, Drive Away, Follow, Pursue, Meanwhile |
5 | |
加 | Add, Addition, Increase, Join, Include, Canada |
5 | |
歴 | Curriculum, Continuation, Passage Of Time |
5 | |
呼 | Call, Call Out To, Invite |
5 | |
吉 | Good Luck, Joy, Congratulations |
5 | |
利 | Profit, Advantage, Benefit |
5 | |
照 | Illuminate, Shine, Compare, Bashful |
5 | |
増 | Increase, Add, Augment, Gain, Promote |
5 | |
市 | Market, City, Town |
5 | |
制 | System, Law, Rule |
5 | |
技 | Skill, Art, Craft, Ability, Feat, Performance, Vocation, Arts |
5 | |
押 | Push, Stop, Check, Subdue, Attach, Seize, Weight, Shove, Press, Seal, Do In Spite Of |
5 | |
消 | Extinguish, Blow Out, Turn Off, Neutralize, Cancel |
5 | |
劇 | Drama, Play |
5 | |
留 | Detain, Fasten, Halt, Stop |
5 | |
笑 | Laugh |
5 | |
走 | Run |
5 | |
量 | Quantity, Measure, Weight, Amount, Consider, Estimate, Surmise |
5 | |
万 | Ten Thousand, 10,000 |
5 | |
規 | Standard, Measure |
5 | |
己 | Self |
5 | |
七 | 七分袖 (4) |
Seven |
4 |
寂 | 寂しい (4) |
Loneliness, Quietly, Mellow, Mature, Death Of A Priest |
4 |
徒 | 徒歩 (4) |
On Foot, Junior, Emptiness, Vanity, Futility, Uselessness, Ephemeral Thing, Gang, Set, Party, People |
4 |
怒 | 怒り (4) |
Angry, Be Offended |
4 |
除 | 掃除 (4) |
Exclude, Division (x/3), Remove, Abolish, Cancel, Except |
4 |
掃 | 掃除 (4) |
Sweep, Brush |
4 |
索 | 検索 (4) |
Cord, Rope, Searching, Inquiring |
4 |
珍 | 珍しい (4) |
Rare, Curious, Strange |
4 |
構 | 結構 (4) |
Posture, Build, Pretend |
4 |
候 | Climate, Season, Weather, Wait For, Expect |
4 | |
蔵 | Storehouse, Hide, Own, Have, Possess |
4 | |
煮 | Boil, Cook |
4 | |
揚 | Raise, Elevate, Hoist, Praise, Extol, Fry In Deep Fat |
4 | |
恐 | Fear, Dread, Awe |
4 | |
抗 | Confront, Resist, Defy, Oppose |
4 | |
探 | Grope, Search, Look For |
4 | |
松 | Pine Tree |
4 | |
乱 | Riot, War, Disorder, Disturb |
4 | |
眉 | Eyebrow |
4 | |
秘 | Secret, Conceal |
4 | |
等 | Etc., And So Forth, Class (first), Quality, Equal, Similar |
4 | |
晴 | Clear Up |
4 | |
胃 | Stomach, Paunch, Crop, Craw |
4 | |
瞬 | Wink, Blink, Twinkle |
4 | |
角 | Angle, Corner, Square, Horn, Antlers |
4 | |
州 | State, Province |
4 | |
借 | Borrow, Rent |
4 | |
妹 | Younger Sister |
4 | |
凍 | Frozen, Congeal, Refrigerate |
4 | |
即 | Instant, Namely, As Is, Conform, Agree, Adapt |
4 | |
稿 | Draft, Copy, Manuscript, Straw |
4 | |
街 | Boulevard, Street, Town |
4 | |
森 | Forest, Woods |
4 | |
姑 | Mother-in-law |
4 | |
島 | Island |
4 | |
影 | Shadow, Silhouette, Phantom |
4 | |
慣 | Accustomed, Get Used To, Become Experienced |
4 | |
締 | Tighten, Tie, Shut, Lock, Fasten |
4 | |
改 | Reformation, Change, Modify, Mend, Renew, Examine, Inspect, Search |
4 | |
刊 | Publish, Carve, Engrave |
4 | |
施 | Give, Bestow, Perform, Alms |
4 | |
模 | Imitation, Copy, Mock |
4 | |
練 | Practice, Gloss, Train, Drill, Polish, Refine |
4 | |
滞 | Stagnate, Be Delayed, Overdue, Arrears |
4 | |
渡 | Transit, Ford, Ferry, Cross, Import, Deliver, Diameter, Migrate |
4 | |
王 | King, Rule, Magnate |
4 | |
撮 | Snapshot, Take Pictures |
4 | |
止 | Stop, Halt |
4 | |
禁 | Prohibition, Ban, Forbid |
4 | |
競 | Emulate, Compete With, Bid, Sell At Auction, Bout, Contest, Race |
4 | |
争 | Contend, Dispute, Argue |
4 | |
率 | Ratio, Rate, Proportion, %, Factor, Lead, Spearhead, Command |
4 | |
縁 | Affinity, Relation, Connection, Edge, Border, Verge, Brink |
4 | |
老 | Old Man, Old Age, Grow Old |
4 | |
脱 | Undress, Removing, Escape From, Get Rid Of, Be Left Out, Take Off |
4 | |
腰 | Loins, Hips, Waist, Low Wainscoting |
4 | |
豚 | Pork, Pig |
4 | |
象 | Elephant, Pattern After, Imitate, Image, Shape, Sign (of The Times) |
4 | |
極 | Poles, Settlement, Conclusion, End, Highest Rank, Electric Poles, Very, Extremely, Most, Highly, 10**48 |
4 | |
門 | Gate, Counter For Cannons |
4 | |
骨 | Skeleton, Bone, Remains, Frame |
4 | |
盛 | Boom, Prosper, Copulate |
4 | |
板 | Plank, Board, Plate, Stage |
4 | |
音 | Sound, Noise |
4 | |
振 | Shake, Wave, Wag, Swing |
4 | |
権 | Authority, Power, Rights |
4 | |
辞 | お世辞 (3) |
Resign, Word, Term, Expression |
3 |
詫 | お詫び (3) |
Apologize |
3 |
石 | 一石二鳥 (3) |
Stone |
3 |
倫 | 不倫 (3) |
Ethics, Companion |
3 |
憩 | 休憩 (3) |
Recess, Rest, Relax, Repose |
3 |
欧 | 北欧 (3) |
Europe |
3 |
厚 | 厚意 (3) |
Thick, Heavy, Rich, Kind, Cordial, Brazen, Shameless |
3 |
各 | 各地 (3) |
Each, Every, Either |
3 |
唐 | 唐揚げ (3) |
T'ang, China, Foreign |
3 |
噂 | 噂 (3) |
Rumor, Gossip, Hearsay |
3 |
季 | 季節 (3) |
Seasons |
3 |
寸 | 寸前 (3) |
Measurement, Tenth Of A Shaku, A Little, Small |
3 |
策 | 対策 (3) |
Scheme, Plan, Policy, Step, Means |
3 |
痴 | 愚痴 (3) |
Stupid, Foolish |
3 |
愚 | 愚痴 (3) |
Foolish, Folly, Absurdity, Stupid |
3 |
抵 | 抵抗 (3) |
Resist, Reach, Touch |
3 |
曲 | 曲 (3) |
Bend, Music, Melody, Composition, Pleasure, Injustice, Fault, Curve, Crooked, Perverse, Lean |
3 |
躍 | 活躍 (3) |
Leap, Dance, Skip |
3 |
派 | 派 (3) |
Faction, Group, Party, Clique, Sect, School |
3 |
淋 | 淋しい (3) |
Lonely, Deserted |
3 |
矢 | 無理矢理 (3) |
Dart, Arrow |
3 |
庁 | 県庁 (3) |
Government Office |
3 |
密 | 秘密 (3) |
Secrecy, Density (pop), Minuteness, Carefulness |
3 |
港 | 空港 (3) |
Harbor |
3 |
羨 | 羨ましい (3) |
Envious, Be Jealous, Covet |
3 |
菌 | 菌 (3) |
Germ, Fungus, Bacteria |
3 |
薄 | 薄情 (3) |
Dilute, Thin, Weak (tea), Pampas Grass |
3 |
賭 | 賭け (3) |
Gamble, Wager, Bet |
3 |
郵 | 郵便 (3) |
Mail, Stagecoach Stop |
3 |
属 | 配属 (3) |
Belong, Genus, Subordinate Official, Affiliated |
3 |
麺 | 麺 (3) |
Noodles, Wheat Flour |
3 |
嬢 | Lass, Girl, Miss, Daughter |
3 | |
寺 | Buddhist Temple |
3 | |
汁 | Soup, Juice, Broth, Sap, Gravy, Pus |
3 | |
議 | Deliberation, Consultation, Debate, Consideration |
3 | |
釣 | Angling, Fish, Catch, Allure, Ensnare |
3 | |
亭 | Pavilion, Restaurant, Mansion, Arbor, Cottage, Vaudeville, Music Hall, Stage Name |
3 | |
官 | Bureaucrat, The Government, Organ |
3 | |
低 | Lower, Short, Humble |
3 | |
順 | Obey, Order, Turn, Right, Docility, Occasion |
3 | |
旦 | Daybreak, Dawn, Morning |
3 | |
譲 | Defer, Turnover, Transfer, Convey |
3 | |
粧 | Cosmetics, Adorn (one's Person) |
3 | |
医 | Doctor, Medicine |
3 | |
千 | Thousand |
3 | |
午 | Noon, Sign Of The Horse, 11am-1pm, Seventh Sign Of Chinese Zodiac |
3 | |
卵 | Egg, Ovum, Spawn, Roe |
3 | |
誉 | Reputation, Praise, Honor, Glory |
3 | |
挽 | Saw, Turn (lathe), Grind |
3 | |
基 | Fundamentals, Radical (chem), Counter For Machines, Foundation |
3 | |
墓 | Grave, Tomb |
3 | |
敗 | Failure, Defeat, Reversal |
3 | |
孫 | Grandchild, Descendants |
3 | |
璧 | Sphere, Ball |
3 | |
宝 | Treasure, Wealth, Valuables |
3 | |
柄 | Design, Pattern, Build, Nature, Character, Handle, Crank, Grip, Knob, Shaft |
3 | |
巾 | Towel, Hanging Scroll, Width, Cloth Radical (no. 50) |
3 | |
幻 | Phantasm, Vision, Dream, Illusion, Apparition |
3 | |
推 | Conjecture, Infer, Guess, Suppose, Support, Push (for) |
3 | |
善 | Virtuous, Good, Goodness |
3 | |
効 | Merit, Efficacy, Efficiency, Benefit |
3 | |
札 | Tag, Paper Money, Counter For Bonds, Placard, Bid |
3 | |
杏 | Apricot |
3 | |
仁 | Humanity, Virtue, Benevolence, Charity, Man, Kernel |
3 | |
栄 | Flourish, Prosperity, Honor, Glory, Splendor |
3 | |
討 | Chastise, Attack, Defeat, Destroy, Conquer |
3 | |
比 | Compare, Race, Ratio, Philippines |
3 | |
縄 | Straw Rope, Cord |
3 | |
洋 | Ocean, Sea, Foreign, Western Style |
3 | |
濯 | Laundry, Wash, Pour On, Rinse |
3 | |
炭 | Charcoal, Coal |
3 | |
為 | Do, Change, Make, Benefit, Welfare, Be Of Use, Reach To, Try, Practice, Cost, Serve As, Good, Advantage, As A Result Of |
3 | |
糖 | Sugar |
3 | |
移 | Shift, Move, Change, Drift, Catch (cold, Fire), Pass Into |
3 | |
穴 | Hole, Aperture, Slit, Cave, Den |
3 | |
腕 | Arm, Ability, Talent |
3 | |
袋 | Sack, Bag, Pouch |
3 | |
悟 | Enlightenment, Perceive, Discern, Realize, Understand |
3 | |
請 | Solicit, Invite, Ask |
3 | |
責 | Blame, Condemn, Censure |
3 | |
賞 | Prize, Reward, Praise |
3 | |
沢 | Swamp, Marsh, Brilliance, Grace |
3 | |
適 | Suitable, Occasional, Rare, Qualified, Capable |
3 | |
択 | Choose, Select, Elect, Prefer |
3 | |
酸 | Acid, Bitterness, Sour, Tart |
3 | |
銭 | Coin, .01 Yen, Money |
3 | |
催 | Sponsor, Hold (a Meeting), Give (a Dinner) |
3 | |
陸 | Land, Six |
3 | |
隊 | Regiment, Party, Company, Squad |
3 | |
飼 | Domesticate, Raise, Keep, Feed |
3 | |
黄 | Yellow |
3 | |
揃 | Be Complete, Uniform, All Present |
3 | |
華 | Splendor, Flower, Petal, Shine, Luster, Ostentatious, Showy, Gay, Gorgeous |
3 | |
降 | Descend, Precipitate, Fall, Surrender |
3 | |
統 | Overall, Relationship, Ruling, Governing |
3 | |
護 | Safeguard, Protect |
3 | |
儀 | Ceremony, Rule, Affair, Case, A Matter |
3 | |
熱 | Heat, Temperature, Fever, Mania, Passion |
3 | |
貫 | Pierce, 8 1/3lbs, Penetrate, Brace |
3 | |
図 | Map, Drawing, Plan, Extraordinary, Audacious |
3 | |
答 | Solution, Answer |
3 | |
圧 | Pressure, Push, Overwhelm, Oppress, Dominate |
3 | |
鉄 | Iron |
3 | |
製 | Made In..., Manufacture |
3 | |
根 | Root, Radical, Head (pimple) |
3 | |
才 | Genius, Years Old, Cubic Shaku |
3 | |
欠 | Lack, Gap, Fail, Yawning Radical (no. 76) |
3 | |
預 | Deposit, Custody, Leave With, Entrust To |
3 | |
積 | Volume, Product (x*y), Acreage, Contents, Pile Up, Stack, Load, Amass |
3 | |
忘 | Forget |
3 | |
示 | Show, Indicate, Point Out, Express, Display |
3 | |
闘 | Fight, War |
3 | |
折 | Fold, Break, Fracture, Bend, Yield, Submit |
3 | |
治 | Reign, Be At Peace, Calm Down, Subdue, Quell, Govt, Cure, Heal, Rule, Conserve |
3 | |
武 | Warrior, Military, Chivalry, Arms |
3 | |
毛 | Fur, Hair, Feather, Down |
3 | |
涼 | Refreshing, Nice And Cool |
3 | |
猛 | Fierce, Rave, Rush, Become Furious, Wildness, Strength |
3 | |
継 | Inherit, Succeed, Continue, Patch, Graft (tree) |
3 | |
評 | Evaluate, Criticism, Comment |
3 | |
豪 | Overpowering, Great, Powerful, Excelling, Australia |
3 | |
盆 | お盆 (2) |
Basin, Lantern Festival, Tray |
2 |
九 | 九州 (2) |
Nine |
2 |
障 | 保障 (2) |
Hinder, Hurt, Harm |
2 |
停 | 停電 (2) |
Halt, Stopping |
2 |
位 | 優先順位 (2) |
Rank, Grade, Throne, Crown, About, Some |
2 |
冊 | 冊 (2) |
Tome, Counter For Books, Volume |
2 |
冒 | 冒険 (2) |
Risk, Face, Defy, Dare, Damage, Assume (a Name) |
2 |
冗 | 冗談 (2) |
Superfluous, Uselessness |
2 |
凄 | 凄い (2) |
Uncanny, Weird, Threatening, Horrible |
2 |
到 | 到着 (2) |
Arrival, Proceed, Reach, Attain, Result In |
2 |
副 | 副 (2) |
Vice-, Assistant, Aide, Duplicate, Copy |
2 |
勘 | 勘弁 (2) |
Intuition, Perception, Check, Compare, Sixth Sense |
2 |
勧 | 勧誘 (2) |
Persuade, Recommend, Advise, Encourage, Offer |
2 |
勿 | 勿体ない (2) |
Not, Must Not, Do Not, Be Not |
2 |
湾 | 台湾 (2) |
Gulf, Bay, Inlet |
2 |
詞 | 台詞 (2) |
Part Of Speech, Words, Poetry |
2 |
祥 | 吉祥 (2) |
Auspicious, Happiness, Blessedness, Good Omen, Good Fortune |
2 |
僚 | 同僚 (2) |
Colleague, Official, Companion |
2 |
君 | 君ら (2) |
Mister, You, Ruler, Male Name Suffix |
2 |
域 | 地域 (2) |
Range, Region, Limits, Stage, Level |
2 |
壁 | 壁 (2) |
Wall, Lining (stomach), Fence |
2 |
陽 | 太陽 (2) |
Sunshine, Yang Principle, Positive, Male, Heaven, Daytime |
2 |
契 | 契約 (2) |
Pledge, Promise, Vow |
2 |
奨 | 奨学金 (2) |
Exhort, Urge, Encourage |
2 |
姫 | 姫 (2) |
Princess |
2 |
寄 | 年寄り (2) |
Draw Near, Stop In, Bring Near, Gather, Collect, Send, Forward |
2 |
肝 | 度肝 (2) |
Liver, Pluck, Nerve, Chutzpah |
2 |
還 | 強制送還 (2) |
Send Back, Return |
2 |
響 | 影響 (2) |
Echo, Sound, Resound, Ring, Vibrate |
2 |
惜 | 惜しい (2) |
Pity, Be Sparing Of, Frugal, Stingy, Regret |
2 |
打 | 打ち合わせ (2) |
Strike, Hit, Knock, Pound, Dozen |
2 |
把 | 把握 (2) |
Grasp, Faggot, Bunch, Counter For Bundles |
2 |
握 | 把握 (2) |
Grip, Hold, Mould Sushi, Bribe |
2 |
披 | 披露宴 (2) |
Expose, Open |
2 |
宴 | 披露宴 (2) |
Banquet, Feast, Party |
2 |
控 | 控え (2) |
Withdraw, Draw In, Hold Back, Refrain From, Be Moderate |
2 |
薦 | 推薦 (2) |
Recommend, Mat, Advise, Encourage, Offer |
2 |
救 | 救急車 (2) |
Salvation, Save, Help, Rescue, Reclaim |
2 |
句 | 文句 (2) |
Phrase, Clause, Sentence, Passage, Paragraph, Counter For Haiku |
2 |
棚 | 本棚 (2) |
Shelf, Ledge, Rack, Mount, Mantle, Trellis |
2 |
幌 | 札幌 (2) |
Canopy, Awning, Hood, Curtain |
2 |
株 | 株 (2) |
Stocks, Stump, Shares, Stock, Counter For Small Plants |
2 |
史 | 歴史 (2) |
History, Chronicle |
2 |
較 | 比較 (2) |
Contrast, Compare |
2 |
軽 | 気軽に (2) |
Lightly, Trifling, Unimportant |
2 |
沖 | 沖縄 (2) |
Open Sea, Offing, Rise High Into Sky |
2 |
渋 | 渋滞 (2) |
Astringent, Hesitate, Reluctant, Have Diarrhea |
2 |
酎 | 焼酎 (2) |
Sake |
2 |
狭 | 狭い (2) |
Cramped, Narrow, Contract, Tight |
2 |
百 | 百貨店 (2) |
Hundred |
2 |
盗 | 盗撮 (2) |
Steal, Rob, Pilfer |
2 |
砂 | 砂糖 (2) |
Sand |
2 |
秒 | 秒 (2) |
Second (1/60 Minute) |
2 |
粉 | 粉 (2) |
Flour, Powder, Dust |
2 |
絞 | 絞る (2) |
Strangle, Constrict, Wring |
2 |
緊 | 緊張 (2) |
Tense, Solid, Hard, Reliable, Tight |
2 |
肯 | 肯定 (2) |
Agreement, Consent, Comply With |
2 |
脳 | 脳天気 (2) |
Brain, Memory |
2 |
炊 | 自炊 (2) |
Cook, Boil |
2 |
裾 | 裾 (2) |
Cuff, Hem, Foot Of Mountain |
2 |
劣 | 見劣り (2) |
Inferiority, Be Inferior To, Be Worse |
2 |
憶 | 記憶 (2) |
Recollection, Think, Remember |
2 |
訴 | 訴える (2) |
Accusation, Sue, Complain Of Pain, Appeal To |
2 |
詳 | 詳しい (2) |
Detailed, Full, Minute, Accurate, Well-informed |
2 |
誠 | 誠に (2) |
Sincerity, Admonish, Warn, Prohibit, Truth, Fidelity |
2 |
富 | 豊富 (2) |
Wealth, Enrich, Abundant |
2 |
豊 | 豊富 (2) |
Bountiful, Excellent, Rich |
2 |
財 | 財布 (2) |
Property, Money, Wealth, Assets |
2 |
贅 | 贅沢 (2) |
Luxury |
2 |
帳 | 通帳 (2) |
Notebook, Account Book, Album, Curtain, Veil, Net, Tent |
2 |
録 | 録画 (2) |
Record |
2 |
閉 | 閉店 (2) |
Closed, Shut |
2 |
陶 | 陶芸 (2) |
Pottery, Porcelain |
2 |
雪 | 雪解け (2) |
Snow |
2 |
零 | 零 (2) |
Zero, Spill, Overflow, Nothing, Cipher |
2 |
圏 | 首都圏 (2) |
Sphere, Circle, Radius, Range |
2 |
麻 | 麻布 (2) |
Hemp, Flax, Numb |
2 |
舞 | Dance, Flit, Circle, Wheel |
2 | |
絵 | Picture, Drawing, Painting, Sketch |
2 | |
箱 | Box, Chest, Case, Bin, Railway Car |
2 | |
枚 | Sheet Of..., Counter For Flat Thin Objects Or Sheets |
2 | |
筋 | Muscle, Sinew, Tendon, Fiber, Plot, Plan, Descent |
2 | |
覧 | Perusal, See |
2 | |
測 | Fathom, Plan, Scheme, Measure |
2 | |
脂 | Fat, Grease, Tallow, Lard, Rosin, Gum, Tar |
2 | |
肪 | Obese, Fat |
2 | |
仏 | Buddha, The Dead, France |
2 | |
修 | Discipline, Conduct Oneself Well, Study, Master |
2 | |
倹 | Frugal, Economy, Thrifty |
2 | |
傷 | Wound, Hurt, Injure, Impair, Pain, Injury, Cut, Gash, Scar, Weak Point |
2 | |
沈 | Sink, Be Submerged, Subside, Be Depressed, Aloes |
2 | |
捨 | Discard, Throw Away, Abandon, Resign, Reject, Sacrifice |
2 | |
挑 | Challenge, Contend For, Make Love To |
2 | |
耳 | Ear |
2 | |
称 | Appellation, Praise, Admire, Name, Title, Fame |
2 | |
列 | File, Row, Rank, Tier, Column |
2 | |
剤 | Dose, Medicine, Drug |
2 | |
区 | Ward, District |
2 | |
熟 | Mellow, Ripen, Mature, Acquire Skill |
2 | |
南 | South |
2 | |
則 | Rule, Follow, Based On, Model After |
2 | |
爆 | Bomb, Burst Open, Pop, Split |
2 | |
鍵 | Key |
2 | |
否 | Negate, No, Noes, Refuse, Decline, Deny |
2 | |
呪 | Spell, Curse, Charm, Malediction |
2 | |
哀 | Pathetic, Grief, Sorrow, Pathos, Pity, Sympathize |
2 | |
寿 | Longevity, Congratulations, One's Natural Life |
2 | |
均 | Level, Average |
2 | |
塩 | Salt |
2 | |
夢 | Dream, Vision, Illusion |
2 | |
領 | Jurisdiction, Dominion, Territory, Fief, Reign |
2 | |
奇 | Strange, Strangeness, Curiosity |
2 | |
績 | Exploits, Achievements, Unreeling Cocoons |
2 | |
委 | Committee, Entrust To, Leave To, Devote, Discard |
2 | |
坊 | Boy, Priest's Residence, Priest |
2 | |
尊 | Revered, Valuable, Precious, Noble, Exalted |
2 | |
底 | Bottom, Sole, Depth, Bottom Price, Base, Kind, Sort |
2 | |
快 | Cheerful, Pleasant, Agreeable, Comfortable |
2 | |
恩 | Grace, Kindness, Goodness, Favor, Mercy, Blessing, Benefit |
2 | |
悲 | Grieve, Sad, Deplore, Regret |
2 | |
媛 | Beautiful Woman, Princess |
2 | |
懐 | Pocket, Feelings, Heart, Yearn, Miss Someone, Become Attached To, Bosom, Breast |
2 | |
粋 | Chic, Style, Purity, Essence, Pith, Cream, Elite, Choice |
2 | |
拝 | Worship, Adore, Pray To |
2 | |
損 | Damage, Loss, Disadvantage, Hurt, Injure |
2 | |
政 | Politics, Government |
2 | |
整 | Organize, Arranging, Tune, Tone, Meter, Key (music) |
2 | |
永 | Eternity, Long, Lengthy |
2 | |
端 | Edge, Origin, End, Point, Border, Verge, Cape |
2 | |
装 | Attire, Dress, Pretend, Disguise, Profess |
2 | |
矯 | Rectify, Straighten, Correct, Reform, Cure, Control, Pretend, Falsify |
2 | |
湖 | Lake |
2 | |
魚 | Fish |
2 | |
詰 | Packed, Close, Pressed, Reprove, Rebuke, Blame |
2 | |
甲 | Armor, High (voice), A Grade, First Class, Former, Instep, Carapace |
2 | |
疎 | Alienate, Rough, Neglect, Shun, Sparse, Penetrate |
2 | |
疑 | Doubt, Distrust, Be Suspicious, Question |
2 | |
撃 | Beat, Attack, Defeat, Conquer |
2 | |
看 | Watch Over, See |
2 | |
穏 | Calm, Quiet, Moderation |
2 | |
朴 | Crude, Simple, Plain, Docile |
2 | |
賛 | Approve, Praise, Title Or Inscription On Picture, Assist, Agree With |
2 | |
総 | General, Whole, All, Full, Total |
2 | |
背 | Stature, Height, Back, Behind, Disobey, Defy, Go Back On, Rebel |
2 | |
脇 | Armpit, The Other Way, Another Place, Flank, Supporting Role |
2 | |
著 | Renowned, Publish, Write, Remarkable, Phenomenal, Put On, Don, Wear, Arrival, Finish (race), Counter For Suits Of Clothing, Literary Work |
2 | |
貰 | Get, Have, Obtain |
2 | |
跡 | Tracks, Mark, Print, Impression |
2 | |
軟 | Soft |
2 | |
遭 | Encounter, Meet, Party, Association, Interview, Join |
2 | |
鈍 | Dull, Slow, Foolish, Blunt |
2 | |
臭 | うさん臭い (1) |
Stinking, Ill-smelling, Suspicious Looking, Odor, Savor, Fragrance, Be Fragrant, Stink, Glow, Be Bright |
1 |
祈 | お祈り (1) |
Pray, Wish |
1 |
酌 | お酌 (1) |
Bar-tending, Serving Sake, The Host, Draw (water), Ladle, Scoop, Pump |
1 |
漏 | だだ漏れ (1) |
Leak, Escape, Time |
1 |
崩 | なし崩し (1) |
Crumble, Die, Demolish, Level |
1 |
拘 | にも拘わらず (1) |
Arrest, Seize, Concerned, Adhere To, Despite |
1 |
球 | プロ野球 (1) |
Ball, Sphere |
1 |
軒 | 一軒 (1) |
Flats, Counter For Houses, Eaves |
1 |
旬 | 下旬 (1) |
Decameron, Ten-day Period, Season (for Specific Products) |
1 |
个 | 个 (1) |
Counter For Articles, Individual |
1 |
乾 | 乾杯 (1) |
Drought, Dry, Dessicate, Drink Up, Heaven, Emperor |
1 |
承 | 了承 (1) |
Acquiesce, Hear, Listen To, Be Informed, Receive |
1 |
鈴 | 予鈴 (1) |
Small Bell, Buzzer |
1 |
云 | 云々 (1) |
Say |
1 |
渉 | 交渉力 (1) |
Ford, Go Cross, Transit, Ferry, Import, Involve |
1 |
仙 | 仙台 (1) |
Hermit, Wizard, Cent |
1 |
仮 | 仮説 (1) |
Sham, Temporary, Interim, Assumed (name), Informal |
1 |
依 | 依頼 (1) |
Reliant, Depend On, Consequently, Therefore, Due To |
1 |
倉 | 倉庫 (1) |
Godown, Warehouse, Storehouse, Cellar, Treasury |
1 |
偶 | 偶然 (1) |
Accidentally, Even Number, Couple, Man & Wife, Same Kind |
1 |
傘 | 傘 (1) |
Umbrella |
1 |
憂 | 備えあれば憂いなし (1) |
Melancholy, Grieve, Lament, Be Anxious, Sad, Unhappy |
1 |
傾 | 傾 (1) |
Lean, Incline, Tilt, Trend, Wane, Sink, Ruin, Bias |
1 |
億 | 億万長者 (1) |
Hundred Million, 10**8 |
1 |
浸 | 入り浸る (1) |
Immersed, Soak, Dip, Steep, Moisten, Wet, Dunk |
1 |
裂 | 内部分裂 (1) |
Split, Rend, Tear |
1 |
掛 | 出掛ける (1) |
Hang, Suspend, Depend, Arrive At, Tax, Pour |
1 |
刀 | 刀 (1) |
Sword, Saber, Knife |
1 |
刃 | 刃 (1) |
Blade, Sword, Edge |
1 |
析 | 分析 (1) |
Chop, Divide, Tear, Analyze |
1 |
符 | 切符 (1) |
Token, Sign, Mark, Tally, Charm |
1 |
徹 | 初志貫徹 (1) |
Penetrate, Clear, Pierce, Strike Home, Sit Up (all Night) |
1 |
剣 | 剣 (1) |
Sabre, Sword, Blade, Clock Hand |
1 |
努 | 努力 (1) |
Toil, Diligent, As Much As Possible |
1 |
励 | 励み (1) |
Encourage, Be Diligent, Inspire |
1 |
勇 | 勇気 (1) |
Courage, Cheer Up, Be In High Spirits, Bravery, Heroism |
1 |
園 | 動物園 (1) |
Park, Garden, Yard, Farm |
1 |
匂 | 匂い (1) |
Fragrant, Stink, Glow, Insinuate, (kokuji) |
1 |
刷 | 印刷 (1) |
Printing, Print, Brush |
1 |
因 | 原因 (1) |
Cause, Factor, Be Associated With, Depend On, Be Limited To |
1 |
又 | 又は (1) |
Or Again, Furthermore, On The Other Hand |
1 |
叔 | 叔父さん (1) |
Uncle, Youth |
1 |
封 | 同封 (1) |
Seal, Closing |
1 |
負 | 名前負け (1) |
Defeat, Negative, -, Minus, Bear, Owe, Assume A Responsibility |
1 |
縛 | 呪縛 (1) |
Truss, Arrest, Bind, Tie, Restrain |
1 |
咲 | 咲く (1) |
Blossom, Bloom |
1 |
唯 | 唯一 (1) |
Solely, Only, Merely, Simply |
1 |
喉 | 喉から手が出る (1) |
Throat, Voice |
1 |
喋 | 喋り (1) |
Talk, Chat, Chatter |
1 |
喪 | 喪失感 (1) |
Miss, Mourning |
1 |
嘘 | 嘘 (1) |
Lie, Falsehood |
1 |
塊 | 団塊ジュニア (1) |
Clod, Lump, Chunk, Clot, Mass |
1 |
欒 | 団欒 (1) |
Chinaberry Tree, Round, Harmonious |
1 |
民 | 国民年金 (1) |
People, Nation, Subjects |
1 |
佐 | 土佐 (1) |
Assistant, Help |
1 |
執 | 執着 (1) |
Tenacious, Take Hold, Grasp, Take To Heart |
1 |
培 | 培養 (1) |
Cultivate, Foster |
1 |
堂 | 堂々 (1) |
Public Chamber, Hall |
1 |
塗 | 塗り (1) |
Paint, Plaster, Daub, Smear, Coating |
1 |
荒 | 大荒れ (1) |
Laid Waste, Rough, Rude, Wild |
1 |
井 | 天井 (1) |
Well, Well Crib, Town, Community |
1 |
奔 | 奔走 (1) |
Run, Bustle |
1 |
娠 | 妊娠 (1) |
With Child, Pregnancy |
1 |
妊 | 妊娠 (1) |
Pregnancy |
1 |
妖 | 妖怪 (1) |
Attractive, Bewitching, Calamity |
1 |
妥 | 妥当 (1) |
Gentle, Peace, Depravity |
1 |
婆 | 婆 (1) |
Old Woman, Grandma, Wet Nurse |
1 |
宛 | 宛 (1) |
Address, Just Like, Fortunately |
1 |
舗 | 実店舗 (1) |
Shop, Store, Pave |
1 |
宣 | 宣伝 (1) |
Proclaim, Say, Announce |
1 |
赦 | 容赦 (1) |
Pardon, Forgiveness |
1 |
査 | 審査 (1) |
Investigate |
1 |
審 | 審査 (1) |
Hearing, Judge, Trial |
1 |
処 | 対処 (1) |
Dispose, Manage, Deal With, Sentence, Condemn, Act, Behave, Place |
1 |
敬 | 尊敬 (1) |
Awe, Respect, Honor, Revere |
1 |
尋 | 尋常 (1) |
Inquire, Fathom, Look For |
1 |
崖 | 崖っぷち (1) |
Cliff, Bluff, Precipice |
1 |
嵐 | 嵐の前の静けさ (1) |
Storm, Tempest |
1 |
襷 | 帯に短し襷に長し (1) |
Cord To Hold Up Sleeves, (kokuji) |
1 |
凡 | 平凡 (1) |
Commonplace, Ordinary, Mediocre |
1 |
瀬 | 年の瀬 (1) |
Rapids, Current, Torrent, Shallows, Shoal |
1 |
聴 | 幻聴 (1) |
Listen, Headstrong, Naughty, Careful Inquiry |
1 |
辺 | 底辺 (1) |
Environs, Boundary, Border, Vicinity |
1 |
弊 | 弊社 (1) |
Abuse, Evil, Vice, Breakage |
1 |
導 | 引導 (1) |
Guidance, Leading, Conduct, Usher |
1 |
彩 | 彩る (1) |
Coloring, Paint, Makeup |
1 |
微 | 微笑み (1) |
Delicate, Minuteness, Insignificance |
1 |
須 | 必須 (1) |
Ought, By All Means, Necessarily |
1 |
逝 | 急逝 (1) |
Departed, Die |
1 |
怯 | 怯える (1) |
Cowardice, Wince, Flinch, Hesitate, Waver |
1 |
徳 | 悪徳 (1) |
Benevolence, Virtue, Goodness, Commanding Respect |
1 |
惰 | 惰性 (1) |
Lazy, Laziness |
1 |
銘 | 感銘 (1) |
Inscription, Signature (of Artisan) |
1 |
慌 | 慌てる (1) |
Disconcerted, Be Confused, Lose One's Head |
1 |
功 | 成功 (1) |
Achievement, Merits, Success, Honor, Credit |
1 |
戴 | 戴きます (1) |
Be Crowned With, Live Under (a Ruler), Receive |
1 |
詮 | 所詮 (1) |
Discussion, Methods Called For, Selection, Result |
1 |
扉 | 扉 (1) |
Front Door, Title Page, Front Page |
1 |
招 | 招集 (1) |
Beckon, Invite, Summon, Engage |
1 |
挿 | 挿む (1) |
Insert, Put In, Graft, Wear (sword) |
1 |
掴 | 掴む (1) |
Catch, Seize, Grasp, Hold, Arrest, Capture |
1 |
操 | 操作 (1) |
Maneuver, Manipulate, Operate, Steer, Chastity, Virginity, Fidelity |
1 |
造 | 改造 (1) |
Create, Make, Structure, Physique |
1 |
棄 | 放棄 (1) |
Abandon, Throw Away, Discard, Resign, Reject, Sacrifice |
1 |
章 | 文章 (1) |
Badge, Chapter, Composition, Poem, Design |
1 |
幹 | 新幹線 (1) |
Tree Trunk, Main Part, Talent, Capability |
1 |
既 | 既婚男性 (1) |
Previously, Already, Long Ago |
1 |
那 | 旦那 (1) |
What? |
1 |
易 | 易 (1) |
Easy, Ready To, Simple, Fortune-telling, Divination |
1 |
昭 | 昭和 (1) |
Shining, Bright |
1 |
腐 | 杏仁豆腐 (1) |
Rot, Decay, Sour |
1 |
枝 | 枝ぶり (1) |
Bough, Branch, Twig, Limb, Counter For Branches |
1 |
某 | 某 (1) |
So-and-so, One, A Certain, That Person |
1 |
桁 | 桁 (1) |
Beam, Girder, Spar, Unit Or Column (accounting) |
1 |
梅 | 梅酒 (1) |
Plum |
1 |
槍 | 横槍 (1) |
Spear, Lance, Javelin |
1 |
浜 | 横浜 (1) |
Seacoast, Beach, Seashore |
1 |
械 | 機械 (1) |
Contraption, Fetter, Machine, Instrument |
1 |
欄 | 欄 (1) |
Column, Handrail, Blank, Space |
1 |
航 | 欠航 (1) |
Navigate, Sail, Cruise, Fly |
1 |
殆 | 殆ど (1) |
Almost, Quite, Really |
1 |
殺 | 殺し (1) |
Kill, Murder, Butcher, Slice Off, Split, Diminish, Reduce, Spoil |
1 |
兼 | 気兼ね (1) |
Concurrently, And, Beforehand, In Advance |
1 |
疱 | 水疱瘡 (1) |
Smallpox, Blister |
1 |
瘡 | 水疱瘡 (1) |
Wound, Boil, Syphilis |
1 |
黙 | 沈黙 (1) |
Silence, Become Silent, Stop Speaking, Leave As Is |
1 |
庵 | 沢庵 (1) |
Hermitage, Retreat |
1 |
油 | 油性マジック (1) |
Oil, Fat |
1 |
療 | 治療 (1) |
Heal, Cure |
1 |
律 | 法律上 (1) |
Rhythm, Law, Regulation, Gauge, Control |
1 |
紋 | 波紋 (1) |
Family Crest, Figures |
1 |
洞 | 洞 (1) |
Den, Cave, Excavation |
1 |
淡 | 淡白 (1) |
Thin, Faint, Pale, Fleeting |
1 |
清 | 清潔感 (1) |
Pure, Purify, Cleanse, Exorcise, Manchu Dynasty |
1 |
潔 | 清潔感 (1) |
Undefiled, Pure, Clean, Righteous, Gallant |
1 |
悦 | 満悦 (1) |
Ecstasy, Joy, Rapture |
1 |
溜 | 溜息 (1) |
Collect, Gather, Be In Arrears |
1 |
灰 | 灰色 (1) |
Ashes, Puckery Juice, Cremate |
1 |
災 | 災難 (1) |
Disaster, Calamity, Woe, Curse, Evil |
1 |
謀 | 無謀 (1) |
Conspire, Cheat, Impose On, Plan, Devise, Scheme, Have In Mind, Deceive |
1 |
煽 | 煽る (1) |
Fan, Flap, Instigate, Agitate, Bolster Up, Gulp Down |
1 |
燃 | 燃える (1) |
Burn, Blaze, Glow |
1 |
爪 | 爪 (1) |
Claw, Nail, Talon |
1 |
爺 | 爺 (1) |
Old Man, Grampa |
1 |
爽 | 爽やか (1) |
Refreshing, Bracing, Resonant, Sweet, Clear |
1 |
串 | 牛串 (1) |
Spit, Skewer |
1 |
犬 | 犬 (1) |
Dog |
1 |
罪 | 犯罪 (1) |
Guilt, Sin, Crime, Fault, Blame, Offense |
1 |
犯 | 犯罪 (1) |
Crime, Sin, Offense |
1 |
狙 | 狙い (1) |
Aim At, Sight, Shadow, Stalk |
1 |
狸 | 狸 (1) |
Tanuki, Raccoon |
1 |
烈 | 猛烈 (1) |
Ardent, Violent, Vehement, Furious, Severe, Extreme |
1 |
猶 | 猶予 (1) |
Furthermore, Still, Yet |
1 |
科 | 生命科学 (1) |
Department, Course, Section |
1 |
姜 | 生姜 (1) |
Chinese Surname, Ginger |
1 |
斐 | 甲斐性 (1) |
Beautiful, Patterned |
1 |
畑 | 畑 (1) |
Farm, Field, Garden, One's Specialty, (kokuji) |
1 |
奪 | 略奪 (1) |
Rob, Take By Force, Snatch Away, Dispossess, Plunder, Usurp |
1 |
略 | 略奪 (1) |
Abbreviation, Omission, Outline, Shorten, Capture, Plunder |
1 |
畦 | 畦 (1) |
Rice Paddy Ridge, Furrow, Rib |
1 |
皮 | 皮 (1) |
Pelt, Skin, Hide, Leather, Skin Radical (no. 107) |
1 |
盲 | 盲点 (1) |
Blind, Blind Man, Ignoramus |
1 |
径 | 直径 (1) |
Diameter, Path, Method |
1 |
盾 | 盾 (1) |
Shield, Escutcheon, Pretext |
1 |
眠 | 眠い (1) |
Sleep, Die, Sleepy |
1 |
眼 | 眼鏡 (1) |
Eyeball |
1 |
鏡 | 眼鏡 (1) |
Mirror, Speculum, Barrel-head, Round Rice-cake Offering |
1 |
綻 | 破綻 (1) |
Be Rent, Ripped, Unravel, Run, Begin To Open, Smile |
1 |
福 | 祝福 (1) |
Blessing, Fortune, Luck, Wealth |
1 |
典 | 祭典 (1) |
Code, Ceremony, Law, Rule |
1 |
秀 | 秀才 (1) |
Excel, Excellence, Beauty, Surpass |
1 |
訣 | 秘訣 (1) |
Separation, Part, Secret |
1 |
埋 | 穴を埋める (1) |
Bury, Be Filled Up, Embedded |
1 |
童 | 童顔 (1) |
Juvenile, Child |
1 |
浅 | 築浅 (1) |
Shallow, Superficial, Frivolous, Wretched, Shameful |
1 |
籍 | 籍 (1) |
Enroll, Domiciliary Register, Membership |
1 |
粗 | 粗食 (1) |
Coarse, Rough, Rugged |
1 |
精 | 精神 (1) |
Refined, Ghost, Fairy, Energy, Vitality, Semen, Excellence, Purity, Skill |
1 |
糸 | 糸 (1) |
Thread |
1 |
紅 | 紅茶 (1) |
Crimson, Deep Red |
1 |
皿 | 紙皿 (1) |
Dish, A Helping, Plate |
1 |
紛 | 紛らわしい (1) |
Distract, Be Mistaken For, Go Astray, Divert |
1 |
胞 | 細胞 (1) |
Placenta, Sac, Sheath |
1 |
綺 | 綺麗事 (1) |
Figured Cloth, Beautiful |
1 |
麗 | 綺麗事 (1) |
Lovely, Beautiful, Graceful, Resplendent |
1 |
縮 | 縮毛矯正 (1) |
Shrink, Contract, Shrivel, Wrinkle, Reduce |
1 |
繋 | 繋がり (1) |
Tie, Fasten, Chain, Tether, Connect |
1 |
肌 | 美肌 (1) |
Texture, Skin, Body, Grain |
1 |
群 | 群 (1) |
Flock, Group, Crowd, Herd, Swarm, Cluster |
1 |
耐 | 耐え難い (1) |
-proof, Enduring |
1 |
聖 | 聖地 (1) |
Holy, Saint, Sage, Master, Priest |
1 |
肥 | 肥 (1) |
Fertilizer, Get Fat, Fertile, Manure, Pamper |
1 |
腑 | 腑 (1) |
Viscera, Bowels |
1 |
磨 | 自分磨き (1) |
Grind, Polish, Scour, Improve, Brush (teeth) |
1 |
管 | 自己管理 (1) |
Pipe, Tube, Wind Instrument, Drunken Talk, Control, Jurisdiction |
1 |
滅 | 自然消滅 (1) |
Destroy, Ruin, Overthrow, Perish |
1 |
粛 | 自粛 (1) |
Solemn, Quietly, Softly |
1 |
苺 | 苺 (1) |
Strawberry |
1 |
漬 | 茶漬け (1) |
Pickling, Soak, Moisten, Steep |
1 |
茸 | 茸 (1) |
Mushroom |
1 |
葬 | 葬式 (1) |
Interment, Bury, Shelve |
1 |
血 | 血圧 (1) |
Blood |
1 |
並 | 街並 (1) |
Row, And, Besides, As Well As, Line Up, Rank With, Rival, Equal |
1 |
衝 | 衝撃 (1) |
Collide, Brunt, Highway, Opposition (astronomy), Thrust, Pierce, Stab, Prick |
1 |
裸 | 裸 (1) |
Naked, Nude, Uncovered, Partially Clothed |
1 |
緩 | 規制緩和 (1) |
Slacken, Loosen, Relax, Lessen, Be Moderate, Ease |
1 |
睦 | 親睦 (1) |
Intimate, Friendly, Harmonious |
1 |
触 | 触発 (1) |
Contact, Touch, Feel, Hit, Proclaim, Announce, Conflict |
1 |
訂 | 訂正 (1) |
Revise, Correct, Decide |
1 |
券 | 証券 (1) |
Ticket |
1 |
拠 | 証拠 (1) |
Foothold, Based On, Follow, Therefore |
1 |
誅 | 誅 (1) |
Death Penalty |
1 |
誕 | 誕生日 (1) |
Nativity, Be Born, Declension, Lie, Be Arbitrary |
1 |
謎 | 謎 (1) |
Riddle, Puzzle, Enigma, Hint, Tip |
1 |
遜 | 謙遜 (1) |
Humble, Modest |
1 |
謙 | 謙遜 (1) |
Self-effacing, Humble Oneself, Condescend, Be Modest |
1 |
察 | 警察 (1) |
Guess, Presume, Surmise, Judge, Understand |
1 |
警 | 警察 (1) |
Admonish, Commandment |
1 |
賢 | 賢 (1) |
Intelligent, Wise, Wisdom, Cleverness |
1 |
赴 | 赴任 (1) |
Proceed, Get, Become, Tend |
1 |
躊 | 躊躇 (1) |
Hesitate |
1 |
躇 | 躊躇 (1) |
Hesitate |
1 |
幅 | 身幅 (1) |
Hanging Scroll, Width |
1 |
軍 | 軍資金 (1) |
Army, Force, Troops, War, Battle |
1 |
辛 | 辛 (1) |
Spicy, Bitter, Hot, Acrid |
1 |
辟 | 辟 (1) |
False, Punish, Crime, Law |
1 |
辻 | 辻褄 (1) |
Crossing, Crossroad, Street Corners, (kokuji) |
1 |
褄 | 辻褄 (1) |
Skirt, (kokuji) |
1 |
却 | 返却 (1) |
Instead, On The Contrary, Rather, Step Back, Withdraw, Retreat |
1 |
迫 | 迫る (1) |
Urge, Force, Imminent, Spur On |
1 |
悼 | 追悼 (1) |
Lament, Grieve Over |
1 |
逃 | 逃げる (1) |
Escape, Flee, Shirk, Evade, Set Free |
1 |
攻 | 速攻 (1) |
Aggression, Attack, Criticize, Polish |
1 |
遂 | 遂行 (1) |
Consummate, Accomplish, Attain, Commit (suicide) |
1 |
剰 | 過剰 (1) |
Surplus, Besides |
1 |
慮 | 遠慮 (1) |
Prudence, Thought, Concern, Consider, Deliberate, Fear |
1 |
酔 | 酔う (1) |
Drunk, Feel Sick, Poisoned, Elated, Spellbound |
1 |
酷 | 酷く (1) |
Cruel, Severe, Atrocious, Unjust |
1 |
醍 | 醍醐味 (1) |
Whey, Good Buddhist Teaching |
1 |
醐 | 醍醐味 (1) |
Boiled Butter |
1 |
里 | 里心 (1) |
Ri, Village, Parent's Home, League |
1 |
鎮 | 重鎮 (1) |
Tranquilize, Ancient Peace-preservation Centers |
1 |
獣 | 野獣 (1) |
Animal, Beast |
1 |
鉛 | 鉛 (1) |
Lead |
1 |
鉢 | 鉢 (1) |
Bowl, Rice Tub, Pot, Crown |
1 |
銃 | 銃 (1) |
Gun, Arms |
1 |
錯 | 錯覚 (1) |
Confused, Mix, Be In Disorder |
1 |
暇 | 長期休暇 (1) |
Spare Time, Rest, Leisure, Time, Leave Of Absence |
1 |
幕 | 開幕 (1) |
Curtain, Bunting, Act Of Play |
1 |
阻 | 阻止 (1) |
Thwart, Separate From, Prevent, Obstruct, Deter, Impede |
1 |
隠 | 隠す (1) |
Conceal, Hide, Cover |
1 |
雇 | 雇用機会 (1) |
Employ, Hire |
1 |
需 | 需要と供給 (1) |
Demand, Request, Need |
1 |
霜 | 霜 (1) |
Frost |
1 |
革 | 革 (1) |
Leather, Skin, Reform, Become Serious |
1 |
頂 | 頂く (1) |
Place On The Head, Receive, Top Of Head, Top, Summit, Peak |
1 |
毒 | 食中毒 (1) |
Poison, Virus, Venom, Germ, Harm, Injury, Spite |
1 |
鹿 | 馬鹿 (1) |
Deer |
1 |
駆 | 駆使 (1) |
Drive, Run, Gallop, Advance, Inspire, Impel |
1 |
驚 | 驚く (1) |
Wonder, Be Surprised, Frightened, Amazed |
1 |
胆 | 魂胆 (1) |
Gall Bladder, Courage, Pluck, Nerve |
1 |
魂 | 魂胆 (1) |
Soul, Spirit |
1 |
鶴 | 鶴の一声 (1) |
Crane, Stork |
1 |
麦 | 麦茶 (1) |
Barley, Wheat |
1 |
龍 | 龍馬 (1) |
Dragon, Imperial |
1 |